Across the Atlantic

By Size34fvckyou

128 22 160

Blake Anderson is just trying to have a normal senior year but when Camden shows up on his doorstep, that pla... More

prologue - Blake
Chapter 1 - Camden
Chapter 2 - Blake
Chapter 3 - Camden
Chapter 4 - Camden
Chapter 5 - Blake
Chapter 6 - Camden
Chapter 7 - Blake

Chapter 8 - Camden

4 2 28
By Size34fvckyou

Everything is so loud.

The chatter from the students, the screams and reprimands from the teachers, the slamming of lockers, are all slowly killing me.

The bell rings and I pack up my things, Blake walking with me to my english class before saying his goodbyes and going in the opposite direction.

When I walk in, all eyes turn on me. This is what happened yesterday too, except then it was because I was new, now it's because people have seen or at least heard about Blake and Ryan getting into a fight with that guy last night. I sigh when I sit down.

Some of the rumors i've heard today are just insane.

"I heard they fought each other over her. I don't even see the appeal." Some girl snickers.

"It was brutal, blood everywhere. Teeth flying, everyone shouting. It was like a crime scene! She—I know this because I was there! Of course i'm telling the truth, Bethany!" Someone yells.

I roll my eyes.

"Man I bet that pussy is fantastic for those two manwhores to be fighting over it." A guy that sits near me says to his friend, with not-so-subtle glances at me — more specifically my body.

I'm about to yell at him when someone beats me to it. "The fuck do you guys think you are? Are you all so bored with your fucking pathetic lives that you have the need to be in other peoples business like this? Fuck off!" A girl that's sitting next to me shouts at the class.

Everyone gives her looks but ultimately turns back to their seat and stays somewhat silent.

I look at her with relief. "Thank you for that." I sincerely say.

She waves her hand in dismissal. "It's whatever. I couldn't stand everyone being such a jerk. Your life has nothing to do with them." She shrugs.

"Still. Not many people would do that for a person they don't know."

She sticks out her hand in greeting, "I'm Hannah." She smiles brightly.

Shes got waist length blonde hair with chocolate brown eyes and a goddamn gorgeous smile. She's sporting a white tank top and black jeans with a rip at the knee, and a pair on converse on her feet. She seems tall.

So basically, she's drop dead gorgeous.

I shake her hand. "I'm Camden." I smile back.

She snorts. "Yeah, knew that. Everyone knows you here, Cam. You're the talk of the school." She tells me.

I grimace. "I did not plan on, nor did I want to, be in the centre of attention. I was always invisible at school back home." I confess with a sheepish look on my face.

"Better get used to it, because this school is so boring, so people will run with this rumor for weeks."

"Great." I groan.

I'm about to ask her if she wants to hang out with me at lunch when the teacher walks in and starts the class.

Everyone stands to leave for lunch, and I have to shove my things in my bag and run to catch up to Hannah. I tug on her arm.

"Hey." I say when she stops and turns to me.

"What are you doing now? For lunch, I mean. Because I'd love if you sat with me, if you wanted. It'll be nice to have another girl around—one that can actually speak to me like a human." I say rapidly.

Am I being too obvious that I want to be her friend? Because I think i'm laying it on thick.

"Um.." She looks around.

"No need to say yes! No pressure, you can say no if you want. I just thought i'd ask because you're cool, and i'd like to be friends." I rush out, scratching the back of my neck.

"No yeah, that's fine. I'll sit with you." She smiles at me.

I light up. "Great!"

She links her arm with mine and together we walk to the cafeteria. "Best be warned now, the table is full of jocks who are cocky beyond belief, and will probably hit on you, but you'll be fine." I say as we enter the room.

"Eh whatever, i'm not here for them. I'm here to get to know my new best friend." She shrugs with her free shoulder.

I grin openly at her.

Girl friend acquired.

In my head i'm doing a happy little dance because I managed to make a friend, a best friend.

I find everyone sitting at the same table as yesterday. Blake sees me first and then notices Hannah, and our linked arms. He raises an eyebrow at me but I just ignore him.

I sit down next to him and Hannah sits on my other side.

Blake mouthes, "Who's she?" to me and I mouth back, "New friend." He grins at me.

"Cam Cam! Loving the glasses. Scale of 1 to 10, how hungover are you right now?" Ethan steals my attention and grins so wide i'm scared he'll break his face.

"A 7." I say, without even thinking about it.

A low whistle from Ryan opposite me. "Not bad, not bad. Could be better though. Next time." He smirks.

Ethan noticed Hannah beside me and he sticks on a charming smile. "How you doing, baby?" He says.

Hannah laughs and looks at me like "is this what they're really like?" I smile.

"Guys, this is Hannah, she's my new friend, and she's going to be joining us for lunch from now on." I smile as I introduce her around.

They all wave politely at her before going back to their conversations.

I notice Ryan keep stealing glances at her though. Small, fleeting ones, but glances nonetheless.

Blake asks me, "What, aren't you going to eat?"

I look to Hannah and ask, "You wanna get some food?" She nods and we walk to the buffet-styled food spread and grab ourselves a tray.

"So I hear you're an exchange student, and living with Blake." Hannah says as we stand in line.

"Yeah I am. I don't know why everyone seems to be obsessing over that fact, though." I pout.

"It's because everyone hates their own life and has nothing better to do than talk about meaningless things that don't involve them." She lifts her perfectly plucked brows and grabs an apple.

I laugh.

"Also because your roommate is one of the hottest guys in school." She adds with a tilt to her head.

"Really? You think so?" I ask her and grab one delicious looking sandwich.

Her eyes bug out of her head. "You don't think so?? How unfortunate. If I was rooming with any one of the guys at that table over there, I would've jumped their bones.

"You're telling me you don't even find him attractive?" She looks at me as if i've gone mad.

"Psh no." I lie.

She catches it. "Oh my god, you do. And the only reason you'd deny it is if you like him." She wiggles her brows.

"I definitely do not like Blake. Sure he's attractive and whatever, but I told myself never to date an athlete again, and I plan to stick to it." I tell her as we walk back to the table.

She puts her tray on the table and we sit before she whirls around to me and says, "What happened? Athletes are a gift from God himself, and you don't want to get freaky with them? How dare you, woman!" She reprimands me.

I shake my head and laugh, and i'm about to tell her my reason when Blake cuts me off from beside me. "What's happening?"

I go to tell him "utter nonsense" but Hannah beats me to it and yells, "She doesn't date jocks! What kind of crap is that?"

That gets Ryan, and Ethan, and Lucas, and every single basketball teammate to turn and look at me with a gleam in their eye.

Blake's mouth is open in shock. "You don't date jocks?" He asks.

I shake my head.

Ryan bursts out, "Why not? We can make you feel so good, baby, you'd never want anyone other than jocks." He winks at me.

I roll my eyes. "I have my reasons, okay? Now just let it go, I didn't think my sex life was so important to you guys." I take a bite out of my sandwich.

"It's important when we find out there's a 'no athletes' rule." Ethan chimes in.

"It makes us curious." He finishes.

"What, you had a bad breakup with an old boyfriend back in England?" Ryan questions.

Blake's been utterly silent since he asked his question. He's just staring at my face, as if trying to read me to figure out the answer to a question I don't know.

"None of your business, Ryan. It's none of any of you guy's business actually." I take another bite.

"Does this mean you won't come to our games?" Lucas asks from down the table.

I smile sweetly at him, "I'm abstaining from fucking you guys, not from the sport itself. I'll definitely be on the sidelines cheering you all on."

Ethan scoffs. "Why does fucking Lucas get a sexy smile and all I get is a glare?" He complains.

I glare at him again. "Because Lucas is actually nice." I smile falsely at him.

Ethan just smirks at me.

Hannah nudges me on my side. "Hey..I didn't mean to blurt out your business for everyone to know." She frowns at me. "I'm sorry."

I wrap my arm around her shoulder and pull her into a side hug. "You're fine, Hannah. It's okay, I don't really care. And also I kinda like you and want us to be friends, so we need to forgive and forget the stupid stuff, okay?" I look at her.

She smiles brightly at me. "Definitely." She takes a bite out of her apple.

I find out Hannah is on the school swim team, which is a crazy coincidence I know, so we're walking together after school to the school swimming pool where tryouts are happening.

"Coach Jenson is amazing. She was going to be an olympic swimmer but she had an accident that ruined her career." Hannah tells me as we walk.

"Anyway, she doesn't let it get to her. Like, she doesn't torment us in the water, and she gives seriously helpful feedback. I'm so much faster than when I first joined. If you're as good as you say you are, i'm sure you'll fit in perfectly."

We reach the room and i'm immediately hit by the scent of chlorine, and the sound of people diving into the water. A strong, powerful voice is carrying from the other side of the room, and when I look over, I see Coach.

She's gorgeous. And looks fierce, and I can immediately tell i'm going to love swimming for her this year.

Well, that's if I make the team.

The entire team is standing behind coach, scrutinising the girls who are trying out. They immediately put their eyes on me when I strip out of my t-shirt and sweats, and narrow their eyes at me, judging me.

I sigh and look at everyone. They all seem to be freshman, which is just lovely as i'm the only upperclassman trying out.

Hannah squeezes my hand in comfort. "You got this. Don't pay attention to the team, they're just trying to intimidate the newbies. Pretend they aren't even here." She reassures me.

Hannah and I walk outside the building, arms linked, to her car after tryouts.

"You did so good out there! Seriously, how'd you get so fast? I'm pretty sure Maddie was trying to kill you with her glare after you beat her record in a practise." Hannah fawns over my performance.

I can't keep the smile off my face, because I did do well, and I could tell coach was impressed. I'm so excited to be on the team, even if the girls are assholes.

"And that wasn't even my record." I smirk at Hannah.

She laughs. "Oh lord, I love you." She laughs again.

We reach her car and she throws her things in her backseat. "You sure you don't need a ride?" She asks me over her shoulder.

I shake my head.

"Blake's here. Basketball tryouts are now too. I'll just find him." I tell her.

She nods. "Okay well, see you tomorrow then, bestie." She winks and blows a kiss before starting her ignition and pulling out of the student lot. I wave to her before turning around and walking to where the court is.

While i'm outside, I squeeze the water out of my hair from the shower I took after tryouts. My hair probably looks insane right now but I don't really care, so I just use my clip to keep it out of my neck and off my clothes, so I don't make it wet.

I find my way to the basketball court five minutes later and immediately spot Blake.

I'm rooted to my spot, jaw agape. Blake is wearing a pair of shorts, no shirt, and a pair of trainers. He seems to be playing a 1v1 with a freshman, and he's dominating the game. The way he's handling the ball, with such ease, certainty; it makes my stomach pull tight as I feel a rush of arousal wash over me.

His back muscles flex as he moves gracefully along the court as he dribbles the ball away from the scurrying freshman.

I can see the sweat gleaming off his tanned body as he runs and shoots, the net making a swish sound when the ball lands. I didn't know seeing a man play basketball could be so attractive.

Their coach blows a whistle and I snap out of my obvious ogling and head over to the bench Blake is currently grabbing a water bottle from.

As i'm approaching him, he squirts the water in his mouth and then all over his head, the droplets falling into the plains of his chest and back.

Good god. I might just come in my pants from this sight.

"Hey Cam. Wait, is it four already?" Blake curses and looks down at his phone, slightly out of breath.

"Shit, Cam. I didn't know we were running so long. Do you want to go?" He quickly asks, grabbing his things.

"Hey, no it's fine, I don't mind staying a bit. Finish up what you need to do, I can wait here." I say and drop my bag on the bench next to Blake's things.

"I'm helping coach test the freshman to see who can hold up in training. I didn't know I was going to be helping. But I guess it comes with the captain's badge." He informs me and sits down next to me.

I can feel the heat of his body, and I can see the intricate details of his chest with the way he's facing me. It's making me feel on fire.

I need to get laid.

I chuckle, trying to act normal. "How's it looking so far, then?" I ask.

He turns and points at a freshman who's repeatedly dribbling the ball and then aiming to shoot. "That guy has potential. He's wicked fast, and knows how to listen to instructions from his upperclassman. I think he has a great shot. I'm kinda giving him advice as we go, but he's for sure making the team." Blake shakes his head, a grin on his face.

"Aw you got yourself a little mini-me. How adorable." I tease.

"What? He isn't-" Blake gets cut off but the shrieking sound of the coach's whistle.

"Come on boys! Back to your drills. This isn't the time to chit-chat!" He booms, his voice echoing in the massive gym.

Blake flashes me a grin, "See you in a bit." He winks and walks off.

I enjoy the sight of his shorts sitting low on his torso, his v-line in perfect view, and his ass on display.

Damn, he has a nicer ass than me.

I finally notice how Blake is the only upperclassman here, none of the guys from the team. I guess they don't care about the fresh meat? I don't know, but it's better this way, because now there's no one to interrupt my perusal of a certain captain on the court.

Chapter 8 - Camden______________________

I need me a man like Blake.
why did i make my own characters so hot? anyway
what are we thinking of Hannah? I like herrrr

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