Hateful desires

By SHluvzmess

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A Draco Malfoy x Y/n enemies to lovers. In the magical world of Hogwarts, Draco Malfoy finds himself entangle... More

Chapter 0
Chapter 1
Chapter 2 (jumps+info)
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Chapter 12

232 9 1
By SHluvzmess

I had avoided Malfoy the whole week, and Pansy had teased me about it every second of every day. She was pestering me so bloody much.

I woke up Saturday, and that meant another tutor lesson with Malfoy, fuck me. I didn't want to see him after last week, but because of my idiotic Professor, I had to.

It was a long day, too long, I was so anxious and it was the only thing in my mind the whole day.
Pansy of course went on and on about how I would come back purple everywhere, she really knew how to piss me off. "Have you learned the spell to prevent pregnancy" she whispered whilst we were sitting with Blaise and Theo. I should've hexed her right there, I elbowed her in the stomach, Theo and Blaise not noticing since they were staring at some older Slytherin girls.

As we sat there, Greengrass came, I had never met a person who vexed me more than her. "Have you seen my boyfriend?" she asked with a big smile on her lips, no right mind would ever be with her, we looked up at her "Who the hell would be with you?" Pansy asked "Jealous of me and my Drakey boo" Greengrass spat, it was clear that Pansy's comment bothered her "Malfoy?" Blaise asked as he looked worried at Theo.

I was shocked, I thought Malfoy despised her, and I felt my heart sink for a moment "You okay?" Pansy asked whilst we walked outside, "Why wouldn't I be?" I hissed. To be honest I was pretty upset, I didn't want to be upset but I was, it bothered me, at least he got with someone as annoying as him.

I took a long shower to relax, why did it bother me so much that he was with Greengrass? I got ready, put on some cherry chapstick and curled my lashes before walking towards the potions classroom.

I entered, and it was empty. I did get there a little early so I just sat down and started to read my notes from last time.

I heard the door creak, and slam shut as it locked "Couldn't wait to see me" Malfoy said as he sat down next to me, I didn't look at him, didn't give him a reaction, "Should we start?" I asked as I kept my gaze on my notes. He didn't reply, he got up and gathered everything we needed on one of the desks. I didn't say a word to him, I either nodded or shook my head.

About an hour later he got frustrated, he kept on talking and talking and I kept on keeping my mouth shut "Didn't know shutting you up last time would mean shutting you up for good" he said, I didn't reply I just glared at him, "What the actual fuck is up with you?" He yelled. I looked at him, "Greengrass" I said as I smiled and looked away.

"What about her?" He asked as his voice calmed down. Why did he have to act this bloody stupid, "You should know since she is your girlfriend" I whispered as I tried focusing on brewing a shrinking antidote "What the fuck are you on about, girlfriend?" He spat as he grabbed my arm twisting me around, he grabbed my head so we had eye contact "Drakey boo" was the only thing I said as he glared "Don't you ever call me that" he yelled, "Right only Greengrass I allowed" I hissed at him, glaring. I wanted to hex him, to hit him, destroy him, how did he manage to make me feel this way?

"I hate that stupid bitch" he said as he leaned closer "That's not what she told us today" I said with a wide smile across my face "What the fuck did she say?" He yelled, his voice filled with anger like he resented her "She asked us if we had seen her boyfriend, her 'Drakey Boo'", as I said that he let go of me and walked back and forth in frustration "And you believe that pest" he spat "Thought you had noticed how I avoided her, pushed her away, cursed her" he said, as he walked back to me

"You really think I would ever get with her?" He asked as he stared through my soul "So you didn't?" I asked, which pissed him off even more "I would rather get with that mudblood friend of yours than that fucking conniving pest" he hissed "Granger, not fucking mudblood, it is bloody Granger" I hissed at him "Don't you dare call her a mudblood again" I yelled as a smirk formed on his lips "I will call her whatever I will" he spat, "Just shut the fuck up" I yelled, his smirk getting even bigger "Make me" he demanded.

A few minutes later I was pushed against Snape's desk, our lips kissing each other's hungrily. His hand on my neck, and the other making its way to my arse. My hand was around his neck whilst the other was trying to get his robe off. I pulled away and started kissing his jawline downward to his neck, as I kissed his neck he let out a little moan, he pushed me back and intensely pulled off my robe, he was between my legs, his hands on both my thighs, he took a step back looking me up and down "Staring problem" I said as he smirked "Just admiring" he whispered as I pulled him back, his hand on my thigh, gripping it firmly as he kissed my neck, sucking and biting it.

My heart beat rapidly, my stomach felt weird, and it was a good weird. A mixture of butterflies and desire. I let out a small moan whilst he was kissing my neck, I swear I could feel him smirk.

He pulled himself away, both of us out of breath "You like me" he said, as he smirked "No" I spat, as the feeling in my stomach grew larger "You like me" I said, as I got up "You can't get enough of me, can you princess?" I said as I smirked, leaving him speechless for a moment "In your dreams, nightmare" he said, angrily as he walked behind me and grabbed my stuff.

The door was already unlocked, and we had been, distracted, as I opened the door, I looked at him "After you highness" I bowed "I can get used to your, bending over" he let out a chuckle as he walked through the door.

I froze, for a minute, he was disgusting, even though my cheeks were burning "You coming nightmare", I snapped out of my thought and walked towards him "So you do like me" I whispered as we walked towards our common room.

"Over my dead petrified body," he said, as he looked away "You are right, you don't," I said "You desire me" I spat as I grabbed his wand out of his robe and ran "Y/N GIVE ME WAND BACK THIS INSTANT" He yelled through the hall.

I ran as fast as possible and I could feel my heart racing. I giggled whilst running, I could hear him curse under his breath as he ran after me. Before I knew it he caught up with me and grabbed me around my waist, my stomach felt warm, butterflies, I couldn't describe it.

My body slammed against his as he grabbed me around my waist, making us both fall to the floor "Don't do that again" he hissed, trying to catch his breath, I couldn't help but smile, I was happy at that moment, weirdly enough, Malfoy made me happy, have fun, he made me smile.

"What are you going to do about it, hex me, oh right you don't have your wand" I teased him as he got up from the floor, helping me up "Give it here" he said looking me dead in the eyes, my face faded and I pointed "No way, Filch" I hissed as he turned around in fear, I ran away, laughing hysterically as I made my way up to the astronomy tower, he would be here any second and I would be cornered up.

I hid, beside the door, he opened it and "BOO" He jumped, as he screamed "Don't do that" he hissed, he was mad "What, make you scream like a little girl" I teased.

He looked pretty mad "You are a little tease aren't you," he asked as he walked towards me "Oh you don't know nothing yet," I said, with a smirk "Seems like I don't know you at all" he said as he came closer, inches from me "And I don't seem to know anything about you, Malfoy" I said, as his blue cold ice met my hazel-green ones, just staring at each other.

He really was handsome, his beautiful blue eyes with a hint of grey, his blonde hair falling on his forehead, his big hands, long legs, slim body, he was beautiful.

I hid his wand inside my skirt, so he couldn't reach into it, "let's play a game" he said, as he walked towards me, "What game?" I said with a smile, "Getting to know each other game if you don't answer you get punished", I smirked "What is the punishment, Mr Malfoy?" I asked him teasingly.

The past week, I had hated the living hell out of him, for making me feel stupid and vulnerable, and for making me look like an idiot, but all that changed in under 30 minutes, by just being alone in his presence.

"The punishment should be" he stood there thinking about it "Come on, didn't know your brain was that blank" I teased, he smirked "Fine, removing a piece of clothing," he said, as my face froze. Really, stripping for each other "Or are you a wuss?" he said, as he shook his head "I am most certainly not a wuss" I yelled grabbing his hand "Fine, stripping is the punishment" I said.

We sat down by the edge, gazing at the stars "I'll go first" he said, as I shook my head a little whilst smiling "Of course you will, arrogant prick" I muttered as glared at me "Didn't know you wanted to strip for me so bad, fine then, who was your first crush?" he asked without hesitation. I didn't notice him staring, as I dazed off, trying to remember my first crush "Hmmm, I don't really think that I have ever crushed on someone" I said, my face written with honesty "So you don't have an answer" he asked, suspiciously, I glanced at him, seeing his lips form a devilish smirk whilst I nodded "Remember the punishment?" He asked as his hand found its way to my sweater.

Fucking hell "Fine" I scoffed as I took my sweater off, underneath was a black tight tank top that drew attention to my curves.

Draco's POV
What a fast little wicked witch, I mumbled under my breath whilst I was running after Y/n. She had after a snogging session swiped my wand and made a run for it, I even caught her but she fooled me by yelling something about Filch, a distraction.

Bloody hell. She ran up the astronomy stairs, she didn't know that it was my secret spot, or not secret but I went up there every night when I was in a bad mood, to escape myself and everyone.

When I finally climbed the stairs walking through the door she jumps in front of me "BOO" For fucks sake, my heart almost jumped out of my chest "Don't do that" I hissed at her.

I could see her giggling and smirking "What, make you scream like a little girl" she yelled as she burst out laughing.

There was something about her, the way she laughed that heated up my heart, it felt weird, and made me a little uneasy but at the same time comfortable.

"You are a little tease aren't you," I said as I walked closer to her "You know nothing yet" she spat with a huge smile spread across her face, it made my heart flutter.

"Seems like I don't know you at all", I said, walking closer "And I don't seem to know anything about you, Malfoy," she said, still smiling.

What the hell was so special about her, how could she make me feel anything, she was a blood traitor. But at that moment I flushed my thoughts, enjoying this moment, weird I know.

I could see my wand inside her skirt, that girl really knew her ways, knew how a gentleman like me would not touch her without permission.

"Let's play a game," I said as she looked at me with amusement "What game?" She asked "Getting to know each other game, and if you don't answer you get punished" I said with a smirk, she smiled "What will the punishment be Mr Malfoy" she said, mocking me, as I stood there thinking I found the perfect punishment but she would never agree "Didn't know your brain was that blank" she said unpatiently whilst laughing "Fine, removing a piece of clothing" my original thought, her face froze and I was sure she would say no.

"Or are you a wuss," I said teasing her "Fine" Wow that was easy, she agreed faster than I had imagined.

I started, of course, it was my idea, and I looked at her "Who was your first crush?" I asked, I was actually curious as to who he was.

I stared at her thinking, she was bloody beautiful, her ash-brown hair with a few blonde highlights sitting perfectly around her face, falling to her breasts, her small hands with slim fingers and long polished nails, her hazel-green eyes sparkling under the moonlight.

"Hmmm, I don't really think that I have ever crushed on someone," she said, I was shocked but remembered no answers meant stripping.

"So you don't have an answer?" I asked, she was off to a bloody start. She looked at me, a bit confused as if Ahead had forgotten all about the punishment, and she nodded "Remember the punishment" I asked whilst my hand trailed around her sweater "Fine", she really wasn't a wuss huh?

As she sat there, pulling her sweater off, her breasts were visible since she was wearing a tight tank top, her body curved, I could feel something harden a bit, and my stomach felt warmer.

I stared, admiring her body, it was, beautiful.


"Got q staring problem?" I asked, as I rolled my eyes and nudged his arm "Maybe I do" he smirked as his eyes met mine.

"Alright my turn," I said, as I started thinking, what should I ask him "Didn't know you were that blank" he mocked me as he laughed "Ha Ha, what is your favourite fruit," I asked, he looked at me as if I had gone mental "Out of all the questions you could ask, you ask what my favourite fruit is?" He said as he laughed "Getting to know you" I said as I nudged him again "Alright alright fine, green apples" he said whilst locking eyes with me, I looked away, a bit embarrassed by sitting there with my tits out.

"Do you enjoy my kisses?" he asked "Really?" I hissed, and he laughed "Well it would be a bit weird if I didn't, since I kiss you back" I scoffed, my cheeks reddened as I looked away yet again "Who wouldn't like to kiss me," he said "Oh Malfoy, trust me you don't want to know," I said laughing.

"Do you enjoy kissing with me?" I asked, looking deep into his eyes and trying to intimidate him about a bit, but I was probably too small and cute to intimidate anyone "Uhm-", "Uhm what, I answered didn't I?" I looked away "Care to remind me how it feels, you know so I can answer " he said as he grabbed my face making me look at him.

Inches away from each other "I'll take that as a yes since you want another kiss" I said as pulled my head away "thought we were playing a game, not getting no into a snogging session" I teased as he shook his head "Tease" he said, I nodded.

"Either strip or answer" I spat, softly as he looked at me, he smirked as he lifted his jumper over his head, revealing his bare arms.

We sat there for a while, asking each other a lot of questions until it got very late.

"Shit, the curfew" I yelled as I got up, he grabbed my hand "Hasn't stopped you before" he smirked. True but I was freezing and oh my, Pansy was probably going mental. "Pansy will kill me," I said nervously, he laughed as he grabbed our sweaters and threw one to me, I pulled it over me, it was bigger than usual but I didn't notice "Come on" I yelled as I grabbed his hand running back to our common room.

"My wand, nightmare," he said, "Oh right, you can get it tomorrow," I said as I was about to run off into my dorm, he grabbed me, pushing me against a wall, my heart beat fast, my stomach was filled with butterflies and I was blushing.

"Either my wand or a kiss" he said, he probably thought I wouldn't kiss him, I thought that I wouldn't but it was as if my body acted on its own as our lips met each other's.

"No wand for you" I said as I hurried up to my dorm "Goodnight, Princess" I said before he could say anything as I closed the door.

I quickly looked over to see Pansy sleeping, thank god, she would've killed me.
I quickly brushed my teeth and noticed a smell, it made my heart flutter, as I looked in the mirror I saw I was wearing Malfoy's sweater.

For fucks sake, but oddly I felt comfortable in it, I didn't want to take it off, but I had to.
I jumped in bed and thought of what had just happened today, Malfoy.


Bonding or catching feelings?;)

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