It's All About Me[CHAENNIE]

By i4i-Vpd-hEE-LWu

8.5K 864 130

Roseanne is exemplary at home and completely unstable at school. She's inadequate, but that doesn't stop her... More



136 20 6
By i4i-Vpd-hEE-LWu

Jennie drank a lot. She staggers towards the building. Irene and Seulgi are worried about not meeting any of the elders along the way, because they will be screwed.

Jennie gets to the room safely. She is cold and sits down on the bed, covering her legs with a blanket. She takes out her phone and reads the latest messages from Jisoo. Rose enters the room and, without looking at her roommate, goes to her bed.

It's almost half past ten. Kim is going to go and drink more, so she does not plan to undress. She takes off her shoes, lies down under the blanket and pretends to be asleep. Rose changed her clothes in the bathroom and is now getting ready for bed, straightening the bed linen.

Jennie would like to ask why her neighbor chose these jeans, which are so tight that they do not allow you to put a knee pad under them. Most likely, Rose does not want it to be seen, so she was without it at all. She can't do that. She can't even get drunk when she drinks strong pills. But Jennie won't tell her shit. She's not her mom. After all the words Rose said, Jennie doesn't think she'll ever talk to her at all.

Jungkook looks in, checks the room, and turns off the light.

Jennie gets out of bed at 11:10 p.m. Seulgi didn't want to, but Irene agreed to go on drinking. She will be waiting for the girl in her room to fall through the window: unlike the brown-haired girl, Irene and Seulgi live on the ground floor.

Kim gets out of bed, goes to the closet and pulls out a zip-up jacket. She puts it on top, turns around and jumps on the spot:


She hadn't heard Rose approach. And she came pretty close. Jennie looks down. She sees a knee pad on, as well as bare legs, because the girl is in panties, and not in pajama bottoms, as usual.

-What do you want?

-Are you going to drink more?

-Well, it's obvious, step back.- Jennie tries to push the girl aside, but she won't budge.- What is it?

Roseanne takes a step forward and grabs Jennie by the shoulders, pushing her into the closet wall. She hugs the girl and freezes. Jennie, eyes wide, examines the strange expression on her roommate's face. It's like she's angry and confused at the same time.

-I warned you that if you touch me again, I will hit you.- Jennie whispers, who is not comfortable with Rose standing close to her. Their bodies are touching, and it's too close. There are very few centimeters between their faces, and Kim's heart speeds up its rhythm. What the hell is going on?

Jennie realizes that this is not an attack when the blonde's eyes begin to walk over her face. Actually, her heart is pounding as it is, but now it's also throwing a fever. Kim swallows, looking at Rose, who is biting her lip. Park is angry. Why?

-If I piss you off so much, I'll change the room. Jungkook allowed it, so... - Jennie tries to push her away from herself, but Rose abruptly pushes her back to the closet, and then, closing the distance, kisses her. None of them are moving. Jennie's eyes are wide open, and Rose's are closed.

-Fuck. - Kim abruptly pushes the girl away from her.- What the fuck are you doing?- She steps aside.

-You wanted it yourself.- Rose speaks calmly, but her restless state is betrayed by her hands, which she clenches into fists.

Kim runs her tongue under her lip, but she's drunk and this time she's not going to restrain herself. Taking a step, she grabs Rose by the neck with her hand and turns her back to the closet, after which she pushes the blonde towards it:

-Listen.- Jennie hisses.- I'm not one of Sana's dogs, and I'm not even close to your friend you're pretending to be quiet with. I was friendly enough, and my provocations were more like flirting than aggression towards you. I liked you and was interested in you exactly until you opened my eyes yourself. So stop playing your games. Not with me. I don't give a fuck how dumb you are, and it's none of my business. Stay away from me.

Kim quickly moves away from her, and then leaves the room.

The brown-haired girl growls under her breath, restraining the desire to kick the wall. She stops at the stairs. For some reason, she can't go forward. She can't leave. She was right. She was right about Rose all along. There really was something between them. Jennie is offended. She was hurt by everything she said. Words, intonation, disdain and some kind of mockery. It's like Jennie is the only one here who can be snapped at and rude, and Park can be gentle and polite with everyone else. It may be a sham, but Kim definitely didn't deserve this shit. It can't be that Rose is just so angry at her just because they live together.

Jennie comes back quickly. Closing the door to the room, she restrains herself, doing it quietly. Rose is sitting on the bed when the girl comes up to her. She puts down her phone and looks intently at Jennie, who clenches her fists and exhales, calming her anger.

Kim raises her hand, pointing her index finger at her rommate's face:

-Sana humiliated you several times today. In the presence of everyone! Her squeamish expression when you talked about your sexuality, her face when she found out that you weren't some quiet loser at school. She lets herself make some fucking remarks, and you're silent and smiling. Fuck. You suck up to her, although she's not like you — she doesn't appreciate her friends. But here, when I try to talk to you in a normal way, you'll fucking throw me in the bedside table, then you'll say some shit. I can see that you're a bitch, but why are you with me? What the fuck? I'll move, just say it, and that's it. Because I'm really sick of it. You kissed me. What the hell?!

Rose gets up and, taking a step towards the brown-haired girl, puts her hand first on her shoulder, and then on her neck, wraps her arms around and stretches closer. She stops when their noses touch.

-I'm not saying anything, because before I open my mouth, I need to do something. You're right. I don't like Sana. I don't like her or her friends. I don't like many people at all.- Her voice is calm, while Jennie's  body is tense from this kind of interaction.- I'm very impulsive. I have trouble managing my emotions. You're making me very angry. I want to fuck you and at the same time tell you to fuck off. I have a girlfriend. I have plans that don't include you and friendship with you.

-Do you want to fuck me?- Jennie suddenly smiles, ignoring everything else.

Rose looks down at her smile:

-Stop doing that.

Jennie reaches forward:

-You can fuck me and then tell me to fuck off. We're not going to be friends, honestly. Speaking of your girlfriend... I'm sorry, but my conscience won't bother me personally.

Rose reaches forward and kisses her.

Air. Air. Jennie really needs it, but she can't pull away. She can't afford to break this kiss even for a second.

Kim pushes the blonde back and, without breaking the kiss, puts her on the bed, settling on top.

-Fuck.- Jennie hisses as Rose bites her lip.

-I'm sorry, I forgot.- Park wraps her arms around the girl and rises to her feet with her, after which she turns and puts her on the bed, lying on top of her.- Are you quiet?- She whispers, kissing the girl on the neck.

-No.- Jennie tangles her fingers in the girl's hair and pulls her closer. She's already breathing loudly.- Should I be quiet?

-I don't know.- Roseanne returns to her lips, immediately thrusting her tongue into Jennie's mouth.

How fast everything is. Jennie feels her body burning. She wants to rip off her clothes, rip off all of Rose's clothes. She wants to kiss her. He wants to kiss her for a long time, without stopping, without stopping for anything, even to tell her how much she wants Rose to fuck her. She has wanted this for a long time, but only now feels how much. The girl squirms. Her lungs are constricted from lack of air.

-I want.- Park whispers.- I want you.

Jennie gets up and, continuing to kiss the blonde, quickly begins to pull off her shirt. She hears her loud breathing as she pulls back to take off her top. Naughty fingers try to untie the shoelace, but it can't be done quickly, and Jennie gives up the case. Rose whines as the girl returns to her lips.


It's not Rose's voice or hers. Whose then? Jennie jumps when she sees Irene in the doorway. Roseanne, after turning around, jumps off altogether, and then falls to the floor with a crash.

Irene stands like a stone in the doorway and just claps her eyes wide open.

-I'm sorry.- Jennie says breathlessly.- You've been waiting for me, haven't you? You see, I was a little late.

-Y-yes, I see it.- Irene nods slowly, watching Rose climb back onto the bed, and grabbing a blanket, covers Jennie, who looks too revealing in her sexy top.

-Could you get out of here?- Rose says through her teeth.

-Take it easy.- Jennie intervenes.

-I decided to go with you.- Seulgi whispers as she enters the room.

-Are you fucking kidding me?- Park gets out of bed and goes to the door. She pushes Irene and Seulgi towards the exit.- I ask you to leave the room.

Irene manages to look out from behind Rose and give Jennie a thumbs-up, clearly approving that she has achieved what she wanted.

The blonde returns to the bed and sits down on the edge, sighing heavily.

-They won't tell anyone.- Jennie settles down more comfortably, looking up at the ceiling.- Were you angry because you were jealous?

Roseanne turns and looks at the girl for a while before answering. She lies down next to Jennie and also looks at the ceiling. The bed is actually small, but they fit.

-It's not my nature to be jealous, but I was angry when you left with that girl. Probably, yes.

-Is it difficult for you to be honest? It seems that talking about something personal makes you angry.

-What about you?

-Yes. I don't like it.- Jennie takes Rose's hand and lifts their arms, bending them at the elbows. She looks at the interlaced fingers.- I usually say whatever I want, and at the same time there are things that belong only to me.

-I see.

-But I always want to ask you something.

-I don't mind.- Rose turns her head.- But we are not friends.

-Why is it so important for you not to be friends with me?

Rose is silent.

-What pills are you taking?


-Why? Are you in severe pain? Have you had surgery?


-You're concise.- Jennie chuckles.- You're interesting. I do not know why I cannot be your friend, but I don't agree with this.

-I don't know.- Rose sighs.- I'm not used to being on the sidelines. I just couldn't.

-I don't have such people. I choose those with whom I feel good, not those against whose background I will stand out. I had a boyfriend because I thought it was convenient. I don't want to have comfortable friends. I want to get high.

Rose grins:

-That's funny.


-I have a best friend. I always knew that if we had gone to the same school, she would never have become my friend.

-I see. You'd see competition in her.

-With all this, I thought I wanted a girl like my friend. It takes a long time to explain. That's not the point. You're just bright, aggressive and stand out. I don't believe in dividing any positions. Let's take the command as an example. There is a captain in the team. Let's take the example of two ambitious friends.

Rose falls silent, and Jennie thinks about what she said and imagines a similar situation. No, she would definitely be fighting for an important place for her. She decides to give her opinion:

-You're either in front or behind. I got it The role behind is not for you. And if you don't strive to be a leader everywhere, but just enjoy something? I'm not talking about the team, but about the camp. This is not a school. Sana is not such a queen here. You may not have noticed, but seventy percent of the guys here don't know each other at all. Everyone who knows each other is a few people. Whether Sana is here or not, it doesn't depend on her at all who you will be here.

-Then why occupy that table?

-Well, I thought there was someone cooler at the table. If Chahee and her friends had been sitting there, that would have been impossible. They're just younger, they have their own decisions, but I assure you, Sana is nothing special.

-At school, I was always the leader, and there were girls around me who did whatever I wanted. In high school, Wonyoung appeared, who... Who we didn't get along with because she was used to everything "belonging" to her. I broke her nose with a tray. I've already told you. Sana is no match for her, so I agree with you here. I'm going to do what I wanted to do anyway. And you? What were you like at school?

Jennie purses her sore lip and strokes the bruise with her tongue, thinking. It would be fair if she told me about herself too.

-I was loved in elementary school. I was idolized.- Jennie smiles at the fact that Rose is laughing now.- Shut up. Let me finish talking.

-I'm sorry.- Park turns to bury her face in the pillow and hide her laughter.- You can continue.

-I had a good sense of humor, I was always positive, always laughing. Fuck, I think I was smiling all day and night. Okay, not everyone idolized me.

-Of course.- Rose laughs into the pillow again.- Damn, I'm sorry.- The blonde kisses Jennie on the cheek, noticing that she is about to stop talking.- I'm sorry. Keep talking, I'm really interested.

-My jokes were sometimes offensive. I never thought before I spoke. I could have jokingly hurt a person. Humiliate him or something. I was making fun of some shit and everyone was laughing. I've been shunned by a lot of people because of this. There were girls who didn't want to come to visit because they were afraid that I would say something and everyone would laugh. One girl, her name was Nayeon... She was sweet, kind, but she lisped. I once asked her why she didn't come to me. She said. I liked her. She made me think about it. I've become more tactful. I had no intention of offending some of my peers, it just seemed funny. A sense of tact was a valuable asset to me at that age.

-Oh, I can imagine. You don't seem like a funny prankster right now.- Rose turns over, lays down on her stomach and, raising herself on her elbows, looks at the girl.

-I had a lot of friends, and at the same time I didn't have any. Friendship is built in solitude, and I didn't even think about it.- Kim sighs.- It didn't come to that. My father died, we moved. I was depressed. In my new school, and even in high school, I was withdrawn. I looked forever shabby, and I didn't give a shit about anything. They started making jokes about me. When I started joking back, it turned from jokes into bullying. In general, I was no longer funny, and my lines stopped being like that. The first year they bothered me, and then... Then I changed everything. It took a while. A lot of time, because I was alone, and they were like one. And the girls at my school were real bitches. A bucket of water is such bullshit compared to what was going on there. My father once told me that no one should be allowed to set limits around themselves. There is an upbringing that defines important traits, and everything else is just an attempt to impose something on you or adjust it to yourself. You can be raised by a person who wants the best for you, and you yourself, but everyone else just wants to see you comfortable for themselves. I sat down at that table not because I wanted to show who's the leader here, Rose, but because I wanted to. What would you do if the new girl was sitting at the table?

-I know what you're getting at. I'm not always polite. It depends on a lot of things. I could have asked rudely, but I could have asked politely.

-And I would ask politely. You need to treat people the same way they treat you. I'm going to sleep right now.

Jennie gets up and, climbing over her roommate, lingers on her.

-You definitely wouldn't like me if I didn't have to be quiet.

-I know.- Kim smiles and bends down to kiss Rose on the lips.- Don't worry, it won't become a habit.

-I want to try it.- Rose says, as Jennie is already getting into her bed.- But...

-We'll keep this between us. You can continue to conspire.

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