Hateful desires

By SHluvzmess

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A Draco Malfoy x Y/n enemies to lovers. In the magical world of Hogwarts, Draco Malfoy finds himself entangle... More

Chapter 0
Chapter 1
Chapter 2 (jumps+info)
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Chapter 10

255 10 1
By SHluvzmess

I know the last chapter was short, and I am sorry if you had expected for Draco and Y/n to bond more, or even kiss but just keep reading, you will love it, maybe hate it, or both;)

Enjoy Love - S

As the weeks went by, Malfoy and I started going back to our old ways. He bickered and kept on picking on me, bullying me, I just spat back at him, cursing him and embarrassing him.
What did I ever see in him, why did I ever think he was nice, when he was and always had been the biggest douche to walk this earth.

Yule break came and I left Hogwarts for the first time to stay with my nan.
She told me she had a little something waiting for me, a small surprise. She wanted to wait to give it to me, I didn't know why she wanted to wait, but it didn't matter, I was just happy to be with her. I didn't think about anything that had happened these past months, trying to forget my dreams about the mystery boy, my trip to Hogsmeade with Malfoy, just everything.

"Darling, will you be a sweetie and help me" My nan yelled gently, from the kitchen "Of course Nan", I walked towards her, seeing her struggle with opening a jar of jam "Can you open it for me, darling," she asked and I was a bit confused because my nan was strong. She normally did everything herself being the independent woman she is, as well as running and staying fit. Since my arrival here, I had noticed how she seemed weaker and it did bother me a bit but I just ignored it and tried not to think about it. 

My mother had been staying at my nan's since summer, she left a couple of days ago, she needed to attend some meeting in Paris with my father. So it was just me and my nan, and I really enjoyed having some alone time with her. She made me breakfast every morning, and we made lunch and dinner together, went on walks, to the beach, and shopped a little, but we didn't go on runs anymore, and she became tired faster than usual.

The last day before I had to return to Hogwarts, we stayed in, baking cookies and playing board games. When we finished our last game, she handed over a small wrapped box. "This is for you darling" she said as she kissed me on the head, I opened it and it was the most beautiful ring, it was her ring. It was my initial, filled with diamonds, handmade, the ring base gold, it was wide with some small designs "Oh I love it, thank you Nan" I hugged her tightly like it was the last time I would see her, I put it on and it fit perfectly "I am never taking it off" I said, as I hugged her.

We said goodnight and I went up to my room. I was a little sad about leaving my nan, excited by going to Hogwarts but the thought of seeing Malfoy again made my stomach churn. I fell asleep pretty quickly

I was out by a beautiful lake, the sun was shining, and I could smell the flowers that surrounded me, it was calming, and I was happy. I could feel a hand around my shoulder, just stroking my shoulder gently. My stomach was filled with butterflies, I felt like I belonged here, but out of nowhere a storm took over, the hand on my shoulder was gone and I felt a pit in my stomach, I felt empty.

And I woke up by a lightning, my body trembling and the empty feeling in my stomach still there. I sat up for a while and tried to recall the dream. I took a shower, my mind still stuck on the dream, could it mean something?

I walked down to the kitchen, and the smell of pancakes filled the whole mansion. As I got to the kitchen, I saw my nan and my mother talking, it looked pretty serious, my mother noticed me standing there "Oh hi sweetheart, ready to for school?" she said as she walked over to me and embraced me into a hug "Yes, I can't wait" I said as I sat down to eat.

We sat there eating, I tried coffee for the first time, it was amazing, I obviously had a large amount of sugar in it and some milk. It woke me up fast. After breakfast, we flooed to the station, and they waved me off as I walked up to the train, something fell off but I didn't think about it.

When I entered I immediately wandered from compartment to compartment on the look for Pansy.

As I made it to the last one, I opened the compartment door and there she was, sitting with Sophia, Blaise, Theo and of course Malfoy too. I rolled my eyes at the sight of him and immediately hugged Pansy and Sophia. I bought them all some presents for Yule, even though I didn't celebrate it.

I had bought Malfoy something too, but that was before he became his douchey arsehole self again so I didn't want to give it to him, thought it would be weird and awkward.

It felt wrong to give everyone a present but not him, but he deserved to get nothing. "I know you all celebrate Yule, even though I don't I have gotten you all a little something," I said as I gave them all a present, Malfoy sat there, not saying a word just staring out the window "Thank you Y/n, you really didn't have to get us anything," Blaise said, as he dug up a small present from his bag "I also have something for you" he smiled as he handed me the present "We all do dimwitt" Pansy spat as she rolled her eyes.

Blaise had gifted me a new broom, a 2002 Nimbus, my name was engraved on it with a little heart and a snake "I love it so much, thank you" I hugged him.

Theo's present was a box filled with a custom blanket, it was emerald green, and all of our names on them, including Malfoy's "For your little night walk" he said as he winked "Thank you, it's perfect for my nightwalks" I chuckled. Pansy's gift was amazing, it was a beautiful emerald necklace shaped in a heart, at the back my initial was engraved, with hers and Sophia's "Wow, it's beautiful" I grabbed her in a big hug "Didn't know you were a softie" Theo said is we all burst out laughing, and at last Sophia had given me lingerie, I looked up at her, my face was all red as all saw what was inside "For the lucky boys in the future" Sophia said as she winked, they laughed, all but Malfoy.

I left the compartment to go to the bathroom, as I finished and opened the door Malfoy stood there, staring. He pushed me back in, locking the door behind him "What the fuck" I yelled at him, as he looked at me "Really, that is low, even for you" he spat as he handed over a box "I bought you this, but I wish I hadn't since you wanted to embarass me in front of the others" he hissed as he turned around to leave, I grabbed his arm, pulling him towards me. I sighed and let go of his arm, "Shut up and wait here" I said sternly as I left the bathroom to get his present, I didn't plan on giving it to him, maybe in the future, but not now because didn't want him to become a bigger infuriating arse than he was.

As I walked back, I knocked on the bathroom door and he opened it, I hurried inside as I saw that no one was watching, locking it behind me. "Here, prick" I mumbled in a whisper "Didn't expect to give it to you since you have been the biggest arse" I said whilst frowning "Open it then, go on" I said displeased with a little attitude. His slim fingers pulled the ribbons out and opened the small velvet black box and his eyes lit up with a small smile forming on his soft lips.

 It was a white-gold ring, shaped like a snake, with emeralds as eyes, I bought it because it reminded me of him. He put it on his ring finger, and it fit perfectly, he smiled looking at it "So?" I sighed nervously "Do you like it?" I asked, I was fucking nervous. Wait why the fuck was I nervous, I shouldn't care at all. my face scrunched up "No" my heart dropped and I was about to leave and smack the door "I love it" he said and I immediately smiled, it warmed my heart, I really wanted to not care, but I did.

"Open yours" he said, as I looked at him, he fiddled with the ring I had just given him, he seemed nervous. I opened the gift slowly, and I saw this unbelievably beautiful ring, formed like a tiara filled with diamonds and emeralds. My jaw dropped at its beauty "Thought you hated me" I smiled as I looked up at him, looking into his beautiful blue eyes "I have never seen anything more beautiful than this" I whispered as he laughed, shrugging it off "It's nothing, just a little something for my favourite nightmare, and yes I still hate you" he whispered whilst scratching the back of his head. I put it on my right index finger, since, a a had loads of rings on my right hand, and only one on my left, my nans ring. I wrapped my arms around him "Thank you my most hated Princess" I whispered in his ear, for a moment he hesitated about hugging me, but wrapped his hands around me, not saying anything.

When we drifted from each other, we just stared into each other's eyes in complete silence, awkward silence at that, which was broken by someone knocking on the door. 
We looked at each other in fear "Fuck" I whispered "What the fuck do we do" I asked. It was a pretty messed situation we had gotten ourselves into, if anyone saw us, alone, in the bathroom, they would think we were doing the nasty, or snogging. 

He stood there thinking for a few seconds "Let me" he said as he pushed me to the side, so I wasn't visible to the other person, he opened the door "Oh, if it isn't scarface" he spat as he laughed "It's unbelievable how someone can be so pathetic and suck a wuss" Harry spat as he left. "Was that really necessary?" I scoffed, as I nudged him "Had to make him leave didn't I" he smirked as we walked back to the compartment.

Pansy and Sophia both gave me a weird look, I just rolled my eyes as I sat next to them. I could feel Blaise stare at me, but I didn't look up, just ignored him and talked with Sophia and Pansy.
"Did Malfoy give you that" Sophia whispered in my ear so no one could hear, "Maybe" I whispered back as I smiled "Just don't fall for him" she whispered, her face tense "Even Merlin knows that that could never happen, it's Malfoy, even if he was the king of the world it would never happen" I whispered as she laughed.
"What are you to laughing about "Theo asked, he was smirking, staring at my ring "About how you three boys would make a great throuple" I said as Sophia and Pansy burst out laughing "Only you three thickheads would be in a throuple" Malfoy hissed, a little annoyed "Maybe we are, "Pansy said as she stared him in the eyes with a smirk.

We sat chatting until we arrived. Pansy and I were sitting in our dorm room, I was admiring the ring Malfoy had bought me, "So what is up with you and Malfoy?" She asked, I rolled my eyes at her question "Nothing, just enemies" I scoffed "Enemies don't buy each other meaningful presents" she said skeptically as she glared down at my ring, I ignored her comment and rolled my eyes.

I had also gotten Hermione, Harry and Ron a little something. Hermione a ring, heart-shaped with diamonds and orange stones, Harry a new broom, as he also broke in his last match, and lastly Ron's, I always felt bad for him and his family, since they were poor but they shared unconditional love. I gave him a pure gold necklace, very expensive and I told him to sell it if he wanted to, I knew his family would be well off with what it was worth. He didn't want to accept it at first, but I made him.

The months flew by, and Malfoy and I didn't talk at all, just cursing each other out, but I still wore the ring he gave me, and he wore the one I gave him.

It was March, and that meant my birthday was near. I was going to be 14 in a couple of days and I was excited, I loved birthdays, it gave me nostalgia, it made me happy and also I loved the attention I got.

The past months I had been cooped up with a lot of bloody homework, and I was doing terrible at potions, though I was on top of all other classes.

I woke up early on my birthday, showered, put on a tiny bit of makeup, curled my lashes, put mascara on filled my brows in a bit and put on my robes. When I left the bathroom, Pansy and Sophia were standing there, not in their robes "What the actual hell are you wearing" Pansy spat "Go change now " Sophia yelled, of course in the sweetest tone possible, I looked at them confused but did as I was told. I put on some baggy denim jeans, as well as an off-shoulder black sweater and my black coat. "Come on let's go" Pansy yelled as they dragged me out "Where are we going?" I asked, they laughed "It's your birthday, you are not gonna spend it on classes," Sophia said as we walked out of the school. "Hogsmeade?" I said as they just looked at me with a big smile and I knew that was the secret destination.

When we got to Hogsmeade, the first stop was The Three Broomsticks. As we walked in, I saw Blaise, Theo and Malfoy already sitting at a table "Malfoy?" I sighed at them "Not our choice" Pansy said, as she nudged me on the arm. "There is our birthday witch" Theo said, as we sat down "Happy birthday" Theo and Blaise said, as Malfoy just sat there. We sat there for a while, just drinking Butterbeers and a hell lot of them.

We walked from shop to shop, I bought a few things, as well as the others. "Don't worry, your presents are waiting back at Hogwarts" Blaise whispered, I laughed "I am just happy to spend my day somewhere else than school" they all laughed "I'll take you presents if you don't want them?" Theo said as they all laughed. They were all a little suspicious, discussing something constantly that I couldn't here.

"Isn't it time to head back?" Theo said, as he looked suspicious, smirking, they all nodded and we started going back. As we walked towards the common room, they all laughed "What the hell are you laughing about?" I yelled, confused "You'll see" Blaise said as they opened the door to the common room the lights went on and everyone yelled "SURPRISE". It was a surprise party, all my friends, even the golden trio were there, Malfoy didn't look too glad about it but I didn't care "Omg you guys" I yelled as I ran in, getting happy birthdays from left to right.

There was fire whiskey, muggle alcohol, and everything you would need for a party. "Here, happy birthday," Gabriel said as he gave me a drink "Thanks," I said, taking a gulp from the drink "Yuck, it's disgusting" I spat, as he laughed "First time ah" he laughed, as I walked around.

 After I while of drinking, dancing and chatting with almost everyone I could feel the alcohol hitting me, it felt weird but amazing. I pulled Pansy with me to the dance floor, our bodies pressing against each other, her hands all over my body, singing and screaming surrounding us. Everyone joined us, dancing and having a fun time. I drank more and more and ended up wasted, I danced on the tables, and everywhere. Blaise grabbed my hand and pulled me closer, we danced, and I grabbed Theo, and pulled him, as we danced Pansy and Sophia joined, and we danced the night away, all wasted. Theo was actually bloody handsome, as we danced I leaned my body a little closer to his, dancing against him, he twirled me like I was a Princess, and then he grabbed my face and kissed me, in front of everyone, even Blaise, his friend that liked me. I was too drunk to push myself off, so we snogged, my first kiss.

I finally pushed myself off of him, "What the fuck" I yelled, even though I had kissed him back, but I was drunk and it was out of no where. I rushed to my dorm wobbly, and as I walked in I saw Gabriel and Sophia lying on a bed, even though my vission was a bit blurry I knew it was them. Yuck I slammed the door as a person grabbed my arm "Theo, really" I looked up, everything was blurry but as I focused it was Blaise, he looked pissed "I, Uhm, I don't, what?" I mumbled words, not being able to form a sentence "Really pathetic" he scoffed as he let me go and stormed back to the party.

What the actual fuck. I hadn't thought about any of it, Blaise, Theo, Sophia, nothing it was empty, I stumbled crashing into the wall, and as I was about to fall some grabbed me "Let's get you some water" I could hear it was a boy, nothing else. I couldn't walk, so the boy picked me up, and walked into one of the dorm bathrooms. He put me on the counter, I leaned against the mirror, my head spinning, completely wasted. He got me water and made me drink the whole glass, after a few minutes I could feel it coming up, I had somehow managed to get to the toilet, as it all came flushing out. He held my hair, as he gently patted me on the back "Just let it all out" he said.

He took a towel, cleaned me up, and pulled me to the sink to wash me up "You need to rest" he said, no clue who it was "Snogging.. there girl boy" I said drunkly, I couldn't talk I was gone "what" he didn't t understand "people in the dorm, snogging" he didn't "t answer, he held me up as he laid me in bed, no idea whose bed "you can sleep in mine than" he said, the only word I could get out were "mhhhh, snuggle", everything was still blurry, what in Merlin's name had I done "I don't wantt to bee- aloone" was the next thing I said, the only thing I had said that made sense. He sat or lied down, I really didn't know since everything was spinning. I placed my head on him, I didn't know which part of him, I could only feel him flinch as my head fell on him, everything was spinning, and then everything went black.

Let me know what you think of this one, and can you guess who the mystery boy is???


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