Wounded Love of the Mad Sulta...

By randomNroyal

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Sultan Mustafa was locked up in a room with no outside connection since childhood. However, despite being fre... More

Introduction & Characters
Episode 1: The New Girl
Episode 2: Light
Episode 3: Anxious
Episode 5: Love And Comfort
Episode 6: Destroyed
Episode 7: Hope
Episode 8: Betrayal
Episode 9: Truth
Episode 10: Family
Episode 11: Chaos
Episode 12: No Peace
Episode 13: Surrender

Episode 4: Sultan

166 3 1
By randomNroyal

Mustafa's POV
A few days ago, I was just a Sehzade who was locked in a room for years. Among the close doors, I feared losing my life everyday. Never I imagined, I will actually end up becoming the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire. Forget about going to Sanjak, I did not get any trainings or tutors like other Sehzades. I have not even hold the fighting sword once in my life. How am I even going to rule and fight for the whole empire?! I, Sultan Mustafa have ascended the throne from my late brother Sultan Ahmet, but I am afraid. Am I even fit to be a Sultan?

Mustafa's thoughts got interrupted as Davut Pasha speaks to him.

Davut: Sultan, its time now. Do not be afraid. I am with you.

As the door opened, the sunshine hit his eyes and Mustafa saw a lot of people waiting to see him and give their congratulations.

Davut Pasha: His excellency, Sultan Mustafa!

The red furrish Sultan costume, with a huge crown hat he was wearing was already bothering him a lot, and now he would have to sit infront of a lot of people. He is not too comfortable with so many people around him. He lived alone for a decade.

Mustafa recalls his childhood when he was forcefully sat on the throne by his grandmother, Safiye Sultan saying his brother Ahmet was dead. But later Ahmet came back. He was so happy to his brother alive that day, but the next moment the anger he had seen in his eyes, he would never forget that. Infront of him, he executed many traitors. That day, him fearing a Sultan overpowered the love he had for his brother.

Pinan Aga: It maybe a trap. Just like last time, what if your brother comes back alive!

Davut: Sultan, here is your throne.

Mustafa: I don't want to sit on it! My brother will be back.

The door was closed again as Davut gestures the guards.

Nurat, Halime, Dilruba and Kosem are at the tower watching the scene. But they are not able to spot Mustafa since he still didnt went out.

Halime: Why did they close the doors?!

Nurat: Should I check if everything is okay?

Halime: (scolding) You stay here! Don't you know its against the rules?!

Nurat: I am sorry, I just wanted to make sure Sehza...the Sultan is fine.

Mustafa is afraid and Davut is trying to help him
Davut: Your brother is no more, Sultan. Don't you remember, you saw him lying dead in his room?!

Mustafa: What if it's a trap? Davut Pasha, you don't know. This happened before.

Davut: It's not the same. And if this was a trap, you think Kosem Sultan would have supported you?!

Mustafa is still not convinced.

Davut: Sultan, at least sit on the throne. You don't have to do anything. If anything goes wrong, I will take responsibility, I promise. I will protect you no matter what!

Mustafa finds some comfort in Davut's words and the door is opened again.

Davut: His excellency, Sultan Mustafa.

Mustafa walks outside and the crowd finally saw the glimpse of the new young Sultan. People were excited as it was history created that first time a Sultan's brother ascended the throne instead of a Sultan's son.

Mustafa sat on the throne. All the viziers come to him and kiss his robe and he blesses them. He looked at the right where the coffin of his deceased brother was placed.

Pinan Aga: I think the coffin is empty. You should check!

Mustafa tried his best to avoid the words of Pinan Aga. He recalled Nurat's words to take a deep breathe whenever he was nervous. He did so, and he continued to try keep calm till the end of the ceremony.

After that, all the Janniseries chanted,
"Long live, Sultan Mustafa!"

It was too noisy for Mustafa. He closed his ears with his hand and was getting really annoyed.

Some people found this action of Mustafa really weird and gave glances to each other.

Davut Pasha: That's all for now. Our Sultan needs to go back now.

Before leaving,
Musfafa went to his brother's coffin and touched it. He removed the Sultan hat of his brother on top and then the cover. Some of the jannisaries and Pashas were surprised with what he was doing .

Mustafa looked at the lifeless body of his brother.

Mustafa: Brother...I don't know why you left this throne for me?!

He looks at the pale face of his brother and recalls his childhood and how his brother used to pamper him and call him his squirrel.

Mustafa: I will miss you a lot. I wish we could have spent more time.

Tears drop from his eyes.

Davut: We should go now, Sultan.

He takes Mustafa.

The Pashas and Jannisaries are talking among themselves.

Halil Pasha: The new Sultan is so weird.

Jannisary 1: He closed his ears when we were chanting, if he gets bothered with such noises, how will he lead the expedition or rule the empire?!

Halil Pasha : And how he opened his brother's coffin suddenly, it's really strange.

Sheikh: I don't see anything wrong in this. He loved his brother and owed his life to him, after all he spared his life. It shows our Sultan has some mercy and conscience, just like his brother, late Sultan Ahmet Han.

Zulfikar Pasha: Yes that's true. Even late Sultan Ahmet Han was nervous when he ascended the throne, but he turned out fine.

The Pashas and Jannisaries are debating on Mustafa.

Halime: (takes a sigh of relief) Finally this ceremony is over.

Nurat: Can I go to the Sultan now, Valide?!

Halime looks at Nurat annoyed.

Dilruba: Yes you can go now.

Nurat quickly goes to meet hin.

Halime: Dilruba...why did you allow her?!

Dilruba: Mustafa looked really nervous and afraid. Maybe seeing Nurat may calm him a little.

Kosem: Halime, I have ensured your son got the throne. Do not forget the promise you made to me, if not, you know the consequences.

Halime: Yes, you and your children can still stay here at the Palace safe. I can't deny you did help Mustafa and I do owe it to Sultan Ahmet for sparing Mustafa's life. As long as you help us, since you have contacts with Jannisaries and Pashas, I will do as promised.

Halime looks at Kosem.

Halime: Kosem, call me Valide from now on.

Kosem: Okay Valide. (bows down to her)

Mustafa goes to his room and moves his crown away and opens his furry coat and throws it away.

Nurat reaches the room seeing Mustafa annoyed.

Nurat: Sultan...

Mustafa: Nurat, good you are here. It's so hard to be a Sultan. So many people, so much noise and so many things to learn. I feel, Osman should have ascended the throne. At least he has some training experience.

Nurat: Sultan, relax. Here, drink some water. (passes him a glass of water)

Mustafa gulps down a whole glass of water. He takes the jug from Nurat and gulps the jar as he was really thirsty with some splashing on him.

Mustafa: I don't know why my brother made me the heir instead of his eldest son. He didn't even tell me for once.

Mustafa sits down afraid and scratching his head as he is very anxious.

Nurat: Sultan, there must be a reason why your brother made you the heir. He must have seen something in you. You have something, that nobody have. You read a lot of books which indicate you do have good knowledge.

Mustafa: You are mocking me now, Nurat. Osman, Mehmet and other Sehzades had teachers to teach them. I had no one, I had to self study whatever I could all these years, with whatever books I had access to.

Nurat: This is what makes you different, Sultan. Other Sehzades had someone to hold their hand and teach them from the scratch. Wheras for you, you learnt it by self-studying and doing your own research. Yes, you did not have a teacher, so what?! You can still learn whatever you missed as a Sultan. Its never too late. You can tell Davut Pasha or Sehzade Osman to teach you!

Nurat takes the Sultan's crown and passes it to Mustafa.

Nurat: Sultan, never disrespect this. When you wear this, people can see you as their Sultan. They have their hopes on you, just like they had for the past Sultans. I don't know much, but I can tell this is very valuable for a Sultan. Its not just a crown, it is a sign and indication of power and responsibility, and I am sure you will do good.

Mustafa takes the crown from Nurat and keeps it neatly.

Nurat: You should take rest now, it's been a long day now.

Mustafa: Can't you stay with me...

Nurat: I have to follow the rules Sultan. But you can always summon me at night (smiling).

Nurat goes.

At night,
Mustafa is playing with his handmade ships and just then all of Ahmet's children except Osman comes with Kosem.

Mustafa is counting.

Kosem: Sultan Mustafa, Sehzades and Sultanas wanted to meet you and congratulate you.

Mustafa: Kosem, I don't know who is who. You and brother had so many children. I only know Osman and Mehmet.

Kosem introduced all the Sehzades and Sultanas.

Murat: Best wishes to you Sultan Mustafa. I hope your reign will be successful.

Kosem: Ameen.

Everyone showed their respect to Mustafa.

Mustafa: Kosem, where is Osman? He is not seen.

Kosem becomes worried.

Kosem: Sehzade Osman is undergoing training, maybe that's why he's late.

Mehmet: Why don't you tell him the truth that Osman doesnt want to come?

Kosem: (scolding) Mehmet!

Mustafa: Why does Osman not want to come? Is everything okay?

Kosem: Yes, Sultan everything is fine. Osman will meet you tomorrow.

Mustafa: Good, I wanted to talk with him about trainings.

Mehmet: If you want, I can help too!

Mustafa: That will be great! You and Osman can help me. That will be better.

Mehmet: Sultan, where is your favourite?

Ayse stares at him surprised.

Mustafa: Nurat is helping Valide tonight.

Kosem: We should all leave now. It's late.

Kosem leaves with the children.

Ayse scolds Mehmet for asking about Nurat.

Ayse: Mehmet, how could you talk like this to the Sultan? Forget about her, she is a Sultan's favourite!

Mehmet ignores Ayse.

In Mustafa's chamber,
Pinan Aga: See Sultan, you have so many
competitors. So many Sehzades on line. Your brother planned it well.

Mustafa: Pinan Aga, don't you say anything against my brother. He is no more, why bring up his name?

Pinan Aga: I am just warning you Sehzade. They are not your nephews and nieces, they are the ones waiting to backstab you.

Mustafa gets annoyed and he goes to sleep.

Next day,
Mustafa summons Osman to meet him.

Osman: (angry) Sultan, you called me?!

Mustafa: (tells the two Agas) Aga take this table and bring it for a walk.

The Agas look at each other. Osman looks confused too.

Osman: (muttering) And he is the one who took the throne instead of me!

Mustafa: (laughs) Keep it back. I was just messing around with you two.

The Agas put the table back and leave.

Osman: Why did you call me Sultan?

Mustafa: I can do whatever I want. This is why I called you. I wanted to...

Osman: Such a pity, you became a Sultan but taking this as granted.

Mustafa is taken aback.

Osman: My uncle, Sultan Mustafa being a Sultan is not just about what you want to do! It is about ruling the empire, which is what past Sultans did. Sorry to say, but you don't deserve this throne.

Mustafa: (standing up angrily) How dare you behave insolently with a Sultan?

Osman: I was the one who was suppose to be sitting there, on this throne. You stole my rights. I don't know why my father chose you over me. Not a mad person like you deserves the throne! You are going to bring its downfall!

The words Osman said to Mustafa hit him hard. His nephew wasn't wrong. It was Osman who was suppose to be sitting there, not him! He is going to cause problems for his own empire. And what if he gets killed by the public in anger for his mistakes?

Mustafa could feel his body shiver very violently. He could not stand it anymore and fell down on the ground as he started getting seizures.

Osman was shocked seeing this.

Osman: Uncle?!

He quickly rushed to ask for help.

Halime gets shocked seeing this.

Halime: (angry to Osman) What have you done to my son?!

Osman: I have not done anything...

In the harem,
Some of the Hatuns are approaching Nurat for help.

Concubine: Nurat Hatun, please talk with Halime Sultan to increase our pay. You know how expenses are increasing.

Nurat: I will need to discuss with Halime Sultan first. I will try my best.

Meleksima looks at Nurat upset and ignores her. Nurat goes to her

Nurat: What happened Meleksima, why do you look dull?

Meleksima: You must be mocking me Nurat.

Nurat: I don't understand.

Meleksima: Don't act naive Nurat. We both know what is going on. Your Sultan Mustafa didn't deserve the throne, my Osman did!

Nurat: Be in your limits Meleksima. You can't say like this about the Sultan!

Meleksima: How did you forget you are here cause of Sehzade Osman?

Nurat: I have not forgotten anything. I still respect Sehzade Osman, but you need to respect Sultan Mustafa.

Meleksima: I cannot respect a mentally unstable Sultan!

Nurat: Meleksima! (almost raises her hand)

Nurat gets upset and goes away.

Menekse who promoted to the main Kalfa by Halime comes.

Menekse: Nurat Hatun, the Sultan is unwell. He got seizures!

Nurat rushes to meet Mustafa.

In Mustafa's chamber
The physician are checking Mustafa who is semi-conscious.

Halime: (crying) My son...

Nurat: Sultan!

Physician: The Sultan is fine now. I am giving some medicines. He needs to have them on time.

The physician talks to Halime. Nurat is listening to this too.

Halime: What happened to my son? He is always fearful and sometimes he isn't himself.

Physician: The Sultan is suffering from some psychological disorder. Sometimes he is normal, sometimes he is not. Due to trauamtic experience he is like this. It seems like his fear is being killed, this is why he is scared of everything. The disorder caused his seizures too. At times he may not even remember what he did.

Halime: Is there no cure for this?!

Physician: It is hard to say. All he needs is to avoid stress. Ther't cant be anything happening that makes him feel for once his life is in danger. He needs some outdoor exposure at times too. Maybe all these could help.

The physicians leave.

Mustafa: Mother, I don't want to have the medicine.

Halime: You are a Sultan now, you need to recover.

Halime tries to feed Mustafa the medicine but he refuses.

Nurat takes the medicine from Halime's hand.

Nurat: Sultan, I know you do not like the medicine but do you like falling sick? I don't like it.

Mustafa: What should I do?

Nurat: Just have this medicine.

Mustafa: I don't want to.

Nurat pours the medicine in a spoon.

Nurat: Sultan, yesterday you told me you want to start your trainings soon. If you don't recover how are you going to start them?

Nurat feeds him the medicine.

She also brings a book and reads it to him.

Mustafa: Mother, you can leave now.

Halime goes and she looks at Nurat and Mustafa talking and smiling. She looks unhappy.

Nurat: (reading the book and trying to understand the words) Ve Boxade Donasti

Mustafa starts laughing.

Nurat: Why are you laughing Sultan?

Mustafa: Nurat, it is ve bahçede dolaştı.

Nurat: Sorry, its hard for me to read Turkish, but I can speak fine.

Mustafa: It's okay, I will read the book and I will teach you. I will also tell Menekse to make sure you attend your classes too. I know you skip them sometimes.

Nurat: (makes a cute face) Sultan, I dont like to study.

Mustafa: But you need to. You are a Sultan's favourite.

Nurat: I am doing all these for you only.

Halime: I need to do something about this Nurat before she comes too close to my son.

Kosem: How is Sultan doing now?

Halime: Be thankful he is fine now. But tell Sehzade Osman, I won't spare him. He will pay for what he did to my son.

Kosem: What did Osman do?!

Halime: He was with Mustafa when he got the seizures. He must have done something.

Kosem: I know Osman, he won't do anything such to hurt the Sultan.

Halime: Too late, I have ordered the Agas to lock Osman up. He is lucky I spared his life.

Kosem: Look Halime, you are not doing this right!

Mustafa hears Kosem and Halime fighting.

Mustafa: What happened?

Kosem: Your mother locked Sehzade Osman up. She thinks he is responsible for your poor health, Sultan. Is it true?

Mustafa: It's not Osman's fault. He didn't do anything.

Halime: But Mustafa...

Mustafa: I can't punish someone without any reason.

Soon, the Agas drag Osman to Mustafa's room.
He looks slightly nervous now.

Osman: I am sorry Sultan. Please spare my life.

Mustafa: I have an order for you Osman. You and Sehzade Mehmet will help me with my trainings from tomorrow.

Osman looks confused.

Osman: You forgave me?

Mustafa: It's not your fault. I don't even know why you are asking for forgiveness?! If its because I am unwell, its not because of you. And yes, talk with Davut Pasha and he will tell you what you need to do.

Osman: As you say.

Osman goes.

Mustafa quickly gulped down a glass of water, afraid.

Pinan Aga: You had a great chance. You should have executed him.

Mustafa: No, I can't do it! He is my nephew!

Pinan Aga: You have to do it!

Mustafa: No, I won't!

Pinan Aga: You have to!

Mustafa: No! Just go away!

He throws the vase on the mirror angrily and it breaks. Nurat who was passing by hears the sound and rushes to Mustafa's room.

She sees Mustafa covering his ears.

Nurat: Sultan, be careful the glass shrads may hurt you!

She brings Mustafa aside and calls the Aga to clean up. The Agas rush to bring something to clean it.

Mustafa: I don't want to do it. No!

Nurat: (cups his face) What is it?

Mustafa: I don't want to be a cruel ruler. I don't want to execute anyone. But if someone kills me taking the chance? Pinan Aga say they may backstab me.

Mustafa cries, and Nurat hugs him.

Nurat: I promise you Sultan, as long as I am alive, I will not let anything happen to you.

Nurat kisses on his forehead.

Mustafa: Thank you Nurat for being so patient with me.

Nurat: Sultan, I will do anything for you.

Mustafa kisses Nurat on the lips.

Just then someone knocks on the door and they both quickly part.

Nurat opens the door. The Aga cleans up the glass shrads and leaves.

Nurat: Sultan, I should leave and whenever you are anxious just take deep breath and close your eyes. You will feel better.

Nurat goes.

Few days later,
Mustafa is doing his trainings everyday. Davut Pasha is mainly in charge and teaches him how to use the wooden sword first. After some training he does decent, and Davut Pasha passes him a real sword.

Mustafa gets nervous, and Nurat gestures him saying it will be fine.

Davut Pasha takes it slow so that Mustafa gets comfortable, but he isnt moving much.

Nurat: Sultan, it's just a training. You won't be hurt if you are careful. Just try once.

Mustafa does move the sword and Davut praises him.

Dilruba and Halime are seeing it too.

Dilruba: Davut is teaching Mustafa so well.

Halime: But he should go easy on Mustafa.

Dilruba: Davut says this is how the Sultan will learn.

Mustafa was struggling with holding the sword and Zulfikar comes and help him.

Zulfikar: This will help Sultan. You will be more comfortable handling it. (helps to adjust his  hand grip)

Mustafa does so and he actually gets comfortable.
He actually does well and kept the streak for sometime, till he gave up.

Davut: You did well, Sultan. At least you are more confident now.

Zulfikar: You will do even better with more trainings.

Mustafa: Thank you Davut Pasha and Zulfikar Pasha.

The Pashas leave.

Halime goes to talk to her son but he goes to Nurat first. Halime gets angry seeing this.

Mustafa: Nurat, you see I am handling the sword now.

Nurat: I have seen Sultan. With more practice, and Davut Pasha and Zulfikar Pasha's help, you will be even better in this. (wiping his sweat on his forehead with her handkerchief)

Mustafa: I should leave. Sehzade Osman and Sehzade Mehmet must be waiting for me.

Nurat: Sure, Sultan.

Mustafa: (whispers before leaving) Come to my chamber tonight.

Nurat smiles.

Mustafa is studying together with Osman and Mehmet.

Mehmet: I don't understand how this works.

Mustafa explains it to Mehmet.

Mehmet: Wow, Sultan you are actually good in this. Mom was right, you do love books a lot and have good knowledge.

Mustafa: Yes this is how I spent my 10 years. These books were the only good thing that got me  going.

Osman: Sultan Mustafa, you still need to learn much more.

Mustafa: You are right. So tell me what I need to learn next?

Lala Omer, Osman's teacher helps him.

Osman sees Lala Omer teaching him wrongly purposely, but to their surpise Mustafa caught this as he said this was practically not possible.

Osman: Lala Omer wanted to test you. You did well.

As Mustafa goes to study with Mehmet, Osman scolds Lala Omer for teaching Mustafa wrong things.

Osman: Lala Omer, don't do this again! Teach Sultan the way you taught me.

Nurat is passing by the harem,
Concubine: Nurat Hatun, you said you will talk to Valide. Forget increasing, she didnt give us a single penny yet.

Nurat: Maybe she forgot. I will remind her.

Concubine 2: No, she didn't forget. She is spending lavishly on renovating her room. Its not fair she is using our money!

Concubine 1: If Halime Sultan doesnt give us our money, we will make noise and protest!

Nurat: Calm down, I will talk with Valide.

Nurat talks with Halime,
Nurat: Valide, the other concubines are worried. They have not gotten their pay yet.

Halime: So what? Tell them to wait . The spending has been a bit high last month.
They will be paid together next month.

Nurat: But its not fair. No money for 2 month? At least give some partial amount!

Halime: How dare you question me? I am not just a Valide, I am a regent too! Leave!

Nurat leaves, she gets thinking worried.

Kosem notices this.

Kosem: What happened Nurat, you look worried?

Nurat: Actually, the concubines are not happy. They didnt get their pay. I talked to Valide, she said she cant give for 2 months. They will go mad if they hear this, they already threatened to protest! Sultan doesnt like noise he will be worried if this happens.

Kosem: Don't worry. Gather the concubines, I will pay them this month.

Nurat: Thank you Kosem Sultan, you are a saviour.

Kosem: Let me get your pay first.

Nurat: I won't need it Kosem Sultan. I just hope others are paid so they don't make noise.

Kosem: You are really kind Nurat. I am glad someone like you is with Sultan Mustafa. This Halime Sultan and Dilruba Sultan have no empathy sometimes they make silly mistakes because of this.

Kosem pays the other concubines, they thank her and Nurat helps her with Kosem's helpers Meleki and Eychan. Halime comes across this and gets furious.

Halime: Kosem Sultan! What are you doing?!

Kosem: I am just giving the concubines their pay.

Halime: But why are you doing it?! You don't have to pay them, I will pay them soon.

Kosem: (whisper) Look I know you are tight on money, let me help you.

Halime: Menekse take back all the money from the concubines right now. Give them back to Kosem!

Nurat: But Valide...

Halime: I will deal with you Nurat!

Menekse takes back their pay and the concubines are upset.

Kosem: You are making a mistake Halime Sultan.  You could have paid me back, at least the concubines would have been relieved.

Halime: I am the Valide now , not you.

Kosem: But you are not behaving like one. You are suppose to control  the Harem and make sure its in peace, but you are creating problems instead.

Halime: You know what Kosem. I had enough of your nonsense. You are banished to the Old Palace. Pack your items and leave.

Kosem: All you can do is abuse your power.

Kosem leaves angrily.

Nurat: This is not fair, Kosem Sultan just wanted to help!

Halime: Nurat, first of all you are on my side or Kosem's side?!

Nurat: I am on Sultan Mustafa's side. I will do whatever is good for him. The concubines would protest if they didnt get their pay. Its been 2 months. Kosem Sultan helped so that Sultan wont be bothered with these harem matters

Halime: You are talking too much as a Hatun, Nurat. I am Valide Halime Sultan. Don't you dare argue with me. And I know my son better than you.

Halime goes and Nurat sighs.

At night,
Nurat is happy as she is getting ready to meet Mustafa in his chamber.

Meleksima looks at Nurat and ignores her. Nurat also ignores her.

Nurat walks to the chamber, and she is about to go Menekse denies her entry.

Menekse: I am sorry, Nurat Hatun but you can't meet Sultan Mustafa. He is with another concubine now.

Nurat: But Sultan Mustafa told me to come.

Menekse: He doesnt have to fulfill what he said. You are not the only concubine here, there are others to serve him here! Valide deemed this appropiate, you need to wait for your turn.

Nurat: So this was the Valide's decision?! I am not surprised.

Nurat leaves from there angry and upset.

End of Episode 4.

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