It's All About Me[CHAENNIE]

بواسطة i4i-Vpd-hEE-LWu

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Roseanne is exemplary at home and completely unstable at school. She's inadequate, but that doesn't stop her... المزيد



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بواسطة i4i-Vpd-hEE-LWu

Jennie is standing around the corner of the building with Irene and Seulgi. The brown-haired girl has been accepting compliments from new friends for about five minutes, and, in general, has nothing against it: she is pleased that they liked it.


The girls turn around. Eunchae is standing a few meters away from them. Irene makes a face, not understanding what the fuck she's doing here, and Jennie has to smile politely, because it's partly her own fault.

-You're so cool.- Eunchae takes quick steps forward, and Jennie just manages to open her mouth, but before she can say anything, she is hugged tightly.

"What the fuck?" Jennie mouths, looking at her friends.

-Well, thank you.- Kim tries to unhook the girl from her as gently as possible, patting her on the back.- Thank you, Eunchae.- She repeats, finally pulling away from her.

-Do you like girls? You know, sometimes I do too.

-Yes? Great.- Jennie purses her lip awkwardly.

-What are you doing tomorrow?



-Eunchae, could you leave us?- Irene intervenes, stepping between them.

-I'm not talking to you.

-You're not Jennie's type. You can ask someone like yourself out on a date. Some kind of psychopath.

-If I'm a psychopath, maybe then you shouldn't be rude to me?- Eunchae's face turns menacing, and Jennie purses her lips to keep from smiling. It all looks a little weird and very awkward for her.

-Oh, fuck you, stupid.- Irene rolls her eyes and grabs Jennie's hand and wants to leave there.

-I finally found you!- Everyone turns around and looks at the guy who comes around the corner.- I've been looking for you. Hi.

-Hi, Jay.- Irene smiles warmly and sincerely, which gives Jennie a sign that he is her friend or a good acquaintance.

Jay's brown eyes look at Jennie and then at Eunchae. And there is bewilderment in this look.

-She's already leaving.- Irene pushes Eunchae in the back.- Get out of here.

Kim raises her hand and, as if apologetically, smiles and waves at her. Eunchae smiles back and leaves.

-Fuck, that was weird.- Irene exhales.

-Come on. Be kind.- Jennie hugs her.

-If you're so kind, then go on a date with her.- Irene laughs.- No, Jennie, seriously, she's not normal, and stay away from her.

-I agree. I'm Jay.- The guy holds out his hand, and Jennie shakes it.- You sang great.


-I organize a party for special people. Will you go?

-Didn't last year teach you anything?- Seulgi asks.

-I'm telling you, it's only for special people. I won't be drinking anymore, collecting half of the camp. Will you go?- He stares down at Jennie.

Jennie often finds fault with the appearance of young people when she sees them as guys rather than potential friends, but this boy with long eyelashes definitely suits her taste. He's handsome. Jennie does not hold back a flirtatious smile, and the young man, catching this, smiles even wider.

-Then let's go.

-He's handsome.- Jennie whispers in Irene's ear.

-Fuck, of course. He was the captain of our school team until he got injured a year ago. He started drinking and smoking. He graduated from high school. Do you like him?

-Uh...- Kim shrugs her shoulders. Actually, she can't say no because his looks have bribed her, but that's not enough to answer yes.

-He has a girlfriend. Anyway, he's been with her for the last couple of years. They came to the prom together, I don't know what now. He probably has a girlfriend, and it's bad if he got your attention.

-Seulgi, his girlfriend went to another state to study. Most likely, they broke up.

-Maybe.- Kang shrugs her shoulders.

Jennie silently walks forward, looking after Jay, who is chatting on the phone with someone, explaining the coordinates of the place in the forest where he is having a party.

He has tousled blond hair, brown eyes, very long eyelashes, plus a very beautiful and sweet smile. He's cute because he looks kind, just like his eyes. Jennie may be wrong, because cute guys who know about their beauty are often assholes. Perhaps she had not encountered this at her school, because the guys there, although they were cute, were far from the standard of what young girls usually fall in love with. Although the one with whom Jennie was in a relationship was charismatic, and this replaced the natural lack of perfect facial features.

They come to a small, trampled area in the forest. Jennie had already seen it when she was looking for a place to smoke. This place is much further away from the building. There are a couple of logs here, but they won't be sitting on them. Blankets have already been laid here in advance. Four blankets. They must have been taken off the beds from the room. The girl sees bags of booze by the tree. It's on the tip of her tongue to ask where he got them from. Did he sacrifice the space in his suitcase to put so many bottles in there?

-We have two bottles of whiskey.- He says, noticing where the brown-haired girl is looking.- And a couple liters of Coke. Coke will have to be saved. But I'll tell you how to do it later. Meet Heeseung, Sunoo and Jungwon.

-Hi.- Jennie holds out her hand to the guys, and they take turns shaking it, smiling.- I'm Jennie.- After shaking hands, someone nods, someone waves to Irene and Seulgi. - Do you study together?

-Yes, but we are already graduates.- Says one of the guys. Jennie isn't sure if it's Sunoo or Jungwon, or maybe Heeseung. In general, they are ordinary. Maybe the one on the edge is prettier, but he has a kind of modest look, or something: he often looks down, as if he is afraid to look the girl in the eye, or she is mistaken, and he is just somewhere in his thoughts.

-You should have seen what she did.- Jay says, walking over to the bags of booze.- She sang at the disco, and then kissed Irene. Damn, you should have seen Seokjin's face. This is our coach, the counselor.- He explains to Jennie.

While the girls are sitting on one of the blankets, Jay tells the guys about the disco, and then they just talk about something else.

It's already getting a little dark, but nevertheless, someone can be seen sneaking ten meters away from them. Jennie sighs when she can make out the faces of the guests.

-What the fuck is she doing here?- Sana is outraged on the spot, pointing at Jennie. Since Sana said "she", Jennie guesses that they've already hung out with Irene and Seulgi, and since they go to the same school, she kind of expected these girls to be here.

-Listen, Sana. Here is my booze, here I decide who will drink it. When you have your party, invite whoever you want.- Jay answers almost without looking at her, sitting down next to the guys. He's holding a bottle of whiskey and a bottle of Coke.- Give me the cups.- He holds out his hand to his friend, behind whose back they are lying.

Jennie is watching Rose: she doesn't want to do this, but nevertheless, it turns out that way. She comes up to the guys, introduces herself and also shakes hands.

-It's great that we have three new ones.- Jay says, shaking her hand.

-Who's the third one?

-She's coming with Chahee. Their roommate. I gathered some girls. Is that better? We can drink more.- He looks at Jennie and winks. Rose follows his gaze, then rolls her eyes and goes to the plaid, where her friends are settling in.

-What kind of performance did you put on there? Don't you already know how to attract attention to yourself?- Sana asks, looking at Kim.- My cousin sings better than you.

-So your cousin is very talented, unlike you. I'm sure you sing as badly as you do everything else.- Jennie rests her head on Irene's shoulder, stretching her legs forward.

-Okay, ladies.- Jay gets up from his seat.- Let's not do this. Sana.- He stares at her steadily until the girl rolls her eyes.- Thanks. I expect that we will spend time without any conflicts. Jennie, you sang great. I appreciated it.- He gives the girl a big smile, and Jennie responds in kind.

-Oh, my God.- Sana sighs.- I don't give a fuck about her, as long as she keeps her mouth shut.

-Listen.- Kim can't stand it. - Shut up already.

-Honey, don't pay any attention to her.- Momo reassures her, hugging her, but Sana throws off her friend's hands, and she sighs and folds them on her legs.

-Oh, who is it?- Jay stretches out his arms.

Jennie turns around. A girl is walking towards them. She hadn't seen her before.

-The girls aren't coming, but I couldn't miss it.- A girl with long black hair goes to Jay and hugs him. Snuggling up to him, she examines those who are sitting here and, meeting Jennie's gaze, holds it on her.- Hi.

-Hi.- Jennie answers. The girl is beautiful. Damn, this is the third beautiful girl she likes here. Rose, Irene and this one, who is still a stranger. Irene doesn't count. This same girl could be... Kim bites her lip thinking about it. God, that would be too good. This is hardly possible.

Unlike the party, where there were a lot of people, there are only eleven people here, eight of whom are girls. Of the eight girls, there are already two non-traditional orientations. The third one, and even such a pretty one, is hardly real. Among all the girls in the camp, it is quite real, but here... Kim sighs. Perhaps she should forget.

-I'm Chahee.- The girl walks up to Jennie and holds out her hand.- You sang great. I'm impressed.- She bites her lip as Kim shakes her hand. Chahee squeezes it tighter, not letting go.- I love it when girls do what they want.

-I love it too.- Jennie's smile spreads even wider. She's flirting with her. God, she definitely doesn't think so. She smiles not so much at Chahee herself, but at the fact that her little wish, which appeared just a minute ago, has come true.

-Who is this?- Jennie whispers, leaning towards Irene as the charming new acquaintance leaves to meet Rose.

-His sister's best friend. She lives in the junior building. She seems to be graduating from school already.

-Is she sixteen years old?

-Maybe seventeen. Ask her.- Irene nudges the girl with her shoulder.- She was flirting with you, even though I didn't notice anything like that about her at school. But I don't know her well.

-You've grown up.- Sana says.

Chahee turns around and looks at her over her shoulder:

-We only met once at a party. You were throwing yourself at my best friend's brother and hardly saw anyone else besides him. What makes you think I've grown up?

Jennie can't help but smile when she sees Sana's eyes widen. She just manages to open her mouth, as Jay interrupts her:

-Chahee, be a sweetheart.- He's making eyes at her, begging her to do it.- There are only bitches around here.

-Dude, it's your own fault.- His friend laughs.- I warned you that this would happen.

-Are there any bitches here besides me?- Chahee puts her hand on her chest, stretches her face in surprise and turns around.- Show me her!

Jennie, without any embarrassment, raises her hand and waves her fingers.

-Damn, I knew it!- Chahee spreads her arms wide.- I give you permission. It's even interesting.

-I'll show you later.- Kim replies.

-God, what nonsense. It's just disgusting.- Sana comments.

-It's disgusting that you're always grumbling. Maybe you'll finally take the advice I gave you a few minutes ago and shut up?- Jennie says loudly.

-Take it easy, wasn't it enough for you?- Mina intervenes.

-What about you? I can "decorate" your other cheek too.

-It's so much fun here.- Chahee claps her hands.- Are we going to drink? Can I move the blanket closer to you?- She asks, bending down. Taking the plaid by the edge, the girl pulls it towards the place where Jennie is sitting.- You're so small. So cute.- She says, looking up at the brown-haired girl, and then kneels down to straighten the fabric.

Kim looks at the brunette, studying her facial features. She doesn't actually look any younger than any of the people here. Jennie is still seventeen years old herself, so it won't bother her at all if Chahee is sixteen, although, of course, she would like her to be older.

-Okay.- Jay stands in the center.- I think we can start with the game. I think a lot of people know about it, we still hung out together somewhere. We often play it.- He looks at Rose and then at Jennie.- There is a chance to get to know each other better. There will be pure whiskey in one glass and diluted whiskey in the other. Each of us chooses a victim in a circle. For example, I'll start. I choose you, Jennie. My task is to tell some fact about you. If I guess right, the opponent takes a sip of whiskey, and I take a cocktail. If not, then on the contrary - you drink a cocktail, and I drink whiskey. We have two hours ahead of us, and it's quite possible to get drunk in that time. I would like us to go to the lights out, be checked out, and then come back. If someone wants to. That would be great.

-What's the point of choosing for yourself?- Jennie asks.

-You can't spin a bottle here, so that's the only way.- He shrugs his shoulders.- You're right, though. Yes, let's come up with something. Otherwise, we won't get so drunk if we only talk about those we know.

-I suggest you enter our names in the application, and it will randomly give them out.- Jennie says.

-That's a great idea.- Confirms the guy who has been staring at Chahee all this time. Although it's hard for her to stare at the one sitting next to her. It would be too noticeable, so she often has to look away somewhere.

Jennie finally remembers that Rose is also sitting here. Her roommate has been silent all this time. So strange. Jennie is sure that Rose is completely different. She hides not only her temper and bitchiness, but definitely something else. Maybe the ability to have fun and chat?

Kim also thinks about how long ago the blonde drank her pill, because then she can't drink alcohol. Jennie sees her take two glasses and place them at her feet. She probably knows what she's doing.

-Do you like girls?- Chahee whispers, and Jennie turns to her.

-Now you know what you're going to risk when you get my name.- Jennie winks and stretches out her arms to accept the cups from Jay's hands.

-I doubt it.

-Let's start with you and find out. Jay, let Chahee start.

-No problem. Jungwon, give her the phone.

Chahee picks up the phone and presses the button. After a couple of seconds, she gets Sana.

-Pfft.- Chahee looks at the girl sitting a couple of meters away from her.- Well, Sana is definitely an unpleasant person.

-It's a fact.- Jay says, handing the cups to Irene.

-This fact is known even to me, although I have only seen her once. I'm begging you. Okay.- She sighs.

-One more word to me, and my patience will burst.- Sana hisses.

-Can you stop picking on her already?- Mina says.- I'm sick of it too.

-No one is hurting your friend, relax your muscles. You're not a guard dog, after all. Although after that bucket, she'll really need a dog like you, because I haven't forgotten that.- Jennie finishes and takes a sip from her cocktail glass.

-Stop it!- Momo says.

-Repeat what you said.- Mina starts to get up, but Rose grabs her forearm and says something in her ear.

-Oh, my God.- One of the guys speaks up.- Let's play already.

-Sana, you're a...- Chahee thinks about it.-!

Everyone is looking at Sana, who is rapidly frowning. Her friends are also looking at her, who are obviously interested in it too. Sana holds up a glass of whiskey and takes a sip, and then grimaces:


Chahee, smiling contentedly, sips a cocktail, and then hands the phone to Jennie. The brown-haired girl presses the button. She freezes when she sees her roommate's name. Of course. Who else could she get?

-Rose.- Kim slowly looks up, colliding with the girl's narrowed eyes.- You're not wearing any panties.

Irene bursts out laughing, a smile appears on Seulgi's face, and everyone else looks at Rose and glares at her.

-It's disgusting.- Sana sighs.- But what else can someone like you say.

-I'm wearing panties. Should I show you?- Roseanne replies loudly in a harsh voice. One of the guys whistled.

-Show it to everyone.- Jennie shrugs and brings the glass of whiskey to her mouth.

The blonde stretches her legs forward and, thrusting her fingers under her jeans, pulls out the edge of her black panties.

-Thanks.- Jennie takes a long sip of whiskey. She just said the first thing that came to mind. Maybe she should have thought of something else. Something she was really interested in, but there wasn't time.

The phone is passed on. Jennie learns a few uninteresting details about the guys. She finds out that Chahee is seventeen years old because Seulgi decided to find out for her. She concludes that Sana doesn't like Momo at all, as she said that her friend always chooses the "wrong" guys. It was so stupid. What kind of fact is this anyway? But Momo obediently drank the whiskey.

-You were flirting with Jennie.- Rose says when she gets Chahee.

-I don't deny it, she's so cute.- Chahee agrees and takes a sip from the cup where there is no Coke. Jennie licks her lip, anticipating that everything will end perfectly. Today, anyway.

The second round is underway. Everyone finds out that Jennie likes to sing, that Rose was a popular girl at school (this surprised Sana very much, judging by her look). Jay wants to go back to the football team in college. Irene has never had sex in a public place. Sana got her friend again, and now everyone has found out that Momo, plus the fact that she does not know how to choose guys, also had a squint as a child. The third round, the fourth. Someone drank more, someone less, but in general, everything is almost equal. It seems to Jennie that after all, she, Rose and Chahee drank more, because they know the least about others, and those about them.

-You were called to the principal for being a bully at school.- Jennie says, looking at Rose. She takes a sip of whiskey.

-But she looks so quiet.- Momo whispers, but everyone hears her.

-By the way, of the four of you.- Chahee traces Sana and her surroundings with her finger.- Rose is the prettiest. Well, that's what I think. Have you been friends for a long time?

-Will you shut up sometime?- Sana almost screams, and her hand with the glass twitches. She definitely almost threw it at Chahee, but apparently stopped herself in time.

-I'm sorry.- Chahee raises her hands in surrender.

-I think so too.- Jennie laughs. She wanted to say it in Chahee's ear, but she got dumb and said it before she started reaching for her ear.- I'm a little drunk. I'll be right there.

-Can I take you to the building?- Chahee calls out, getting up from her seat.

Kim doesn't speak because the girl is already on her feet and reaches out to help her. She doesn't mind. It would be good to decide something with Chahee first, and then stay alone to do what she actually gets up for. Although now this desire recedes into the background, and a pretty brunette comes to the fore, who holds her hand and takes her into the forest.

- If you got me, what fact would you say?- Chahee presses Jennie against a tree and reaches for her face, stopping a couple of centimeters from her lips.

-I would say that you want me.- Kim whispers, hugging the girl around the waist and hugging her tighter.

-You won my heart with your voice, you sing fucking great.- She reaches closer, and after their lips touch, it's like she's pulling off a stopcock, and Chahee, roughly grabbing Jennie by the neck, deepens the kiss.

-Have you ever had sex with a girl?- Jennie whispers.

-No, but I've been thinking for a long time that I want to try. Will you do that for me?

They kiss for a while, and while this is happening, Jennie thinks about what she heard. What will she do? If it's about her having to do something, then it's definitely not. Chahee, of course, is good, and Kim seems to be drunk, but she is somehow not in the mood to be dominant. Not now. Not with her. Maybe not with a girl at all.

Chahee takes the initiative, and her hands walk over the brown-haired girl's body, but that's all she allows herself. Jennie really wants sex, and the thought comes to her head that maybe she could. Probably. But it's definitely not a forest. Not now. Then. Probably. She pulls away.

-I have to go, go back to the guys.- Jennie says.

Chahee smiles, gives her a quick kiss on the cheek and obediently leaves.

Jennie stands and thinks for a while. Up to this point, she had never met a girl who could be dominated. Maybe that's why she never thought about the fact that she also needed to take some part in sex. Don't just lie down and touch your back, neck, arms, stomach. Although it suited everyone. She sighs. This needs to be considered.

It seems to the girl that Chahee is a little upset, most likely. Then she realizes that she is not only upset, but also angry. When she got Jennie, Chahee blurted out through her teeth: "Jennie likes to be dominated," and, of course, she had to drink pure whiskey under the gazes of the slightly stunned people present. No one except Sana, with her "how disgusting it is," commented on what was said. Then Irene accused Sana of homophobia, and a new wave of quarrels began, in which Jennie did not take part. She was in her thoughts. The concept of "liability" exists because there are such people, and what's the big deal? And why the hell is she being accused of this at all, as if she owes something?!

-Is everything okay?- Irene distracts her from her thoughts.- It's time for us to go in half an hour. Can we come after the counselor checks on you?

-Maybe.- Jennie answers indifferently, whose plans have been ruined.

-I'm sorry, I freaked out.- It's Chahee who decides to clarify what happened.- I really want you, but I'm not fucking experienced. Could you...

-I don't want to do it here.- Kim says rudely, and everyone falls silent.- I'm sorry.- She gets up from her seat.- Jay, give me the whiskey. Can I just pour it for a drink?

-Yes, of course.

-I'll think about it if you don't change your mind.- Jennie says, who is not at all embarrassed that everyone can hear her.

-I won't change my mind.- Chahee is finally relaxing. Actually, it's very noticeable. It turns out that all the emotions of a girl can be read without much difficulty. Everything is on her face, and to understand it, it was enough to hang out with her for just over an hour. It's probably very difficult to be friends with her or just communicate with her.

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