A Pixie Problem

By MiraculouslyIzzy

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Whenever Monarch was defeated, we thought that everything would go back to how it was before. We thought we c... More

Chapter One: A Cry for Help
Chapter Two: The Abyss
Chapter Three: Day One in Paris
Chapter Five: Meeting Ladybug
Chapter Six: The Reveal
Chapter Seven: Questions and Confrontation's
Chapter Eight: The Nightmare
Chapter Nine: College Francoise Dupont
First and Final Authors Note
Chapter Ten: Explanations and Agreements
Chapter Eleven: The Banquet
Chapter Twelve: Divine
Chapter Thirteen: Riddles and Ingredients
Chapter Fourteen: The Final Ingredient
Chapter Fifteen: Mirror Realm
Chapter Sixteen: Two Days of Teleporting
Chapter Seventeen: A Wake-up Call
Chapter Eighteen: What a Day
Chapter Nineteen: Catch Up and Patrol
Chapter Twenty: Lost Kitten's
Chapter Twenty-One: Hoaxer
Chapter Twenty-Two: The Airport
Chapter Twenty-Three: Nothing Goes According to Plan
Chapter Twenty-Four: Feelings
Chapter Twent-Five: A Rollercoaster of a Week
Chapter Twenty-Six: Paint Date
Chapter Twenty-Six: Welcome to Gotham
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Introductions
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Midnight Excursion
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Gem
Chapter Thirty: Horse Kwami
Chapter Thirty-One: Second Chance Part 1
Chapter Thirty-Two: Second Chance Part 2
Chapter Thirty-Three: Dinner With Villains
Chapter Thirty-Four: Bad News
Chapter Thirty-Five: Walls Start Cracking
Chapter Thirty-Six: Missing Girl
Chapter Thirty-Seven: Gone is the Girl I know
Chapter Thirty-Eight: Saving My Angel
Chapter Thirty-Nine: No More Walls
Chapter Forty: Helping Angel
Chapter Forty-One: The Long Game
Chapter Forty-Two: Kwami's
Chapter Forty-Three: No More Shadows
Chapter Forty-Four: Night Terrors
Chapter Forty-Five: Comfort
Chapter Forty-Six: Hanging With the Group
Chapter Forty-Seven: Goodbyes
Chapter Forty-Eight: Suprise Suprise
Chapter Forty-Nine: Prom
Chapter Fifty: Happily Ever After

Chapter Four: A Day Off...Maybe

335 16 0
By MiraculouslyIzzy

Marinette POV: Tuesday, February 21st, 2024

Today was Tuesday. What that meant I had no idea, but Alya kept insisting it was Tuesday. 

School had ended a couple of minutes ago and before I could leave the classroom, Alya linked her arm through mine, and led me to where Adrian and Nino were standing. 

Before we reached them, she whispered into my ear, "Today is Tuesday and officially Ladybug's Day Off." I open my mouth to retaliate, but she gives me her 'don't argue with me' look. We reach the boys and I wave at them awkwardly. Nino waves back, apparently completely used to well me, and Adrian leans in to kiss me on my cheek. I quickly dodge him, unlinking my arm with Alya's, and throw my hand out for a handshake. He looks at it for a second before shaking it.

"So, dudes, where to?" Nino walks up next to Alya, and grabs hold of her hand. 

"Hmm, I was thinking we could just soak up the sunlight by the Seine River." Alya says, looking up at Nino love radiating in her eyes. I know they haven't said the three special words to each other yet, but it's obvious they are head over heels for each other. 

"Yeah, that sounds like a good plan, I could do with not doing anything for a little while." I smile at the couple. 

Alya rolls her eyes at me, "Yeah little miss MDC. You are constantly locked in that room of yours doing commissions for all your special clients." She knew that wasn't all I was doing, but that's what I've been telling people who ask me where I go after school. They don't know that as soon as I get home, I get ready to patrol Paris. 

Adrian pipes into the conversation this time, "Yeah, how's that going Marinette?" 

"It's amazing! I think I've gotten pretty good; I even made this outfit!" I spin around in my dress. It was a white top dress that slowly faded into a light pink. I decided it was time for a change, so I slowly started to get out of my comfort zone in my outfits and hairstyles. I had my hair up in a ponytail that was tied together with a bow that matched the pink of my dress. 

Adrian's gaze softened, "It looks great Marinette. You always look great." He offers a soft smile that I return. I quickly break eye contact and get back to the topic on hand. 

"We should get going." I start walking. 


Ten minutes later we arrived at the river, choosing to pick a nice spot along the edge. We all sat down, Adrian by Nino, Nino by Alya, and Alya by me. Once we were comfortable, we started an easy flow of conversation. I started to zone out when I noticed that we were just in time to see the tourist boats start to drawl people in. I did not like those things, they were scams! It made me ticked off to see people waste good money for a ten-minute tour of 'That is a road', 'That is a tree', and my all-time favorite, 'That is where they filmed Beauty and the Beast.' Everyone knows that they filmed Beauty and the Beast at Shepperton Studios. 

Well, now they like to use Chat Noir and I. Especially since this is the time we start patrol. Oh, cookie crumbs! I didn't tell Chat about me not being able to make it to patrol. I hope he isn't mad, well knowing him he'll just ask me silly questions until I finally tell him what I was up to. 

I still haven't decided if we should tell each other our identities yet, I talked to Alya about it, and she said I should do it. The only thing holding me back is Chat Blanc. I know that was whenever Monarch was around, but this time could end up far worse. I mean Chat Blanc nearly ended the world, imagine how much worse he would be if Hoaxer got to him. The thought sent a shiver down my spine. 

"Hey, you good Marinette? Are you cold?" Adrian starts to take his jacket off, and taps Nino to pass it over to me. 

"No, no I'm fine. I was just deep in thought." I give him a small smile that he returns before putting his jacket back on. He was sweet, he really was. I wanted to like him again, I just... couldn't. That part of me that was so obsessed with him was gone. 

Sometimes I felt guilty. He had no dad or mom. His only guardian was his bodyguard, which now spent more time at the Agreste house than outside with Adrian. He just wasn't needed anymore ever since Adrian quit modeling and the rings were destroyed. He dealt with all that and I had the perfect family, it wasn't something I could change but that doesn't mean it still doesn't hurt to see. 

I looked away from Adrian and towards my right. There stood three boys, their dad and one of the scammers. I was nearly blinded as soon as I glanced over. Two boys were wearing neon colors. Neon in spring. That is a major no no. I peeled my eyes away from the two abominations and finished my observation. The two boys wearing neon looked nearly identical, the only difference being their build and height. The third looked almost identical to the other two but he had two white streaks in the front of his hair. The last and shortest boy out of the four was the odd one out. He had the same black hair, but not the same blue eyes, instead his were a beautiful emerald green, and he was by far the tannest out of all of them. The man that must be their father had the same features as the first three boys but had the same face shape of the black sheep of the group. 

Interesting, there had to be some family drama there. I take my eyes away from the man back to the black sheep, only to find him looking directly at me. I don't react and just keep staring. he glares at me; I really want to glare back but his glare is so adorable I end up smiling. Out of the corner of my eye, the neon catches my gaze again. Ugh, I cannot look at it any longer. 

I get up from my sitting position, "I'll be right back, I just need to fix something." I say to no one particular, then glance at Alya who smirks at me and nods her head. 

I walk over to the small group of boys, and right past the black sheep, "Excuse me sir," I tap the boy with the neon orange shirt, "What are you wearing? This is completely unacceptable. Bright colors are to be worn in summer. It's spring. We have to fix this immediately." I grab him by the arm and begin dragging him away, only to realize that none of the others are following. I pause and glance back at the boy in the neon Hawaiian shirt, "You too, sir." With that I keep dragging the orange guy, footsteps of the others following behind. 

We continue walking for about five minutes until we make it to the bakery. I walk through the doors and greet my parents, "Hey mama! Hey papa! I'm taking my new friends upstairs to fix their outfits." I continue walking through the bakery and up the stairs.

"Okay sweetie!" My mom yells after me. 

We make it up to my room, I let go of oranges arm and begin looking for my tape measurer. I find it under two pieces of my most recent commission for Jagged. He wanted a new suite for his upcoming album. I turn back to orange shirt who was still standing by the door, with all the boys and the man behind him.

"Shirt off. Do you know your measurements? If not, I need you to hold your arms out like a 'T'." He shrugs off his orange shirt and immediately throws his arms out into the T pose. I get to work immediately and start measuring him, "I'm Marinette by the way. Sorry for kidnapping you, your outfits were just eye burning."

"Told you." A voice says from beside me. I jump up, surprised I didn't even hear the black sheep move. 

"Cheese and crackers, don't sneak up on a girl like that," Somone chuckles at me. I walk the measurement's over to my desk and write them down on a piece of paper, "You are just in luck Mr..."

"Dick." Orange says.

My eyes go wide, "Okay...Dick, I have a baby blue button up that would fit you perfectly." I turn away to dig up the shirt from the pile of extras that I make for no reason. I grab it and hand it to him. Once it's on I smile, "Much better, it brings out your pale skin more." 

I grab my measuring tape once again and gesture to Hawaii next, "You're next Hawaii."

"Tim, actually." He corrects me, then stands up then gets into a T pose. I re-do the same process I did with Dick, then pick up two options of shirts. A white short sleeve shirt and a brown button up.  He picks the white shirt.

"There's a mini changing area back there." I gesture towards the mirror and sink area. 

I look towards the rest of the group, "Well, I know two out of five names."

"You can call me Jason, Pixie." The boy with the white hair says. I scrunch my nose up. Pixie. He probably gave me that nickname cause I'm short, the jerky.

"Bruce." The man says, holding out his hand to shake. I oblige and shake his hand.

"You made us miss our tour." The black sheep says.

"That is a terrible name, I think black sheep suits you far better than that." Everyone in the room chuckles, except the black sheep. I sigh, "Those tours are scams anyways. They won't give you any valuable information, they'll just point out the most obvious things then charge you forty bucks. If you want a proper tour than you should ask a local, believe me when I say that nobody doing those tours is actually from Paris. If anything, I saved you time and money, black sheep." 

Black sheep clenches his jaw, "Damian. My name is Damian." 

"That is a much better name compared to 'you made us miss our tour'." I tease.

A gasp sounds around the room from where Tim was changing, "Are these MDC originals?" He runs from behind the curtain and looks down at me. 

"Yeah, I had a few extras." I smile awkwardly. 

Dick gasps and comes up next to Tim, "Wait, so you know who MDC is?" 

This time Jason comes up on the other side of Tim, "C'mon Pixie you have to tell us! I have been dying to get a jacket made by her!"

"Did you not try contacting her?" I ask walking backwards, away from the mini group around me. I look towards Bruce begging with my eyes to call off his children. Well, maybe his children, still unsure on that. He chuckles and opens his mouth to say something, but Damian beats him to it. 

"Are you imbeciles this stupid? She is clearly MDC. The M is for her first name so the last initials must be her last name, Dupain-Cheng." The boys gasp in unison and start bombarding me with pleases and questions.

I slap my hands over Tim and Dick's mouths shutting them up, Jason keeps on talking until Bruce clears his throat before saying, "Jason, read the room." That quickly shuts him up. 

I look up at Damian who has yet to move from the spot he had startled me in, "How did you know my last name? I didn't tell you, neither did my parents. It isn't on the front of the bakery either." I wait impatiently for his response.

"I looked up Tom and Sabine's bakery online. It stated both of your parents last names. I connected it with the initials imprinted on the clothes around the room." He calmly states. 

"That's a little creepy."

"You grabbed a stranger off the streets then brought his family into your home simply because you didn't like his outfit." He pointed out. 

"Fair point." I take my hands off of Tim and Dicks mouth. 

"Ms. Marinette, would you mind giving us a tour of Paris? It would make up for missing the one we had planned to take. We can pay you as well." Bruce says, smiling slightly.

I check my phone, it was currently 6:00 p.m., "Yeah, I can. You don't need to pay me; it was my fault you missed the scam-tour. Let me just tell my friends that I won't be back, or they'll start to worry." I quickly type out a text to a group chat with Alya, Nino, and Adrian. 

Marinette: I'm giving a tour to the people I dragged off! Catch up later!

Alya: Girl, this was supposed 2 b a calm and relaxing day! I thought you were just going 2 talk fashion sense into those guys, not take them for an entire tour!

Adrian: Want some friendly company? I can tag along

Nino: K Dudette

Marinette: I made them miss their boat-tour! No thanks, Adrian, I can handle them! TTYL!

I look up from my phone, "Okay, let's get this tour started!" 


Just fits the mood.

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