Chapter Eighteen: What a Day

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Damian POV: Monday, April 6th, 2024

"You need to change Baby Bird." Drake comments as Angel and I walk back into her room. 

"No shit." Angel smacks me in the arm; I have yet to figure out if she does not like me being 'rude' to my adopted brothers, or if she does not like profanity. 

She grabs my arm and walks me across the room towards the dressing area, "I'll get you clothes to change into. I already know your measurements; don't ask how I know. Just get out of your Robin suit." I did as she said. 

She picks out a white button up shirt and black pants. I would have thought she would choose something more colorful, not something that I would wear. A small smile plagued my lips at her consideration. At least she understood me and my distaste for color. 

I walk out from behind the paper wall and toss my suit at Tood. He misses the catch, the suit smacking him in the face. 

"Awwwww look at Little D wearing his girlfriend's handmade clothes." Grayson squeal annoyingly. 

"Shut your moth before I shut it for you, Boy Wonder." I grit my teeth.

"Hey, now. I don't wear the Robin suit anymore, so that makes you Boy Wonder. Plus, you can't blame me for you and your girlfriend being so adorable." I grab one of the throwing knives from my pocket and chuck it at him. It hit's him in the shoulder and he hisses either in pain or anger. Angel gasps and covers her mouth in shock, I tried to warn her that I wasn't all that good.

"That was just a sliver of what I will do if you continue to speak." 

"Damian, I don't know your middle name Wayne! You do not throw knives at your brother! Especially not in my room!" She walks over to Grayson and pulls the knife from his shoulder; she ties a piece of fabric into a bow around the wound. I roll my eyes, I didn't through it hard enough to cause permanent damage, "Don't roll your eyes at me." She tosses the knife back at me, and I catch it effortlessly. 

"Dang MDC, way to go all bossy-girlfriend on him." Angel rolls her eyes at Drakes words. I give him a warning glare, the one and only warning he will receive before he ends up exactly like Grayson.

"You get to roll your eyes, and I do not?" I cross my arms and look down at her.

"No, you can roll your eyes all you want. What you can't do is roll your eyes at me. Now come on, were already late for school, we'll be even later since we have to try to sneak out." She turns to my sad excuse for brothers, "You guys should go. I'll see you later, possibly tonight. I'm sure Hoaxer will spring back to life after her two-day weekend."

"Yeah, it's a little weird that she didn't attack while you were out teleporting across the world." Drake says while walking up the ladder to her roof top.

"A really weird fucking coincidence if you ask me." Todd says following Drake.

"Nobody asked you. There was no need for your input, Todd."

"But it was an appreciated thought." Angel grabs my arm and yanks me down stairs into the kitchen. She trips once we reach the doorway, I grab her by her waist, but the damage was already done. She knocked over a small croissant off the kitchen counter. 

"Good morning, Sweetie! Breakfast is on the table." Mrs. Cheng shouts from the counter at the front.

"Thanks Mom!" Angel shouts back then whispers to me, "If she spots you here or me while I have these tattoos, we are both dead. We have to sneak past them and run before they see either of us." 

"Your Mother doesn't seem the type to get aggravated easily."

"She isn't, then again if she spots her 15-year-old daughter sneaking a boy out of her house, and said daughter is also covered in tattoos, I'm pretty sure that will break her calm demeanor." She was more than likely right about her mother losing her temper about the situation. 

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