Chapter Twenty-Six: Welcome to Gotham

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Damian POV: Friday, April 24th, 2024

Father and Kyle are forcing me to go along with them and the rest of the miscreants that are my family to 'welcome' the Parisians. 

I do not 'welcome ' people. I also needed to avoid this particular trip because a certain Angel would be there. If I was trying to get over her, then I needed to be away from her. I thought being at least 3,631 miles was enough. Apparently not. 

We arrived at the airport at 5:35 am, the plane should arrive at 6:00 am. It was 6:05 am. They are late, which irritated me further. 

I was standing in the corner of Sector BD8, the shadows of the early morning hiding me from view. Father and Kyle were 'chatting' with one another close to where everyone will exit the plane. Grayson, Koriand'r, and Mar'i were sitting on the bacteria infested floor, playing with the toys that they brought to keep Mar'i busy. Todd and Brown were whispering to one another in two of the many seats. Thomas and Drake were playing Jenga on one of the coffee tables. Cain and Gordan were walking around somewhere. 

It is a little strange that Drake and Cain aren't sitting down and whispering to one another like Todd and Brown were. Perhaps there is 'trouble in paradise'. 

I simply do not understand why these 'happy couples' risk one another's life by being together. Do they not understand that one day in the future they will be killed? Everyone in this family is a vigilante. Nobody is never not at risk. 

Gordon was paralyzed by stopping Cain from killing Joker. She could have died. Koriand'r constantly leaves the planet to attend to hers, she could die at any moment and leave Grayson and Mar'i alone. If Brown was killed then Todd would go back to how he was before killing people just because he could, he would go back to being the weapon Mother and Grandfather brainwashed him to be. If Todd was killed Brown would end up just like her father, Cluemaster. 

If Cain were to be killed, Drake might deteriorate back to when Joker manipulated him and took control of him. Cain would retaliate and turn to her mother, Lady Shiva, who would help her kill whoever killed Drake. 

In the end it is just a cycle of pain and suffering. They all had a weak spot for who they loved. This was why I could not be with Angel. Why I needed to get rid of the affectionate feelings I had towards her. I refused to have a weakness, especially one that actually means something to me.

"Monsieur Bruce! Madam Selina! Thank you so much for this opportunity of visiting your beautiful city!" Bustier says while exiting the hallway that leads to the plane. 

"Well, most of my family has been to your city. In fact, you had my son with you in class if you remember him, Damian." He beckons me over, I roll my eyes, push myself off the wall, and walk towards their group. 

Bustier's eyes light up and a smile sprawls across her face, "Yes, I do remember Damian! He rarely ever spoke in class, other than his outbursts or to Marinette. You remember Marinette, right? You both became quick friends, that usually happens with her, she is such an amazing student." She continued on and on. I didn't have time for this.

"Yes, I remember her." I answer. 

"I actually wanted your class here for two reasons, you see, we thought it only fair that yu see our city as my fiancé has seen yours. And," Kyle grabs my shoulders from behind, "Damian here is constantly talking about this Angel person. Do you have an Angel in your class?" 

What was she up to? She knew who Angel was. What is she planning?

"Angel is what he called Marinette! My oh my! I knew you two were close!" Bustier clapped her hands. The students were piled in groups behind her. I told myself not to look. I begged my gaze to not look for pink and midnight hair. To avoid her bluebell eyes. I found her. 

She was giggling in a group with Cesaire, Agreste, Lahiffe and Divine, the girl that Agreste met at the banquet. I made sure to my research on her. Elizabeth Divine, daughter of Beatriz Divine, a famous singer, and Jeff Divine a pilot. She was nothing special, just a normal person. She was nowhere near my family's level. 

I simply had to reassure myself that she posed no threat to Angel. She wasn't. She was a nobody. Just like everyone else in that class. Especially a certain tattooed Angel. 

I turn my gaze away from her group, instead focusing my attention on the conversation continuing in front of me.  

"I need to borrow Marinette, me and her need to speak about girl stuff. I heard she knows a certain designer, MDC." Of course, Kyle knew that Angel was MDC. 

"Oh, of course." Bustier turns around to face her students, "Marinette! Madam Selina is asking for you!" Angel turns towards us, she is stunning. She had her tattoos out on display, including the ones on her back. She wore a backless white top, and a black leather skirt. Wow. She certainly changed her style from cute and simply to... wow.

I meet her gaze as she walks over, pain is evident, but so is anger. Why was she angry with me? What did I do? Wait, I could use this. If she is already aggravated with me, then I can simply feed that anger and make her hate me to the point she will never want to be around me. Then my problem will be solved.

I would never have to see Angel again. My weakness will be gone forever. 

"It's a pleasure to see you again, Selina." Angel says, hugging Kyle.

"The pleasure is all mine, Mittens." Kyle smirks. Mittens? The fuck? 

My insolent brothers rush over at the sight of Angel. Pushing one another out of the way to reach her. She giggles, and waves at them. 

"I missed you guys too." 

"Pixie! You have to move to Gotham! Demon Spawn has been even more of a pain in the ass now that you aren't here! He broke my favorite gun yesterday." Todd hugs her. I only broke his gun because he allowed Gem to leave my room. I had asked him to feed them while I was at school, I came back to the manor to find cushions and pillows torn up, feathers from them throughout the house. 

"Yeah! He burned all the coffee in the house too!" Drake pushes Todd out of the way. He was irritating me during training. I did the rational thing; I was going to cut his tongue out. He should be grateful for the mercy. 

"I have no idea what you guys are complaining about. Little D has been how he always has been." Grayson leans in for his hug. He lived in an apartment with Koriand'r and Mar'i. Though that had nothing to do with my actions, he was not around as much as he others, therefore he did not annoy me as much as they did. 

Angel giggles, the sound music to my heart. No. It wasn't. It was like needles being stabbed into my head. 

Brown, walks up pushing aside everyone in her way, "Hi! I'm Stephanie! You can call me Steph! I have heard so much about you from Jason! He cannot stop talking about the girl that tamed the Demon." Brown winks at me before looping her arm with Angels and walking her over to the rest of my siblings.

I am not some animal that needs to be tamed. I am the Grandson of the Demons Head, and only blood son of Batman. 


Well, Damian must really like Marinette to consider her a weakness. Uh oh. 

This is what Marinette wore: 

This is what Marinette wore: 

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