Chapter Twenty-Nine: Gem

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Marinette POV: Saturday, April 25th, 2024

My eyes filled with tears. I was hurt. I was angry. I was betrayed. I was heartbroken. 

I didn't expect Damian to act like such a jerk, I knew he said he didn't like me back at the airport, but I had hoped we could still be friends. I was angry with him, but I would have gotten over it eventually. Hopefully.

But now? Now I don't think I could ever forgive him. He led me on to the point that I fell in love with him. He was so good at acting that I thought maybe he loved me too, that he actually cared for me when in reality he only needed me for information. 

Holding back my tears I walk over to the sink and place my glass inside, gently as to not break it. Once the cup hit's the bottom I run off towards the closest bathroom. At this moment I was extremely thankful that Babs gave me the tour, or else I would have had a breakdown in the middle of the hallway. 

I softly close the door behind me, lean against the nearest wall and let my emotions simply be. I allow myself to truly feel after almost three years of pent-up anger and frustration, pain and agony, sadness and devastation. I finally let it all out. Tears stream down my face, my nails dig into my palms. I stare at the door in front of me, images from the past three years flashing through my mind. 

My heart tolts and throbs with every memory, every Akuma attack, every Hoax, every moment I had with Damian. 

Scratching at the door snaps me out of my pity party. I crawl closer, trying to hear better, maybe I just though I heard something. The scratching starts again, from the bottom right corner of the door. 

I reach up for the door handle, still in my crawling position on the floor. I crack it open slightly and a furball of pitch-black for waltz's in. I jump back at the thing. 

It was Gem. One of Damian's cat's that he found in Paris, my favorite of the bunch.

I shut the door once again, locking it this time. Then I crawl back to my place by the wall and plop myself down. 

"Come here, Gem." I open my arms to her. She walks over to me and crawls into my lap, curling into a ball. I run my hands through her dark coat of fur, the soft whisps of hair gliding through my fingers with ease.

"It's good to see you, too." I lean my head against the wall and close my eyes. My mind feels at peace, I feel calm. It's as if every ounce of negative feelings has left my body, only allowing peace and quiet to surround my mind. 


Banging on the door jolts me out of sleep. Oh, crap, I must have fallen asleep in the bathroom.

"Marinette! You okay in there?" Duke says from the other side of the door.

"Yeah, I was just uh- using the bathroom?"

"Is that a question or your answer?" He chuckles.


"Alfred made breakfast so once you get yourself situated, come to the di-" Duke is interrupted by no so hushed whispers.

"Move! No, she's my new friend! Go away!" That was definitely Stephanie, "Marinette! Open the door before I break it down! I have to show you where you can keep your stuff! I forgot to last night because we had the whole sleepover thing! You are totally staying with us!" 

I look down at Gem in my lap, she was looking at me as well, both of us holding the same confused facial expression.

"I'm going in on one! Two!" I rush to open the door before she breaks down the very expensive wood, "You look terrible! Were you crying all night?" Steph rushes to hug me.

"I just had a late night, I uh- ran into someone." I stutter.

"Was it Damian? Yeah, he can be an asshole, we just try to ignore him." She releases me from the hug before grabbing my hand and dragging me upstairs and into a bedroom, "To da! Welcome to your room!"

I gawk, this single room was bigger than mine and my parents' rooms combined, "Steph this is a really nice offer, but I'm staying at the hotel with the rest of my friends."

"Yeah, you were...but now that you arrived news spread that MDC was staying at our house and you will be attacked by press as soon as you step foot outside. So, now you will be staying with us in order to keep who you are secret and keep your classmates safe." She ends her little rant with a grin. Did I talk like this too? Wow, no wonder people cur me off mid-sentence. It wasn't a bad thing, just a lot. 

"Okay, well if I will be staying here longer than just one night then all of you should meet the other Kwamis." 

"OH! Are those the things that look like mouses and bugs but fly?" 

"Yes, I'll introduce all of them at breakfast, they've been hiding all night so I'm sure they are eager to come out."

"Well, what are we waiting for?! Let's go!" She grabs my hand again and drags me down the hall and stairs and into the living room. 

"Why are dragging Dupain-Cheng everywhere? She can walk on her own." Well, I guess my old nickname is gone. Now that he doesn't need me anymore. 

Steph ignores Damian, "Marinette has something she wants to tell us now that she is going to be staying with us for the entire time her class is here!" 

"What?! No, she is no staying here!" Damian shouts at Steph. She ignores him again, turning towards me and begging me to say what I was going to.

"As most of you know I am Ladybug. And those who know have also met Tikki." Tikki pops out of the wall, summoned by her name, "Well, since I am guardian of the Miraculous, I also have the other Kwamis, I couldn't leave them alone for the time I'm here, so I brought them with me." 

All the Kwamis appear from random places, walls, the ceiling, under the table, cabinets. Duke, Tim, and Jason screech like banshees. Everyone else sits still, cautiously watching the Kwamis.

"Everyone this is Nooroo, Trixx, Wayzz, Pollen, Stompp, Roarr, Fluff, Longg, Sass, Kaalki, Ziggy, Xuppu, Barkk, Mullo, Orikko, and Daizzi." 

"Aww they are so cute!" Steph says. She walks up to Daizzi and introduces herself. 

Duke walks up to Pollen, Cass walks up to Roarr, Babs rolls up to Barkk, Jason goes over to Longg, Selina talks with Mullo, Bruce to Sass, Tim to Orikko, the rest stay by me. Damian doesn't even try to talk to any of them, he just walks out of the room, shaking his head. 

"Kaalki, can you check on Damian?" 

"If I must." 


I have nothing extra to say sooooo Marinette:

I have nothing extra to say sooooo Marinette:

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