Chapter Six: The Reveal

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Marinette POV: Tuesday, February 21st, 2024

"Hello, Dupain-Cheng." Robin says, dropping down in front of me, the others following suit. 

Dupain-Cheng. There are only two people in the world who refer to me by my last name. Both are spoiled little brats, but only one lives in Paris. Robin does not live in Paris, neither does Damian.

Interesting. There were six tourists, from where, I still don't know. Six vigilantes. Each matching the exact height and build as the tourist's from earlier. Which could only mean, Dick Grayson is Nightwing, Jason Todd is Red Hood, Tim Drake is Red Robin, Damian is Robin, and Bruce is Batman.  

"What the heck, Damian!" I shout.

The boys all look at each other, clearly confused on how I knew who it was. I put my hands on my hips, very much annoyed.

"He called me Dupain-Cheng. He is the only boy who calls me that." 

"Way to reveal your identity oh so bratty one." Jason-I mean Red Hood says, attempting to smack Robin on the back of the head, he catches his hand though and flips him over his shoulder. Red Hood lands with a thump and a groan.

I give Robin my best 'really' face, "I thought I said to meet me at the Eiffel Tower. I said that for a reason, I need to introduce you to Chat Noir before he..." I trail off as I catch a glimpse of said person. 

Chat Noir jumps off the roof to the left of us, holding his bow staff ready to attack, "I'll save you M'lady!" The Bat's quickly turn just in time to catch the kitty cat. Nightwing grabs his left arm, Red Robin his right, Batman holds both of his legs, and Robin grabs Chat Noir's weapon. Red Hood just leans against one of the buildings enjoying the scene before him.

"No way! His ears totally just moved!" Red Hood yells jumping up and down, pointing at Chat like a child. 

I walk towards the group, grabbing the bow staff on my way over, Robin just stands there as if stunned I would dare take anything from him, "As I was trying to say earlier. I wanted to introduce you to Chat Noir before he thought you were another Hoaxed victim and attack you." I turn all my attention to Chat Noir now, who was released from their hold and now pouting with his arms crossed and ears all droopy, "We need to talk."

"Clearly." He grumbles before walking along side me.

I turn to face the bats, "Eiffel Tower." With that Chat Noir and I swing away from the alley way. Well, I swing he just hops on his bow staff.


We arrive at our favorite rooftop within minutes, we get ourselves situated and as comfy and I take a moment to inspect him. The 'big bang' didn't affect him severely. His hair in the suit now had slightly green tips, that was it. We sit in silence for a couple more seconds before I speak.

"I think we should reveal our identities." Chat's head snaps to me instantly.

"What made you change your mind?" He says, worry evident on his face.

"I was just thinking. We could try to take down Hoaxer outside of the masks too. If we know who each other is then it would be easier to get in contact and meet up." I smile slightly.

"That is not what I was expecting, but before we get more into that, why are those costume freaks here? Who even are they? Why didn't you attack them the moment you saw them!" Chat stands up pacing the rooftop. 

"Kitty! Calm down, I asked them to come here. They are heroes from Gotham city." 

"Why would you ask them to come here? It's you and me against the world, M'lady. Nowhere in that sentence does it mention a man bat, a walking traffic light, a piece of metal and leather, Blue-jay, or Mr. Clean." I bust out laughing at his on-point descriptions. 

Batman was quite literally a man dress as a bat, Robin did look like a traffic light, but he toned down his colors and added more black thankfully. Red Hood was basically all leather and metal, Nightwing's colors did resemble a blue-jays, and Red Robin looked bald thanks to his suit covering his midnight hair. 

"This isn't funny Bugaboo! We don't need strangers here in Paris! What if Hoaxer gets to them?" He was standing in front of my now glaring down at me. 

"She won't, okay. I did my research; they have villains too. Many of them have powers that they refer to as 'Meta Human' abilities. Listen Kitty, we have a lot to talk about but for right now I want to focus on three things. One, revealing our identities to each other. Two, those costume freaks know my identity. And three, we have a meeting to go to with them at the Eiffel Tower." 

"Wait, wait, wait, how did they figure out your identity if they aren't even from here." 

"Ummm... I kinda, may have given them a tour of the city in my civilian form and in their civilian forms. I got an e-mail from Batman asking to meet up, I told them the Eiffel Tower. Then the whole thing with Pigeon Saver went on and Robin saved me. They must have followed me when I went to de-transform and feed Tikki cause whenever I transformed again, they were all there and Robin called me 'Dupain-Cheng' which gave his identity away." I explain in one breath. 

"Well, isn't Robin just an all-around amazing guy, do you like him or something? You sure seemed to mention him a lot." Chat says, looking away from me and crossing his arms. 

"I was just listing the events as they happened. Are you seriously jealous right now?" 

"No, I'm not." He sighs, uncrossing his arms and taking a deep breath, "Sorry I was being a pain, it was just so much at once and I got overwhelmed and took it out on you. Let's do this M'lady. Lets reveal our identities." He offers a small smile that I eagerly return. 

"Okay, we'll close our eyes and open on a count of three." We both close our eyes and de-transform. 

"One." I say, nervous.

"Two." He says, his voice a slight whisper.

"Three." We both say then open our eyes. 




I have yet to put a picture of what Marinette's hair looks like, well this is it: 

I have yet to put a picture of what Marinette's hair looks like, well this is it: 

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