Chapter Eleven: The Banquet

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Damian POV: Wednesday, February 22nd, 2024

It was an hour after we dropped off Cesaire's dress. We were in a limo with Father, Pennyworth, Grayson, Todd, and Drake. The three idiots sat across from Angel and I, starring at us in astonishment. 

"So, let me get this straight. You are willingly going with demon spawn to this dance? He isn't holding you hostage?"  

"Yup. I am willingly going to a dance with the guy I like." Angel says, leaning against my side.

"Wait you like him, Pixie? Like lovey dovey, heart eyes and shit?" Todd leans forward in his seat, as if not fully grasping what is going on.

"Well, I wouldn't go full heart eyes or 'lovey dovey' yet. We did just meet two days ago." She grabs my hand, holding it in hers.

"Do you guys see what I'm seeing? He is allowing someone to touch him." Drake fake whispers to the other dimwits. 

"Shut the hell up, Drake. Nobody asked for your input." I roll my eyes and rub my thumb across Angel's hand. 

She slaps me in the chest, not to harm, but almost playfully, "Dami, that was rude." She gives me a mini glare that couldn't even make Alfred the cat slightly scared.  I liked her nickname for me. It was cute and simple, not to mention not degrading like the ones that the idiots gave me.

"DAMI?!" My brothers shout in unison.

"Masters, we have arrived back at the hotel." Pennyworth opens the door for Angel. She quickly gets out and straightens her outfit. 

"You look... not bad. No wrinkles are noticed, no fuzz." I compliment her. 

"Gee, thanks Dami." She says sarcastically. Did she think I was joking? If so, I was most definitely not, "Thank you for the ride, Alfred, we'll see you inside!"

We walk towards the front doors of the hotel, but before entering I turn back and call out to Pennyworth, "Thank you for picking Angel and I up." I turn back around and walk into the flashy room. 

The music was loud, far too loud for my liking. The lights would give a person with epilepsy a seizure. The people were far worse though. Snotty stuck-up people, always talking about their money and accomplishments. 

I grab hold of Angel's hand and guide her along the room. I feel someone's eyes follow our movement and I look up to find Agreste glaring at us, a small girl by his side trying to get his attention by waving her hand in his face. He keeps starring at us until the girl whispers something in his ear, making him jump. 

I return my focus back to Angel. She gives me a questioning look in which I shake my head in response. She shrugs her shoulders than drags me to the food table. Many foods were placed out, none looking the most appetizing. She walks past all of those and heads straight towards the food we had for lunch. 

"If I were you, I would only eat from this area, the rest of that stuff is more than likely store bought or if we are extremely lucky made by Alya's mom, who works here as the chef." She gestures to all the food we walked past.

"I believe it is all store bought, it has an unusual glaze that home cooked food does not." I reach for a macaron beside me and take a bite. Although Angel's parents were far too trusting, lacked a security system, were far too happy, and simply allowed their daughter to wander the streets of Paris, they could make some decent food. It was not better than Pennyworths cooking, but it would suffice for now. 


"Yes, Angel?"

"Never mind."

"No, if you have something to say, say it." 

"Why does Jason call you 'demon spawn'? You are kind of mean sometimes but I wouldn't say that calls for such a crude name." She tips her head to the side, thinking about the many ways I may have acquired my name. 

"When I first arrived at the Manor at the age of ten, I was a brat. I wasn't exactly sent there for a good reason. I was blood thirsty and wanted revenge. I was very violent towards anyone who stood in my way or attempted to control me. I even fought against Father, I got a good few slashes in too, but in the end, it was a draw. Some would have called me very self important. I did not like anyone and did not rely on anybody for anything. Todd calls me demon spawn because I attacked him and the others mania times, not to mention I do not have a reason to not say what is on my mind. A 'filter' is what I lack." 

"So, you were a blood thirsty selfish child who still has no filter?" 


"Why did you arrive at the Manor at the age of ten?"

"I grew up with the League of Assassins. Father had no idea of my existence because my mother, Talia Al Ghul, drugged him when I was consummated. She wanted to have the best genetically accurate baby, she wanted someone who could be the next leader of the assassins. I started training before I could walk, I learned many of the simple subjects that you are learning in school at the age of three. I learned basic college work at the age of five. I killed my first man at the age six, and from then on hundred, maybe thousands more. Then my family was betrayed by a close friend, Slade Wilson, he wanted to lead the Leage of Assassins on his own. He killed my grandfather, and for that I took his eye, which was all I could do at the time." I glance down at Angel, who was looking up at me intently, "After the battle was done and my home was destroyed, my mother took me to Father. He was surprised to see me; I already knew of him so I was not. He took me in and tried to get to know me, I did the opposite. I did not care if he was my father. I only wanted to kill Wilson." 

"Did you?"

"I thought I did. He used the Lazarus Pit to revive himself."

"The what?"

"I'll explain that later. There are far too many people around to talk about that." 

Angel huffed in agreement before asking, "Do you still... kill people?" She whispers the last part.

"No, I made a promise to Father that would not kill anyone. He taught me a saying, 'Justice, not vengeance.' I only broke that promise once. It was an accident. I held the blade, but he stabbed himself with it. I honor my word, Angel. I do not lie." I wrap and arm around her, giving her a side hug. I was comfortable around her, I actually wanted to be in her presence and make physical contact with her, unrelated to violence, "I am still quite violent though, that is just something that cannot escape me." 

She giggles at me before leaning into my arm more. I do not want this night to end, not while I have my Angel in my arms. 


Should they do matching tattoos?? Maybe Marinettes is a hamster. 


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