Pinn Oneshots๐Ÿค

By tns_pinn

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Obsessed with Pinn๐Ÿ’• Just a bunch of different random stories based of Piper and Finn. Love Pinn with my whol... More

First Date
Dancemania downs
Cuddles and Comfort
Welcome To The Family
Step Inside
Bouquet Toss
Long Distance
Anxiety Attack
Christmas Decorating
One Last Time
Red Valentines
Regionals Celebration
Falling For You
I Love You
Holding Back
Fruity Moons
Hospital Feels
Tour Disaster


80 1 2
By tns_pinn

It has been six months since a-troupe won Nationals, while they won the battle against b-troupe after the studio break after Dancemania.

And now a-troupe have been preparing for Internationals immediately straight after for the past week, Piper and Finn won first place in their duet at Nationals and won best duet at the awards which the whole team wasn't surprised at.

And are performing another duet this year at Internationals which they are so excited about.

They've been together for three years and their love for each is just becoming even more stronger each day.

Piper's alarm buzzed loudly at 7:30am and slammed her phone by her bedside table, and then grabbed her phone to message her boyfriend while she smiled brightly.

P: hey baby let me know when you are ready so we can go to rehearsals and Richelle is leading it today so get your ass out of bed lol! xx

After she texted Finn, she got out of bed and wrapped her dressingown and slipped her slippers on her and made her way downstairs for breakfast and held her phone in her hand.

As she entered the kitchen, she saw her father getting ready to leave the house for work as he turned and smiled at her and walked towards her and hugged her. "Pipes! Good morning, you heading to rehearsals soon?"

Piper nodded while she grabbed her cereal from the counter and poured her food as she opened the drawers to grab a spoon, then sat down at the table. "Yeah, but not until 9am."

He shrugged his shoulders and grabbed his bags and coat. "Do you need a lift this morning? I can go in later."

"Don't worry about it! Finn's bringing me in this morning."

Her dad nodded as he smiled. "Okay. That's good, have a great day, I'll see you tonight." He leaned over and kissed her on the forehead and grabbed his things and left the house for work.

She exhaled and scrolled through Instagram while she ate her breakfast and still waited for a response from Finn, who yet hasn't answered. She was starting to get worried.

But Finn always sleeps in before rehearsals, so it should be fine!

Piper finished off her breakfast and started with doing her dishes and set them into the dishwasher, then walked back up to her bedroom and started to get ready for rehearsals.

Everyday going into rehearsals was a blessing and something she is forever grateful as this is the whole team's last year together. She has been with this team since Finn joined a-troupe, while her and Richelle are the OG's.

Then Piper got dressed into her dance clothes and the minutes went by as she was yet had to leave for dance.

It was 8:45 and she had to leave for rehearsals now. A nervous feeling grew in her stomach as she felt something bad has happened.

So she called her best friend to bring her to dance, as soon they arrived she texted her boyfriend one more time. Maybe he's missed his alarm, or something bad has happened in the worst way possible.

P: Amy just brought me to rehearsals, pls let me know if you're okay. I'm worrying!! xxx

"Piper, don't be worrying about Finn. He will show up, he's probably missed his alarms or something." Amy says as they enter Studio A and sees the rest of their teammates warming up for rehearsals.

A-troupe eyed towards Piper. "Where's Finn Piper? Rehearsals is about start." Richelle asked her and rested her hand on her hips.

She tapped her phone and no response from her boyfriend has yet appeared on her phone. "I have no idea. But I guess we can start warming up and he'll come and join in when he arrives."

Richelle nodded and then everyone got into positions while everyone was doing warm up exercises.

Soon after they continued with their warmups, Finn walked into Studio A, his hair was messy, his eyes were puffy and red, almost looked ill as he entered in.

A-troupe looked at Finn, something bad happened.

Piper immediately ran into his arms and they both sat down at the benches while Piper rested her hand on his knee. She was concerned.

"Sorry I didn't answer your messages, it's been a long morning." Finn says.

"Are you okay. What happened?"

He shook his head. "No..I'm not. Early this morning, I went down at like 2am to get water and I saw my mom in the living room on the phone with my dad, my Uncle died Pipes." His voice cracked.

Piper gasped lightly and opened her arms out to him, he scooted forward and wrapped his arms on her waist and rested his hands on her shoulder.

A-troupe turned over to Piper and Finn as he had his face towards them but didn't have his gaze towards them. All they could see was puffy red eyes.

He pulled away and pulled his head down sadly. "Gosh. Are you okay? No that's such a shit question to ask, I mean I'm so sorry."

Piper kissed his lips softly and he sighed deeply. "I'm not the best I mean this was so all sudden. I'm such an awful boyfriend, I didn't even answer any of your messages, I bet you were worrying sick."

"Don't you dare apologise to me. Your Uncle died Finn, I don't care about the messages, how are you feeling?" Piper said.

"I feel like shit, my whole body aches, I'm confused. My whole family is. He suffered another heart attack, a bad one that just killed him.." Finn sniffles.

"Then why did you come to rehearsals? You don't seem well at all!"

Finn rubbed his eyes repeatedly and turned to his girlfriend. "I didn't want you to worry. I thought that if I wasn't here yet, you would've been to my house, and I needed to get out of there."

Piper shook her head and grabbed his hands. "How many of hours of sleep did you get this morning?"

He chuckled. "You don't wanna know the answer to that. Two to three hours?"

She immediately stood up and pulled him up. "Okay you're going home and going to bed! You won't function if you rehearse here."

"What about our duet?"

"What about it Finn. You need sleep, if you rehearse you will physically pass out!"

Finn inhaled and mumbled. "Ah. Okay Pipes." He said and hugged her tightly and kissed her passionately.

He grabbed his duffel bag and walked out of Studio A as she turned behind her and saw the rest of the team staring at her.

Is Finn ready of the team knowing the news of his Uncle already?

After rehearsals, Piper walked into the locker rooms and grabbed her bags as Amy and Henry walked in.

"Hey, how is Finn?" Henry asked concerned.

Piper shivered nervously. "He's shaken up, as you know he was very close with him, but I'm going my house and then to Finn's. I feel awful for him as he'll be surrounded by his dad for the next week. I can't stand that man."

Henry and Amy rolled their eyes in anger. "That man just gives me shivers down my throat. But tell Finn we're always here for him."

Piper smiled and hugged the both of them. "Thanks guys, that'll mean a lot to him. I gotta go."

Amy brought Piper home later on that day as it was near 6pm. She was so distracted all day thinking about him, he was so young. Piper only met his Uncle Bill once at their family dinner when Piper and Finn first got together, he was the most nicest and kindest man. A much better man than his dad.

She opened the front door and turned to see Deborah and her dad eating dinner at the table. "Hey, your dinner is in the microwave when you are hungry!" Her dad said.

She just knew her diet is going to be awful for the next week, but her boyfriend needs her company. "I would eat now but I gotta go now."

"Hey! What's the rush, did something happen to Finn? Eat your dinner before you go." Deborah exclaimed.

She nodded and sat down next to her parents. "Yeah..Finn's Uncle died this morning. He told me when he came to rehearsals but I sent him home before he even set foot in Studio A."

Deborah gasped sadly as she looked at her husband and daughter. "Aw no. Is Finn and his family okay?"

"Finn is struggling, his mom is in an awkward situation as their dad will be around for the next week, and the girls are just confused, I mean Sophie has more idea, but Chloe is utterly devastated and confused about the whole situation."

"That's awful. I should get them something, please tell Finn and the girls they are welcome here whenever they want!"

Piper giggled. "I think they know that by now mom. But I will of course!"

Deborah opened the microwave and placed it into containers and looked at her husband. "Could you bring Pipes to Finn's?"

"Of course darling." He kissed her and grabbed his car keys and walked outside.

Piper arrived at her boyfriend's house and met in the kitchen with Finn's mom, Sarah, who was with Chloe and Sophie keeping their mind off things.

Chloe and Sophie noticed Piper and ran into her arms. "Hey girls. How are yous coping?"

They looked at Piper sadly. "Mom let us have the day off school today, I've tried to talk to Finn today but he's not in the mood for us.."

"But we're sad. We miss him." Chloe said and her sister hugged her.

Piper awed at the siblings and kneeled down to them. "I promise it'll get better! Finn is just grieving and is just very upset. But he loves you both so much."

Sarah looked at her daughter's and smiled at how amazing she cares for them. "Girls, why don't you both go into the playroom? I'll order dinner in a minute?"

They nodded and ran out of the kitchen and squealed into their playroom, then Piper sat down next to Finn's mom.

"How's you all coping?" Piper asked.

"Stressed. Finn's dad is coming over tonight so he's helping organising the funeral. But Chloe is very, very confused about it, I tried explaining to her about how he died I didn't think it would be that difficult to explain that to a 7 year old. And Sophie's 10 so she understands a wee bit better but still is confused." She sighed and ran her hands down her face.

"Thank goodness Finn's a lot older than them because I couldn't cope with three kids to explain it to them. And do you wanna stay for dinner I'm about to order a chippy for the girls and Finn. They haven't ate anything since breakfast and I couldn't be bothered cooking?"

Piper holds out her dinner in her hands. "I actually have a container of my pasta, but I couldn't resist a plate of chips honestly."

"How is Finn? He looked miserable when I saw him this morning. Didn't say much but i could tell he was hurting." Piper says.

She nodded and groaned. "Yeah. I told him to not go to rehearsals, but he didn't listen to me. But when he came home, he hasn't left that bed since and I swear he needs you Piper, I tried talking to him but he only needs you right now."

"If you could come to the funeral it would mean a lot to him."

"Yeah of course. I'll go and see Finn now, thank you so much for letting me stay here for a while, I hope I'm not intriguing."

"Not at all! You're welcome anytime!"

Piper smiled happily at Sarah. Finn's mom was like a second mom to her, this family was like no other family.

She walked towards Finn's bedroom and knocked lightly and walked in.

She finally got home after she ate her dinner with Finn and comforted him no matter how hard he was struggling.

All she needed was to be there for him.

It is the middle of the night and Piper wakes up by a her phone ringing and one glance and sees it's Finn.

She immediately answers it. "Finn? Are you okay, what's wrong!?" She says worriedly.

"Pipes, I can't sleep, can I come in? I'm outside your house." Finn says, by the sound of his voice. It's sounds like he hasn't sleep properly in a week.

"Of course. I'll come and get you." She said softly.

Piper quietly opened the front door and saw Finn standing at the doorstep. She held his hand and closed and locked the door and brought him to her bedroom.

Finn laid on her bed as he rested his head on hers as he looked into her eyes. "What's going on your mind tell me everything."

"I just feel lost without him, I saw him frequently. And whenever I was with him it was good times, but now he's gone, I just feel lost, we had a bond that was good whenever I had dad trauma to talk about to him." Finn sighed.

Piper rested her hand on his face. "You know you can always talk to me whenever you need to. I'm glad you called me, I couldn't sleep either, I was thinking about you." Piper said.

"Yeah. My mom will be mad that I left, I was tossing and turning. Those dark nights aren't good when I'm not with you. I need you always. I love you so much. Thank you for always being here for me today." Finn said and carcasses her face.

"I'm just being a girlfriend. But i know you'll do the same for me, and I love you too."

Finn chuckles as he leans his face against her and kisses her lips and he pulls apart and exhales. "C'mon, let's get you into bed."

He took his jacket off and took his clothes off while he got into bed as he rested his warm body against Piper's. "I love you."

"I love you too Finn."

No matter what happens in the next week with his Uncle's death, Piper is and will always be there for Finn.

I'm finally back with my oneshots and I couldn't be more happier!🤍🙌🏻 have loads more coming.

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