The Theif 2! A pups little si...

By Mzzjem

56.4K 1.1K 87

Seb, a now 19 year old pup. After a year of freedom, guilt and independence 3 certain Alphas return to bring... More

City life
First night
first punishment
A soft pur
Truth about kaylus
Pent up
"your taking me back?"
one on one
Doctor Sam
Times almost up
Broken bond
little Seb
The end?
New territory
Finally found?
Am i gonna die?
Holding on by a thread
The Cave


1K 24 10
By Mzzjem


As I head upstaires excited to see my pup, I walk past his room feeling a harsh breeze escape from his doorway. He left his window open.

Sighing I walk in closing it before putting the radiator on, that should warm up quickly.

After closing his door I head to Enzos room opening it revealing a little pup curled up on the bed under the blanket.

He seems in a deep sleep so I decide not to intrude and close the door heading to my room, looking after Aaron has really tired me out.

Its difficult looking after Aaron after having to look after Seb, I need to deal with them differently which is alot to remember.

Since Aaron isn't my pup I'm limited with punishments, rewards and the way I can keep him preoccupied. He seemed in his right mind today which did make it a bit easier to look after him but he still held the attitude of a teenager.

A couple hours go past as I slowly drift awake, a groan leaves my lips. I hate when I can't get a good nights sleep, looking at the time I notice it's only half 3.

A small noise from downstairs catches my attention. As soon as I'm at the top of the stairs I can smell my pups scent, another small growl escapes my lips.

2 things my wolf disliked most, being woken up and being disobeyed. Seb knows he can't be wondering around after lights are out, walking into the kitchen I see him pearing into the fridge.

1 clear of my throat has him standing tall before turning to see me, "what are you doing up" I ask "thirsty" he responds as if cautious of my actions.

Taking a couple steps till I'm infront of the fridge, I open it grabbing  a bottle of fresh water before handing it to him "come on, back to bed" my wolf was eager to go back to sleep.

Seb slowly shuffled out of the kitchen, he didn't seem all that eager to sleep. Maybe he had a nightmare? Once upstaires I make sure he heads back to his room before heading back to mine, however once in my bed I couldn't get back to sleep.

My wolf was agitated, a strong need to check on the pup kept me awake. I get out of bed and head back to his room slowly opening the door, the sight of him fidgeting showed he was just as restless as me.

"Hey, wanna come sleep with me" I ask him softly, he looks up at me before slowly pulling back his covers and heading out of his room.

Once in my bed again but this time with him beside me my wolf finally seemed to settle. Seb drifted of to sleep instantly with me following not far behind.

The next day Seb was slightly cranky, this was understandable since he hadn't gotten much sleep last night. However, he seemed to be slightly on the edge of being in a younger headspace.

The guys and I have an important meeting today, thankfully it was at home but this meant we had to leave Seb alone for an hour.

It would be alot easier for us to do this knowing he was settled and not distressed but right now he was showing signs of this and nothing else.

"Seb, don't do that" Hank says softly as Seb hits the side of the armchair with his fist, the hits were half heartedly done but there was still room for damage.

"Do you want to watch a movie?" Enzo asks trying to distract him, Seb replys with a groan. He's said nothing all day except groan and grunt, for any other occasion this would be him having a tantrum and we wouldn't take kindly to it but this was different.

He seemed confused about his own emotions and didn't seem sure on how to deal with them, punishing him would make us terrible Alpha's.

I watch Seb as he places his hands over his face showing alot of frustration through his actions, placing my phone into my pocket I walk up the sofa and kneel down infront of him.

When he's not so sure what to do with himself that's where we need to take control, "I'm gonna get you some milk, take you upstaires and then put a cartoon on for you to watch" I don't bother asking if he's alright with this, he's not in the right mind to make any desicions for himself.

I head into the kitchen and heat up some warm milk for him before carrying it into the living room.

Enzo picks Seb up before carefuly carrying him up to his room, Hanks room seemed more appropriate right now since he had no bad memory's in here and it  a very calming environment.

Hank always kept his warm room which was the perfect temperature for our sleepy pup. Sebs tucked into bed with some blankets before I hand him the warm mug.

Hank helps him sip it while I turn on the TV and sift through some cartoons he likes to watch. After finding one he loves I put it on and leave the remote on the side of the bed, looking back at Seb who's just finished all his milk now looks very relaxed.

This is a much better environment for him to be in, I can see his eyes drifting of slightly.

Suddenly Enzo comes in with wolfie in one hand, as soon as Seb sees it he makes cute grabby hands for it and begins cuddling with his wolfie into the blankets while watching the cartoon.

He's slipped into little space quite far, I'm unsure if we should leave him alone. My phone suddenly pings alerting me that I have a couple minutes before our meeting starts.

"We have to get ready for our meeting, are you going to be okay alone for an hour" he nods his head while his eyes are fixated on the TV, he's not even listning to me. I signal to the guys to leave the room.

We head out and get ready, once the Alpha from another city arrives we head up to our meeting room.

"I understand you wanted to discuss expanding land" Hank says as we take a seat, Alarik nods his head as he and his beta sit down "pack is expanding and we need more land, I was hoping it could expand into your territory considering the only other territory to take crosses the blood river".

The blood river is a territory wild, ferrel rouges roam, its not suitable for a pack especially one with pups. "We understand, we should sort out some terms and agreements first" I say.

The meeting went on longer than we intended, it's been an hour and a half now however things seem to be going really well. Alaraik is a good Alpha and clearly takes care of his pack so we have no hesitations about giving him some of our land.

"There will be limited hunting when it comes to of season" Enzo explains as we add in a few last minute details, suddenly the door creaks open catching all of our attention.

A sleepy, docile looking Seb walks in wearing a grey oversized hoodie and a pair of black jeans.

He looks at Alarik and his beta in a questionable way, his shy timid posture shows he's still not 100% in big space.

"Seb, is there something you need?" I ask trying to keep things professional, if other Alphas saw us go soft then they would think they could take advantage of us. Seb shakes his head timidly, I let out a sigh as I give in.

I don't have the heart to tell him to leave, especially when he's looking so fucking cute. "Come over here, Seb" Enzo says, Seb timidly walks past Alarik and towards us.

"Everything okay? Can it wait till after the meeting?" Enzo asks Seb standing infront of him, Seb shakes his head timidly. I could tell being in a room with such higher ranked wolves was shying his wolf away.

"What is it?" Enzo asks in a soft tone, Sebs quiet for a couple seconds looking around the room before Enzo grabs his attention again.

"Hungry" he mumbles, in any normal situation I would have ripped a wolfs throat out for interrupting a meeting over hunger but right now I want nothing more than to end this so I can make sure my pup is full.

"Sorry, I think that's everything cleared up" Hank says apologising for Seb, he gathers some papers up as a small chuckle leaves Alaricks lips "its quite alright, a pup has to eat" Alaricks says giving Seb a smile, Seb shys away slightly behind Enzo.

"I wasn't aware u kept pups in your house" Alarick questions as we exchange some papers, "he's our pup" Alarick seems shocked at my statement, "wow, to be mated with such a young one at your age" we give him a nod as if saying we are all just as surprised.

I notice Alaricks beta grabbing Sebs attention, he gives Seb a gentle smile except he doesn't shy away.

Seb sniffs the air softly before taking a step towards the beta, I've never seen him do that before.

He seemed quite intruiged by Alaricks beta, Seb slowly gets closer to him as if he's drawn  to him. My protective side takes over and I grab seb by the arm pulling him back beside me and Enzo, the beta backs of taking a couple steps back "sorry, Alphas" he says once we let out a low protective growl.

"I apologise, my beta means no harm. He's always been good with pups, they are kinda drawn to him" as weird as it sounded this isn't uncommon, some betas are just really good with pups and females.

Seb seems a little confused at the sudden action but it didn't stay like that for long, his attention was instantly on the beta again.

The Alpha in me was starting to get annoyed, he doesn't pay attention to us yet when this guy shows up he pays attention to him! "We should be heading out" Alarick says edging to the door, a small whine grabs everyones attention.

"Can I play with the Beta" Seb asks, what the fuck is going on. Its like the beta has him in some sort of trance.

"No" I say strictly, "it's okay, maybe another time" the beta says comforting MY pup.

I stand infront of Seb so no more connections can be crossed and I don't lose my temper, "it's best if you leave now, we have other things to attend to" I tell them in an emotionless tone.

Alarick nods hishead respectufly while the beta takes one more look at Seb and then walks of with his Alpha.

Enzo follows them out making sure they get the front door, a grumpy Seb pouts beside me. "You never let me have any fun" he groans "not when it involves you playing with that beta" I tell him strictly.

Seb looks like he's about to argue back, God help him if he does.

"Seb, your our pup. Not his, we are protective over you especially since we are Alphas" Hank explains to Seb trying to calm the situation, "I don't care, your just selfish" he growls out aimed towards me, that fucking did it.

A low growl escapes my lips making him submit in seconds however I don't plan on stopping there, I was going to punish him so he'd never even think about disrespecting me again.

Before I could grab Seb and put him over my knee, Hank stops me.

He stands between us protecting his pup "your going to let him act like this? He needs to learn!" I growl out, "he is learning.

He just met his first beta, it's not his fault he was so drawn towards him" I look past Hank and towards Seb who actualy had a face filled with fear, my heart suddenly felt heavy.

What the fuck am I doing? I'm such an asshole. I take a deep breathe and let myself calm down "Pup, baby I'm sorry" I tell him using my calm tone, Seb looks at me still a little cautious of me.

I kneel  down trying to make myself less intimidating, I let him come to me when he's ready.

He slowly walks towards me as if expecting me to snap out of this calm posture, "your scarey" he mumbles as he stands infront of me still pretty much the same height, "I know honey, I'm sorry.

I'm just protective of you" I tell him as I bring him in for a hug, "you bad daddy" he mumbles relaxing into my chest, "I know baby, I am very bad daddy" I repeat showing him I understand him, Hank smiles.

Sebs gotten alot more comfortable being little, "Daddy scary" he says as he looks at my canines that haven't retracted yet.

"Awe I'm sorry sweetie, I promise I won't scare u anymore" I retract my canines back going back to my normal self.

A sudden thought enters my head, i havent actualy seen Sebs canines out since we went to the doctor. "Can you show me your canines, baby" I ask, he goes quiet before shaking his head.

"Why not? Let me see those beautiful canines you having tell him hoping it will persuade him to try.

Again he goes silent before his eyes squint shut and he whines slightly, I rub in a circular motion on his back "its okay, you don't have to try" I tell him.

This is not a good sign, if he can't even show his canines he must be close to being in heat. His eyes take me from my thoughts, "hungry" he says.

I give him a nod and a soft smile before gesturing him to run along to Enzo downstairs. "This isnt good" I say as I stand up, Hank goes silent. "Whats the matter?" I ask seeing something is bothering him, "the deal.

The month is over in a couple of days" he says confusing me, it suddenly hits me. The deal we made with Seb, I take a deep breathe. "Look how far he's come, it would surprise me if he turned us down now" I tell him trying to make him feel better aswell as my self.

Suddenly crying comes from downstaires, we quickly rush out of the room and down the stairs into the kitchen.

"Whats  going on?" I ask looking between Enzo who's trying to comfort an upset Seb, "I don't know, he just started crying" Enzo says as he picks Seb up and trys to jolt him quiet "Shhhhh your okay" it doesn't seem to be working, what ever has upset him is still upsetting him.

I remember the canines, I notice Sebs hands are covering his mouth.

I walk towards the freezer as Enzo and Hank try there best to calm Seb "Sshhh it's okay, baby. Calm down" the crying didn't quieten. "Here, drink some of this" I say placing a cup to his mouth, he drinks a few sips like a good pup before quietening down abit.

I give him a few sips more before he's stopped crying and only sniffling.

Enzo still jolts him lightly in hid arms afraid he'll start crying again "what did you give him?" He asks, "ice water" I say placing the cup down "his canines are hurting him, he can't show themselves tell him in a light whisper.

Enzo instantly understands the message and looks just as worried as we had before. Still jolting Seb in his arms "do you want to lay down for a bit?" He asks, Seb nods his head rubbing his eyes.

"Wolfie" he mumbles. Hank heads upstaires to grab his wolfie but when he comes down with a worried expression we know it can't be good "I can't find wolfie" he whisper to me.

"Fuck" I mutter. Hank goes upstairs to look in every room while I risk asking Seb "Sweetie, do you remember where you last had wolfie?" He looks at me before thinking, and shakes his head.

More tears usher into his eyes before Enzo quickly trys to calm him before it can escalate.

30 minutes of Enzo distracting seb we had finally found Wolfie tucked between the bed and mattress, how it got there I have no idea.

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