Trackstar Antelope

By FinFin_AUS

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Delve into the world of Jamel! A fifteen-year-old Blackbuck Antelope who has big aspirations to become a star... More

Trackstar Antelope Volume 1
Trackstar Antelope Volume 2
Trackstar Antelope Volume 3
Trackstar Antelope Volume 4
Trackstar Antelope Volume 5
Trackstar Antelope Volume 6
Trackstar Antelope Volume 7
Trackstar Antelope Volume 8
Trackstar Antelope Volume 9
Trackstar Antelope Volume 10
Trackstar Antelope Volume 11
Trackstar Antelope Volume 12
Trackstar Antelope Volume 13
Trackstar Antelope Volume 14
Trackstar Antelope Volume 15
Trackstar Antelope Volume 16
Trackstar Antelope Volume 17
Trackstar Antelope Volume 18
Trackstar Antelope Volume 19
Trackstar Antelope Volume 20
Trackstar Antelope: Volume 21
Trackstar Antelope Volume 22
Trackstar Antelope: Volume 23
Trackstar Antelope Volume 24
Trackstar Antelope: Volume 25
Trackstar Antelope Volume 26
Trackstar Antelope Volume 27
Trackstar Antelope Volume 28
Trackstar Antelope Volume 29
Trackstar Antelope Volume 30
Trackstar Antelope Volume 31
Trackstar Antelope Volume 32
Trackstar Antelope Volume 33
Trackstar Antelope Volume 34
Trackstar Antelope Volume 35
Trackstar Antelope Volume 36
Trackstar Antelope Volume 37
Trackstar Antelope Volume 38
Trackstar Antelope Volume 40
Trackstar Antelope Volume 41
Trackstar Antelope Volume 42
Trackstar Antelope Volume 43
Trackstar Antelope Volume 44
Trackstar Antelope Volume 45
Trackstar Antelope Volume 46
Trackstar Antelope Volume 47

Trackstar Antelope: Volume 39

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By FinFin_AUS

Chapter 365: Feline Friends Unite

Sam and I approach the entrance of the Sports Centre, and we can see a few other students from the State Finals sitting outside as well. I check the time, 12:48PM. I guess we have a bit of time to do our warmups.

"Everyone's probably inside, waiting to start" Sam tells me. "We should go get changed, and then we can meet up with Kevin and Maku".

"Do they know that you're here?" I ask him.

"I don't think so..." he says, before looking down at me. "You didn't tell them anything, did you?" It's almost as if he's frowning at me from my angle. Something definitely has changed with Sam... and I need to find out why.

"N-no, Sam... I didn't" I say nervously. He then smiles happily at me before sitting down at a bench outside the changerooms.

"I'll just wait outside the change rooms until the others come out, then I'll get changed" Sam explains. "I can't wait to see the look on their faces when I surprise them".

I guess Sam's pretty excited to see the others. Maybe this is some weird feline way of greeting each other after a while. I make my way into the room, and I'm greeted by a few others around me. It feels nice to be included by the other carnivores.

"Hey Jamel, how ya going?" Maku says from one of the benches.

"Yeah, not bad. My friends told me that today's training is also pretty exhausting, so I don't know how I'm gonna be by the end" I reply, setting my bag down next to his.

"Ah, you'll be fine. They'd go easier on you, wouldn't they?" Maku tells me.

"No way. If I want to run with the carnivores, I have to train like them as well" I reply. I would have thought that Maku would've caught on to that by now.

"Oh... right. Sorry Jamel, I didn't mean it like that" Maku replies as I put my running shirt on. Soon after, Kevin comes along and sits down.

"Hey guys..." he says, a bit tired. "I wonder how I'm gonna go today... after yesterday, I just feel so fatigued"

"Better hope you can run on Wednesday, Kevin" Maku says in a competitive tone. "With Sam gone, and you exhausted, the State Champion Title might just fall into my lap for a fourth year in a row" I know that there's a big rivalry between the three felines, but I guess these guys must always finish close to each other.

"I wouldn't count on that, Maku" I hear from the changeroom doorway. It's Sam, standing proud and tall, with a smug grin on his face. "Jamel was able to beat me in the District Finals, I'd say you're both in a bit of trouble".

Maku and Kevin turn, and their eyes shoot open in surprise. They quickly rush over to Sam and greet him with a lot of energy.

"Sam! How ya going, man? It's been a while!" Maku says while shaking Sam's hand.

"What are you doing here? I thought you couldn't qualify for the state finals" Kevin says in amazement.

"I'm here to help Jamel train for the race" Sam states, still loudly. "Plus, on Sunday, I have an interview for a scholarship at Tabud Nari, the sporting academy. They have some sort of summer program going on, which sounds useful".

"Hey, I'm trying out for that scholarship too!" Maku says in disbelief. "I'm sure we both have great chances of getting in, too bad they're only offering one scholarship".

"I'll grind you into dust if I have to, haha!" Sam says jokingly... I hope.

I look at Kevin's face, and he seems a bit concerned by what Sam said. Maybe he's caught on to Sam's changes too. They've known each other for a while now...

Suddenly, we see Mr. Matigas enter the changerooms to get us all prepared for today's session.

"Alright everyone, I'll see you all outside shortly for today's training" the large canine says to us all. I hope Sam won't go extra hard on me, with this new attitude.

Chapter 366: Robust Roo

Everyone moves out to the gym, and groups up in their events. Maku, Kevin and I immediately find Sophia and Murani. Sam follows us along as well, just to watch.

"Hey everyone. Welcome to the University of Durranga" Sophia presents. "Today, we'll be doing Strength and Conditioning Training for cardio, endurance and strength training. Murani and I have been practicing and planning out training itinerary to work on all of these".

"Yep. Find a partner and we'll hand out the programs" Murani tells us. Finally, he talks.

"Hey Jamel" Kevin says to me "Did you want to—"

"Oi Jamel, be my partner" Maku says, almost shoving Kevin out of the way. The large lion then lets out a short, soft growl.

"Oh, thanks guys. But today, Sam and I are doing our own training" I say. I go to point to Sam, but it takes me a few seconds to find that he's moved outside, with Sophia. I walk over slowly to them, leaving Maku and Kevin inside.

"Hey, Sophia, was it? My name's Sam, I'm a student coach for Jamel" Sam says, introducing himself. "Last night, I planned a training program for Jamel and me to work on, and I was wondering if it wouldn't be too much of a problem if we used it today?" he asked the bobcat. Sophia smiles sweetly, interested in Sam's idea.

"I love the sound of that, Sam. But I'm afraid we need Jamel to follow the program that we set up, because we need the data and feedback for our assignments" Sophia replies politely.

"Oh... but this shouldn't take long. In fact, some parts of it might use the same..." Sam begins to say.

"Mate, you're not doing that here" Murani scolds, walking over to him. He and Sam stand at the same height, face to face.

They're both so large...

"Alright, alright... I was just suggesting..." Sam says in an aggressive tone. From what I can tell, Murani has a short-temper, and Sam at the moment is being cocky and perseverant. Neither one of them would want to back down from a fight.

"Well, he's just gonna have to work with us for the time being. This session is for State Level athletes only, and you aren't one of them" Murani says. I don't like his chances against a tiger like Sam... then again, he is a large, muscley kangaroo.

"Shut up, big foot" Sam replies. Sophia and I move back a bit as well, keeping cautious around the two large beasts. "All I asked was to do a few small exercises for training".

"Training for what? Devouring someone?" Murani says, with a devious smile across his face. I see Sam's face scrunch up with anger, and his ears fold back... he's gonna get ready to fight soon! "Felines your age are all the same. You can't go five seconds without thinking about a nice, big bite out of an herbivore, or something".

Sam snarls in response, a noise that I've never heard from a feline. He opens his mouth to roar, giving a scary view of his sharp teeth and seemingly cavernous mouth.

"Sam, STOP!" I call out.

"Murani!" Sophia yells.

I blink, and suddenly I see Mr. Matigas in front of me and Sophia. Sam is whisked away quickly by Mr. Matigas, as he stands between them.

"You will NOT harm any of my students, Sam!" he growls loudly. Sam backs off in indignance.

"Yeah, but he...!" Sam begins.

"I'll deal with him soon enough. You can just sit tight with me, and I'll be letting your school know what happened" Mr. Matigas says, reprimanding Sam. "Are you three alright?" he asks us.

"Yes, Mr. Matigas" Sophia and I respond. Murani just huffs in affirmation.

"Right... shall we continue with today's training without any more interruptions like that?" Matigas says, glancing at Sam.

We then head back inside, hanging our heads low in shame and a bit of fear. If this "New Sam" could get that close to attacking an herbivore, what could that mean for me?

Chapter 367: Tread Carefully, Young Antelope

We move back into the gym, and I see Kevin and Maku still paired up together. I guess I have to find another partner...

Eventually, after screwing around with all sorts of crazy tigers and even crazier kangaroos, we finally start our training. I don't know who I'm more enraged at: Sam for losing his temper at a large herbivore, or Murani playing with fire and saying to a tiger's face that he doesn't like him or his species.

Sam and I both know that messing with herbivores like elephants, bulls and kangaroos is a bad idea, even for the biggest and strongest of carnivores. While I've never met an elephant, I'd imagine they'd be very strong. Or at the very least, they could just fall onto any threats. I've met Murray and his family, and I have a feeling that his dad could put up a pretty good fight against most carnivores.

Mr. Jarman is a great role model for herbivores at our school. He's strong, courageous, independent, yet helps others out. He's not afraid to step up to aggressive carnivores either... I guess it must be a kangaroo thing.

I'm gonna get to the bottom of what's going on with Sam... maybe it's just a little phase that felines go through. Maybe they're more defensive and outward in their personality for a day or two...

"Do you think you'll be okay to do your training today? I don't want you to feel nervous or panicked while you're working out" Mr. Matigas asked me.

"I'll be fine" I replied sternly. All this anger might make me work harder. Mr. Matigas points to Sam, and then to a seat by the main entrance. I look around and it seems that no one has noticed what's happened... lucky for both of them.

"Now Sam, I want you to sit at that seat, until I tell you to move. If I catch you harassing any more students, especially herbivores, I will be calling the police. Understood?" he says aggressively. Sam nods bashfully, then moves off in a huff. "Jamel, I want to see you after this session. For now, I'll let you train in peace".


I move off with Maku and Kevin (we worked as a group of three) as we begin our training schedules. The two felines made sure that I was feeling safe and sound with them. While I was lifting and pulling weights, I saw Sam in the corner of my eye and was even more determined than ever. It's the most amount I've ever lifted before, and even Kevin was impressed.

"Not bad, Jamel..." he says "This year's race could be pretty interesting"

I'm not angry just because Murani went and started to abuse Sam, as well as all the felines I know, nor that Sam tried to attack him, but mainly because of all these changes that Sam is going through. If Sam wasn't acting unusual, he probably would've argued with him, before walking off.

It's all happening so quickly... and I'm a little worried about him. If it happened to Sam, then who else could it happen to? Maku? Kevin? Riley? And where will I be throughout all this? In the middle, probably...

"Good workout today, Jamel" I hear a few of the other carnivores say to me as we finish up. "You're definitely set for the race on Wednesday".

Everyone heads off for the changerooms, while I wait for Mr. Matigas. I hope I'm not in trouble for anything... Should I have said something to Sam or Murani? Neither of them would have listened anyway...

"There you are Jamel..." Mr. Matigas said softly behind me. I noticed that out of all the carnivores I've met in Durranga, he speaks the softest and politest around me. "I just wanted to ask a few questions about what happened earlier. It shouldn't take long" We both take a seat by the door, as we're the only ones left in the gym.

"Now whatever we discuss should stay between us. I won't tell anyone about what we talk about, but for safety reasons, I've already contacted Mr. Harris about the argument between Murani and Sam, and he's coming along now to pick you both up soon".

I've only met a few large canines before, and I've been told that they can be very loud, energetic, and very excitable. Mr. Matigas is the exact opposite. He's slow, quiet and careful around me, and even some other carnivores. He's using all the right techniques to approach an herbivore who recently saw the disturbing sight of a tiger losing his temper.

His hands are in his pockets, and he's avoiding eye contact with me, unless he's talking to me and sees that I'm comfortable. He's also sitting a bit lower than me, so that he can speak face to face. When he opens his mouth to speak, he doesn't show his teeth or anything, even when he smiles.

Is this how herbivores should be treated?

Chapter 368: Slow and Steady Wins the Herbivore's Trust

"Now, firstly, does Sam usually behave this way around you and other herbivores?" Mr. Matigas asks me.

"No, he's never acted this way before. He woke up this morning and he seemed so much more active and louder than usual" I reply. I hope I don't make Sam seem like a bad guy by saying this.

"Right... are there any other older students from your school team who might be influencing him?" he asks. School team? Maybe he means the students from Whigata who are here.

"Well... there's only one student in Year 12. But he's very calm and mature. He's a bearded dragon, if that helps" I reply.

"Reptiles are usually pretty mature for their age, so I doubt he'd be influencing him. Mr. Harris is a feline, so he'd have a better understanding of what he's going through" Mr. Matigas tells me. "Did Sam have any prior arguments or hatred towards Murani, or any other herbivores?"

"No, Sam just met Murani today" I responded, as I think about the next part. Sam and Murray didn't get along at school, but Murray was the one who had problems with him. Sam just held a grudge, I think. "And Sam's usually very good with herbivores"

"Do you feel safe around him and other large carnivores at school?"

"Definitely. Sam is a very protective and caring guy... but I'm afraid that he might be changing, and I don't know if he'll be the same afterwards..." I say, a little unsure with myself. "But the others at school are nice too. My best friend back home is a dingo, and he's taking PIS medication, but I still feel fine around him".

Mr. Matigas just smiles and nods to the last response.

"Jamel, do you know what breed of dog I am?" he asks. Bit of a weird question, as I slowly hesitate to answer.

"Uhh... I never thought about it, but I would have to guess a cross between an Old English Sheepdog and a German Shepherd" I reply nervously.

"Heh... many think that. But I am, in fact, a Leonberger" I look at him in confusion. I've never heard of that before "I'm what's known as a "Livestock Guardian Dog", which means that it's my job in society to make sure that everyone is safe, not just herbivores. I care about herbivore safety as well as carnivore safety too".

"Looking at Murani, he could definitely kick someone into a coma... I just hope I don't cross him..."

"Haha. Don't worry, I won't let that happen either. It's my duty as a Leonberger and a university leader to ensure safety and cooperation between everyone. I understand you might disagree with him on some things, but he doesn't truly hate carnivores" Mr. Matigas tells me. I go to disagree with him, before I see Coach Harris in the window outside the gym.

"H-Hi Coach Harris..." I say, greeting him.

"Jamel..." he responds to me. "Matigas, are the boys alright?"

"They're fine, Harris" Mr. Matigas says. "You've got a really courageous and strong antelope here. Before too long, he could probably lift you up".

"I don't doubt that... just wait here, Jamel... I want to speak to Matigas and Sam. I won't be too long though" Coach Harris says, before the two large carnivores move down the hallway to see Sam.

I feel bad for Sam and hope they don't punish him or anything.

And I definitely hope that I can find out what's wrong with him, and if there's anything I can do to help him.

One bad move, and he'll spend the rest of his life in jail because of it... or maybe somewhere worse.

Chapter 369: Harris is not pleased

After a few minutes, Coach Harris and Sam move out from around the corner, and towards me. I notice that Coach Harris has his hand firmly grasped on Sam's back. That poor tiger looks so ashamed and defeated. I never meant for any of this to happen, but I just hope now that he'll start thinking more clearly.

"Okay, are you ready to head back to the hotel room now, Jamel?" Coach Harris asks.

"Yeah, I'm ready..." I say. Sam is trying to avoid looking at me. I don't blame him for feeling awkward and out of place. Hopefully some sense has been knocked into him.

"Sam, I want you on my right-hand side, Jamel, on my left. I'm a little disappointed in you, Sam" Coach Harris says as we walk out of the gym. It's 4PM, so there are a few more students out and around the campus. We move through and out onto the street, where we can see a few more animals on the paths and roads.

"When I got a call saying that one of my students was getting into a heated argument with a kangaroo at Durranga U, I honestly thought it was Jamel having a debate with another student. You would not believe my reaction when it turned out to be a tiger, growling and snarling at an herbivore!" Coach Harris says, aimed at Sam.

"But he was—" Sam began.

"NO! I don't want to hear it" Coach Harris says loudly, after abruptly stopping in the streets. "There is never an excuse to harm an herbivore, nor anyone else! You are representing not only your school, but all of Whigata at these events, and we can't have everyone thinking that we threaten herbivores".

"The kangaroo was being a bit... harsh towards Sam though. He said something about felines his age wanting to bite herbivores, I think" I quietly say, from behind Coach Harris. He lets out a deep sigh of frustration.

"Like I've mentioned before, it's a tough time for carnivores your age. But you just have to deal with it for the time being. I remember having a similar phase like this in Year 11, but you should be fine in a week" I hear Coach Harris telling him. "I won't punish you, because you're usually well behaved... but as long as you promise to control your temper, that's all that I ask. Sound good?"

"Yeah... thanks Coach Harris" Sam says to him, feeling a bit more confident. "And thank you, Jamel, for being able to put up with all that. I promise it won't happen again".

The three of us move back to our hotel, without saying a word. Coach Harris would be worried for both of us, Sam is definitely disappointed in what he's done, and I'm trying to stay strong throughout everything that just happened.

Maybe this Herbivore Palace that I'm going to tomorrow could help me, unless they turn out to be some other kind of carnivore bashing, herbivore supremacist cult, like Toothless Australia. Judging by the website though, they seem like a pretty calm and safe group of open-minded herbivores.

As we enter our hotel room, I head immediately to my dorm room, ready for a small rest. Coach Harris tells me to get Nalu and Peri and bring them out to the kitchen. Maybe he wanted to let them know what we are doing tomorrow.

"I wonder what Coach Harris wanted to see us about..." Nalu says to Peri.

"I don't know... maybe something about Wednesday's events" Peri replies. "Aren't you coming out, Jamel?"

"Nah, I've already heard what Coach Harris is gonna say..." I reply. Besides...


Chapter 370: The Urban Weekend

Coach Harris tells Nalu, Peri, Leah, and Sam all about the trip to Kulin Village tomorrow, as I rest peacefully in my bedroom, away from the noise of the outside world. I think I heard Coach Harris tell the others that I would be "doing something else".

Coach Harris makes veggie burgers for dinner (Leah was right, he's an amazing cook!), and we all have an early night so we can feel right and energised for tomorrow.

The hotel also must have given another pillow to Sam after he completely destroyed it... I hope the school doesn't get charged for it.

We head off to bed, but I notice Peri isn't here. "Hey, has anyone seen Peri?" I ask Nalu and Sam

"Nah, I think they went out to the supermarket" Nalu replies...

"Hmm, oh well" I say, thinking nothing more of it.


"Gooooood Saturday Morning, Durranga. It's Macca here with the Saturday morning wakeup, for all you early birds out there. It's 8:05 and a glorious start to the weekend. Tops of 18 degrees in the city today, with a chance of—" click.

"Do those idiots on the radio get louder or more annoying on the weekend?" Peri says, half awake. "Can someone let some sun in so I can heat up?"

I hear Nalu shuffle out of bed and raise the blinds, washing the room in a golden beam of sunlight. I look over to Peri in the other top bunk to see him slowly get up. It must be a pain to rely off the heat to move in general. Winters must be really hard on reptiles like him.

"Over at Berriwan, my dormmates had heat lamps set up in their room. So, we just basked in heat all day, until we had to go outside... it was heavenly" Peri says reminiscing.

"My dormmates had the air conditioner blasting all the time. It was me and a few other snow leopards, so it worked out well for us" Nalu adds.

It's interesting how different animals set themselves up in their room. I guess with a mixed group like us, the room can't be too hot or cold.

We all get up eventually and have showers, eat breakfast, and get ourselves ready for the day. Coach Harris pays a day bag for everyone else, and he gets me to pack some essentials, like a water bottle and a jacket as well.

"The Herbivore Palace is only a few blocks away from Kulin Village. I'll walk you there and pick you up at an agreed time" Coach Harris tells me. "I'll also give you my phone number in case of an emergency. Call me if there's any trouble, okay?" he adds, giving me a small slip of paper. I see a set of numbers written on the note and save it onto my phone.

"Morning Jamel... ready for today?" Leah calls out from across the room. I look up to see that she's wearing a nice flower in her head. It's a lovely red flower, with a yellow centre.

"Yeah... that's a nice flower there. Where did you get it?" I asked her.

"One of the girls at training gave it to me and said that I'd look good with it. Thanks for that talk we had the other day at the café as well" she adds quietly.

"Anytime. It really makes you look nice as well" I tell her.

"Hey Jamel!" Nalu says, rudely pushing his way through our conversation. "What's this herbivore palace that you're going to?!"

"I'm not really sure, Nalu. The website just said it was a "nice place for herbivores" but I don't know what will be there" I reply.

"Be sure to tell us all about it" Peri says coming in behind me. "My parents said that I should check out Kulin Village if I got the chance, so I can't wait to tell them about everything".

As the other three keep on talking about what they expect to see at Kulin Village, but I notice that Sam is sitting off in the corner, trying to ignore everyone. I'm sure that today he's probably feeling more like himself, but he might be looking back on yesterday and regretting the way he acted towards me and Murani.

Hopefully he'll be feeling better by the afternoon.

"Alright everyone, are we all ready to go?" Coach Harris calls out in excitement

"YEAH!!" we all yell, eager to see the city and check out everything. I wonder what these herbivores do at the palace? Activities, discussions, shops?

I guess I'll have to wait and see once I get there.

Chapter 371: Kulin's Sights

As a group, we all walk over to the train station nearby, and get the train into the city. I see a notice placed on the screen nearby, mentioning that the mixed carriages are being used again.

"That's good, because we can all ride together" Coach Harris says in approval. I'm sure he might have felt a bit nervous with me travelling in a carriage all by myself, even if it was all herbivores.

We see the next train arrive at the station, and all hop onto the blue carriage. It's Saturday, so I'm sure everyone has a lot of free time to head into the city, just like us, because the trains are pretty packed.

"We might not be able to get a seat... Jamel, make sure you stay close to me" Coach Harris says, a little concerned. As the doors open, some leave, but more get on, leaving us with less space... thankfully it's a small ride...

We all squeeze into the carriage, not able to find seats, but we aren't uncomfortable. It helps that I'm a bit shorter that most carnivores, so I can just fit in between everyone.

I hope my horns aren't in the way of anyone...

"Are you doing okay, Jamel?" Sam says, looking down at me. I carefully look up to see him.

"Yeah, just as long as my horns don't hurt anyone. I guess this is an upside to being a bit short though" I say, chuckling to myself.


After a few minutes of hearing the train bustle on the tracks, and some woman's loud, obnoxious phone conversation, we hear the call for Kulin Station, where we need to stop at.

"We're here Jamel. Stay close, I have a feeling there will be quite a rush" Sam tells me. We feel the train stop suddenly, and I can hear the doors open.

Out of nowhere, the force of seemingly hundreds of other animals, big and small, push me towards the exit of the train. I don't even need to walk; I could just get dragged by everyone else. Eventually, the crowd disperses, and everyone moves away.

"Alright, everyone here?" Coach Harris says as he counts everyone. "Good. Now, we'll have a quick look around on our way to this "Herbivore Palace". We could probably ask around for directions as well".

We leave the train station and see the street around us. It looks like there's more traffic around than near the hotel. More cars, trams, and pedestrians out on the streets, and almost all of them are carnivores. Even though I know that none of them would ever try anything funny on the streets, I still stick close to Coach Harris and the others.

"Okay... we need to get to Spindle Street..." Coach Harris says, staring at his phone. I see that the others are a bit distracted at the sights around them. I don't blame them; this is unlike anything I've ever seen before. Different sorts of shops and businesses that I never would've imagined existed.

"Oh look! That place sells "herbal medicines", and that one over there is a fur trimmer!" Nalu says in amazement. He's definitely enjoying all this.

"Okay... Spindle Street is at the next set of--- oof" Coach Harris says. We look towards him to see what he abruptly and accidentally bumped into. "Uhh... I-I'm sorry, sir"

Lo and behold, standing in front of us all is a giant, brown bear, in police uniform, that towers over Coach Harris and Sam as well. The bear lets out a small huff as he turns around

Oh man, what do we do know?

Chapter 372: The World, and the carnivores in it

We all slowly take a few steps back, as Coach Harris tries to compose himself properly. The bear is wearing a full police uniform, badge and everything.

"No problem, mate. It was only an accident" the bear says in a jolly tone. He shakes Coach Harris' hand vigorously, as he greets the rest of us. "Welcome to Kulin Village, everyone. Where are you visiting from?" he asks us all. He definitely seems approachable, compared to another bear I can remember...

"We're from Whigata, in the Northwest" Peri replies in confidence. "We're competing in the School Athletics Carnival".

"Oh nice, nice. We've seen a few small school groups here and there today. I think they're doing some tours at the Visitors Centre, just down Tybalt Road, you should go check it out."

"W-we probably could, if we get time... but at the moment, we're looking for the Herbivore Palace. Do you know where it is?" Coach Harris asks awkwardly.

"Herbivore Palace? Why would you need to g—" the bear begins to say, before looking down at me. Those eyes... those small, beady eyes. Everything about this guy reminds me of Abe, and that night at Berriwan College... the bear in front of us gives an inviting smile. "Oh, I see. Well, welcome to Kulin Village, buddy" he says to me. "You'll love it at "The Palace" though. It's a great place to explore. Just head up this street and turn left at the next set of traffic lights. You'll find a big white building with gold writing on it".

"Oh, cheers mate" Coach Harris says, before waving him goodbye. We follow his directions and head over to the intersection to cross the road. We're waiting at the crossing for the light to turn green.

"Hey, Jamel..." Sam says quietly, before tapping softly on my shoulder (I taught him and a few other carnivores from school that this is the proper way to get an herbivore's attention) "Did that bear remind you of... y'know... the incident at Berriwan?"

"A bit..." I reply to him. "He looked like Abe, and the fact that he towered over us, and even made Coach Harris nervous kind of made me feel unsafe... I guess it's just because of all the carnivores around us"

"But you're constantly surrounded by carnivores: at home, at school, even on this trip. Why here, of all places?" Sam replies.

"I'm not sure... maybe because I know that this is a place for carnivores" I reply.

Tick, tick, tick—PEOW! The crossing light goes off, and we all move forward to cross the road.

I blink for a second, and the others disappear around me. Coach Harris' tall, dark stature, Sam's distinctive stripes, Peri's lime, coarse scales, Leah's short, dark fur, and Nalu's thick, grey fur... It's all gone, lost in a sea of so many other carnivores.

All of a sudden, I don't feel so safe anymore. My two pillars of security have gone, and I'm vulnerable.

"Oi Jamel! Quit standing in the middle of the road and get over here!" Peri yells out. I look over to see that he's standing at the other side... I guess I got distracted. The others have already moved off, seemingly forgotten about me...

Wow, rude.

Chapter 373: Majestically White and Gold

I quickly hurry over to the other side before the pedestrian crossing turns red, and the two of us rush back to the group. This street seems a bit quieter, which is peaceful.

I never realised how much I rely on Coach Harris and Sam to be safe, although I've spent a lot of time with both of them over the past few weeks, usually when I'm not with them, the other carnivores around me can be trusted.

For the first time since the dorms at Berriwan, I'll be surrounded by herbivores, instead of carnivores, and I'm actually kind of nervous. What if I'm too different to them, and I act "carnivore-ish"?

"Jamel... Jamel?" Coach Harris calls out. I must've zoned out for a second...

"Huh? W-what?" I reply, half-dazed at my own thoughts.

"Jamel, we're here" Coach Harris replies. I look up to see a ginormous building in front of me, painted white, and shining like snow. Gold letters are displayed on the front of the building, spelling out "The Angora's Herbivore Palace"

"Oh wow" Nalu says in surprise. "It's not a palace, but I didn't expect it to be so big".

"Me neither..." I reply hesitantly "Well, in I go..." I say.

"Wait here everyone, while I get Jamel signed in" Coach Harris said. I thought that he wouldn't be allowed inside though...


Coach Harris and I step inside, and I notice that it's toasty and warm, without being uncomfortable. The whole place reminds me of a fancy hotel lobby. A nice service desk, and an area with seats, a small table full of magazines, and plants too

"Uhh... do we have the right building?" I say to Coach Harris.

"I'm not too sure..." he says back to me, quietly. "If you want, we can just go—"


The doors behind us swing open, and we can see a small silhouette cast from beyond the light.

"Hello, hello, hello, and welcome to... OH- Is that the star athlete I've been hearing so much about?" the voice calls from across the room. The shady figure steps forward. The small ghostly spirit wanders across the room to greet us, and in this light, we can see that it's a small Angora goat, who's probably in his mid to late 50s. He's ever so slightly smaller than me, and Coach Harris seems a little bit put off by him. "Allow me to introduce myself, young fawn. My name is Mr. Korban, and I am the Palace Owner; guardian of herbivores and saviour of spiritual being" the Angora goat tells me.

"Oh... please to meet you" I say in earnest. This man radiates authority and wisdom, so it's only fair that I be as polite as possible, by herbivore standards "I'm—"

"Oh, come now, but I already know all about you, Jamel. Whigata Herbivore Extraordinaire, Flashing Antelope, Fastest Herbivore in the country, most likely" Mr. Korban says enthusiastically. He then turns to Coach Harris, who looks really worried for some reason. "And this must be your coach, Mr. Harris. A pleasure to meet you too" he says, as he shakes his hands. As Mr. Korban raises his arm to reach Coach's, I notice a claw mark on his arm. It looks like it must've been painful, but it's receded well, so it might have been a while ago.

"Alright, now you two, stay here and make yourselves comfortable, and I'll go get some small forms to fill out, OK?" he says, before he walks back into the bright room.

He certainly seems enthusiastic.

I look across to Coach Harris, who looks like he's about to pass out from fear and shortness of breath.

"C-coach, are you alright?" I say to him cautiously.

"Jamel... it's him" he replies, almost shaking.

Chapter 374: Him, the Man, the Leader

"Him? What do you mean "him?"" I ask him curiously.

"Y-you remember that story I was telling you about at Berriwan... when I was younger, and I went to Durranga with some friends..." Coach Harris explains, a bit quieter than before. I think back to when Coach Harris told Sam and I that story.

He was in Durranga, him and a few friends went to a bar, then they met a few older guys, Coach said he might've been spiked with that Chymopepsin drug, and then he saw a goat...



"I'm pretty sure that's the guy I attacked all those years ago, Jamel... and I think he knows who I am. Herbivores never forget their attackers."

I'm honestly very confused on what I'm supposed to think right now. Should I be supportive of Coach Harris and remind him that he was drugged? Or should I try and get him out of here as soon as possible, so that Mr. Korban doesn't recognise him?

"J-just stay calm, Coach... if you freak out, then he's gonna raise the alarm" I tell him. It feels weird consoling an adult, and I hope I'm doing it correctly.

"I-I-I don't know what came over me, Jamel... you heard my story, and you know me..." he says to me, almost pleading. "Tell me I'm a good guy, Jamel... please!"

"Mr. Harris, you're one of the strongest, smartest, most mature adults I've ever known. I'm sure that was all the same when you were 18. But you need to stay calm... otherwise Mr. Korban will suspect something is up. He seems very nice to you, and he would've panicked if he knew who you were".

"Y-you're right..." Coach Harris says, calming down after everything. "I'm sorry for scaring you like that... of course, you won't tell Mr. Korban or anyone else about that story, right?"

"Certainly not... your secret's safe with me, Coach." I tell him. Soon after, the doors swing open again, with Mr. Korban holding two clipboards.

"I tell you, the amount of clutter in my office is ASTOUNDING!" he calls out from across the rooms. He seems a bit... dotty. "I doubt any of you would like to relieve me of a gumball-making machine?"

"Sorry, my office is a bit full too..." Coach Harris says calmly.

"My parents wouldn't be on board with it" I reply.

"Really? Oh well, too bad... I'm sure I'll find someone to take it someday..." Mr. Korban says. "Ah yes, the forms. Here, fill these out and we'll get started, Jamel"


After finishing the sheet, mentioning my full name, species, age, etc., a small rabbit comes along to collect them.

"Thank you, Siba. Your session will begin shortly..." he says as the rabbit walks off. "Well, now it's time to begin. Mr. Harris, I thank you very, very much for sending Jamel along. It's a pleasure to have you both here."

"Uhh, yeah. Not a problem, it was nice to meet you too" Coach Harris says. "Call me once you've finished up, Jamel"

"Will do, Coach. Thanks for sending me along" I reply to him. Coach Harris begins to walk off through the exit, leaving just Mr. Korban and me.

"Now, young Jamel. Let me show you around" Mr Korban announces happily. We begin to walk towards the other door... I'm very excited, but also a little scared of what I'll be doing today.

But, whatever happens, I'm sure I'll be fine.

._./|\._. Dreamtime Story 39: Peri's Plight, Part 4: The Long Walk ._./|\._.

Friday night, and the team is at the hotel, but Coach and Peri are about to head out.

Harris: Hey mate, you ready?

Peri: Y-yeah... I'm ready to go.

Nalu: Where are you guys going to?

Harris: Just getting a few things from the store. We just need to find somewhere open at this hour.

Out on the streets, Coach Harris explains the basics to Peri.

Harris: I don't recommend taking in a deep breath once you enter... you could get overwhelmed.

Peri: Our sense of smell is average, but I'll keep it in mind.

Harris: Yeah, I think I covered the basics. Don't get too scared, step out of the way of others, ignore crazy carnivores, be clear, and don't go looking for trouble.

Peri: Right... uh, do you have a recommendation on what I should get?

Harris: Hmm, there's many different ways to cook chicken, as well as other birds. Pork is quite nice too... but I think I'll get some mutton if they have any.

Peri: Hmm... seems like a lot of options

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