Fervent Bite

By A1op1n

234 42 11

Three kids are tasked with an important mission. Live normally as a student in the most prestigious school of... More

The Menace, The Genius, And The Naive
Golden Bridge
Pinnacle Of Dominance
The Angel Watcher
The Blessing In Disguise
The Fox And The Bear
He Who Observes
The Enslaved Child
The Watcher and The Pale
New Home
He Who Bore A Silver Tongue
What It Felt Like To Be free
Hanlerk's Soldiers
The Two Leaders
The Day Before
The Calm Before The Storm
The Beginning

He Who Gazed With Multiple Eyes

5 2 0
By A1op1n

"Why me...?" Samuel tried to plead with Donovan, "Can you just like...go with her instead?"

"Dude. Calm down." Donovan said as he leaned on the tree bark, waiting for Elyssia and Rovanne, "Now's your chance. You can go talk to her!"

"No-! I can't!" Samuel shook his head, "I don't think she'll even like me!"

"She can!" Gary tried to hype Samuel up, "I can see it in her. She's kind. It can work!"

"Didn't you cuss her out yesterday? In the office?" Donovan pointed out.

"I wasn't thinking correctly." Gary dismissed him.

Samuel looked around quickly, trying to gather his courage up to do a session with Rovanne. She is pretty in his eyes. But he's adamant that she won't see him the same way. No, it's too quick to know now. Give it time. But still! Agh! Samuel went through hundreds of thoughts in a single second. Overthinking everything.

"Come on Sammy." Gary patted him on the back, "If someone like me could get together with a girl like Aurora, then you have a better chance than I do."

Donovan scoffed at his words, "You got lucky you know. I still don't know how Aurora decided to be your girlfriend. But I'm happy for you."

"It just happened."

As Samuel awaited Rovanne, he spotted a black dot flkying in the sky. Before landing in front of him. It was a raven. It croaked at Samuel as the three of them stared at it.

"Ohh! It's a raven!" Gary squealed like a little girl.

Next to the Raven, a second one landed next to it. And then another. And then a fourth. Soon enough, a flock of ravens circled the sky as they individually landed in front of the trio. Donovan adjusted his hat to see what was happening. Samuel was about to remove his sunglasses but stopped at the last second.

The Ravens flew in a cyclone as the surrounding ones lunged inside the cyclone. It sped up for a single second before puffing into a bundle of black feathers, in the middle, Rovanne stood out with her arms to her side, "Tadah! I'm here!"

"Yoooo!" Gary was freaking out over the sight, "Was that your blessing?!"

"Yes, it was!" Rovanne bowed, "My blessing allows me to turn into a flock of ravens. Quite nice isn't it?"

Donovan walked up, "That it is. But before we allow Sammy to go with you, I need to ask some questions."

As Donovan engaged in conversation with her, Gary pulled Samuel in and whispered into his ear, "She's a keeper. I love me some raven people."

"Dude...Really?" Sammy turned to him.

"Hey, I'm biased. But still. Just talk to her when you're patrolling okay? Cool?"

Samuel stared at Rovanne. With every second, she appeared to gradually become prettier. But that shouldn't happen. How could he feel like that? He only knew her for a single day. He shook his head trying to get his thoughts together, "Is that how you got with Aurora?"

"Yes Actually. But in honesty, Aurora talked to me first. But she did say talking first would be nice. Come on! Go for it." Gary lightly shook Samuel as he whispered.

"Ok Ok...I can do this." Samuel tried to hype himself up.

"Remember Sammy. Be confident. That's important. Be simple. Be direct."

"Are you quoting Dune right now?"

"Maybe. Now go!"

Samuel is pushed by Gary to meet with Rovanne. As Donovan finishes up his conversation, he holds Samuel's shoulder, "Take good care of him yeah? I trust you to do this."

"I will." Rovanne nodded, "You know, you got traits of a good mother."

"Oh pshh..." Donovan shook his hand, "I'm not. Anyways. Have fun you two! Good luck Sammy."

Samuel and Rovanne head off. Samuel's heart thumps against his chest loudly as he tries to maintain a calm attitude around Rovanne. As they moved through the grounds, Rovanne tried to explain things to Samuel, "So Samuel. Now that you're part of the security force, we take shifts to go around the campus and find anyone misbehaving and just stop them. Alongside any suspicious uses of magic or hexed areas, we have to clear them out."

"Huh, figures," Samuel answered.

Rovanne continued with her explanation while taking a right and passing the library, "That's the library, if you want classic or old-timey information, you go there and study, just a heads up, the librarian is a bit of a hassle."

"I'll keep that in mind." Samuel quickly answered at a quick and fast pace.

'Huh. he's more stern than usual. I didn't know he could act this cold. Ah, what do I know? I only met him for one day.' Rovanne thought to herself as they continued to walk through the grounds, looking around to find anything suspicious.

In Samuel's mind, hundreds of buttons in his head are being pushed at the same time, was he too rude? Was he too brash? Gary said to be simple and direct. Is this how it goes? Argh! Calm down damnit! Samuel slammed his fist against his head, almost knocking off his sunglasses, making his heart drop.

"Gah!" Samuel quickly spun around and readjusted his sunglasses away from Rovanne.

"You okay Samuel? You look...uncomfortable." Rovanne tried to touch him, but held back.

"It's nothing-!" Samuel straightened up again, "I'm fine! I'm cool!"

Rovanne was surprised for a second, but she chuckled at his behaviorism, "If you say so glasses boy. Come along."

Through the soft greenery with morning dew, a cold breeze brushed past the trees and leaves. A Semi-sunny day hangs loosely above the sky as the clouds remain, but only partially cover the sun. A quiet forenoon settled in the area as the other students remained in the building for their second period. Occasionally spotting one or two second or third-year students moving across the grounds to the library or auditorium hall. The ever-so-subtle chirping of robins and other students practicing their magic can be heard in the far background.

The grandeur of the main courtyard far extended around the school. Vast acres of land are occupied with rich decorations like statues, fancy benches, or trees decorated with multiple flags to symbolize trust or partnership. People always forget where the school is located. Being in the S-class regiment allowed one to witness the grand hills and mountains that rested in the background. Having nestled amidst the verdant and magic-rich cracks of the ground.

Samuel was so lost in its beauty that he missed out on Rovanne elbowing him to get his attention, "Samuel. Samuel!"

"Ah! Owh...Shit. Sorry. What's up?" Samuel shook his head again.

"Uh...We sorta circled the school twice already. In awkward silence." Rovanne said.

"My bad. I was just looking around. Trying to see anything odd or out of place." Samuel said.

"Well, that's good. Cause that's what we're supposed to do." Rovanne then turned to face a random direction, only to find a few students lounging around. Presumably first years, "Ah...crap."


"That's Lucas. And his friends. They're skipping class again." Rovanne said, "Now it's our job to discipline them and get them to class. But sadly, they don't respect us enough to do so. Ever since our leader disappeared."

"We can still try." Samuel said, "I'll get them back to class."

"Alright then. I'll lead."

As they approached the group, Samuel activated his eyes. A tingling sensation tickles the back of his eye socket. Suddenly, he can see much more. With wisps of magic, the background is no longer blurry and he can feel like he can focus on everything at the same time. He can see the path Rovanne would take. And how it would lead to a trap. Wait...Trap!

Samuel pulled Rovanne back and threw a rock at the trap. In a split second, a shimmering blue net emerged from the trees and flew at the rock. Binding against it, "Oh? You saw it?" A boy lying on a tree branch spoke.

"Yeah...I-Thanks Samuel." Rovanne was taken aback at his quick thinking and sight. Taking notice of his sunglasses yet again.

"No problem."

"Awh, that's adorable." The same boy hopped down from the tree branch, his friends standing up and watching the two, "Got a new friend Rovanne?"

"Yes, Lucas. Meet Samuel. He's a new member of the Security force." Rovanne pointed at Samuel, "And second, you're skipping class. And set up a booby trap."

"Okay...so?" Lucas gave her a smug smirk, "What are you going to do? Bind me again? If you can even do so."

Samuel thought of something to say. Maybe to do his job and possibly impress her. No. Just follow what gary said. Be direct. Be simple. And be confident. But how though? Ah, too much thinking. Just go in, "Just head back to class Lucas. And we'll forget this ever happened."

"Oh really?" Lucas stepped forward, his friends behind him slowly reaching for their weapons and readying their magic.

Samuel furrowed his eyebrows when he saw this. He can predict what Lucas is about to do. He shouldn't attack immediately. He should just wait, for a little bit, "Yes. Now, don't make this difficult."

"I'm not doing anything~" Lucas said as he approached Samuel.

"Lucas. Don't." Rovanne readied her binding spell from her magic path.

"Shut up Rovanne." Lucas spat. He's now up close to Samuel, "What's with the glasses anyways?"

"None of your business." Samuel stood his ground.

"I'll make it mine." Lucas reached out to grab it. In a sudden movement, Samuel slapped his hand away. Prompting a reaction to his friends. From Lucas and Rovanne as well, "Oh, Bastard-!"

Lucas reached behind him and pulled a dagger before swiping at Samuel's chest. However, Samuel managed to step back and dodge just in time. His friends shot out their spells and charged the two with their weapons.

Rovanne manages to bind one of them but soon is occupied by two kids attacking her with their weapons. The single mage aiming to help Lucas.

As Lucas swiped away at Samuel, a wide smile rested on his face while he relished in what he was doing. A sort of switch activated in Samuel's brain. Changing his thinking and attitude. He grabbed Lucas's arm and slammed his knee on his stomach. Before holding him in place as a meat shield for a spell.

The mage attempted to hit Samuel, but ended up hitting Lucas on the back, "Agh-! You-"

Samuel pulled back and slammed his forehead on Lucas's face. Sending him tumbling backwards. He charged past him and punched the mage three times in his body before grabbing his arm and waist and throwing him down.


Samuel looked up to see Rovanne struggling to handle the other students in hand-to-hand combat. She can do it, but it's taking a toll on her stamina. He placed his hands together, muttering a spell Hanlerk taught him, "Bind."

From thin air, black strings wrapped around both students. Binding them down as they ceased all attacks and dropped their weapons, "Ah-! What the-What is this?"

Samuel raised his hands upwards, the strings followed his movement and lifted them. Before slamming them back on the ground Samuel brought his hand down.

"Jesus-!" Rovanne tried to comprehend what just happened.

The ones left standing were only Samuel and Rovanne. The others are left crawling on the ground after the failed attack. After a second, the switch in Samuel's brain actuated again. Letting him see what he did.

"Damn...I uh..."

"That was...Interesting." Rovanne grabbed the students infront of her and pulled them up, the bound one she had off to the distance was lifted by her magic and is pulled towards her, "Grab the others, Samuel."

Samuel pulled Lucas and the mage up to their feet, "Where to...?"

"Lucas might need to go to the hospital wing. But the others, to their class. All of them are in the 'Firbol' class."

Samuel nodded before following Rovanne inside the school again. He worried that he might have damaged Lucas too much. Or injured him heavily. But one glance from his eyes calmed him down.

"You little asshole Samuel..." Lucas muttered, "This is personal now."

"Sorry," Samuel said.

"Don't apologize Samuel." Rovanne led them through the halls. Before stopping by a door, "We're just doing our jobs."

She opened the door and shoved the students in. The black strings around the two students disappeared as Samuel deactivated it. And then he followed through with tossing the mage inside.

"Hello, Miss Scott."

"Oh Rovanne! Hello there." A teacher was standing in front of the board of the class, in the middle of teaching math until they barged in, "Are these..."

"Skipping class as usual. But Lucas might need to go to the hospital wing." Rovanne said, "See you miss."

She closed the door behind him and guided Samuel and Lucas further down the hall taking a right. Finding a door on the end of the hallway that reads 'Hospital wing'.

As they approached it, Lucas swung wildly out of the blue. Smacking Samuel's glasses off his face as he let go of Lucas, "Gotcha!"

Rovanne reacted immediately. Binding Lucas with her magic path and knocking him to his knees, "Samuel-!"

Samuel had slipped up by not focusing and activating his eyes. But now that he got smacked, his eyes went on overdrive and activated two pupils. "I'm fine...Just get him inside the hospital wing..."

It wasn't needed. As a nurse ran out the door upon hearing the commotion, "What happened?"

"It's just Lucas. He attacked my partner here..." Rovanne handed Lucas to the nurse.

"What about him?" The nurse pointed at Samuel.

"I'm fine..." Samuel waved her off, "Just...where's my sunglasses?"

Rovanne ushered the nurse and Lucas inside. As she closed the door, she bent down and picked up his glasses, before kneeling in front of Samuel, "Samuel?"

"Yeah...?" He had his hand over his eyes, ashamed of letting her see his hideous eyes, "Do you have my glasses?"

"Yes...over here."

Samuel reached out for it as Rovanne handed it to him. As he took hold of it, he immediately put it on before turning to her, "Thanks..."

"Mind if I ask what's up about your eyes? Why do you wear the glasses?"

"I...It's my blessing. And..." Samuel thought of telling it to her, but there's still a heavyweight in his heart telling him not to, "My eyes are affected by it. And I use my sunglasses to hide it."

"You hate how it looks, don't you?" Rovanne figured it out.

"Yeah." He admitted to it.

"What is it? What is your blessing?"

Samuel was quiet for a while as he tried to get his blessing under control. But something made him confess, an involuntary feeling from his heart forced his hand to grab his glasses and pull them down, revealing his two pupils on both eyes, "Angel eyes."

Rovanne took a second to take in what she saw. This is what he's hiding under those glasses? Those dark and tinted sunglasses? His double red irises interested her.

"Angel eyes...What does it do?"

"The more pupils I have activated, The better I perceive things around me. Right now, with two pupils, I can see with twenty out of twenty vision, I can predict your actions, I can see the smallest wisp of magic and more." Samuel answered, Telling this to Rovanne had added some weight to his heart. Will she see him the same after this? No. Probably not. He shouldn't have done this.

"Ohhh..." Rovanne took all the information in. She noticed that Samuel felt embarrassed showing her this, but she found them cool. And very fascinating, "I never met someone with such a unique blessing before. And this takes the cake."


"Yes!" Rovanne spoke sincerely, "I can understand if you want to hide them, but just know that I find them cool."

Samuel blushed slightly when hearing that, "Thanks Rovanne."

Rovanne saw this and couldn't help but smile, "Any day. Now come on, we got a science lesson with Ms Beckett."

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