The Sound of Rain ^Minsung^

By allisung111

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Westfair is the fictional city this story takes place in. It's small but cozy, rainy, but fun. Jisung loves h... More

A chance meeting
Not a typical one night stand
A friend
I'm here to study. Obviously
Drunken Intentions
Totally forgotten
Beth's perspective
Heart attack
First 'real' date
Apps and snacks
Minho's perspective
Absence makes the heart grow fonder
Drowning in you
The winds of time
To love is to ache
Just for a little while
You are all I need
Epilogue: To love is to live

Life is like pasta... messy but delicious

455 32 73
By allisung111

*Important: There are a couple large time skips, so if you get a little bit of whiplash, my B, but here is your warning lol.

*This is the last chapter before the epilogue, so this is pretty much just showing little glimpses into their life and a few little defining moments in their relationship. Enjoy!

"Jisung, he didn't mean it like that."

"Oh, right, of course! He only meant it in a very kind, non-biased way," Jisung huffed out, stirring the batter in front of him a little more harshly.


"No, no, I get it!" A splotch of batter hit the counter top. "He's just being considerate, and there's nothing wrong with the way he talked about me as if I wasn't even there." The bowl suddenly slipped from his furious hands, sliding across the counter.

A hand caught it just before it tipped over the edge, and Minho came into Jisung's line of sight, pushing the bowl back to safety while his boyfriend pointedly avoided his eyes.

"I'm not trying to excuse my father or make his horrible actions sound valid."

Like sticky strings tangled around a cactus, uncomfortable anger and shame still burned and twisted around Jisung's chest, and he crossed his arms. "I would hope not. He made me feel like shit."

Minho reached forward, but he didn't touch Jisung just yet. "Baby, would you please look at me?"

He was angry at Minho's father, not Minho himself, but that shame still soured his mouth. "I couldn't possibly. A simple-minded omega shouldn't even dare lay their eyes on a mighty pure blood."

"Jisung," Minho nearly snapped, turning the omega to face him, who kept his eyes stubbornly to the side. "My father is a businessman, a man that only looks out for his company. In his eyes, marriage in general is a great distraction, let alone a healthy marriage that could potentially produce children."

Jisung's throat constricted, the burn in his chest still as uncomfortable as it was when he was faced with Minho's father just an hour before. "So he hates omegas just because we're a distraction. That makes me feel better."

"My love," Minho said, hands dragging up and down Jisung's arms, "I'm not defending him. I'm only explaining to you that hate does not exist in my father's mind. No emotion really does, so his biting words were literally out of a business point of view. Like a robot attempting to see logic."

Conflict was still warring in Jisung's chest, but he gave into his mate's touch and calming scent, dropping his head forward to fall against the alpha's chest. "It still hurt to hear."

Minho's arms circled around his shrunken-in frame, pulling him close. "I know, and it hurt to see you get treated like shit." He kissed his head. "And no matter what my father thinks, I'm going to marry you, whether he likes it or not."

Jisung peeked between their bodies, eyeing the ring that sat on his finger with a smile that was impossible to fight down. Only a month after officially becoming mates, Jisung and Minho had completely and accidentally proposed to each other at the same time.

Their rings were matching; made of a soft silver band and engraved with gold markings and tiny white gems on the sides. Apparently Beth had left both of them a ring to give to the other 'when the time suited them', but she -purposely- didn't tell either of them about it. So when they tried kneeling for each other at the same time, their laughter had increased upon seeing the identical rings. Beth was a sneaky lady even when she was no longer physically around.

Nonetheless, Minho and Jisung had still exchanged rings and enjoyed the messy aftermath of doubled desserts and flowers that ended up showing up at their respective places. And they spent the rest of that evening making up to each other.

Ironically, the couple had argued -quite intensely- about moving in with each other just days before the double-proposal. The date had been planned for over a week, so neither had the mind to cancel despite being upset with each other.

Minho wanted Jisung to move in with him, while the omega didn't want to move in or vice versa. Jisung seemed rather out of line with his argument, only saying they weren't ready to live together. But considering he was planning on getting on one knee for his mate in a matter of days, that was all he could come up with to hide his plans. His reasoning had become clear, however, when after the proposal he explained that he was putting off moving in because he wanted to find a new place with Minho. Together.

Now, a little over a week later, Jisung had finally officially met Mr. Lee, Minho's father. Of course, Mr. Lee knew about Jisung since they started dating, but he never cared to even try to meet his son's boyfriend. And the meeting today had been an utter disaster. Jisung's polite greetings and respectful actions were mostly disregarded, and Mr. Lee had even gone so far as to scowl when he realized Jisung was not very fluent in Korean.

Jisung shrank and shrank under that alpha's gaze, only feeling smaller the more Mr. Lee spoke of omegas and how utterly inconvenient they were, how an omega was not the 'best choice'  for his son and that their marriage was not approved by him.

Jisung didn't realize he was crying until he felt a tear roll down his face, and he only buried himself closer into Minho's chest. "Won't this cause issues? With your company and everything?"

"No issues that I can't handle," Minho assured confidently. "With Yu-Mi still off with no sign of coming back long-term, I'm the only hope the company and the pack have. And if  there is anyone that dares to say anything cross about you or our relationship, they will find themselves immediately unemployed.

"That's harsh."

"It's correct, you mean." Minho stepped back and hooked his finger under Jisung's chin, tipping his head up so their eyes would meet. "You, Han Jisung, are my top priority. You come first in any and all things, no matter the context." His thumb swiped one of Jisung's tears away. "Do I make myself clear?"

Jisung loved those eyes so very much, the soft yet determined look in them warming his heart and cushioning the needles of unworthiness that had jabbed their way into his skin. He leaned into Minho's hand. "Crystal clear."

"Good." Minho threaded his free hand into Jisung's hair. "I'll have a nice long chat with my father in the morning. He'll learn to respect you and our relationship, and if he doesn't, he'll be very uncomfortable for a long time."

"But Minho..." Jisung swallowed thickly, feeling as if he ate something very dry and had no water to wash it down. "Min, what if... what if your father is right?" The question was only natural considering the pool of black ink that was spilled into Jisung's clear water. "What if I slow you down or distract you?"

"Not possible." Minho suddenly grabbed Jisung's waist, hauling him up to sit on the kitchen counter while the alpha settled between his legs. "You see this?" he asked, gazing up at his mate and kissing his fingers.

Jisung, still caught off guard by the sudden change in standing, only nodded, watching the other carefully.

Minho's lips quirked. "You see this position? The way you are above me yet still holding me closely, looking at me like you'll never see me again if you look away too long?"

Despite not knowing where Minho was going with this, Jisung's heart was beginning to pick up in his chest, as if sensing the love his mate was about to pour out to him before it was even ready to spill. He nodded again.

Minho smiled fully, softly. "This right here," his fingers traced over his mark on Jisung's neck, dark eyes keeping their gazes locked, "is my whole world." The alpha went still, in turn making everything else go still. "I lovingly bow to you, my Jisung, to the world you have created for me." A cute tilt of the head. "So how can you possibly think you're 'unworthy' in any way when I'm the one willingly watching you take your place right here, in owning my whole being?"

In his rather vulnerable state, Jisung almost instantly became overwhelmed by the words, and he threw his arms around Minho's neck, falling forward to bury his face against his warm skin. From there, the couple did not speak for a long time, and they didn't need to. The dinner Jisung had been preparing was temporarily forgotten, and they basked in each other's comfort, a necessity after a trying day.


*13 months later*

"No, no, no. Absolutely not."

"Jisung, open the door."

"Did you not just hear what I said?"

A groan. "Baby, you can't be stubborn. First of all, that's our bedroom, second of all, I'm supposed to take care of you. Remember? It's even in our vows."

Jisung dropped his head onto his knees, waiting as another wave of nausea came and went. "I refuse to get you sick. We have a few spare rooms, use one of those for now." He glared at the suit case dropped haphazardly by the door, hating that their honeymoon was cut a day short all because he got sick from who-knows-what.

"I swear I will break this door down, Lee Jisung. We can afford to replace it easily, you know that."

Jisung rolled his eyes. "Did you threaten me just so you could use my new last name?"

"I would never threaten you, my dear. I threatened the door." The handle shook. "If you somehow end up passing your sickness on to me, I don't really care. You'll just take care of me right back. Now open. The damn. Door."

At the sweet smell that filled the room, Jisung's head jerked up, mouth falling open. "You did not just use your commanding stink on me!"

"Stink? What does that even mean?"

"Your scent? Trying to weave its power into this room just so I'll let you in? Low blow, honey."

Another loud groan. "I'm trying to comfort you. Before I break the door down in three... two..."

With a dramatic huff, Jisung forced himself up, stumbling the few steps to the door and unlocking it. "You are so annoying."

Minho was smothering him in an instant, hands crowding his face as he felt for a fever and looked into his mate's tired eyes. "Says you, my dear. You're the one that refused to let me touch you the whole taxi ride from the airport."

Jisung tried pushing his husband off, but pain blooming in his stomach had him folding over himself instead. "That's because I'm going to get you sick."

"I don't care about that." Minho curled his arm around Jisung's body and instantly guided him toward the bathroom on the far side of their bedroom. "Maybe it was something you ate? Your fever really isn't all that bad."

Jisung was tempted to shoot off another salty remark, but he suddenly lurched forward and just barely made it to the toilet in time to vomit. His hands were trembling as he sat back after spilling his guts a few times, and Minho was by his side right away with a damp washcloth and a small glass of water.

"I'm really worried about you, baby, you sure you don't want to go to the doctor?" Minho asked as he used the washcloth to gently wipe Jisung's flushed face once the omega rinsed his mouth out.

Jisung closed his eyes, enjoying the relief of the cold cloth against his skin. "I think it's just a flu, doctors wouldn't be able to do much anyway."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure."

Minho tried offering the water, but set it aside once his mate waved it off. "Would you like a change of clothes? Or to get in the bath?"

Jisung shook his head, groaning slightly at the turmoil in his stomach. "Not yet. I better stay here for now, or I'll make a mess somewhere, and neither of us wants that."

"Of course not." Minho shifted to sit beside Jisung, even pulling him so their shoulders leaned into each other.

"What are you doing?"

"Sitting with you."

"While I'm sick as a dog?"

"All the more reason for me to be sitting here." Minho reached up and took Jisung's glasses off, folding one arm before tucking them into the collar of his shirt.

Jisung warmed at the sight, touched by the way Minho always remembered that his glasses bothered him whenever he was ill and feeling overstimulated. Tiredly, hands still wobbly, Jisung laced their fingers together, admiring their matching rings sliding together under the dim light of the bathroom. "What a romantic way to end a honeymoon."

Minho smiled, brushing some of Jisung's hair out of the way as their eyes met. "It is, actually. As much as you and I like being cheesy and cliche, I think we've both come to know that life is not all rose petals and cheesecake. And neither is marriage." He lifted their joined hands. "This is what a relationship is. What love is. Sitting on the bathroom floor sick and taking care of each other."

Jisung's eyes probably adorned hearts permanently by now, but he didn't care. "If I wasn't dying, I'd kiss you."

"I'll accept all the kisses once you're better."

It was a long night for the both of them, Jisung falling apart and being put back together with his husband's help every time he had to make a dash to the bathroom. They argued a few more times, but no matter what they said, their actions remained gentle and kind. And they could both agree that they'd chosen the right person to marry.


*About a year later*

Jisung was doomed.

And Felix seemed to sense his doom. "Okay, Ji, spill it. I can smell your stress from a mile away."

They were currently sitting in Jeongin's cafe, both having just ordered a few pastries to share with their coffee. And Jisung was a messy ball of nerves, twisting the coffee cup in his hands over and over without even attempting to try the drink.

"Spill what? I have nothing to spill." Convincing, Jisung.

"Did Minho do something? The one year anniversary can be pretty telling between couples."

"Nothing is wrong with Minho. He's perfect."

Felix gave him a flat look. "Are we talking about the same Minho?"

"You know what I mean," Jisung rushed out, eyes casting down to the drink in his hands again. "Our wedding anniversary was good. Amazing, actually." Seemingly too amazing. "Nothing is really wrong, per se, just..." he slumped in his seat, sighing heavily. "I don't know what to do."

Felix's hand landed on his. "I know you called me for a reason, Jisung. And I'm here to listen, no matter how stupid you might think the reason is. We don't even have to talk, if you don't want to."

Jisung nodded, telling himself to chill out a little bit, and he squeezed the beta's hand. "Thanks, you're really the best." Another long moment of staring into nothingness. "Can I be real?"

"Please do," Felix invited, sitting back and taking a sip of his coffee.

"So you know how I'm an idiot?"


"Okay, you know how I can be a little scatterbrained?"

"Go on."

"Well..." Jisung took a deep breath, and like ripping off a bandaid, spilled everything in one go. "I was at the library late the other day, since I was taking the next day off for the anniversary? And I was so all over the place because I created way too much work for myself in one day, so I was kind of a scattered mess when I got home. I was in such a mess that I just went home, popped my pills, and passed out on the couch.

"Um, obviously you know I was gone all day with Minho the next day, so I didn't get a chance to clean up the messes I made in the bathroom and stuff. Until today."

Felix lifted an eyebrow. "Getting to the point?"

Jisung very quickly forgot how to form words with a tongue made of cement. He spluttered a bit, shook his head to reset, and then made himself breathe. "My point? I uh... I saw the bottles I made a mess of. Felix, I mixed up some bottles. I took some sort of vitamin that Minho takes instead of... my birth control?"

Felix's eyes practically dropped out of his skull and he lurched forward in his seat, grabbing one of Jisung's arms and startling him slightly. "Ji, don't tell me you're-"

"Don't say it out loud, I can't think of it out loud!" Jisung hissed, covering his eyes with one hand. "And apparently it wasn't just that night that I mixed things up because it took me a minute to find my birth control, and it was almost empty. So I've been popping vitamins instead for at least two weeks!" Jisung could feel his heart slamming in his chest much like it did that morning. "I didn't clean up the bathroom before because I was feeling off for days and just thought I was tired."

"Jisung, are you sure?"

With a sigh of defeat, Jisung dropped his hand from his face and slowly nodded. "I took three tests this morning because I wasn't sure if I was hallucinating." He met his friend's eyes. "I'm really pregnant."

Felix appeared to explode into glitter. With a rather high-pitched squeal, he lunged up and lifted Jisung out of his chair with the force of his intense hug. "That's so exciting! Oh my gosh, I might cry!"

Jisung laughed, but it was a little wobbly. "Yeah, I might too."

"Wait," Felix pulled back, keeping his hands on Jisung's shoulders. "Have you told Minho yet? Are you actually happy about this?"

Jisung suddenly didn't feel so good, and it must have been obvious, because Felix pointedly sat him back in his chair. "Felix, Minho and I have barely talked about kids. I mean, we're not against having them, but... We haven't talked about it really deeply yet. And what if it's too early? We've only been married for a year. And what if... what if Minho doesn't want a baby?"

Felix rubbed Jisung's arm in a way of comfort. "Jisung, life is nothing but what-ifs. It's good to consider those questions, but you cannot spiral down just because of uncertainty. And the most important question is if you want a baby. If you don't, then you don't have to keep it."

That was precisely why Jisung was so scared. Because he did want this baby. His eyes watered a bit. "I do, Felix. I want to keep it. I'm just terrified that Minho won't."

Felix's smile was soft. "Minho is very mushy when it comes to kids, let alone his own. And if he doesn't want one, then I guess you will have to work through that. But please tell him. Talk to him about this."

Jisung steeled himself, nodding after a long moment. "Okay. I'll tell him tonight."


Jisung could throw up on command if he wanted to. He stared at Minho's location, watching with a skipping heart as the little dot drew closer and closer to home. He was so excited to tell his mate, his husband, that they had created the beginning of a life, but at the same time he was terrified of the reaction he would receive.

Despite all of his uncertainty, Jisung had gone out to buy a little onesie for a baby, one that was a light, cream yellow with little brown cats on it that looked like Cocoa Beans, and he folded it into a little blue box with a silver ribbon; a box he and Minho passed between each other whenever they bought random, surprise gifts. He figured this would pass the message on clear enough without having to blurt 'Minho, I'm pregnant'.

Jisung's heart flew out of his body when keys jingled in the door, and he flew back on the couch, trying to look casual despite the fact that one of his legs was now propped on the back of the couch while his arms fell unnaturally around his head. But he didn't have time to rethink his awful position by the time Minho walked inside.

The alpha stopped once he pushed his shoes off, and a crooked smile immediately lifted his lips. "What are you doing, weirdo?"

"Uh, just relaxing. As one does." Jisung cringed at himself.

Minho laughed lightly, slowly coming into the living room as he shed his coat and dropped his laptop case on one of the chairs. "Marrying you was definitely the right choice, my love."

Damn it, Jisung loved his husband. He sat up from his awkward position, smile breaking out widely as his excitement rekindled. "Come sit, I got something for you."

Minho did as told, coming it sit playfully on Jisung's legs taking up the couch. Jisung complained about how heavy he was, the alpha teased about how he never complained about it in bed.

Finally breaking free and sitting on the couch normally, Jisung gave Minho a playfully sharp look. "I prepared a wholesome surprise, and you just had to say that?"

"Sorry, Ji. I love teasing you." Minho ruffled his mate's hair, and then settled on his side of the sofa like a good husband. "Okay, I'm ready."

Fuck, I'm not.

Mouth suddenly dry, Jisung grabbed the gift box and held it to his chest for a few seconds. "Now, uh, I know we spoiled each other with our anniversary a week ago, but this surprise just kinda... came up."

Minho studied him, like he could sense that something was up, but he took the box nicely when it was offered to him. "Okay. I'll never complain about a gift from you, my love."

Jisung was tempted to flee the scene, to fly off into orbit and never return, but his body was super glued to his seat, so all he could do was try to breathe as Minho slid the sliver ribbon off the box.

The moment the lid was lifted, Jisung's gaze locked onto Minho's face. The alpha smiled softly at the sight of the fabric. "Ah, what did you get me that looks so cutesy?" He lifted it up, and the fabric unfolded to reveal what it was. Confusion drew Minho's eyebrows down before shock replaced the expression, and his head whipped to the side, eyes locking with his mate's. "Jisung?" He sounded breathless. "Is this-?"

Jisung found himself nodding, a smile etching his lips and emotion swelling in his chest at the wide-eyed wonder painting his husband's features. "It's what you think it is. I'm pregnant."

Minho appeared as if he wasn't breathing anymore. In fact, he almost looked like a statue, un-moving save for his eyes jumping from the baby clothes back to his love. "Jisung, baby, are you being serious?" he finally let out, voice barely above a whisper.

Everything inside Jisung was rolling and tumbling like waves at high tide, but he couldn't let those emotions get the better of him before talking this out with Minho. "Completely. I took a few tests this morning."

"We-" Tears welled in Minho's dark eyes, but a smile was growing on his lips. "We're going to be parents?"

Jisung began fidgeting. "Um, only if you want to like I do, we never really talked-"

"Yes, yes, yes all the way," Minho breathed out, dropping the clothes and pulling Jisung into a tight embrace. Their arms locked around each other tightly, relief and joy glowing in Jisung's chest. "I can't believe it. I can't believe we made someone."

Jisung laughed through the happy tears forming in his eyes. He could feel Minho's heart pounding, and he pulled back to cup his face. Tears were flooding the alpha's cheeks already, and that only filled Jisung's entire being with warmth. "I know it's unexpected, but I only just found out about it myself."

Minho's eyes instantly attached to Jisung's stomach, and his hands reached out to touch and hold his waist. "I'm already crying for someone so tiny," he choked out, allowing Jisung to wipe his face. "Now you see what I've dealt with before with you."

A roll of the eyes. "Oh come on, I haven't cried that much."

"I guess not." Minho's hands shifted to rub Jisung's stomach in a cliche but endearing way. "I'm going to protect you both, I promise."

Now Jisung's tears were breaking free. "We're really doing this." Their eyes met again. And reality was setting in for both of them. Their teary smiles could outshine the sun. "I love you so much, Minho."

"I love you more. You and our little pup."

They shared a soft kiss.

This was a change. A terrifying, beautiful change. And though nervous to embrace it, the couple was ready to take on any challenges that flew their way. Just like always.

"Wait, do we need to get you to the doctor?" Minho asked later that night as they got ready for bed.

Jisung chuckled from where he was already curled up in his pile of pillows. "I was waiting to go with you. I have an appointment in two days."

Minho smiled, jumping to flop onto the mattress beside Jisung. "You were brave enough to call for an appointment?"

Jisung's cheeks flushed. "Um... no. I had Felix call for me."

"Good." Minho kissed his cheek and then frowned slightly. "Wait, Felix already knows?"

"Besties always know."

Minho brightened. "Then I get to tell Chan and Seungmin."

"And the others?"

"You can tell them."

Jisung smiled at his mate fondly, dragging his fingers through Minho's dark hair. "Lazy bones."

"Not for you or our little bean," Minho clarified, kissing Jisung's stomach. 

"Little bean?"

"That's basically what they are right now."

Jisung blinked at him and then laughed a little. "Did you read through the omega pregnancy guide, or what?"

Minho fully blushed. "Uh... yeah. In the shower."

A disbelieving laugh. "Is that what took so long?" Jisung pulled his husband down to lay on top of him, the rest of the alpha's body falling between his legs, and he pointedly met his eyes. "That is the cutest thing I think you've ever done."

Minho softened, and he laid his cheek against Jisung's torso so he could still look up at him. "I'll do anything for you, my love. For both of you. I think I've already said that a hundred times."

"And I'll never get tired of hearing it."

A brief silence reigned as the couple relaxed into their soft bed after a long day. Then Minho was speaking again, voice soft. "Are you going to be alright? Male omegas have to pretty much go into hiding during their pregnancy, will you be okay laying low like that?"

Jisung slowly nodded and began running his fingers through Minho's hair. "I think so. I'll keep going to the library until the bump starts really showing. Then Felix offered himself and Hyunjin as temporary replacements. Felix will take a pause in traveling during that time, he promised."

"Good," Minho hummed, eyes falling closed under Jisung's loving touches.

Another long silence.

Then it was Jisung speaking up. "Minho, do you want a boy or a girl?"

"Whatever they turn out to be, I'll love them."

A smile. "Me too."

Beth, I wish you could see this.

--------------------------------- Okay, so I know the pregnancy trope is usually a no no, but Minsung with kids?? ? The CUTEST THING EVER like what! !

And yes, I know a two year skip is whackadoo, but like I said, their main story finished, and we're just getting peeks into their life! (And with the epilogue you will fully understand why we're getting these glimpes)

Thank You for being here! For taking this journey with me! It's sad that it ends, but it's also good that we made it! Love y'all, and thank you for your amazing support and (funny or insightful) comments! 

Thanks for reading <^u^>

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