Baylou's characters

By Zeldatalefan

130 28 8

"Once a great world with a mixture of the shark and human races, turned to hell as the desimation terrorized... More

Chapter one : Butler killed the Monarch
Chapter two : Welcome to the castle, Fern
Chapter three: The story of the world
Chapter Four : The strange man at the bar
Chapter Five : The mercenary and the musician
Chapter six : Poets secret
Chapter seven : A false reality or a false trick?
Chapter eight : Death of an assassin
Chapter ten: Presumed dead
Chapter eleven: "I promise"
Chapter twelve : Memories dimmer than the events that transpire
Chapter thirteen: Mystery led by a pack of cards
Chapter Fourteen : the mages hut
Chapter Fifteen: Reunited
Chapter sixteen : Why did you do this Harth?

Chapter nine: One simple misunderstanding

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By Zeldatalefan

One simple misunderstanding can change the course of history, if you pile that on top of lie after lie it ends up being the truth even if it was supposed to be an act for good, it will change people's impressions of you.

Lone supposedly felt alienated from everyone in the castle, he felt hated, and he was right; but that didn't stop him from trying to build a better connection with the people he has no choice but to spend all his time with.

When it came to Fern, he saw the same potential Harth saw in them and would make sure Fern understood the potential the couple saw in them.

Halobean, he would never realize why she hated him from the beginning, and he would always try to grow closer, they had so much in common, from their jobs to their love interest...

Lone was a bit uneasy around Itto, but Lone never had a relationship with him, he held grudges towards his attitude to Harth then again who didn't hold a grudge towards his disgusting mannerisms?

Bart? Everyone hates Bart. Especially Lone and Harth. Why? Everyone hates Bart.

And finally, Sylvester, at this time he felt protective of him he knew Sylvester needed help and (along with Harth) tried to assist him; but once again one simple misunderstanding can change the course of history and one simple misunderstanding each on both sides for Lone and Sylvester would change the course of history for the group, and in relevance it would activate another chapter of the story the world set out for them.

Those were the people in the hall at the time when him and Harth walked in, Sylvester was bleeding from the nose matching Itto's hand, "what did you do this time?" Harth was already ready to give Itto a fitting punishment, "Calm down! He actually put up a good fight this time, but then again that could be because of this" Itto hinted towards his stomach, bandages wrapped almost 30 times over and blood still pouring through. Lone was the only one in the room without the guilty look on his face, Harth had gravely injured Itto a few days prior due to another simple misunderstanding, but no one seemed to try recollecting the events that took place, they didn't want to, or they were scared. It took a while for Sylvester to remember Itto's injury was Harth's doing, "That was you, wasn't it?" He would never dare to speak to Harth in the tone he was right now, but his hands were clenched in fists of rage, Harth looked away muttering a guilty sorry (was it truly guilty though?). Sylvester relaxes his shoulders, takes a few deep breaths and asks Harth to go out on a walk with him, she confusingly accepts and tells him to wait.

"I brought cards? Anyone know how to play poker?" Lone lightened up the situation and for once had gotten a positive reaction from Halobean "Cards? I didn't know you were cool Lone? Bring them more often" she worked with cards both through her performances but also through her ability, she snatched the cards out of Lones hands and performed a magic trick or two (which barely got any response apart from a clap from fern) before lending them back, "I also do accept your challenge, I hope you are ready to be beaten..." Halobean jumps up on the table full of herself "BY THE O GREAT JESTER, HALOBEAN!" She bows at her nonexistent cheers and claps before sitting down to play, the others ignored her trickery leading for her ego to slowly calm. "Itto, Bart, Sylvester, want to play? I'm guessing you don't want to Harth" Lone asked, Sylvester kindly refused still quite unsure if what happened a few weeks ago was just one simple misunderstanding or exactly what he thought it was, Bart shakily accepted it was like every time he saw Lone he got reminded of "the truth" and wouldn't want to do anything to cause him to be trapped in an endless cycle of horror in his mind. "Yeah, why not? Got to teach me though" Itto sat down with the three "Harth why don't you come, don't let that drag Sylvester stop you from having fun!" he suggested that Sylvester was waying her down this in turn dulled down both the attitudes of Lone and Sylvester, "No its fine ill play later ok?" Harth deflected any further words from being said and left "Have fun." Fern stayed and watched the lot play poker wondering about what they were going to talk about.

Sylvester walked down the corridor a bit and entered his room, he had sat down on his bed for a bit before finally bursting into tears again. Harth being Harth wouldn't know what to do and tried to walk out but stopped herself when Sylvester started to talk, "Is it my fault?" he asked "What's your fault?" Harth replied and sat down next to him. "Is it my fault that Itto got hurt, his face it has this pale sort of marking on it and I know you've seen what you did to him, none of this would've happened if it wasn't for me." he gone on for a bit making the same points about how Harth hurt him because he didn't explain the situation to her and how guilty he felt, Harth zoned out as if it was one of Kate's rants about her frogs; "Sylvester, it's not your fault, it's a very recent injury, it should stop bleeding in a few days from now, just know that I'm doing my job." She got up once more, but dragged down by Sylvester who then hugged her not saying another word, Sylvester trusted Harth he was hopeful that she would be ok and that what happened with Lone was one simple misunderstanding; but just in case it wasn't he wanted her to know that he was there for her. That hug, however, that one tool used to comfort a person in need would become one simple misunderstanding in its self.

It had been about 10 minutes since Harth and Sylvester left and knowing Sylvester's trances suspicion began to arise between the 4 "Ok I have got to check where Sylvester is now" Itto said after finishing his last deck, despite winning quite a sum of money together Lone also agreed wanting to find Harth. Halobean not wanting to be left alone with Bart and Bart not wanting to be left alone whatsoever followed the two, "Do you know where they gone?" Lone asked, "Probably to our room, Sylvester's all about privacy" Itto replied sparking some un trust in Lones behavior. "What did they even want to talk about?" Bart asked, hoping that Sylvester was trying to confront Harth about her relationship with Lone "My guess is that Sylvester was a bit worried about what happened the other day" Itto seemed to know everything, wonder how? They opened the door, Itto was the first one to set off one simple misunderstanding, "Oh Sylvester what did you do" he had a smirk on his face implying something that wasn't the truth, Sylvester broke away before lone came in. But it was too late there was one simple misunderstanding that was now laid into his head, "It's not what that, pig, Itto suggested don't worry" Sylvester shrugged it off, "Harth may I talk to you?" Lone asked her. The two left the room and gone into a storage room next door for a chat.

On her way in Harth hit her face on a solid wood storage cabinet, considering how much she had gone through recently it gave her a very noticeable black eye, "Are you alright?" Lone rushed to her aid immediately but she shrugged it off as no big deal, "Sylvester was sad I was just helping that's all, don't hurt him he did nothing, this is just one simple misunderstanding" Harth gone on to lone as he sat her down on a nearby box and cared to her injury, when he finished that's when the tears came out "I'm sorry, I'm really sorry" He started out repeatedly apologizing to Harth, then it slowly developed into an actual conversation "Please don't leave me, ever" he begged, knowing what Bart was told however this didn't match up he wouldn't need to be for Harth to do something she hadn't ever had a choice in doing, was that actually the truth? But it couldn't have been one simple misunderstanding, it came from Lones mouth himself. Harth uncomfortably comforted him and worried his nerves, "You are aware of what happens if you do, correct?" His tears dried quickly, and his tone changed to a concerned one, Harth gave a small nod before standing him up again. When they left the room again Harths black eye had fully developed almost as if it was hurt again.

The sight of Harths new dark circles around her eyes set of the last one simple misunderstanding, it was a misunderstanding right? Halobean rushed straight towards Harth patting her to make sure she hadn't bruised anywhere else, Harth paid no attention to her and instead just gave a guilty stare to Sylvester. Seeing what looked like guilt hurt and sadness in the eyes of someone he held so dearly, it would be enough to anger anyone, paired with what he was told was one simple misunderstanding, now looked more like the truth; Sylvester clenched his fists and charged towards Lone who had just entered the room after her. Fern had found the rest just before this happened, they didn't know what caused harths black eye or why the rest were like this, the stood Infront of Sylvester but their ability had made them doge before they could stop him. It was instead Itto who stopped him and held him back from the sight of lone in a head lock, Lone didn't make it easy however, he walked around with a smug grin and crouched to meet Sylvester's eyes with his hand in his pockets "What's the matter?" he said in a mocking baby voice and pinched Sylvester's cheeks "Someone need a nap?" He leaned back up to exit the room where he saw Harth appalled at his behavior leave. Fern Halobean and Bart were all the first to try get out the room but Lone persistently pushed through them all, "Harth wait" he kept calling out for her apologizing he started running to her yet was stopped by the rest of the group.

"Let her go, she will come back" Itto tried to comfort him despite the rest clearly thinking that Lone did not deserve any sort of sympathy, Lone shoved everyone off him and started walking to the opposite direction off the door not saying a word his face painted with anger and guilt. After seeing Lone leave Sylvester locks himself in his room with the same look as Lone, the two matching like twins as if they had lives completely Parelle to each other. Itto had left to clean up the game they had left lying in the throne room, the stress for bart was too unbearable to handle anymore and with Harth out the way he ran away leaving only Fern and Halobean to be left watching Lone Stoll away. "Stay behind me" Halobean said leading Fern in Lones direction, after noticing the two he turns around "What do you want?" Halobean walks up behind him and blocks his path, "Where are you going?" she integrates him, "I know where Harth is." when Fern heard this they were more than ready to go to get her but halobean on the other hand could read emotions better, "She clearly wants to be alone you are not going over there" she continues to confront him. "I'm not I just want to see" He budges past Halobean Fern eagerly waiting to follow so they do; he takes them to a window looking over the same mountain with all those graves fern and Harth sat on now months ago by now. "Shes there I know she is" he longingly stares out the window, Fern felt sorrow for him they saw how in love they looked, what kind of simple misunderstanding was this? Something was so off about this whole story, nothing ever matched up, "We know who you are, don't get us to try pity you" Halobean makes sure Lone knows before she leaves, she signals for Fern to come but there too busy thinking to notice.

This isn't one simple misunderstanding.

This is multiple simple- no these aren't even simple?

Are they even misunderstandings?

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