Zero control || Woosan

By Yoongszzzz

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San has zero control over the monstrous creature he becomes during the nights of the full moon, and he does e... More

(1) Meeting
(2) The great idea
(3) The romantic plan
(4) The secret
(5) Nightmare
(6) Almost, almost.
(7) The plane
(8) The hotel
(9) The beach
(10) The truth? or another lie?
(11) Tension
(12) Date / confessions
(13) The plan to keep everyone safe?
(14) Jongsang has happened
(15) 8 makes 1 team
(16) Forest
(17) Pain.
(18) Gone
(20) Chaos.

(19) The Full Moon

67 3 1
By Yoongszzzz

This was it, San had woken up, his eyes already starting to feel different, he started to see things differently as he got off the chair he dozed off in, still in a pretty drunken state he walks out of the cabin and to the garage, opening it and getting ready to lock himself in, there was already a voice in the back of his mind telling him to go back to the busy parts of town to feed on people. San quickly got inside, locking the door and turning on all the systems that would keep him in there. Hopefully. He sat on the ground, trying to ignore the aching feeling in his head. His mind started to cloud with thoughts he never wanted to have, they had Wooyoung in it. Him, hurting Wooyoung in this state. San shook his head, trying to get rid of the image and looked up at the light that was flickering, it was the only source of light in the entire garage. ''Why did it have to be me?'' San asked himself, not sure why he out of everyone in the entire world had to be the one that got bitten by that creature. He closed his eyes and covered his face, trying to keep his mind calm so he might have a little control later on. It was all he could hope. 

A few kilometers out of the forest, the 7 friends were still comforting each other, Mingi had dozed off due to the extreme crying, he just lied there in Yunho's arms, the only place he really wanted to be. Yunho looked after Mingi, still sniffling softly remembering the words San wrote down on that note. He didn't pay too much attention to the other members. 

Wooyoung had enough of it and went to Seonghwa, determinded to find San. His supposedly dead boyfriend. Yes he wasn't in the right state of mind but he knew something wasn't right in this situation. ''Hyung? I'm gonna get some fresh air.'' Wooyoung said, his eyes dull as he looked at the older male. Seonghwa slowly turned to him, his eyes puffy and red, ''Woo- I don't think that's a good idea. We.. we should stay together.'' ''I need to go outside.'' Wooyoung said, his expression didn't change much due to the crying that had numbed his face, he truly got his heart broken but he's not gonna let it go that easily without explanations. Seonghwa looked at Wooyoung worriedly, he was scared Wooyoung would get himself in trouble or hurt himself out there. ''I'll go with you then.'' ''No hyung. I'm going alone'' Wooyoung said sternly, he never had raised his voice at his hyung, but as they say: for everything there's a first. Seonghwa's eyes widened at the change of tone, he tried to say something but he couldn't, the extreme sadness still keeping it's toll on him. ''Bye hyung.'' Wooyoung said and walked off, after the first few steps Seonghwa quickly got up and grabbed him tightly by his arm, ''don't-'' ''DON'T TOUCH ME!!'' Wooyoung yelled, Seonghwa let him go, holding himself back as he looked at Wooyoung with a broken expression, his eyebrows were furrowed as he looked at the younger boy with teary eyes. ''Please don't go Wooyoung'' Seonghwa said one last time, but Wooyoung wasn't gonna listen. He wasn't in the right state of mind. He walked off, once he was outside he started running, the only source of light on the streets was the moonlight and some streetlights, it was almost full moon. 

Seonghwa stood there frozen in the hallway, not sure what to do. After about 2 minutes he quickly went to the others. ''Wooyoung- he- he ran'' ''he's gone'' he said after a little pause. He felt two muscular arms around him and immediatly gave in, ''We're gonna find him hyung.'' Hongjoong said, holding the man close. 

Hearing this news, Yeosang immediatly jumped up, his eyes wide. He looked ready to go run after wherever Wooyoung went, but he got held back, he looked behind him to see the youngest holding him back. He tried so hard to get loose, he struggled in Jongho's grip but soon enough he fell to the ground. ''I need- I need- to find him. Let me go- jongho. let me the fuck go !!'' Yeosang said, pushing Jongho off with all his strength, yes Jongho could've done a better job of holding him back, but he's a fragile person. His heart shattered in a million pieces seeing Yeosang act like that and push him away. He just stood there, watching in silence as Yeosang took off. ''What have I done..'' Jongho said, wiping his tears. 

''We need to go. now.'' Jongho said and took off, his hyungs following behind him. He tried to find Yeosang but couldn't they will have to trace his phone then. They had this app where they could see where the other was but they would never use it, only in emergencies like these. Yeosang did luckily take his phone, unlike Wooyoung who had left it, and San's was nowhere to be seen on the screen. Jongho took a deep breath seeing that San's picture had turned black and white, due to the phone being unable to connect to the app probably because it was dead or broken. 

The 5 men started to follow Yeosangs icon on the app, yeosang was running towards the forest, he already had tripped once and had a slight wound on his knee. a kilometer or two infront of him Wooyoung was also running towards the woods, he was in a much worse state, the bushes and twines kept hitting him in the face and on his arms, he had a few deep cuts on his face and alot on his arms, but he had too much adrenaline going through his veins to care. He had to find his body, Wooyoungs legs just took him here, he truly didn't know where to go. He cried out in pain when he had fallen on his knees, he couldn't see anything so he rolled down a bit, his whole body hurt, he fell into a more wet part of the woods and he started shivering. He had screamed so loud Yeosang had heard him, and started running faster. Wooyoung tried to get up but he was in so much pain, he was pretty sure he had broken something or bruised it badly, but he wasn't going to give up. He counted down from three and got up, hissing at the pain, he felt that the water had entered his wound and it stinged, it stung so bad. He started limping forward, trying to keep running because he could swear he saw a light in the distance. 

Mingi held onto Yunho while running, Yunho's legs were slowly giving out due to exhaustion and Mingi obviously noticed this, Jongho was running at the front, still tracing Yeosangs phone. Hongjoong and Seonghwa were running close to each other, Yunho and Mingi were slowly starting to fall behind, Yunho just couldn't breathe. Mingi stopped and held him close. ''It's okay.. We'll stop for now, we'll catch up with them later.'' Mingi said softly, holding the shaky boy in his arms. ''I-it's okay, go without me- t-they're almost out of sight'' Yunho said, encouraging Mingi to leave with the others since they hadn't noticed they were gone. "I'm not leaving you here Yunho. It's dark and cold. I don't want something to happen to you'' Mingi said, placing his hand on Yunho's tear stained cheek, ''I'm not leaving you.'' Mingi said, hugging Yunho close, as he watched the others dissapear into the darkness. 

It was a few minutes later when Seonghwa noticed it got a little too quiet behind him, he shot a quick look back and stopped in his tracks. ''HONGJOONG !! Mingi and Yunho aren't here !!!'' He said, yelling. He was slowly losing everyone out of his sight. Seonghwa's biggest fear, losing his friends. ''Where are they- Joong!!!'' Seonghwa yelled, his voice cracking as he saw Hongjoong running towards him, not Jongho. Hongjoong got to Seonghwa and called the two that he had lost. Sighing in relief when Mingi picked up the phone. ''Thank god, Mingi!'' ''What happened?? where are you?'' Seonghwa said in a panicked tone, grabbing the phone from Hongjoongs' hands. ''I'm sorry hyung, Yunho had to stop running, I'm staying with him so he isn't alone, we'll catch up with you guys soon.'' Mingi said, ''Okay.. take care please'' Seonghwa said and ended the call, looking around, a thick mist was covering his sight. ''Where is Jongho.. Hongjoong??'' Seonghwa asked, freaking out. ''He's waiting for us just a few meters away from here Hwa, don't worry It's okay.'' Hongjoong hugged the taller tight and took his hand. ''Let's go.'' He said and he and Hwa started running hand in hand back towards Jongho, who after they reached him started running again due to the worry of the boys who ran away to get hurt. 

Wooyoung was running again, with alot of pain but he was running again, he was hyped up with so much adrenaline he didn't notice he was already losing alot of blood due to that one cut hurt one of the bigger veins in his body, Wooyoung was feeling so cold, is body was freezing and hurting. He kept running towards the light and stopped before a cabin, knocking on the door to see if there was someone inside who might be able to help him. Knocking on the door hurt, his skin cracked open due to being so frozen and dry, Wooyoung hissed at this, but looked at the door, noticing that because of his knock the door slowly opened. He slowly opened the door further and took a look inside, there was a chair infront of the fire with alot of alcohol bottles and glasses surrounding it, he took a closer look at the chair and noticed that there was a small peice of fabric lying on it. He recognized it, it looked an awful lot like one of San's clothes. He didn't want to get his hopes up so he kept searching until he reached the back door, seeing it was also still slightly opened, he had stepped outside again, the cold air hitting his face and making his cuts and wounds sting. He heard noises coming from a place just a few meters away from him and he decided to go check it out, it sounded like an hungry animal. So ofcourse he was cautious, Wooyoung slowly walked away from the cabin, his eyes locking on a small garage just a few meters away from him. He couldn't really miss it due to the extremely loud and terrifying sounds coming from it.

San was laying on the floor of the garage, his nails slowly starting to grow as he started clawing the floor, drawing blood from his fingertips. he let out a broken scream, his voice changing into something more animalistic, he thought he would have more control but somehow it was like there were still humans near. He could smell them, they smelled so good to him. So sweet. He wanted to rip them apart. San slammed his head into the floor, letting out a growl as he kept slamming the floor with his fist, the pain was unbearable. He felt his bones changing and cracking as he rolled himself onto his back, he coughed up a bit of blood and groaned out in pain as he felt his spine cracking and changing underneath his skin. There is no right way to describe the pain San was going through. It was truly unbearable. San breathed heavily as his body started to move like it was having an epileptic seizure. He screamed out, but it was no longer a human like scream. It sounded like an animal. 

Wooyoung stood outside the garage, terrified of the sounds that were coming from within, but after all why would someone lock an animal in a garage like that?? That's animal abuse Wooyoung thought and slowly grabbed the doorknob with his hand, noticing you could only open it from the outside. He slowly turned it, the cold material hurting his already freezing hands. He slowly peeked inside, seeing a dark figure on the ground, it looked like it was in pain.

The creature that was San. Wasn't fully transformed yet, he groaned as he smelled it. Human. Blood. Fuck. With the last bit of self control San rolled his broken body to the side, he bit his own arm hard. He let out a scream, which was muffled due to the flesh in his mouth. San's deformed body made one last cracking sound before lying still on the floor, breathing heavily. After a few seconds the now bloodthirsty wolf which already had blood around the fur around his mouth turned to the human in the doorway. San couldn't recognize the boy and jumped on him, his claws deep in the humans' chest. 

Wooyoung screamed, he was terrified. He's gonna die. He looked the dangerous creature in it's eyes, unable to feel the pain of the wolves nails deep in his flesh, the wolf growled, the bit of blood from his mouth dripping onto Wooyoungs' face. And that's when it happened, the wolf bit him, right in between his neck and shoulder, it took out a good chunk of Wooyoungs' flesh.

''WOOYOUNG??!?!'' Yeosang screamed, he watched from afar as some wolf like creature attacked his friend. ''GET THE FUCK OFF HIM.'' Yeosang screamed and ran towards the wolf, knowing this could be his death. Yeosang pushed the wolf off, the wolf had jumped ontop of Yeosang and scratched his face and chest. With all his strength Yeosang still tried to keep the wolf as far away from him as possible. Yeosang looked into the wolves' eyes, the feeling of deja vu hit Yeosang as he stared deep into the wolves' eyes. He knew the wolf somehow. ''YEOSANG!!'' He heard and he shot his head towards the direction of the scream. The others. Yeosang cried out and the wolf ran, these were now too much people for it to handle. Hongjoong quickly went to Yeosang and Seonghwa to Wooyoung. ''Hongjoong.. He's-'' Seonghwa said, looking at Wooyoungs attacked body, Seonghwa held Wooyoung close. His body was limp and starting to grow cold. Everyone tried to stop Wooyoung's bleeding, even Yeosang. Who was trying to hide his own wounds, which didn't go unnoticed. ''We need two ambo's.'' Hongjoong said as he quickly called the emergency number, in about 10 minutes the two attacked boys were in the ambulances, they also called a taxi to pick up Yunho and Mingi to bring them to the hospital. 

''Please stay with us Wooyoung- P-please.''  Seonghwa said, holding Wooyoungs cold hand tightly. The doctors were busy with him as his heart started dropping and before Seonghwa could blink Wooyoung was in cardiac arrest. Seonghwa cried out with worry, he wasn't gonna lose his friends. Not more. Seonghwa stayed with Jongho in the ambulance with Wooyoung, Hongjoong was with Yeosang in the ambulance. 

Both boys were rushed into the er, Wooyoung immediatly into surgery, once they got his hearbeat stable again and Yeosang to get stiches and medicine. Soon enough Yunho and Mingi also arrived at the hospital, crying their eyes out. ''What- what happen??'' ''It- I don't know.. It looked like a wolf attacked them..'' Seonghwa sighed, his head pounding as his leg kept bouncing up and down, holding Hongjoongs hand tightly and Jongho to his side. ''It- Was a t-terrible sight'' Seonghwa said, his voice trembling as he remembered the wolf with blood all over it's paws and mouth. Seonghwa quickly covered his eyes, breathing shakily. He couldn't keep up his walls as they were slowly starting to crumble down everywhere around him. ''What- what if he-'' Seonghwa said and Hongjoong immediatly shushed him. ''It's gonna be okay hyung.. They were both breathing when we got here right?'' Seonghwa nodded slowly and hugged Hongjoong close. Keeping the little bit of hope he had.

San on the other hand had somehow detransformed, he knew what he did. He slowly limped over to the hospital which took him super long. As he got there his body was completely bruised, frozen and bloody he looked in the waiting room and saw everyone laying there, almost everyone was asleep, Hongjoong wasn't and to San's biggest fear he locked eyes with Hongjoong. San was almost unrecnizable due to his injuries and swollen face. He quickly turned around as doctors took him to the emergency room, hoping somehow Hongjoong didn't recognize him. On the way to the emergency room San had lost conscious and had to be moved to emergency surgery. 

Hongjoong sat there, still eyes on the spot where he thought he saw San, but he couldn't have been there? Maybe it was just an hallucination due to stress. He combed through Seonghwa's hair with his fingers as he tried to remember the state the supposed alive San was in. Hongjoong felt worried, about all three boys.

How did everything take such a quick turn for the worst? 

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