Physical Youth of Courage:New...

By chxr07

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"How in the world did we become a pony?!" "Calm down, guys. Maybe it's because we went through that mirror-" ... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
New Grand Galloping Gala Dresses
Chapter 12

Chapter 11

28 0 0
By chxr07

Tomorrow morning, Carla and Jared decided to visit Twilight at the hill where she was practicing her magic. Jared notice the the fabric cloth on his girlfriend's back. "Babe, what do you have there?" He asked. "Oh, this? Let's just say I bake a pie, just in case Twilight and Spike can have it," Carla answer. "That's really nice of you, Carla. What kind of pie?"

"Um...." Carla tried to answers as Jared guess, "Let me guess. Oreo pie?" Carla chuckle sheepishly and nodded. Jared chuckle while shaking his head as he peck her head. "You and your Oreo lover."

"Can you blame me for that? It's really delicious. At least I tried to bake it before we get here," Carla said. "Sure you did."

"Still you like all the food I made?" Carla teased as Jared went blush and look away. "Okay, you got me there," he admit it. Carla giggle when she peck his cheek which he look at her, pouting. "Why not here?" He pointed at his lips causing Carla rolled her eyes. "Jared, we're in public and you know I don't do it public when--" before she could continue, she and Jared heard a loud thud. They look in front and saw Spike on the ground, dizzy.

"Spike! This magic needs our full attention to make it happen. There's no other way," Twilight scolded when the couple walk toward. "Whoa, Twilight. Take it easy, okay? Not to mention Spike got hit at his head with the heavy stone," Jared spoke as he summon the ice pack and put it on Spike's head.

"Hey, you two," Twilight greeted. "New spell you're learning, Twilight?" Carla asked. "Yup. I'm still working on it. How about yours? Are you able to...?" Twilight question as Carla shook her head softly. Twilight look at her sympathy, knowing it's hard to embrace the Cheerful magic. "You'll get it someday, don't worry. Anyway, what's on your back?" The lavender unicorn notice the fabric cloth on the white Alicorn's back.

"Oh, this? I decided to bake an Oreo pie and let you two try it," Carla said. "Oreo?" Twilight tilted her head in confusion. "Her favorite snack is Oreo but, it's really delicious. And also, it came from our world," Jared explain.

"And you made one?" Twilight look at Carla in shock which she nodded. "I still wonder how the heck she doesn't get fat."

Carla gasps and look at her boyfriend, feeling offended, "Are you saying I'm fat?"

"What? No, I didn't mean that," Jared quickly protest. "But you said.." "Carla, my bunny, you're perfect just the way you are so, don't worry," Jared quickly snuggle against her head as Carla rolled her eyes while smiling. "Jeez, here I am, feeling third-wheel here," Twilight pout. "You know, Twilight. I have this dream where you are blushing with someone who was wearing, I don't know, blue? Never mind with that," Carla shrugged.

"By the way, what makes Spike hit his head hard?" Jared question. "I can't help it, Look," Spike pointed as the three look at where he point. From what they saw, is Pinkie Pie wearing the umbrella hat and hid behind the tree. She look around and quickly hide under house as she check everywhere then, she went under the large stone and look around as she quickly disappear.

"I never seen Pinkie acting like that," Jared said. "Never mind her. She's just being Pinkie Pie," Twilight sigh. "More like super-extra Pinkie," Carla added when she saw Roger who walk toward them with a tired look.

"What's gotten into you?" Jared look at him questionable. "Worried me later but first, where is that party pony?" Roger panted. "Right...there?" Carla pointed unsurely at Pinkie Pie who was holding her tail. Roger let out a small groan as he fainted. The three ponies look at him, not knowing what to say.

As for Pinkie Pie, she tried her best to hold her tail, noticing it was shaking as she start to look around while saying, "Hmmmm..... twitchy, twitcha, twitcha, twitch."

"Pinkie Pie? What in the wide, wide world of Equestria are you up to?" Twilight asked with Carla beside her while Jared dragged Roger as Spike sitting on his back. Pinkie Pie went in front of the two students which they flinch a little bit.

"Oh! It's my tail! It's my tail!" She said while showing them her tail. "Uh, what does have to do with your tail?" Carla asked. "It's a-twitch a-twitchin'! And you know what that means!" 

Twilight and Carla look at each other in confuse, don't know what to answer. "Actually, Pinkie, we haven't the slightest idea," Twilight said. "The twitchin' means my Pinkie Sense is telling me that stuff's gonna start falling!"

"Pinkie Sense?" Carla ponder as she turn to Roger who finally awake but, still lying on the ground. "Roger, mind explaining to me what does Pinkie Pie mean about the "Pinkie Sense" since you always with her?"

"In English words, it means she sense something dangerous or whatever it's gonna happen," Roger explain. "Like what?" To answer Jared's question, they heard a yelp from Twilight. They turn around and saw the frog on Twlight's face. Seeing the sight of the frog, Carla scream and cling onto Jared by wrapping around him.

"Carla, not too hard!" Jared choke. "Like that," Roger answer to Jared's question too. "He just said "Nice catch" in frog," Pinkie help to translate.


Carla blowing the paper bag, couldn't believe she just saw the frog, not really liking it at all. "Sorry about that, Carla. The frogs really hard to carry since it likes to hopped. Although I don't like to touch it," Mei Hui shudder.

Carla stop blowing the paper bag as she let out a long breath. "It's okay, Mei. It's not the first time since I have the ranidaphobia apart from the acrophobia," Carla said dryly. "Ranidaphobia?" Roger asked in confusion. "Frog phobia," Jared explain. 

"How many phobia do you have, actually?" Mei Hui raised her eyebrow. "You don't wanna know," Carla told her, not wanting to explain it. "Okay then. I'll catch you guys later. I have to help Fluttershy with the frogs," Mei Hui groan at the last part.


"Bye, guys!" Mei Hui start to walk away as she went to catch up Fluttershy. Carla turn to Twilight but, she shriek and cling at Jared again when she saw a frog still stuck on Twilight's face. "Um...Twilight? You gotta little bit somethin' on your face there," Pinkie point.

"Oh really? Did your Pinkie Sense tell you that, too?" Twilight sarcastic when she let out a yelp as Roger took off the frog from her face. "Nope. She just see it, I see it, all of us do," Roger remarked as he walk away along with Pinkie Pie who was jumping while singing.

Twilight growl when she saw Carla still cling onto Jared. "Uh, Carla, you can let go of Jared now," Twilight told her. Carla slowly let go of Jared while her face still pale. "The frog is gone now," Jared reminded her. "Really? Oh, thank goodness," Carla let out a sigh of relief. "I thought you only scared of height," Twilight thought.

"Not just height, there's a few but, I don't want to talk about it. Hey, Twi, mind if we tag along with while you are practicing," Carla ask for permission.

"Sure but, where's your pie?" 

"Right here," Jared levitate and put it on Carla's back. Before that, Carla open the cloth, seeing the Oreo Pie is still okay.

"At least the pie's okay," Carla cover the pie again as they start to walk when Spike spoke, "That was amazing! Pinkie Pie predicted something would fall and it did!"

"Oh, come on. She said that something would fall and a frog just happened to fall right around the same time. A coincidence, nothing else to it," Twilight shrugged. "I'm not sure about that, Twilight. Sometimes, someone can also sense something," Jared said.


"Meaning, animals has a strongest  sense than humans," Carla roast. Twilight look at her disbelief while her eyes start twitch a little bit. "Didn't expect she can roast people with words." Spike noted. "Yeah, she does. Her words can make the people went stunned," Jared added when they heard a scream. They quickly went to check and saw Twilight and Carla on the hole while dizzy.

"Uh, are you girls okay? What did we miss?" 

"Pinkie," Carla slowly stood up. Luckily, the pie she made is still safe as she flew out from the hole and levitate Twilight from the hole. Jared look at to his side as he exclaim when Roger beside him. "Don't asked."

"Is your tail stop?" Spike asked nervously.

"Yup. It finally stop! La-la-la-la~" Pinkie Pie walk away while Roger walk behind her. "That was amazing!" Spike said in amaze. "Oh, please," Twilight rolled her eyes. "Uh, Twilight?" All of them turn around and saw Applejack and Terry who look at the lavender unicorn in confusion. "Why are you there?" Terry asked.

"Let's just say, Pinkie...uh...prediction came true?" Jared said unsure. "Honestly, Jared, she did not. Two coincidences in a row like this may be unlikely but, it's still easier to believe than twitchy tails that predict the future," Twilight acknowledge. After hearing that, Applejack gasps and went pale. "Twitchy? Pinkie Sense?"

"Uh, A.J, are you---whoa!" Terry yelped when Applejack pulled him and hid under the carriage work cart as she look around in alarm. "What are we hiding from?" Terry asked while looking at his best friend. 

"Not hiding but, cover from something that will happen," Applejack answer without looking at him as Spike went to them, "Don't worry, it's safe. Prediction already came true." Then, Spike saw an Oreo slice pie levitate which Carla gave him. "Thanks, Carla," Spike said as he take a bite when his eyes lit up. "Wow! This is so delicious!"

"Thanks, Spike," Carla smiled when Terry hurried in front of her while his eyes went big. "You made a pie?"

"Yup," Carla nodded as she levitate the slice of pie and give it to Terry. The orange earth pony start to munch the pie while feeling giddy. Carla then gave another slice of pie to Applejack as she taste it when her eyes lit up. "Whoo-hee! This is one of the best pie I ever taste!"

"Glad you like it," Carla said gladly when she saw Jared eating the pie happily. "Your cook is one of the best, babe," he compliment. "You really miss my cooking, don't ya?" Carla grinned. "Hey, who wouldn't?"

"Wait. Don't tell me you believe in this stuff too?" Twilight asked when Carla gave her the slice of pie as she took it. "Thanks, Carla," Twilight said as she eat. "Don't mention it."

Applejack swallow it every leftover pie in her mouth and spoke, "I know it doesn't make sense but, those of us who have been in Ponyville a while have learned over time that, if Pinkie's a-twitchin', you better listen." Applejack gave the warning to the lavender unicorn when she notice the three own expression. "Well, since you three were still new with this, you will know."

"Does this mean Roger know?"


Jared look at his side and shout while falling backward when he saw Roger was standing beside him with a poker face. "Uh, when did you get here?" Carla asked while eating her pie. "Pinkie's sense appear."

"My ears are flopping! My ears are flopping!" Pinkie announce in panic. Spike quickly cling onto Terry while looking around in panic. "What does that mean?!"

"I'll start a bath for you," Pinkie said. "Eh?/Huh?/What?" Carla, Jared and Terry gawked at the party pony while Roger quickly push them away. As for Twilight, she just chuckle while shaking her head in disbelief. "A bath? This thing keeps on getting more ridiculous by the minute!"

"Uh, Twilight--" before Carla could warn her, a mud splash on Twilight as Carla wince. Twilight grumble while looking down. "So, the bath it is, right?" Jared suggest when Twilight shot him a glare as he yelp and quickly hide behind Carla. "Is it wrong if I say like that?"

"Do you want to get hit by my magic?" Twilight threaten at the glasses unicorn causing Jared squeak in fear as Carla quickly calm her down by levitate her. "Come on, Twilight. Let's get you clean up."


"Okay, let me get straight. When Pinkie's back went itchy, it means it was her lucky day. Then when her knee gets pinchy, it means something scary's about to happen," Carla asserted. They all at Carla and Jared own cottage, in the living room where Pinkie Pie putting a bath for Twilight. "Yup," Roger nodded at Carla's word. "It happens to you too," Jared look at him. "Well, not always. But, the worse part is that, every cooking pot fell on me," Roger deadpanned.

"Well, that's gonna leave a mark," Terry wince while imagining that as he spoke, "Are there more?"

"Well, I'm not sure--"

The four of them startled when they heard Twilight's scream. They quickly went to the bathroom and barge in as they saw Twilight were on the tub. "What happen?!" Carla asked as Twilight quickly answer, "Pinkie said her shoulder start aching and pull out an alligator from the water!"

"Alligator? What alligator?"

"That!" They all look at where Twilight pointed and saw a small alligator staring at them, blank. "A baby alligator? Seriously, Twilight?" Jared look at her dryly. "Oh, you finally meet Gummy. Don't worry, Twilight. He doesn't have any teeth--EEP!" Roger yelp when Gummy munch his hoof. "Okay, okay, I get it," Twilight rolled her eyes when she notice Carla stare at Gummy with her large blue eyes.

"Uh, Carla, what are you doing?"

Carla can only ignore as she continue to stare at Gummy's eyes curiously. She blink her eyes as she slowly poke the small alligator causing Gummy smile as he hopped on Carla's head while circle around. "Seems like Gummy start to like you, Carla," Pinkie said while bouncing. Meanwhile, Twilight can only stare at her dumbfounded and glanced at Jared who held the relax expression. "She does that all the time, get used to it," Jared shrugged.


After that, the four ponies except Terry who went to find Applejack, walking away while Twilight still didn't believe about Pinkie Sense. "Well, I still don't believe all this..."special power" stuff. It's just a bunch of mumbo-jumbo."

"What's not to believe? You do magic, what's the difference?" Pinkie fire back as Twilight growl in frustration. "Huge!" She jogged to Pinkie and spoke again, "For one thing," Twilight climb on the box and start explaining while Carla and Jared look at her while sweat-dropped. "This is gonna take long day."

"And here I thought I was the only nerd," Jared sighed. "I think Twilight judge her," Roger said in disbelief. "No, she wasn't. She just don't believe it, that's all---"


"Twilight?" Carla turn around and saw Twilight been stick on the door while Spike open it and carried the book. The white Alicorn slowly walk toward to her friend as she use her magic to pull her off from the door. "Twilight? Twilight?" Carla wave at her face while looking at her in worried as Twilight feel dizzy and look at the party pony, " said that combo meant 'beautiful rainbow.'"

"Oh no-no-no-no-no. You're thinking of an ear flop, then knee twitch, then eye flutter. This was an ear flop, then eye flutter, then knee twitch--" Roger quickly stop her, "Uh, I think Twilight get it already, Pinkie." There's small silent when Jared broke it, "You okay?"

"You think? I don't believe this," Twilight grumble at the last part when Pinkie lean at her face, "You don't believe because you don't understand."

"Well, seems like we have to go now. Catch you two later," Roger waved at them while pulling Pinkie away. The couple look at Twilight who was thinking about something she is going to do. "Twilight, what are you thinking? If you do, don't dragged me into it," Carla warned. "I think there's something I want to do."


"Oh dear. Why did I agree with this?" Jared whine while finish building the machine as Twilight put the wire on the helmet brain that Pinkie Pie wear. Carla stare at the machine that her boyfriend build while calming down poor Roger who was sweating anxiously. "Uh, Twilight? Are you sure this is safe?" Carla asked nervously.

"Yup, I'm sure it is. Now, when you get another twitch, we'll have all kinds of scientific information," Twilight noted. "Okie-dokie-lokie!" Pinkie Pie nodded as the machine started while Twilight examine it. "Any twitches yet?"

"Nopey-dopey," Pinkie shake her head. Twilight continue check the machine while the paper pulling down as Jared check on it and look at Twilight. "I don't think it's going to work, Twilight." "Oh, don't say that. It will," Twilight said confident as she look at the party pony, "Now? Anything?"

Pinkie tried to feel it and sense it, "Wait! Hold on!" She tried it hard when she feel nothing at all, "Uhh, no."

"Are you kidding me?! After a whole day of nonstop twitching, now that I've got you all hooked up, you're not getting a single one?!" Twilight snapped while Pinkie Pie just look at her with innocent face, "I don't control it, they just come and go." Carla slowly went beside Twilight and spoke, "Maybe that's enough for today, Twilight."

"Nope, I'm not gonna sit still. That makes no sense!"

"Sometimes you just have to believe in things even when you can't figure 'em out," Pinkie told her when Twilight went in front of her with a frown on her face. "I will not believe in anything I cannot explain," she hissed as Carla and Jared quickly pull her away. "Come on, Twilight. Just let it go," Jared muffled while pulling her tail. "And also, you just need to believe it," Carla tried to reason her when Jared yelp as he thrown at the floor. "How am I supposed to--!"

"Pinkie, what's wrong?" Roger look at his best friend as the three start to look at her. "Oh my gosh, what? What is it?!" Twilight asked in excited tone while she and the other three look at Pinkie when a loud growl came from Pinkie Pie's stomach. This make Carla, Jared and Roger look at her dumbfounded while Pinkie just grinned sheepishly, "It's my tummy! That usually means I'm hungry! Let's eat!"

Carla slowly look at Twilight who was looking mad and frustration. "Urgh! You know what?" The lavender unicorn bite the wire and pull it causing all the machine stop. "Just forget it! I don't need to know if this is real or not. I don't need to understand it! I don't even care!" she shout and walk away. Carla can only stare at her friend while start to feel worried when Pinkie Pie, on other hand, just took her hooves from the cuffed. "Okie-dokie-lokie!"

Pinkie Pie start to bounce while asking Carla, "By the way, Carla, can you give me some recipe about the pie you made? Please, please, please?"

"Okay, Pinkie, I will," Carla giggle when they finally reach to the door but, not before Pinkie Pie start to twitch and her ears start to flop. "Uh-oh, here she comes," Roger whimper while the couple look around and search everywhere just in case something will happened when they saw Twilight got hit by the door again when Spike open it. They wince at the sight, knowing it must've been hurt after got hit again.

"Guys? Have you seen Twilight?" Spike asked when Pinkie Pie bounce past him as Roger past him while answering, "Yeah. She's behind the door."

Spike look at him confuse as the door slowly close it, revealing behind the door is Twilight. Jared use his magic to pull Twilight as he dropped her accident. Twilight glare at Jared and growl as the glasses boy quickly hide behind Carla. "Uh, Twilight, why are you sticking up to the door?" Spike asked.

"Did you three plan this?" Twilight look at them suspicious. "Plan what?" Spike titled his head in confuse. "Honestly, Twilight, me and Jared been with you the whole time," Carla reminded her but got startled when Twilight let out frustration groan. "This is ridiculous. This makes no sense. I have to figure this out," Twilight declare. 

Meanwhile, Carla and Jared look at each other with a dryly expression, knowing they will drag into this.


"I cannot believe you drag us into this," Jared grumble. He and the girls were hiding in the bushes to spy on Pinkie Pie who was talking with Roger. Twilight took out the binocular and observed it as she quickly take a note while Carla and Jared just sit there and look at Twilight.


Carla and Jared let out a small shout while Twilight shriek and jump to the bushes. Carla turn around and look at Spike in disbelief, "Spike! Don't scare us like that! I almost have a heart attack even though I don't have any heart problem."

"Sorry about that, Carla," Spike apologize sheepishly when Jared look around, notice Twilight weren't here. "Uh, where's Twilight?" 

All of a sudden, the three got pulled by Twilight to the bushes as the lavender pony whisper at the small dragon, "Honestly, Spike, don't you know better than to sneak up on ponies?"

"Oh, sorry."

"Um, isn't that what you're doing too until you drag us?" Jared raised his eyebrow questionable which Twilight caught-off guard. "No! I'm doing scientific research. I'm observing Pinkie Pie, scientific name: Pinkius Piecius, in natural habitat," Twilight explain with a quiet voice while Carla look at her dryly. "Twilight, do you know what does natural habitat for in our world?"

"What is it?"

"It's only for the animals which you are also include just like Pinkie Pie," Carla roast her again while Twilight look at her, feeling offended. "How dare you say like that?"

"I thought you want to know more about our world," Carla flexed her eyebrow. "Well, true enough," Twilight admit it. "So, what should we do?" 

"Let's just say, there's something fishy going on with the whole twitchy prediction thing and I'm getting to the bottom of it," Twilight noted. "Wait a second, does this mean we also need to come?"


"Can we just go?" Jared let his voice out a little as Twilight quickly shush him, "Shhh! Do you want us to get caught?"

Jared quickly shake his head as he stay quiet when Twilight went to check and saw Pinkie and Roger walk away. "Come on. Pinkius Pieicus is on the move," Twilight instruct as the four of them quickly move while bringing the bushes.


While Roger and Pinkie were laughing together, Twilight start to spy on them by using the binocular as Carla and Jared can only sit with a deadpanned on their faces while Spike writing a note when they saw Pinkie start to rubbed her nose.

"Hm...itchy nose.." Twilight studied when Pinkie gasps as she quickly dragged Roger under the horse shoe statue. "Aha! That makes no sense. See?"

"What's that supposed to mean, Twilight?" Carla asked with her bored tone which Twilight didn't notice that, "They're hiding like something about to fall from the sky but, Pinkie said a twitchy tail means something's gonna fall from the sky, not an itchy nose," she scoffed while Spike continue to write a notes.

While the two still hiding under the horseshoe statue, a swarm of bees appear out of nowhere at the sky. Seeing the sight of bees, Carla's blue eyes went wide while Jared's face turned pale as they slowly back away which Spike notice their behavior and look in front when the swarm of bees flied toward to their direction. Spike gasps seeing the swarm of bees coming their way except Twilight who still unware what's coming.

"...perhaps conclusively, that-"


"Gotta hide under the water!"


The three quickly ran off to hide as Jared quickly carry Spike, leaving Twilight behind, who look at them in disbelief. "Spike! Carla! Jared! Where are you guys going?! I'm trying to teach and explain you guys the value of scientific---" before Twilight could finish, the swarm of bees start to sting her as she yelped in pain.


After finish patching Twilight, she continue to sneak on Pinkie Pie who was smelling the flower as Roger kick the tree causing all the apples fell on the ground. "What's she doing now?" Spike question. "She's only smelling the flower," Carla said while scratching her head in confuse. "Holy guacamole! I wonder what that means?"

"Probably that the flower smells good," Twilight shrugged as she start to observe again, "Wait, I'm getting something. Ear flop, eye flutter, knee twitch."

"Hold told me that's the combo that says 'watch out for opening doors!'" Spike mention as he quickly went to hide another hay as Twilight scoffed and spoke when Carla suddenly feel something strange inside of her which she thought it was sense of dangers. Jared quickly notice her behavior and asked, "Babe, what's wrong?"

Without any words, Carla quickly dragged him to Spike where he hid which Twilight notice, "Um, where are you two going? Don't tell me you two also believe that stuff too already?" Twilight walk over where they stand when Carla quickly warn her, "Twilight, wait! Don't stand right---!"

"WHOA!!!" Twilight fell in the ground where the door cellar open as she yelp in pain again while rolling down from the stair. "---there," Carla wince as she and the boys quickly went to the door cellar and heard Applejack and Terry's voice.

"Twilight! You came to visit my new apple cellar, how nice."


"Twi? You okay? Uh, Twilight?"

"So much for today, does it," Carla asked while looking at the boys who nodded agreement.


"It wasn't bad, okay?" Carla tried to assure to Twilight who was now sitting on the wheelchair while her hooves were been bandages except her face looks completely done. Carla sigh, "Here, let me help you." Carla use her magic to lifted Twilight hooves while holding the binocular as she start to observe when she saw Pinkie Pie's tail start to twitch while Roger start to panic.

"Okay, take this down: Twitchy tail."

"Twitchy tail? You don't mean something's gonna fall, right--" before Jared could answer that, he and Spike start to go pale. "Twitchy tail!"

"Hush, you two! We can't let Pinkie know we're here, remember?" Twilight scolded them. "Something's gonna fall! Something's gonna fall!"

"Carla, let's go!"

"Guys, I can't let Twilight go by her own when she was like this---" before Carla could finish, she heard a loud crash beside her which she startled. She look at her side and saw lots of things were on Twilight who was groaning in pain. Carla wince at the sight of her and lifted all the broken things by using her magic and put it at the side as she went to Twilight, "Twilight, are you okay?"


"I'll...take that as a no," Carla chuckle nervously when Twilight spoke, "Carla, do you mind to help me?"

"Okay, I'll help you."


"So, when are you going to tell her that you still like her," Pinkie asked her best friend as Roger sigh, "I don't know, Pinkie. You know how Eliana is. She's nice and hard-work, let alone she's a little bit of short-temper," Roger said while remembering where Eliana literally want to strangle Baron for spoke too soon and way confident. 

"Oh, I'm sure she's still like you, though. You just have to believe it," Pinkie Pie assured while jumping when they saw Applejack and Terry walking toward them.

"Hey, Applejack. Hey, Terry. Whatcha doin'?"

"Takin' more apples to my new apple cellar."

"Wait, since when you have new cellar? Terry, did you know?"

"Nope. And also, I literally fall from the stair," Terry said dryly while Applejack chuckle sheepishly. "Sorry about that, Terry. How about you two?"

"Oh, letting Twilight secretly follow me and Roger all day without us knowing," Pinkie shrugged when they heard a voice. 

"You mean you knew all along?! Why didn't you tell me?!"

"Because, Twilight Sparkle, it will be funny and interesting to see---whoa, what happened to you?" Roger was taken aback seeing all the bruises on Twilight while Carla and Jared walk toward them while panted as they collapse on the ground. "Finally, she decided to stop," Jared breathing heavily due tiredness. 

"Silly, that would've spoiled the secret," Pinkie Pie grinned causing Twilight wanted to speak but instead, she growl in frustration while Carla try to calm her down as Spike sit on her back, looking very nervous, "Tail...still twitching?"

"All done, clear skies from here on in, as far I can tell--" before Pinkie Pie could finish, her whole body start to shake violently making the others startled. "Pinkie, are you okay?" Carla asked her. "Oh no! What does that one mean?" Spike asked as he quickly wrapped around Carla in fear. "Dunno, never gotten any like it before but, whatever that shudder's about, it's a doozy. Something you'd never expect to happen is gonna happen!" Pinkie Pie exclaim in worried when her whole body shaking again as she stop. "And it's gonna Froggy Bottom Bogg!"

Applejack gasps in shock as Terry spoke in worried, "That's where Fluttershy and Mei Hui's headed!"

"Oh no! Is it about her?"

"Uh, I'm not sure."

"We better go and make sure she's okay," Applejack declare when Carla look at her in panic, "Wait, we're going there? Where all the frogs are?"

"Uh, yeah?"

"Carla, I thought you said---"

"Don't bring that up. And also, I don't want to explain," Carla quickly stop her from asking. "In that case, let's go!" Applejack declare as she, Pinkie Pie, Roger and Spike quickly run, leaving the three Troublemaker Gangs with Twilight who still talking. 

"Calm down, everypony. All we know right now is that Pinkie Pie just got a case of the shivers. That's all--" she look over and notice they're gone. She groan and quickly catch up while Carla look at Twilight in disbelief as her eyes start to twitch and scream, "En serio?! A ella todavia le gusta eso?! (Seriously?! She's still into that?!)"

Jared and Terry were taken aback at the white Alicorn's outburst since they understand what she was saying. "Ugh! That's it! We're gonna after them! Come on, you two!" She start to run after the others as the two quickly follow her from behind.


Meanwhile, at the Froggy Bottom Bogg, Fluttershy open the cart, letting the frogs hopped away to the swamp while Mei Hui tried to avoid all the dirt. "I am not really big fan with this," Mei Hui shudder. "Oh, don't be, Mei Hui. Sometimes we don't have to be petty since we have to take risk," Fluttershy softly said. 

"Okay, Fluttershy," Mei Hui sighed, not noticing something moving behind them. 

Back at the others, they keep on running through the forest to find Fluttershy and Mei Hui when Pinkie Pie start to shake violently again. "Cold? Need a jacket or something?" Twilight mocked when Roger look at her with frown, "Knock it off, Twilight."

"No thanks, I'm fine," Pinkie Pie assured when she start to shake again. Roger keep on frowning behind Twilight when he heard Carla, Jared and Terry coming as they stop beside him. "Here you guys are...?" He stopped when he saw Carla breathing heavily but, her eyes were full of rage and disbelief. "Where is she? Where is Twilight Sparkle?"

"There....?" Roger pointed while feeling nervous seeing Carla's gaze start to go dangerous as he lean to Jared, "It cross her limits, right?"

"Yup," Jared nodded. "Any idea what happen to Fluttershy and Mei Hui?" Terry asked in worried. "Let's hope she's okay."

"Now you're back to normal. Are you okay?" Jared asked his girlfriend as Carla sighed, "I don't know. It's just that, Twilight doesn't seems to believe what Pinkie do which it reminds me---"

"That you scared that me and the others didn't believe you ever since we were kids?" Jared guess while look at her softly as Carla nodded. "Wait, what does she mean by that?"

"Let's just say Carla also can sense something's not right and feels like something's gonna happen until it is. But, not just that one. Whenever someone tried to hurt her and something fell on her, it doesn't hit her at all," Terry explain.

"Whoa. Really?"


"How did you know that?"

"Because we saw it happened when Carla's not with us," Terry said when Carla spoke, "You know I can hear that, right?"

"Hehe, sorry." Terry rubbed his head when they heard Applejack's voice. "Terry?! Where are you?! We found the Frog Bottom Bogg!"

They quickly went where the others are as Carla spoke, "Can't believe we're going to the frogs place."

Back at Fluttershy and Mei Hui, the green earth pony look at the water and feel like want to throw up. "If I had a boyfriend, I'll just tell him to carry me," Mei Hui said in hope. "Oh, I'm sure you will have someone that really loves you, Mei Hui. Aren't you gonna jump?"

"No thanks. I'm fine right here---" all of a sudden, Mei Hui yelped when Spike hug her from behind. "Mei Hui! Fluttershy! You're okay!"

"Of course we are. Why wouldn't we?" Mei Hui look at him in confuse when she and Fluttershy saw the others coming their way. "Nothing, Mei. Just to make sure that you're okay."

"Phew, what a relief."

"I'm so glad everything's all right," Pinkie Pie sighed in relief when Twilight speak, "Sorry, I know it's not nice to gloat but---"

"Jeez, Twilight. Will you give it a rest? Ever since Pinkie told you about her 'Pinkie Sense,' you didn't even believe her and not wanting to know her warning!" Roger yelled at her which Twilight couldn't care less. "Roger, I get it if you and Pinkie Pie are best friend but, as you can see..." while Twilight talking, Carla felt something's not right as she quickly look around in alarm which Jared notice. "Babe, what's wrong?"

"I don't know. I feel something's not right here. We better get---" before Carla could finish, she start to cough when she smell a horrible scent along with Jared. "Ugh, what is this smell? And where the heck did it came from?" Jared asked in disbelief when he notice Carla's expression went pale. He decided to look at where Carla see when his eyes went wide which the others saw it except Twilight who keep on talking.

" can't see for yourself," Twilight finish talking when Spike warn her while his face filled with fear, "W-Well t-then, s-see what's b-b-behind you, Twilight."

Twilight look up as her face went pale when she saw a giant four-headed hydra stare at them in hunger. "I see it...but I don't believe it!" The hydra start to roar while Carla, Jared, Terry and Roger look at it in horror. 

"Is that a hydra?!"

"Who cares?! Run!!!" Applejack exclaim as she start running. "EEP! I don't want to become a hydra's food!" Terry cried as he start running with the others. "And here I thought Hydra only exist in Greek!" Jared thought as he look at his girlfriend for explanation while running. "I also thought that too!"

Roger turn around and saw Pinkie Pie still standing there, in fear. He quickly run back and grabbed her before the hydra could bite her. With that, Pinkie start running as fast as the lighting with the others except Carla who was flying. Fluttershy look beside her and saw a frog hopping away, "Oh, I'm so sorry."

"Fluttershy, there's no time to apologize to the---WAHHHH!!!!" Mei Hui scream when the hydra chasing behind them all. The first hydra head about to catch Twilight, Pinkie Pie, Roger and Jared as they quickly avoid it. The other hydra head about to catch Applejack, Spike and Terry as it hit the tree. Mei Hui and Fluttershy slowly come down from the big stone as Carla quickly grabbed them both before another hydra head bite them instead, it bite the big stone. The last hydra head laugh them as the other hydra heads glare at him. 

The ponies, along with Spike screaming while running away when they saw a dead end. Jared quickly look at his side and saw the tall hill. "Up that hill!" He instruct until they heard Spike's voice.

"Help!!!" They look over and saw Spike was stuck. Twilight was about to go to him but, Carla stop her, "I'll go get him! You follow the others!" Carla fly faster to get Spike as she quickly carried him, ignoring the mud and fly back to the others before the hydra get them as it chase them again from behind.

"Just keep running!"

"But Pinkie's still shuddering!!!" Spike pointed at Pinkie who was still shudder until she stop. "Oh, lookie there, it stopped---" since she spoke too soon, the shudder came back as Roger quickly pulled her to run again. Once they made it to the cliff, they saw six thin stone pillars right in front of them to serve as stepping stones to the other side. 

Suddenly, the ground start to shake as they turn around and gasps when the four-headed hydra coming nearer. "It's coming in our way!" Terry cried as he cling onto Applejack. "Quick! One at a time, cross!"

Jared slowly take a peek and notice it was really high as he chuckle. "Right. Any spell you know to turn that THING into something?" Jared asked the lavender unicorn while pointing at the hydra. "No."

"How about animal?"


"How about--"

"Jared, no small rodents of any kind!" Twilight argue.

"Then how are we supposed to stop that THING?!" Jared argue back.

"Seriously, you two?! You know what? Fluttershy!"


"Let's cross it," Mei Hui declare as she let out a yelled and start crossing while closing her eyes. Fluttershy quickly follow her, leaving Carla, Jared, Roger and Terry astonishment when they saw the quiet girl jumping across.

"Did you know she was like that?" Jared asked his girlfriend. "Nope. Especially not this one," Carla answer. "Uh, they're gaining on us!" Applejack told them. Jared quickly grabbed Spike and start jumping across the pillars with Roger and Terry following behind as Carla help them to across. Since Pinkie still shuddering, Applejack quickly grab her tail while Twilight gasps seeing the four-headed hydra coming their way. 

"He's too close. I'll distract him, you two go, now!" Twilight order as Applejack nodded and jump along with Pinkie Pie. Meanwhile, Terry was having a hard to jump since he was hanging onto the cliff. "Help! Hurry up and pull me up!"

Carla quickly help him by pulling him up as he breathe heavily. "Thank you, Carl."

"Is everyone okay?"

"Yeah, we're fine," Mei Hui nodded while Applejack and Pinkie Pie finally reach their direction when Carla notice some pony weren't with them. "Wait, where's Twilight?"


Carla look behind as she jaw-dropped, seeing her friend charge forward to the hydra. "What the heck?! Is she crazy or what?!" She quickly fly toward to another cliff while Twilight ran between the hydra as the three-headed went below on it's head while the other one look at them in confusion when Carla gave a strong hit at it face causing the hydra fall on the ground. 

"Thanks, Carla."

"You're welcome."

The two girls/mares startled when the hydra got up again. "Well, time to go!" Carla quickly dragged Twilight as they hopped on each pillars but, not before the two pillars got destroy after the hydra hit it's head and start to roar in anger. Carla quickly levitate the lavender unicorn and threw her to the others as they look at the white Alicorn.

"Hey, Hydra!"

The four-headed Hydra look down at Carla who was clearly pissed off already. "Why don't you pick somebody your own size?! Even though I'm scared of snakes like you guys but, chasing and messing with my friends and boyfriend, is a BIG mistake!!!" After she said like that, her horn start to lighten up and shot her magic to the Hydra causing it roar in agony.

On the other side, the others couldn't help but, shock and astonish at the white Alicorn own action while Jared look really proud. "That's my girl," he smirk while Terry and Roger look at him with a deadpanned face.

Back at Carla, the Hydra start to went blind as Carla quickly fly forward to the other side with full of speed as she finally reach for the others while panted. "I'm fine," Carla told them as they all cheered.

"Thank goodness both of you were okay!"

"I don't know how it happened, coincidence, dumb luck or what but, you said there'd be doozy here at Froggy Bottom Bogg and I'd say we just had ourselves one heck of a doozy, I mean, that hydra--" all of a sudden, Pinkie start to shudder again, much to their confusion. 


"Are you okay?"

"That wasn't it."


"Wait, what?!" Roger look at her in shock. 

"What wasn't what?"

"What are you talking about, Pinkie Pie?" Terry asked as Pinkie answer, "The hydra wasn't a doozy." Then, they heard the hydra blows raspberry at them. Carla couldn't help but feel annoyed as she went near the cliff and zap at it causing the hydra to whimper and run away.

"In that case, what kind of doozy is it?" Mei Hui asked. "I'm not sure but, my Pinkie Sense says it still hasn't happened yet," Pinkie answer. This make Twilight start to gone crazy as her eyes start to twitch. "Huh? But I-WHAT?!"

"Twilight, take it easy--"

"The hydra wasn't the doozy?! How could it be not be the doozy?! What could be doozier than that?!"

"Dunno but, it just wasn't it."

Well, that was the last straw for Twilight as she got SO angry at that until her whole coat white and her mane and tail practically went up in flames. Everyone/every pony look at her in worried and mostly fear as Jared, Terry, Roger and Mei Hui hid behind Carla while shaking in fear. Eventually, Twilight finally stopped as she had burn marks all over and fell on the ground exhausted.

"Ugh...I give up..." she groan in exhausted.

"Give what up, Twilight?" Jared asked. "The fight. I can't fight it anymore. I don't understand how, why or what but, Pinkie Sense somehow...make sense. I don't see how it does but, it just does. Just because I don't understand, doesn't mean it's not true," Twilight explain while looking down.

"Y-Y-Y-You m-mean, you b-b-b-believe?" Pinkie Pie asked while shuddering. "Yup, I guess I do," Twilight admit it. All of a sudden, Pinkie start shuddering even more violently when her whole body went large and small until she's back to normal, much to the others own surprise.

"Uh, are you okay now?" Roger asked his best friend when Pinkie gasps, "That was it! That's the doozy!"

"Wait, what?!" Jared and Terry exclaim in shock while Mei Hui look completely lost and Carla can only held a shock face. "What? What is?"

"You believing! I never expected that to happen! That was the doozy, oh and oh, what a doozy of a doozy it was! La-la-la-la-la~" Pinkie Pie start to jogged away while the others look at her in dumbfounded as Terry fell on the ground along with Jared. "Uh, did me and Fluttershy miss something?" Mei Hui look at the white Alicorn in confusion.

"I'll tell you later."


"Dear Princess Celestia,

I'm really excited to report you that something make me learn about a wonderful lesson in this world which it's hard to explain. I learn a lesson to choose to believe in them that doesn't necessarily make them any less true. More than that, it also taught me to trust your guts because sometimes, it takes a friend to show the way and will always aware what you are about to warn.

From your beloved Brave Student,
Carla Felcia."

"And done with my report!" Carla cheered as she give it to Spike and walk toward to the fridge and open it, revealing her Oreo Pie.

"Ooh, ooh, is it done?"

"Yup, it sure does--" Carla stopped and start giggle when she saw Twilight, Pinkie Pie, Roger and Jared wear an umbrella hat. "What's wrong, Carla?"

"Didn't expect you wear the umbrella hat. Even you too, Jared."

"Well, I want to release some stress, that's all."

With that, all of them start to laugh as Carla levitate the Oreo Pie on the table. "Mm, looks yummy," Spike smelled. "Didn't know there's pie can put inside the, um, what do you called that again?"

"A fridge."

"And also, the cream won't melt," Carla stated while giving them each of the slice pie as they started to eat. "Spike, do you mind to send our reports now?"

"You bet!" Spike salute as he swallowed the pie and went to open the window until, Carla stop eating when she felt something coming which Jared notice. "Something's coming, right?"

"Nope. Some pony is coming," Carla told him when Jared look at her wide eyes while Twilight and Pinkie Pie look at her in confuse when the oak tree start shake out of nowhere, causing them all startled. They quickly went out and saw Princess Celestia at the balcony while Spike stand there with shocking expression. "Twitchy tail?"


"That was me," Carla pointed at herself while eating the pie as Princess Celestia start to fly away with a reports in her mouth. "How did you know that?" Pinkie Pie look at her while Carla just shrugged, "I just do."

Jared just chuckle while Roger rolled his eyes as he smiled. Twilight look at Carla in curious and wonder how did Carla know something's coming without feeling something unusual but, decided to shrugged it off, knowing it was the most sensitive topic to her.

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