Love and Deepwater • A Rafaye...

By xjinminisrealx

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Rafayel's has been all alone waiting for Enoria to comeback to him after her bride decided to sacrifice herse... More

Season one
God of The Seas
Rafayel Legacy
Meeting someone Special
Muscle pulls
Heart Scale
Banquet flattery
Cheese in The Trap
Under the moon we meet
I missed you
The Lemurian Games
To save them all
Hidden in plain sight
The First
Coral stone
Playing with fire
Slowly reaching out to you
Facing reality
Tides of longing
The final breath
Hug of the Sea
Season two
Return to Lemuria
End of the World
Nora, Elara and Rafayel

Fleeting moments

125 11 2
By xjinminisrealx

Time goes on, and every day that passed, the warmth that started thanks to silly games became permanent in the lives of one Lemurian and one Human princess.

Lukian listened to their change of behavior with a smile on his lips and heavy heart. With every take about their seemingly fated love, the older mermen, wise and knowing about pain and desperation, seemed to think that everything seemed too beautiful, too perfect to be true. But hope always remained, and even though carrying burdens on his heavy heart, he felt happy for their prince.

A new routine also started. After his dusk exploring and saving of Lemuria, some nights, he teleported to Enoria instead of staying in his room. Now, she knew of his fire trick, so he always teleported to her bathroom, and waited inside for her maid, other times, the royal doctor, to leave, before exiting to her chamber.

Rafayel felt the happiest he ever felt, amazed that being in love and it being corresponded, felt so incredibly perfect, and euphoric. Enoria, even though feeling timidly shy, did as she promised, never bidding on her newly found feelings for him. Yet, they only hug, still not used to the intimacy of venturing into more.

Their afternoons, felt like stolen moments. Stolen from what? They still didn't know.

It was a lazy Monday and the room was bathed in a soft, golden glow —the last rays of the setting sun filtering through the curtains. Enoria's bed, adorned with delicate sheets, seemed to invite them closer. Rafayel sat at the edge, his heart racing as he watched her. He had to fight against Lemurian instincts everyday now that they were getting to know each other, not in a platonic way.

'You know,' Enoria said, her voice a whisper, 'this feels like a stolen moment.' She held a plate of sweet strawberries, their red hue matching the blush on her cheeks. She still remembered what eating this fruit caused on their relationship. They even joked about strawberries, preferring them before other fruits when together.

Rafayel chuckled, reaching for the fruir. 'Maybe stolen moments are the sweetest,' he replied, his fingers brushing against hers. He lifted the fruit to her lips, watching as she took a delicate bite. The taste lingered on her lips, and he leaned in, hugging her.

'Mmm...' Enoria murmured against his chest. 'Your turn.' She held out another strawberry, and Rafayel obliged, feeding her with equal tenderness.

As they lay side by side, the world outside faded away. Their laughter filled the room, mingling with the scent of the sea. Rafayel traced patterns on her skin, memorizing every freckle.

'Enoria,' he whispered, 'This feels perfect" His fingers brushed against her cheek, and she turned to face him. 'The perfect afternoon'

She smiled, her eyes reflecting the fading light.

'Maybe it's the magic of stolen moments,' she said. 'Or maybe it's just us.'

And as they fed each other strawberries, their hearts danced to a melody only they could hear—a melody that whispered promises of more stolen moments, of more.

Since Rafayel brought the painting he stole from the Royal Vault to her room and gifted it to her, she asked every morning for canvasses to be brought into her room and they painted together as an indoor date.

His painting, of a starry night Phitia, hung on her wall, just above her bed, forever adorning her room. When the maids asked, she just replied that she painted it, but they never believed it, as Enoria didn't have the talent used to create such a beautiful piece of art; it had the soul of the painter, his sorrow and nostalgia that he felt tied to the landscape. When people looked at it, they could even hear the sound of the waves, the faraway sounds of the port, and the silent cry of a child, hidden in a tower.

Like this, their mornings, felt like a brush full of paint sliding through a canvasses.

The sun peeked through the window, casting a warm glow on the easels set up in Enoria's cozy room. Rafayel sat across from her, their brushes poised over blank canvases.

'What should we paint?' Enoria asked, her eyes bright with anticipation. Her fingers dipped into the palette, mixing colors.

Rafayel chuckled, dipping his brush into the azure blue. 'How about our favorite memories?' he suggested. 'The first time we met, the way you blushed when I complimented your smile...' His words flowed like strokes on canvas, creating an invisible masterpiece. 'Even strawberries'

Enoria's laughter filled the room, a melody that blended with the soft hum of the morning.

Like this, Rafayel entered the artist's mood, a mindset where he forgot everything except what he wanted to paint, a brush, his low-quality paints, and the image that he wanted to bring back to life.

The room was filled with the scent of acrylics and saltwater —a blend of art and the sea. The only sound was Rafayel brush and Enoria's hums from time to time, her forever questions and Rafayel's silence.

After forevermore, Rafayel's brush moved with purpose, each stroke capturing the ebb and flow of the waves beyond the window. Enoria watched him, her gaze torn between the canvas and the man who seemed lost in his creation. Her canvas forgetten, just a small dot of red, where her brush stopped, too distracted in Rafayel's creation.

'The sea...' Rafayel murmured, his voice a soft caress. 'It's like a living thing, isn't it? Always changing, always restless.' His eyes never left the canvas, but she sensed the depth of his words.

His love for the sea, and his duty to his land showed in the brushing. It was a mix of blue water, sun reflections, small fishes, and an island, where a lonely destroyed manor awaited lost in the sea.

Enoria, who ended up standing up from her seat and approached Rafayel, leaned against the windowsill, her fingers tracing the wooden frame. After a while of Rafayel's being lost in his inspiration, as the waves crashed against the shore, Enoria wanted to reach out, to touch him, to pull him away from the canvas and back to her.

'Rafayel...' Her voice was a whisper, a plea. 'Look at me.'

He hesitated, his brush hovering over the canvas. Slowly, he turned toward her, his eyes a stormy mix of blue and crimson, sparkling. Enoria's heart raced; she felt like a sailor caught in a tempest.

'Enoria...' His voice was a tide pulling her closer. 'I'm here.' He stepped away from the easel, leaving the sea half-painted. His fingers brushed against hers, and suddenly, the room was too small, too confining.

She pulled him to her.

The canvas lay forgotten, the sea still waiting for its completion.

Some nights, when Enoria felt anxious about staying in her room, after months without being able to escape and roam outside, he gifted her a fleeting moment of freedom, letting her accompany him to some easy missions of recognizance.

Today was one of these nights, as the moon hung low in the ink-black sky, casting a silvery glow over the cobblestone streets. Enoria and Rafayel stepped out of the palace gates, their hearts racing with anticipation. He used his flames to carry them both to a hidden part, just outside the gates.

Tonight was different, a secret rendezvous, away from the prying eyes of courtiers and guards.

They wore costumes, peasant robes, Enoria a midnight-blue short dress, and Rafayel a dark cloak that looked like moonlight on water. Their silent laughter echoed through the empty streets as they made their way toward the port.

'Where are we going?' Enoria asked, her voice hushed. Her hand brushed against Rafayel's, and he felt the warmth of her skin seep through the fabric.

'To the stars,' Rafayel replied, his eyes fixed on the night sky. 'To the place we meet, so many years ago.'

The port came into view —a mix of twinkling lights reflected in the water. They walked along the edge, as the waves crashed beside them, the scent of salt in the air. Rafayel's fingers brushed against Enoria's, and she leaned into his touch.

They sat on the beach, where they met so many years ago, instead of children, now as teenagers, closer to adulthood. Instead of Rafayel hidden in the murky waters, he sat beside her, tracing runes in her fingers.

'You know,' Enoria said, her voice a secret shared between them, 'I've always wanted to be a pirate. To live in the sea, wandering everywhere and living a life of freedom, far from the land'

Rafayel chuckled, pulling her closer. 'If you were a pirate, I would have been the merfolk waiting adrift to enchant you, singing from the sea next to your ship, for you to come to me" His lips brushed against her temple, and she shivered.

'To my death?' She joked.

'To my home' He replied, kindly.

After they got tired of sitting on the same place, they started to walk around until they reached the end of the port, where the stars seemed to touch the water.

'Look up,' Rafayel said, pointing toward the heavens. 'See how the stars twinkle just for us.'

Enoria followed his gaze, her heart soaring.

'And what if we're just characters in their story?'

Rafayel's smile was a crescent moon. His hand was warm, holding the princess's own.

'Then let's make our story a tale worth telling.'

'I hope it's not a tragedy ...' Enoria whispered, her eyes searching the constellations above. 'Because almost all romance novels have hints of it.'

Rafayel leaned closer, their breaths mingling in the cool night air.

'But we're not bound by the rules of the Stars, mere spectators,' he said. 'We can write our own ending.'

Putting an end to their starry night stroll, they decided to walk along the moon-kissed port, their footsteps in sync. The stars seemed to lean down, curious about the mortal and the merman who dared to defy fate.

She hoped for Rafayel to be right.

One summer night, months after Rafayel arrived in the princess life to turn her colorless days into cherry blossoms full of feelings and secret dates, hidden wanderings sometimes... she expressed her desire to venture outside of the palace, away from the center of the city, just for one night.

Today, the people of Southern Shore celebrated one of their most famous festivities, called the Summer Midnight.

The Grand Square, away from the palace, one of the squares full of people and markets during daylight, tonight pulsed with life, a kaleidoscope of colors, laughter, and secrets.

Enoria and Rafayel moved through the crowd, their faces hidden behind elaborate masks and mundane clothes, she created hers from scratch when Rafayel was still in his chambers, excited for what had to come at night.

The air smelled of roasted meats and exotic spices, as it was full of merchants and food stands, hundreds of people wearing masks strolling and dancing to the rhythm of an orchestra.

'Do you think anyone recognizes us?' Enoria whispered, her eyes darting to the guards stationed at the square's edges. She adjusted her mask, that covered all of her face. She also wore a hat, bidding her caramel hair from being recognized.

Rafayel's cloak billowed as he spun her in a dance step, crashing against unknown people and dancing like overgrown children would do.

'Not a chance,' he replied, his voice a conspiratorial murmur. His mask was a midnight-blue raven, its beak curving over his lips. He brought it from Lemuria, as it was hidden in the Royal Vault.

'We're just two revelers lost in the crowd.' He stated, circles and circles whilst dancing.

When they became tired, the vendors beckoned them with trays of delicacies, flaky pastries from the East, spiced wines from the Continent, and honeyed fruits. Enoria's mouth watered as she sampled each treat, Rafayel matching her bite for bite.

'This is freedom,' she said, her fingers brushing against his. 'Away from the palace, the chains, the politics, the whispers.'

He nodded, his eyes scanning the crowd.

'And yet, even here, the city's secrets follow us.' He whispered, silently.

Hushed conversations reached their ears, what the crown whispered endlessly, tales about the massacre of nobles, the saving of merfolk from inside heavy guarded mansions and the witchcraft used to do so.

As the night deepened, Enoria twirled, her gown swirling as she tried to follow Rafayel's long legs rhythm. Rafayel pulled her close, their steps in sync.

The guards watched, oblivious to their identifies, just mere lovers in their midst.

'Enoria,' Rafayel said, his voice low, 'let's forget our roles for a moment.' He leaned in, his lips brushing against her ear. 'Let's just enjoy tonight's festivities, as normal humans would do'

And so they danced, mingling with all the crowd, Enoria and Rafayel were free. They had so much fun, that forgot about how their routines were marked by maids and guards, a charade of weakness and Rafayel being just his slaved Lemurian.

The sunrise was almost on top of them when they decided to head to her tower, before they were discovered by guards or servants.

The tower loomed before them, a sentinel against the star-studded sky. Enoria's hand trembled as she reached for Rafayel's hand.

The night had been a whirlwind of laughter, stolen glances, and masked dances. But now, as they stood on the threshold, reality pressed in.

Rafayel's flames flickered, their warmth enveloping her. 'Ready?' he asked, his eyes searching hers. Her touch was both comforting and electrifying—a paradox he couldn't unravel.

She nodded, her heart racing. 'Let's go,' she whispered, and in a burst of embers, they vanished and reappeared in her room, lights closed.

The scent of roses lingered in the air, a reminder of Enoria's delicate continous presence in her room.

'Thank you, Rafayel,' she whispered, her eyes still alight with the memories of their stolen moments. 'I've never felt so alive.'

He nodded, unable to tear his gaze away from her. He longed to stay with her, but duty held him back.

As if sensing his inner turmoil, Enoria stepped closer. 'Rafayel,' she murmured, her fingers brushing against his. 'I know that you need to leave, but I would really like if you could stay with me.'

It was then, when explosions started to be heard from her tower. Enoria's eyes sparkled, her fingers brushing against his own.

'Look,' she whispered, her voice a fragile thread. 'The fireworks.'

And there, on the horizon, the night sky bloomed. Fiery blossoms burst forth, trailing ribbons of crimson, gold, and azure. Their brilliance reflected in Enoria's eyes. Back then, they didn't know that this scene would be repeated in a long, long, long future.

Rafayel's heart swelled. Each explosion was a reminder that time was fleeting, that their stolen moments were but grains of sand slipping through the hourglass.

As the lights from fireworks still illuminated her room, he hesitated, torn between desire and responsibility.

But then, almost camouflages by the loud bangs outside, they heard a knock on her door, and panic surged through them.

Rafayel's instincts acted without thinking and ran fast to her balcony, jumping onto the lake. The lake awaited him, its dark waters swallowing his merman form and putting a stop to whatever happened between them.

And there, hidden in the darkness, Rafayel vowed to steal more moments with Enoria, even if it meant risking everything. As he was so, so close, to persuading her to flee with him.

For now, he wished himself to appear in his water tank, head full of turbulent thoughts, firework lights still appearing and disappearing inside his eyelids.

Like warnings of what was to come.


So I received a Lasik surgery and everything went well!

I cannot watch screens and write for some more weeks, so sorry for the tardiness 🥹

I wont be able to write for some weeks but enjoy the little chapters I had written for you all ✨

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