Can I Keep You? (1D fanfic)

By MEJ_2020

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Together at one time now brought back together again but for a different reason she has been put in a coma, t... More

Phone call
Three other voices
Goodbye for good?
Waking up
I cant protect you! (Just Harry's POV)
Harry drunk (Louis POV)
Back at the hospital
Alone time
Protecting Her
Because I love her
What ifs
Unfinnished ending

Flashback to yesterday?!

259 5 0
By MEJ_2020

Megan's POV:
I see myself sit in between my fiancé and ex and wait for the conversation to start.

"So what were you guys doing out in the park today?" Harry asks taking another bite of his ice cream. I open my mouth but am cut off by Max.

"We were just enjoying the fresh air and talking about our wedding." My stomach twists when he says that word.

"WHAT?! I mean WOW!!"

"Yeah that's what I thought when she said yes." He replies smiling. I see myself smile too and lay my head on Max's shoulder,I shiver at the same time Harry squirms. We sit in silence for a few minutes and eat our ice cream. Max slips his shoulder out from under my head and says he'll be back and slips into the bathroom. When he's out of sight Harry moves to the stool next to me and talks in a hushed tone.

"I don't like this guy Megan."

"Why because he's not you?" I look up from my bowl of ice cream straight into his green eyes full of hurt.

"What are you talking about?" He asks squinting he's eyes.

I copy him "I left you. Yet you come back and see me with my fiancé and ask to hang out with us? Why? Because your jealous, you want me back AND-"

He cuts me off with a full kiss. I watch in the background,I watch myself push him off, I see Max come out of the bathroom and run over to the situation.

"What do you think your doing?"

I watch myself stand "Babe I can handle this!" I say forcefully putting my hand on his chest. I turn back to Harry who was also standing and who's face was like one waiting for the fist to fly. I don't want to watch this so I turn and close my ears. "Listen I don't know what the hell that was and I don't care I have a boyfriend sir so, don't come back for me, don't text me, don't even message me Harry Styles. We're done, accept it." Tears start to form in my eyes, "I've moved on its time for you to do the same."

Harry's eyes fill with tears. "But Megan I-"

I cut him off, "Bye Harry." I watch myself walking away and see my own face wet with tears.

Harry's POV:

It's morning and I walk in and place new followers in the vase, red roses her favourite, I sit next to the bed and put my hand on her shoulder.

"Morning Megan." I say putting my best face on in case she wakes up. " I brought you new flowers, the other ones were wilting." I imagine her smile bright and enlightened. I watch the monitor careful as I always do.

Megan's POV:

I follow myself and Max. Everything suddenly went to fast forward and stops the night before it all comes apart all I can do is watch.

"Megan!" Max calls from the living room, "quit wasting your time on that stupid book and get out here!"

I walk slowly downstairs from our room to the living room.

"Babe the publishing industry are going to be here tomorrow and I'm almost done really I just need five more minutes."

"No! I never see you anymore you're always upstairs or at the park or at your friends house! I need you here! I get home and dinner isn't even on the stove yet, there's always an excuse, or a note!"

"I'm sorry but I'm not your little housewife I have a life too you know. I need to provide for this family too it can't all be on you."

"Yes it can! And it will! You are not allowed to leave this house ever again."

I scoffed, "Yeah whatever." And go back upstairs.

He races after me, I get scared I run in the room shut the door and lock it, it was no use he barged through and pins me against the wall, my heart races. "Don't you run away from me! I am your husband you listen to me!"

I hold back tears, my whole body shakes, and I smell alcohol in his breath. I close my eyes and wait for him to let me go.

It takes him a few more seconds and he drops me my arms hurt from where he held me. I stay on the floor until he leaves the room and start crying I reach for the phone for the first time and start to dial his number then what I said comes back, "I've moved on it's time for you to do the same." My insides shake and my heart breaks, I let go of the best person in my life, he was gone, I let tears fall.

Harry's POV:
I slide next to her in bed, bury my face in her neck and kiss her, listening to her heartbeat match the beeps from the monitor I close my eyes. Suddenly the room becomes quiet. I jump from the bed and run over and look at the monitor and back at Megan. Time seems to stop.

"Megan?! MEGAN! MEGAN WAKE UP! MEGAN! WAKE UP! PLEASE!" The doctors rush in and start to preform CPR. The nurses take me out of the room. "No! Please let me stay!PLEASE! I," my voice shakes, "I promised!" Tears fall rapidly as they leave me in the hall and lock the door.

Megan's POV:

The hurt continues including bruises left from constant pining against the wall, slaps on my face and hits to my upper arm. My heart breaks a little more every day. Some nights I cry myself to sleep others I take Niquil. Everyday I wake up I find another bruise that wasn't there before. I watch myself go through all this again and again and again. I don't want to watch anymore so I turn away and try falling asleep suddenly a more recent scene takes place. I find myself in our room at Max's house the other me looking out the window the door slams loudly downstairs to indicate Max is home I see myself immediately hide in the dark closet. I hear myself whimper as I hear his big feet lumber up the stairs. I hear his deep drunken voice.

"Where are you?!" I feel the need to hide in the closet as well, instead I hide in a dark corner and watch the door slam open. I see his black eyes scan the room unknowingly, he turns and goes back out of the room and the tap water runs.

I see my pathetic self sneak out of the closet and finally dial his number. I'm suddenly transported to Harry's side of the conversation I hear the phone ring and see my name, still on his caller-ID. Harry, who was asleep in bed rolls over and looks at the phone. When he sees my name on the screen he immediately pushes the talk button.

"Hello?" He asks still a little drowsy. I hear myself on the other line.

"Hey can you come pick me up?"

He smiles just a little, "Sure where are you?"


His eyes grow wide and he sits up suddenly wide awake the smile gone. "What?! Megan, I thought I told you to stay away from him! *sigh* I'm on my way." He quickly hangs up the phone and jumps out of bed in just his boxers. I watch him pull on some sweats and pull a shirt over his head. I watch him as he puts a headscarf over his messy hair and jolts out the door to his white truck. It takes it a few tries to start but when it does he speeds off. His fists clench the wheel tightly.

I watch as he takes the corners of the road with speed and ease, as if he had been down this road before. Come to think of it I never gave him our address. I see something slide across the dashboard, looking closer I see our wedding invite with our address in case guests couldn't come they could just drop it off at the house. Was he planning on dropping a gift off? I ignore the question and stare at his eyes fixed on the road a flare of anger glowing in them.

When he finally gets to the house he parks across the street from the house takes the keys out of the ignition and bolts it to the door.

A scream comes from the top floor, my scream. Harry's eyes full of fire are also now full of panic, his foot makes contact with the door bringing it off the hinges and into the hall behind the door. I follow and see his face red with anger his fists clenched tight as his runs up the stairs and flies through the bedroom door where he sees Max leaning over my body. His fists make contact with Max's face and Max hits back.

Harry, surprised by the hit, didn't block himself in time and was thrown back by the hit. Max sees this as an opportunity and follows up with another , I hear myself scream in the background, another hit. All of them focused in his gut. I watch myself pick up my limp body and jump on Max's back. Startled he walks back a few steps taking me with him he knocks us both to the wall, my eyes close.

When Max comes at him again all Harry had to do was stand to the side and let him knock himself out on the bed. Looking all over for something to tie him up with not finding any he takes off his headscarf and uses it instead tying both hands to the head of the bed.

"That should hold you for a while you bastard." He mumbles. He then quickly turns to my limp body against the wall. I watch as he gently puts his hand over my rib cage, I moan. His eyes water and he carefully, gingerly picks me up, moving as fast as he can without hurting me more he takes me to his car. calling both the police and the fire department, he tells the police the house address and the fire department my condition. He tells them he's on the way to the hospital and taking I-5 he tells them his licence number. Leaving the house he gently sets me in the back seat and drives off slowly so I don't fall. Not even 15 minutes on I-5 and the ambulance was behind him he pulls over and lets them get me out as another asks what happened. He explains the story as the ambulance drives away, he quickly gets in his truck and follows.

The dream fast forwards even more and I watch myself being dropped back down on the bed. I cringe as my neck hits the crease of the mattress and my ribs re-crack, I feel a lump form in my throat as the boys continue to fight. I see the doctors rush in and the security tear the two apart. I remember snapping and my eyes going black and my mind shutting down. But this time I watch. I watch myself become crazy, I watch myself cry and scream for Harry. He runs back in next to my bed and puts his hand on my shoulder. I shake my head violently.

"NO LEAVE ME ALONE!!!" I yell, "HARRY?! HARRY!! PLEASE, HARRY COME BACK!" I look at his face as I say this, it was like daggers to his heart he looked confused at me.

"Megan?" He whispers I continue to shake.

The door suddenly slams open and my brother runs in.

"What the hell is going on?!" He asks but Harry ignores him and focuses on me.

"I'm right here babe what's wrong? Babe what's wrong?" I continue to yell for him "What's the matter with her? I'm right here! What's going on?!" He yells at the doctors they move him away from me he fights back and pushes through them.

Josh makes an attempt at helping them back him away but isn't successful he breaks through again and try to sooth me.

"Megan what's going on? Megan?" He whispers but I don't hear.

One of the doctors pushes him away hard making him lose balance Josh immediately runs behind him and holds him back. One doctor holds my shoulders down the other doctor holds my down at the waist.

"LET GO!" I sob, "PLEASE! IT HURTS, PLEASE LET GO!!HARRY?!" My voice is so overused it starts to become horse.

He brakes Josh's grip and runs forward " LET HER GO, PLEASE! YOUR HURTING HER!" His voice cracks and small tears fall, but he's stopped by the nurse and the two guards.

"Sir you need to go outside!" Nurse says pushing him out harder than before out the door.

"Don't go." I whisper.

" NO! No, She needs me! " He yells, "I'm Harry!"

The nurse seemed to understand and lets him back in he runs to the side of my bed the doctors try moving him away.

I whisper " Stop!"

He pushes them away and stops at the end of the bed.

"HARRY? HARRY?! HARRY IT HURTS! DON'T LET THEM TAKE ME PLEASE! PLEASE!!!" My body stops for a second my eyes watery and my mind blank. Harry sees my eyes watery and completely unknowing of what's going on he holds back a little sob. I only stop for a second then continued thrashing and shaking my head violently.

He slowly walks to the side of my bed, puts his hands on both of my shoulders and brings me closer to him. "I'm right here I'm never going to leave you, never! They won't, they won't take you. I Promise. What hurts babe what hurts?!"

The doctors back up and let the scene unfold.

I watch myself slowly calm down but still not reconize him.

"NO! Leave me alone! It hurts Harry it hurts! Come back please!" I say as He climbs in next to me.

"No I'm never leaving you again.
I feel my own heart rate slow down as he talks

"I'm right here." He says as puts his arms around my shoulders. This reminds me of when mom
and dad fought me and Josh would hide in a room I would be shaking with fright, Josh would hold me just like this.

I shake my head slower " No not you! Not You! I need Harry!" I look at my eyes unfeeling and teary.

I could tell it pained him that I didn't reconize him. But he was patient and said nothing. He just held tightly. I eventually fall asleep my body still trembling a little. He rests my head on his chest and I hear his heartbeat match mine.

Harry's POV:

I pace the hallways waiting impatiently. Her brother come running back down the hall and sees my eyes bloodshot, my face red and wet.

"What's going on?"

I sniffle, "I don't know... They won't tell me anything." He turns to go back for another run. "Wait, will you stay with me, please, I don't think I can take whatever they tell me, even if it is good news."

He nods and turns back to me. "So...What do you want to do? We can't just sit and wait, it's too stressful, especially for you."

I shrug, "I just want to be here when she wakes up."

"What if sh-"

"No, she will! She has to...I promised."

Megan's POV:
The dream fast forwards just a small amount this time. Harry is in a different room with his nose bandaged, he stands and goes to open the door as he reaches for the handle it turns and Josh walks in.

"How is she?" He asks immediately and more harshly than intended.

"Um..not good."

"What's wrong? What's going on?" His voice is hard and challenging.

" Sit down first" he says gesturing to the bed. He doesn't want to but regardless he sits. He takes a breath, "She...kinda...passed out"

He jumps a foot high off the bed Josh puts his arms on Harry's shoulders and forcibly pushes him back on the bed.


He keeps his grip strong."LISTEN HARRY! LISTEN!"



Even I am surprised by this I watch more intensively, this gets Harry's attention as well and he stops struggling. He just sits on the bed dumbfounded. Josh's voice quiets down.

"It was about half an hour ago."

I watch his face get hot and tears start to form in the green eyes. He looks up at Josh and his eyes are full of tears as well.

"Did they give a reason?" He asks.

"Re-broken ribs and the lack of oxygen you see when you left she started up again, you know hyperventilating. I tried calming her but she wanted nothing to do with me."

"I'm going to kill that son of a bitch."

Writer: Sorry this chapter is so long I'll try to make the others shorter

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