Kuro Ookami : Project Ookami...

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This is the story of how Kuro Ookami came to be. We meet the Hellhound-Ookami Hybrid and his adventures. Kuro... Daha Fazla

Energy types Reveal
1) My name is Kuro Ookami
2. Down in a Helluva-verse (X Helluva Boss)
3. Cafe Fued
4. Welcome to I.M.P
5. Tall and Blue feathered
6. Similar Species
7. Darkness Arises
8. Loo Loo Land
9) I can turn human!?
10) Memories and Pacts
11) Training Part 1
12) Training Part 2
Upcoming Prequel
13) I'll Help You Out
14) Harvest Moon Festival, the enemy revealed
16)Truth Seekers with a settlement Part 1
Truth Seekers With a Settlement Part 2
New Prequel

15) Unveil The Reversal Technique and One Secret

91 6 1
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-Dream of a memory-

We meet Kuro at his high school back home located in Lynn Town, Kuro just finished his lesson of English before lunch time, they were finishing up revision since the final exams were coming up next year in 2023. A one of Dusk's friend came up to him inviting him to go to the gym with Dusk

...: "Yo! Kuro"

Kuro looks up finishing packing up his bags: "Oh, hey Rocky"

Rocky: Wanna hit the gym with your big bro? I mean, you look very good in shape, let's enhance that, come on afterschool 

Kuro: I don't know man, with all the stress of GCSEs coming up-

Rocky: Nonsense you already doing great. Woah you look really stressed, don't tell me it's actually that important well kinda, but you know what I mean.

Kuro: I'll think about it

Rocky: Come on, you know you can look better for your las~

Kuro: I guess, but she says I'm fine and she doesn't want me too big, she said something like a dad bod of some sort.

Rocky: Fair enough, but you need to drink a lot of alcohol to get that bod but I doubt you'd want that, come one let's grab lunch and meet up with the rest.

Kuro: Ok

They both went downstairs to the courtyard where the shack of delicious treats are there to buy, Kuro bought a nice pepperoni and cheese panini, Rocky bought a sausage roll.

Rocky: Bruv, they always make the sausage rolls so floppy sometimes.

Kuro: Then go complain to them

Rocky: Nah, they still taste good *chomp*. 

Rocky scarfs down the sausage roll

Dusk: Yo! Kuro! Rocky! Over here. *waves*

They come over to Dusk, Roxanne and Yoru and they all sit by the benches by the corner of the courtyard

Dusk: I'm guessing that Rocky invited you to come with us to town and maybe start planning our next show later.

Kuro: To town? I was told to go gym with him

Dusk *to Rocky*: Mate that's tomorrow, but you will come right lil' bro?

Roxanne lays on Dusk's shoulder eating her sandwich, Dusk wraps his arms around her.

Rocky: He said he'll think about it

Dusk: We also have to up our gain before we go back to Japan next year

Kuro: To train our powers?

Dusk: *sighs*Yes...but...no, Daidem called, he wants us to start thinking about going to compete in the summer Ookami Show-off.

Kuro: Isn't that for 17 and above?

Dusk: We were-

Kuro: Born under the Shiro Ookami, yeah, I know, but I still don't get it

Dusk: they changed it to 15 years and above now and I guess he wants to show how the Lynn Town branch has the strongest fighters since we're family Ookami. And that...I guess he wants us to be like our dad

Dusk, yoru and Kuro get looked down, saddened. Roxanne snuggles up with dusk.

Kuro: Alright, I go just for dad.

Dusk: That's the spirit

A group of girls went to the shack to buy their lunches, and one in particular was there. It was Kuro's girlfriend Ruby. Kuro sees her and waves at her.

Kuro: Ruby!

Ruby responded with a light wave

Kuro *thinking*: Odd, she usually responds in a more energetic way, maybe she's tired?

Kuro: I'm coming over!

Rocky: Ohhh~

Kuro and Ruby were having a conversation about stuff. Dusk gets a little concerned.

Dusk: I haven't seen her with Kuro all day it's a bit odd.

Rox: Maybe she has her own things to do, y'know, I might hangout with my friends too without you babe.

Dusk: Yeah I know but this is Kuro and Ruby we're talking about.

Rox: Now thinking about it, it is quite odd. Those two were always by each other's side, I wonder what happened?

The bell rang the gang started to go into class

Dusk: I got French now, you rox?

Rox: I got French too with Mrs Bliss and my bestie Porsha is there, we're having some speakers over.

Dusk: That's cool, you Yoru?

Yoru: I got DT, time to finish up the analysis.

Dusk: And-

Rocky already left.

Dusk: Rock- and he's gone. I'm guessing Kuro has computing now, he always tops the class.

They all start walking to their lessons. Kuro is stopped by his girlfriend, Kuro turns around to talk to Ruby.

Kuro: Yeah? Wassup?

Ruby: I need you to talk to you about something

Kuro: You can tell me anything, no matter what, I love-

Ruby: We're breaking up.

Kuro: What...?

Ruby: *sigh* I'm just not feeling it anymore after one year, you're too clingy, you always try to show off,  and I don't feel anything when you say I love you so, you also kiss me a lot too, I feel like you're just using me... we're done, by the way, I only asked you out because I just felt bad okay, hmph. *walks away*.

Kuro is surrounded by many students and sixth former students going to their first exams, Kuro is stood there not knowing what to do, his world felt to crash when he heard 'we're done', Kuro's mind started to get blurry and his hands started to be full of tears. He tried not to cry more and then he sees a black figure in front of him. He got scared

"Is that-"

He feels that his hands felt heavier, what were the tears became some white energy and burns him, Kuro shook the white energy off, the surroundings became black and he can only see himself and the weird figure in front. He sees him self once again, his mind started to go crazy, It was Cerberus and he was there pointing at him.


The ground shook and Kuro fell into a large crack, he screamed.

-end of dream sequence-

Kuro woke up gasping for air and felt so sweaty. The nightmare was different in some way, he still saw Cerberus at the same time his ex. Either way, Loona was there beside him.

Loona: Kuro! Kuro! You're sweating so much, here, I have a towel.

Kuro takes the towel and wipes himself with it, "Thanks Loona".

Loona: These nightmares seem to be getting worse

Kuro: I guess, but I dreamt of something way more friendly before what I dreamt off now.

Loona: Oh yeah, it was your bestfriend that had the same name as you.

Kuro: Yeah

Loona: So, who was it this time?

Kuro hesitated for a moment knowing that he doesn't want to tell her that he had a girlfriend because he was only known to be single his whole life.

Kuro: You wouldn't know 'em.

Kuro got up and walked out of the room, Loona looked at him with concern, he went into the kitchen and grabbed a bowl of cereal and milk as well as a getting a cup of coffee. Loona walks into the kitchen being surprised to see Kuro eating a dull breakfast, he looked so dull and tired.

Loona *thinking*: Cereal? That's such a boring breakfast, why is Kuro suddenly eating that?


Kuro: Yeah?

Loona: Don't you usually like, have better breakfast than that, what's wrong?

Kuro: Oh... *realises* ugh dammit, I don't do that do I?

Loona:  Yeah, you don't?

Kuro: I'll whip something up, eggs, bacon?

Kuro got up and went to the kitchen finding something to eat, he picks up a spice with the label called 'Ruby' froze entirely.

Loona: Just anything, but I don't mind doing the cooking today. I can do it from the skills you taught me, shouldn't be that hard.

Kuro daydreamed and stared to the abyss

"Kuro?" *click* "Mr. Rockstar, Kuro!"

Kuro: Oh um, yeah you can cook brekkie if you want. *puts the spice away*

Loona heads over to the kitchen: Ok, let's do this

Kuro sat down by the sofa / couch waiting looks at twiddles with his thumbs, he thinks about his past experiences especially with his ex he dared not to say a word, he starts to overthink about his experience with his ex

Loona: Done!

Kuro didn't respond, *thinking*: I need to let go already.

Loona: Hey! *clicks fingers* Earth to Kuro.

Kuro: Oh yeah thanks.

Kuro looked at the breakfast and was amazed to see the breakfast made, it was a English Breakfast.

Kuro: mmm, this is so good Loona, but I haven't made this for a while since I got here how did you manage to know?

Loona: Like I said Kuro, you're a great teacher, I can learn things quite quickly.

Kuro: Good to know. Where's Blitz?

Loona: He's already at the office, he wants you to meet him when your ready.

Kuro: Oh, alright.

They finish up breakfast and head straight to the office, they were walking on that same path to the office, Kuro was so focused on a lot of stuff, Loona was beside him, she looked at her with concern

Loona: Is everything alright, Kuro?

Kuro didn't respond he was overthinking through a lot of stuff.


Kuro: Oh, wassup?

Loona: I just asked if everything is fine, you seem to be zoning out a lot today?

Kuro: Oh yeah, I guess I am.

Loona: *sigh* You know, you can always tell me anything.

Kuro hesitiate: Maybe later *heads off*

Loona: H-hey wait up. 

They both arrive at the building and they went into the elevator, Kuro pressed a button to the office floor aggressively, his fists...clenched.

Loona: uh, you don't have to press it so aggressively.

'doors closing'

Kuro's eyebrows clenched as he overthought more.

"What's wrong?"

Kuro sighs and turns his head to Loona

Loona: Kuro?

Kuro: It's fine, I'll always be.


the elevator reaches the floor and they both walk into the office. Loona became even more concerned as 'it's fine' wasn't enough to satisfy her answer.

*opens the front door to the main office*

Kuro: Ohhio!

He saw the whole gang in the office doing their own thing.

Blitzo: Hey, you're here, I though I'd just let you sleep a little more especially from that fight yesterday. Loona insisted to stay also to make you're awake.

Kuro *turns to Loona*: Really?

Loona: Someone needs to make sure that you're alive.

Moxxie: Couldn't Blitz have stayed instead of you Loona, hmmmm~

Loona *punches Moxxie*: Ugh, shut up fattie!

Blitzo: Oh yeah, Kuro can you speak to me in my office, don't worry you're not in trouble or anything

Blitzo and Kuro went to the office and shut the door behind him

Millie: So, what's up with you and Kuro?

Loona *blushes*: huh?

Moxxie: You seem to be quite fond of Kuro ever since he came here, he even lives with you, for the time being of course

Loona: Ugh, I'm just being a good friend...that's all.

Mox and Millie: Reallyyyyyyyy~?

Loona: Yes-ugh.  

In the next room where Blitzo and Kuro are.

Kuro: What's up? Is it something serious?

Both sat in their seats in the office

Blitzo: I had a call from your quote "Teacher" to tell you to visit him today during the hours

Kuro: So, you mean now?

Blitzo: Don't worry, I'll put you on day off today

Kuro: Oh ok, is that all?

Blitzo: Another thing, where were you and Loona before you saved us yesterday?

Kuro: We were watching Stolas' performance.

*realises and thinking*: "That hug from yesterday"

Kuro: Yeah that was all. *thinking*: Better not tell him anything else or he'd flip out.

Blitzo: Tell me, you're not pulling any moves on my daughter are you?

Kuro: Wait...WHAT!?

Blitzo: You heard me.

Kuro: Blitz, I would never pull any tricks or any loving actions towards your daughter. I don't even love anyone right now, not even...after....

*remembers ex and clenches fist*

Blitzo *arms crossed: After what?

Kuro: ugh, It's not that important. I'll be going off to Stolas now. *Waves as he leaves*

Blitzo: Kuro?

Kuro opens the door, Loona, Millie and Moxxie bickering at each other, when they heard Kuro coming out of the room they froze and then acted normal. Kuro walked aggressively to the door and went out. SLAMM!

Loona: that's a mood

Moxxie: Uh sir, what happened?

Blitzo: I dunno, I just told him to meet Stolas and that was it.

Loona: You, sure it wasn't anything else?

Blitz: Yeahhhhhh.

Loona didn't seem convinced, she looked at the door Kuro went through, she finds a picture on the floor, Loona is shocked to see a photo of Kuro and a girl (his ex). She gets confused about this girl on the photo.

Loona: "There's no way..."

Loona puts the picture in her pocket hoping she'd giving it back.

Kuro lays to one side of the elevator looking angry at himself in the mirror beside him. 

'You're too clingy' he remembers,

'you always kiss me all time',

'I dont feel anything when you say I love you',

Kuro's fist clenched even more, the elevator went to the ground floor, angrily walking out of the office building.

A few miles later, Kuro is just  a few steps away from Stolas' mansion, Kuro is overthinking a lot and angry from his ex becomes even more angry just thinking about it. The whole ground shook breaking a lamp post bulb and a window, Kuro didn't realise and walked off to the Goetia residence. Kuro takes a breath in and tries to relax

Kuro: "I was...just trying...to be a good partner" *says to himself*

Kuro tried to forget about it but couldn't, he'd loved this girl so much that it broke him, he could never stop thinking about her, he slowly breaths in and out trying to forget about her, only for a while.

Kuro arrives at the front door of the Goetia residence. He presses the doorbell hearing a loud chime, light foot step come to the front door, someone opens the door but it wasn't Stolas this time it was a young owl who resembled Stolas, she wore a beanie and a cardigan, purple feathers too.

...: Can I help you?

Kuro: Oh, you must be Stolas' daughter called...

Octavia: Octavia, *opens the door wider* you must be that student my dad sometimes talk about, does he need you or something? 

Kuro: Pretty much *shrugs shoulders* is he around here?

Octavia: He's around the back follow me.

They both walk to where Stolas is

Kuro *thinking*: She definitely resembles Stolas a lot, the Jigoku energy is similar to Stolas.

Octavia: Daaaaddd!!! Your Student is here!!!

Stolas: Oh! Bring him in sweetie.

Octavia: Ok, just go in there

Kuro: Zankyu

Kuro walks over to Stolas who was experimenting with one of his spell books, he sees that he has a jar of angelic energy.

Kuro: "uhhh, don't mind me asking, but is that-"

Stolas: "Angelic energy, yeah"

Kuro daydreams

Stolas: "It's angelic energy" *shakes the bottle in front*

Kuro: "Oh uh yeah, Is there a reason why you have it?"

Stolas used his powers to get a teaspoon of the energy and manipulates it to a sharp object, he suddenly slashes himself on the arm creating a large flesh cut. Kuro gets shocked to the action that Stolas did. Octavia who was peaking also got scared.

Kuro: "Stolas!! What are you doing!!??!?"

Stolas: "Hold on..." *the flesh cut instantly heals from the angelic slash*

Kuro is amazed to see the cut being healed in such speed, it healed quicker than his angelic burn.

Kuro: "How did you manage to heal it so quickly? I couldn't even use my own Ookami energy to heal wound like that so fast."

Stolas: "This technique is known as a Jigoku Reversal"

Kuro: "Jigoku Reversal?"

Stolas: "A technique that instantly heals all wounds that were created from all types of energy, even angelic energy".

Kuro: "All wounds? To think about it, Ookami energy doesn't seem to heal large open wounds. It only speeds up clotting"

Stolas: "Let me explain, when you heal with ookami energy, you're only speeding up your natural process of healing but isn't as fast, but with Jigoku reversal, you instantly create cells without clotting to heal and close wounds, this makes this energy type the quite special type."

Kuro: "So how does that technique work to be more specific, isn't Jigoku energy destructive?"

Stolas: "Well from my research of the cosmos, Jigoku and life energy are very complementary to one another to make things easier to understand, Jigoku energy is negative energy when multiplied it creates positive energy which is exactly..."

Kuro: Life energy!

Stolas: Eeeexactly! However not a lot of beings can perform such as technique. It's very tough to perform.

Kuro: Then why are you suggesting this to me?

Stolas: Well, you have good potential of being a great Jigoku user, considering that you must have good knowledge of energy usages.

Kuro: Umm, yeah I guess.

Stolas: So then, to actually perform this technique, it's about focusing all that negative energy to that wound and multiplying it, now I don't want to keep opening wounds to practice this, the best way to practice is to channel your Jigoku energy in one spot, do you think you can do that?

Kuro: Yeah I can try.

Kuro focused his energy to one spot which was on his palm he manage to create a ball of Jigoku energy: "Like this?"

Stolas: Yeah not bad, now the hardest part is to multiply the exact amount of Jigoku energy to create positive energy or life energy.

Kuro: Why the exact amount?

Stolas: You'll end up with unused Jigoku energy which is a waste if not used.

Kuro: Makes sense *still has the Jigoku energy in his palm* so in order to get the right amount I guess I have to keep on focusing on my palm to until I get the right amount

Stolas: You're a quick learner, though careful, you'll end up adding more Jigoku energy instead of multiplying it.

Kuro: ummm, what?

Stolas: I should've said this at the start, it's not as simple to use the excess energy from where it has been focused on, you need a new input of Jigoku energy which is mainly from the heart, veins or even the stomach because that's where food is consumed. I've noticed that you were just about to use the excess energy from your palm just now which will only increase the size, we're only cancelling the negatives out not increasing it, although there may be a way to actually cancel it out with excess Jigoku. But for now just add a new input of Jigoku from that supply point I mentioned.

Kuro: So I can't easily use excess energy from my palm. No wonder this is a hard technique.

Kuro takes in a deep breath and focused the energy from his supply points to his palm, the ball of Jigoku energy managed to stay in size, it gradually changed to a more bluey colour, the dark redness started to disappear. Kuro was amazed to see that he created new life energy.

Stolas: You must've felt that sensation

Kuro: the energy pumping to my palm?

Stolas: mhm, it wasn't a feeling of using that same excess Jigoku energy from the palms wasn't it?

Kuro: Yeah

The new life energy dissipated around his body, Kuro felt a sensation that made him a little stronger, he notice that he couldn't feel his burn anymore and checked wound.

Kuro: You weren't kidding about the fast healing process. This technique managed to heal this angelic burn so quickly, man I could've waited for weeks for this to heal!

Stolas: And I'm pretty proud to see you manage to pick it up so quick, it would've taken 10 years to learn for a beginner.

Kuro: Huh???!?! 

Stolas sees Octavia peeping,

"Via! Come in, I also want to teach a spell that you promised you want to learn"

Kuro turned to see Octavia coming in.

Kuro: Yo! 

Octavia: Hey.

Kuro: I guess we haven't formally met, name's Kuro *offers handshake*

Octavia: Octavia *accepts handshake*  but I guess you probably already know

They stood side by  side looking at Stolas for the next spell.

Stolas: Now *claps hands together* there is a spell that would definitely help you to get to other places such as the overworld and the rings freely.

Kuro: Oh,  that portal spell from that book or grimoire?

Stolas: mhm, we'll now learn how to create portals without the grimoire and to place it anywhere to any location, which, shouldn't be a hard task for you two. So my students, shall we begin?

Kuro and Octavia: Yeah!

-scene cuts to Loona-

Loona sits in her reception desk waiting for a call for a next client her foot on the desk getting bored.

*ring ring*

Loona *picks the phone up*: Hello IMP

...: Hello madam, can we talk about your cars extended warr- *cuts call*

Another phone rings Loona picks up: *lazily* hello IMP

...: Hey ya! Are you interested in buying the latest voxtec- *cuts call*

Loona: Ugh.

Loona drags her face with his hands, looking bored: This is the most dead job I had. When will I actually start to get involved again in doing something.

Loona's phone rings and vibrates, she picks it up and it was a call from the fellow hellhound from Versosika's group, Vortex

Loona *picks the phone up*: Hey 'Tex, wassup?

Vortex: Hey, hows it going girl, you still up for that party?

Loona: Yeah... the one with your girlfriend, right? *twiddles with her hair*

 Vortex: The very one, so you still want to party with us?

Loona: Yeah...yeah...I'll go.

Vortex: ummm Aight, no problem, next week on Sunday.

Loona: Yeah...got it.

Vortex: Aight no problem see ya then *ends call*.

Loona lays back on the chair grumpy, "I seriously need to let go", putting the phone back in her pocket, she felt the photo that Kuro dropped a few hours back and looked at it again. Loona looked at the moments that Kuro and his ex being happy.

Loona: So this was actually his girlfriend huh? Hmm, they looked really happy *notices the last photo* 

The last photo loona found was the ookami squad back home

#made in 2023#

Loona: Looks like Kuro's gang back home, he doesn't look convincingly happy though but, I can almost tell why.

Loona finally understood more about Kuro's moody behaviour. 

Suddenly whole room shook, Loona got scared and held on to the desk. Red fire start to appear in front of her desk and pulled apart creating a portal, Loona looked through the portal seeing Kuro, Octavia and Stolas, she quickly hid the photo under a lamp

Kuro: Well I guess that's it for today huh, thanks Stolas

Stolas: Anytime Kuro, come back to train more with me and viaaa!! *portal closes*

Kuro dusts himself as he went through the portal.

Kuro: It's more harder than I thought to portal without the grimoire, something about a same spot of excess Jigoku energy created.

Kuro *turns around seeing Loona*: Oh! Hey Loona.

Loona: Hey, everything alright?

Kuro: yeah, where are the others

Loona: They went out somewhere and left me here.

Kuro notices a photo from the lamp, Kuro looked at it and it was him with his ex, he gets triggered from that single glance

"Where did you get this?"

Loona: Woah, don't blame me, you dropped it when you stormed out of the office. And you shouldn't just peep in people's things.

Kuro: Is that so *sigh* have you been looking at it inside?

Loona: No......Y-Yes

Kuro: You shouldn't have seen this.

Kuro was about to walk off but Loona grabbed his arm stopping him

Kuro: H-hey

Loona: Nuh-uh I am not letting you go off somewhere else again without telling me what's going on with you, don't you forget I'm trying to help you be comfortable here and if it's something personal you should talk to me!

Kuro stayed hesitant he didn't want to tell about his whole love story, he was known for being single.

Loona: ugh, come on Kuro let's go upstairs!

Kuro: Huh, upstairs?

Loona: You think that was a question?

Loona dragged Kuro by the arm to going up to the roof of the office with here.

Kuro: H-hey C'mon, I could walk you know

Loona: Well, you don't seem to be wanting to.

They arrived at the top of the building. 

Kuro: What are we doing on top...

Kuro was amazed to see the infrastructure and the architecture IMP city had at night, Kuro gazed at the amount of dazzling light that was coming out and the sky had a perfect night, stars everywhere.

Kuro: The view...it's...quite nice here, better than any city I have been to.

Loona: Well this is IMP city afterall.

Kuro sits down on the edge as well as Loona.

#made in 2023#

Loona: So, is there anything you'd want to tell me, maybe something you been wanting to let out?

Kuro hesitated


Kuro took in a deep breath and out: "These photos, they were me and...my ex"

Loona: "You had an ex? Well not that I found it obv- sorry keep going"

Kuro: It was during my high school years, she's the one who saved me for being bullied back in Year 9, I loved this girl, we dated but I ended up to being clingy and always stood by her side. She didn't like it one bit, especially the hugs I give.

Loona: How so?

Kuro: I just knew, from her face, her behaviour and whatnot. I was expecting her to break up with me 1 year later or sometime during. When she broke up with me, she didn't directly tell me why but I knew. She texted, saying she can't put up to date any more and tired, and she wanted to focus on herself.

Loona: Well that sounds like a lie.

Kuro: That was

Loona: Oh... what happened

Kuro: She already moved on and found another person after that day.

Loona: Just after? That's horrible, you mean she quickly found someone else, sounds like she was cheating *sighs* man I'm so sorry shouldn't have brought it up.

Kuro: No...it's fine, I didn't want to cry around others but alone, *chuckles* man I cried eyeballs out. After that didn't really seem to be dating anyone else *throws a piece of crumb to the air*, I didn't want to keep clinging on people who hate me secretly, I got too much on my hands at the moment, and dating's not one of them, not now.

Loona: How long has it been not dating then?

Kuro: 2 years

Loona: 2 years?!  That's...quite a long time.

Kuro: It is, just long enough to fix myself at least, have you...dated before?

Loona: not...really, but I did have some crushes but... they were taken, I didn't realise it, God I'm so stupid. *facepalms*

Kuro: Can I take one guess?

Loona: Go ahead...

Kuro: Is it 'Tex?

Loona stayed hesitant and nods to Kuro.

Kuro *to Loona puts hand on shoulder*: Hey, It's not that easy, even for hellhounds like us I guess, I've had some crushes as well during my high school years too. But you'll eventually have to let go if doesn't work out, but it did made me truly stronger as a person or hellhound, I'm certain it should work for you as well. I can say that's true now that I am starting to move on now after 2 years.

Loona: yeah... I guess, but 2 years is long though?

Kuro: It's different for everybody, but I know for a fact that people will move on their life and you will too.

Loona: Yeah, I will...thanks for telling me that*smiles*.

Kuro: I should be thanking you, I'm glad I at least told someone who I can trust and talk to who went through the same experience as me.

Loona smiles and chuckles then both of them chuckle.

Loona: Do you want to go to a party?

Kuro: That one that Tex- Oh should I not say his name or-

Loona: No no, it's fine, I'm past that now.

Kuro: That's a good start. Well, is it that party?

Loona: Yeah, next week on Sunday

Kuro: I might arrive a bit late since Stolas wants me first for close combat training.

Loona: That's fine, I'll get a cab. So, you all better moody?

Kuro: *sighs* I am. *smiles and surprisingly hugs Loona*

Loona was taken by surprise, she was happy and glad to receive a hug by Kuro, she hugged back.

Loona: See, you're not a bad hugger.

Kuro: Stop, Ur gonna make me cry

Loona: Oh Kuro.

They went back to the office downstairs, talking and laughing at each other, Blitz and the gang were there doing their own thing.

Loona: Yeah and the spices you choose randomly, how do they work out so good?

Kuro: I always like experiment, intentionally, I don't have to keep on choosing the same spice every time I cook, well maybe.

Loona: That is true. Hey, I have an idea.

Kuro: What is it?

Loona: I just thought, maybe some spikes and a chest mark may be a good touch to that jacket, you are living in hell after all and also to like show change.

Kuro: Huh, I never thought about changing my outfit, I guess it has been for a while now, maybe I should.

Blitzo stood in front of them waiting

Blitzo: Hey!

Kuro: Oh hey Blitz

Blitzo: What were you two doing on the roof?

Loona: Just having a conversation

Moxxie and Millie: More like kissing *kisses the air in a jokingly way*

Loona: ugh

Blitzo *ignores Moxxie*: Is that so? What was it about?

Kuro: Nothing too bad.

Loona: Yes, nothing too bad, just helping each other out with advice.

Blitzo: Just make sure you're not talking about any HPVs

Loona: DAD!!! 

Loona covers her mouth in realisation

Kuro: You know, I have never heard you called Blitz, dad.

Blitzo: *gasps* Aww Loonie *hugs and kisses Loona*

Loona: Ugh...

Kuro: You definitely like this

Loona: Don't you start.

-end of part 15-


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