Veiled Hearts ~ HP Fanfiction...

By sakshiiiey

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"Veiled Hearts" offers a glimpse into the clandestine world of Hogwarts, where Celestia Malfoy, the poised ye... More

Chapter 0: Character Introduction
Chapter 1: A Chance Encounter
Chapter 2: Shadows of Sophistication
Chapter 3: Unexpected Saviour
Chapter 4: Goblet Of Fire
Chapter 5: Slytherin Shenanigans: A Night in the Common Room
Chapter 6: Ignore The Problem
Chapter 7: The Forbidden Encounters
Chapter 8: Encounters in Shadows
Chapter 9: Cunning Slytherins
Chapter 10: Accidental encounter
Chapter 11: Revelations in the Great Hall
Chapter 12: Cloaked Affection
Chapter 13: The Second Task
Chapter 14: Articles
Chapter 15: A Surprise Encounter in Hogsmeade
Chapter 16: Unexpected Duels
Chapter 17: Aftermath
Chapter 18: Secrets and shadows
Chapter 19: The Third Task
Chapter 20: The Beginning
Order Of The Pheonix
Chapter 21: A Visit to Private Drive
Chapter 22: Parisian Escapades
Chapter 23: Back To Hogwarts
Chapter 24: Boundaries and Darkened Skies
Chapter 25: Welcome Feast
Chapter 26: Confessions
Chapter 27: Silent Resolutions
Chapter 28: Sneaky Slytherins
Chapter 29: Saturday morning calls
Chapter 30: Gryffindors Are Losers
Chapter 31: Godfather meetings
Chapter 32: Social Dynamics
Chapter 33: Deception and Desire
Chapter 34: Broken Friendships
Chapter 35: Hog's Head Meeting
Chapter 36: Neville's Bravado
Chapter 37: Solitude in the Dungeons
Chapters 38: Dumbledore 's Army
Chapter 39: Embrace of Friendship
Chapter 40: Troubleshoot
Chapter 41: Mourning Seraphina
Chapter 43: Love in the Night Sky
Chapter 44: Flight From Fate
Chapter 45: Back Again
Chapter 46: Christmas at Grimmauld Place
Chapter 47: Trival Matters
Chapter 48: Hogsmead Date

Chapter 42: Emotional Entanglements and Mistletoe Mishaps

44 4 1
By sakshiiiey

The funeral was a solemn affair, devoid of any of the usual pomp and circumstance that accompanied such events. There were no elaborate decorations adorning the room, no distinguished political figures in attendance, and no extended family gathering to offer their condolences. Instead, there were only four individuals present: Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy, their daughter Celestia Malfoy, and Mrs. Blanchard.

As Celestia looked around the room, she couldn't help but feel a sense of emptiness hanging in the air. The absence of mourners and the lack of emotional display left her feeling unsettled, as if something vital were missing from the proceedings.

No one shed tears or offered a heartfelt goodbye speech, and the silence that filled the room seemed to amplify the weight of their collective grief. Each person present stood in quiet contemplation, their thoughts drifting to the woman who had claimed to be Celestia's mother.

Mrs. Blanchard, who had been Seraphina's caretaker for many years, stood off to the side, her expression stoic and unreadable. Despite the years of dedicated service she had provided to the Malfoy family, there was no mistaking the somber air that surrounded her.

After the brief ceremony concluded, the Malfoys approached Mrs. Blanchard, offering her a favorable sum of galleons as a token of appreciation for her years of devoted care. Though the exchange was conducted with a sense of formality, there was an underlying sense of gratitude and respect that underscored their actions.

Following the conclusion of the somber ceremony, the small group made their way outside, where the burial procedure awaited them. The sky was overcast, casting a pall over the proceedings as they solemnly followed the path that led away from Blanchard Manor.

As they approached the edge of the forest, Celestia couldn't help but notice the secluded nature of the burial site. It was far removed from the grandeur of the Malfoy cemetery, nestled among the trees like an unknown corpse laid to rest in secrecy.

The grave had already been dug, a simple hole in the earth waiting to receive its occupant. There were no elaborate headstones or ornate markers to denote the final resting place of Seraphina Malfoy, only the hushed whispers of the wind rustling through the trees.

With solemn reverence, the small group gathered around the open grave, each lost in their own thoughts and memories of the woman they had known. Mrs. Blanchard stood off to the side, her gaze fixed on the freshly turned earth as if searching for some semblance of closure.

As the ceremony began, Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy stepped forward to offer their final respects, their expressions grave and unyielding. Celestia followed suit, her heart heavy with the weight of unanswered questions and unresolved emotions.

With a heavy heart, they watched as Seraphina's body was lowered into the ground, her presence now forever lost to the world. As the earth was gently filled in around her, Celestia couldn't shake the feeling of finality that settled over her like a shroud.

In the end, Seraphina Malfoy was laid to rest in a distant land, far from the opulent halls of Blanchard Manor and the prestigious lineage of the Malfoy family. Her final resting place was a quiet corner of the forest, where the echoes of her past would be forever lost to the winds of time.

As December arrived, it brought with it a blanket of pristine snow that blanketed the grounds of Hogwarts in a soft, ethereal glow. For the fifth-years, however, the arrival of winter also heralded an onslaught of homework and prefect duties, leaving little time for anything else. Celestia returned to Hogwarts the day after the funeral, her heart heavy with grief and her mind filled with unanswered questions.

The castle seemed strangely quiet and empty as Celestia made her way through the corridors, her footsteps echoing against the stone walls. The familiar sights and sounds of Hogwarts offered little comfort to her troubled mind, and she couldn't shake the feeling of emptiness that gnawed at her from within.

Celestia didn't believe a word Seraphina had said on her deathbed. Despite Celestia's doubts and reservations, she couldn't bring herself to part with the diamond ring that Seraphina had given her. Instead, she wore it around her neck on a delicate chain, the sparkling diamond serving as a constant reminder of the woman who had claimed to be her mother.

As the days passed, Celestia threw herself into her studies with renewed determination, burying herself in books and parchment as a means of distraction. But no matter how hard she tried to focus on her schoolwork, her thoughts kept drifting back to the events of that fateful night at Blanchard Manor.

Was Seraphina truly her mother, as she had claimed? Or was it all just a desperate plea for recognition from a woman who had been cast aside by her own family? Celestia couldn't say for certain, but the uncertainty weighed heavily on her mind, casting a shadow over her every thought and action. Celestia didn't dare utter a word about it to her parents or twin.

As the winter holidays drew near, Celestia found herself longing for the familiar comforts of home and family. Spending time with Draco was the only reason that kept her sane, as she packed her bags and prepared to leave Hogwarts behind for a few weeks, she couldn't shake the feeling that her life would never be the same again.

As the final meeting of the DA before the holiday break commenced, Celestia entered the room with Henry, fashionably late as usual. Harry, who hadn't seen Celestia for nearly weeks, was in the midst of giving a speech and didn't acknowledge their tardy entrance.

"As I was saying — we should just go over the things we've done so far, because it's the last meeting before the holidays and there's no point starting anything new right before a three-week break -"

"We're not doing anything new?" grumbled Zacharias Smith, his disgruntled whisper carrying through the room. "If I'd known that, I wouldn't have come."

"He's embarrassing himself," Henry whispered in Celestia's ear, eliciting a giggle from her, knowing full well that Harry was watching her every move.

"We're all really sorry Harry didn't tell you, then," Weasley twin piped up loudly, prompting several people to snigger.

"- we can practise in pairs," continued Harry, undeterred. "We'll start with the Impediment Jinx, for ten minutes, then we can get out the cushions and try Stunning again."

Celestia paired up with Henry, as usual, and the room erupted into a flurry of activity as everyone practiced the spell. Soon, they laid out cushions all over the floor and began practicing Stunning again. Celestia couldn't help but notice the occasional glares she received from the Gryffindor members of the DA.

The space was too confined to allow everyone to work on the spell simultaneously, so they took turns observing each other. After an hour, Harry called a halt to the practice.

"You're getting really good," he said, beaming at them. "When we get back from the holidays, we can start doing some of the big stuff, maybe even Patronuses."

As the room began to clear out in its usual twos and threes, Henry, ever the goody-nice Hufflepuff, stayed behind to help the Gryffindors collect the cushions. Celestia found herself doing the same, stacking the cushions neatly away.

While Hermione questioned her absence from class for a week, Celestia stayed behind, talking with her. As Ron left, Hermione nodded towards Harry, who stood awkwardly by the wall, staring at the Christmas decorations. "Talk with him, will you?" She said, following Ron.

Celestia didn't reply,

"Let's go," Henry approached Celestia as they finished cleaning up.

"No, you go on," Celestia overheard Cho saying to her friend, Marietta.

"Wait," she told Henry, pulling him behind a tapestry that seemed to have appeared out of thin air. Celestia peaked by the corner of tapestry, Harry was straightening the pile of cushions, and then Celestia heard a hearty sniff.

"Is she crying?" Celestia whispered in disbelief.

"Why are we spying on them?" Henry questioned, having to bend his knees as he was taller than the tapestry, though Celestia was sure their feet were visible.

"Oh, shut up," Celestia whispered. She wanted to leave but simply couldn't; she needed to see it for herself in order to move on.

"What—" Harry said, sounding confused. He probably didn't know what to do as Cho was simply standing there, crying silently.

Celestia sniggered silently, while Henry breathed down her neck, peeking through the corner of the tapestry with her.

"What's up?" Harry said, feebly.

She shook her head and wiped her eyes on her sleeve.

"I'm sorry," Cho said thickly. "I suppose… it's just… learning all this stuff… it just makes me… wonder whether… if he'd known it all… he'd still be alive."

Celestia's heart burned with rage; Cho was seeking sympathy!

"He did know this stuff," Harry said heavily. "He was really good at it, or he could never have gotten to the middle of that maze. But if Voldemort really wants to kill you, you don't stand a chance."

She hiccupped at the sound of Voldemort's name but stared at Harry without flinching. "You survived when you were just a baby," she said quietly.

"Yeah, well," said Harry wearily, moving towards the door. "I don't know why, nor does anyone else, so it's nothing to be proud of." Harry had nearly walked past Cho, toward the door to exit, when —

"Oh, don't go!" said Cho, sounding tearful again. "I'm really sorry to get all upset like this… I didn't mean to…" She hiccupped again.

Celestia stared at the pair with disgust. "Is she stupid?" Celestia whispered to Henry.

"I don't know, she's a Ravenclaw, right? Maybe she read in some book that crying makes it satisfying?" Henry said plainly.

"They're not having sex," Celestia stated.

"I know it must be horrible for you," Cho said, mopping her eyes on her sleeve again. "Me mentioning Cedric, when you saw him die… I suppose you just want to forget about it?"

Harry did not say anything. Celestia knew he wanted to say yes.

"You're a really good teacher, you know," continued Cho, with a watery smile. "I've never been able to Stun anything before."

"Thanks," said Harry awkwardly.

They looked at each other for a long moment. Harry looked like he wanted to leave.

"Mistletoe," said Cho quietly, pointing at the ceiling over his head.

"That bitch," Celestia snarled, in whisper.

"Yeah," said Harry. "It's probably full of Nargles, though."

"What are Nargles?"

"No idea," said Harry.

Cho had moved closer.

"You'd have to ask Loony. Luna, I mean." Harry said.

"If they kiss, I am leaving the DA," Celestia stated, her insides burning.

Henry was too occupied watching the pair; he didn't comment.

Cho made a funny noise halfway between a sob and a laugh. She was even nearer to him now. Their faces were inches apart.

"I really like you, Harry."

Harry slightly took a step back, "uh…" he said, now completely stepping back, Cho froze in shock and embarrassment.

The burning Celestia was feeling suddenly disappeared, replaced with an odd sense of satisfaction.

"Thank you for liking me," said Harry awkwardly, and Celestia wanted to laugh. "I like you too, as a human."

Cho opened her mouth but no words came out.

Harry scratched the back of his head, wanting to leave the room. "I love someone else, ug... Celestia, the Slytherin girl in DA... she's my girlfriend so…"

Henry pinched her shoulder

"We broke up" Celestia whispered, hitting his hand away, "I technically didn't lie to you"

Cho's face was crimson in embarrassment now. "You guys are never together, she hexed your friends several times, her brother did horrible things to you —" she was saying, but Harry interrupted.

"Yeah… We'll work it out."

Celestia couldn't take it anymore; she laughed a little too loudly, causing the pair to snap their heads toward the tapestry. Embarrassed for being caught eavesdropping, Henry walked out first, pulling Celestia with him.

"Sorry," Henry said awkwardly to Harry and Cho, "we were just looking around for... stuff," he pulled Celestia's arm towards the exit. Celestia and Henry hurriedly left. She could see Harry following them to the exit.

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