You're safe with us

By Cloey2017

12.5K 335 20

Carina and Maya take in a 14 year old girl, who has taken part in a studdy program funded by the Cathrine-Fox... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapters 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Not an update
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 21

331 13 0
By Cloey2017

The warm Sicilian sun kissed Maya, Carina and their daughter Kathy as they stepped off the plane onto the tarmac of Catania Fontanarossa Airport. The salty breeze carried with it the tantalizing scent of the nearby Mediterranean Sea, welcoming them back to Carina's hometown with open arms.

As they made their way through the airport, Carina's eyes sparkled with excitement as she pointed out familiar landmarks and shared stories of her childhood spent in Sicily. Kathy listened with rapt attention, eager to learn more about her mother's roots and the vibrant culture of the island.

Their first stop was the beach, where the crystal-clear waters of the Mediterranean stretched out before them in an endless expanse of azure blue. Maya and Carina spread out a colorful beach towel, while Kathy kicked off her shoes and ran towards the water, her laughter echoing through the air.

Maya watched with a smile as Carina joined Kathy in the surf, the two of them splashing and playing like carefree children. It was moments like these that Maya cherished the most – seeing her family so happy and at peace in each other's company.

As the day wore on, Maya, Carina, and Kathy built sandcastles, collected seashells, and soaked up the warm Sicilian sun. They took turns burying each other in the sand, laughing and joking as they enjoyed each other's company.

As the sun began to sink towards the horizon, Maya suggested they take a stroll along the shoreline, enjoying the feel of the soft sand between their toes and the sound of the waves lapping against the shore. Carina wrapped her arm around Maya's waist, leaning in close as they walked, their hearts full of love and gratitude for the precious moments they shared together as a family.

As they walked, Carina pointed out landmarks and shared stories of her childhood adventures along the Sicilian coast. Maya listened with fascination, her admiration for Carina's resilience and strength growing with each passing moment.

As they reached a secluded cove, Maya suggested they take a dip in the cool, refreshing waters of the Mediterranean. Carina and Kathy eagerly agreed, stripping off their clothes and running towards the water with joyful abandon.

Maya followed close behind, her heart full to bursting as she watched her family splash and play in the surf. For Maya, this was what happiness looked like – moments of pure joy and connection shared with the ones she loved most in the world.

As they emerged from the water, their skin tingling from the salt and sun, Maya wrapped Carina and Kathy in a warm embrace, her heart overflowing with love and gratitude for the beautiful life they had built together. Sicily had welcomed them with open arms, and Maya knew that their time on the island would be filled with countless more moments of laughter, love, and adventure as they explored all that Carina's hometown had to offer.

Maya and Kathy rented Bikes one for one day. While Carina spent the day at the Airbnb enjoying the pool, they rode around the island and enjoyed the beautifull scenery. Kathy loved riding the bike and when they sped down a hill she yelled. "Yeahhhhh!!!" So loud. Mayas heart burst at the sight of her daughter enjoying herself so much. The sun shone down from a clear blue sky, casting a warm glow over the rugged landscape dotted with olive groves and vineyards.

As they rode, Maya and Kathy chatted animatedly, pointing out interesting sights and stopping to take photos of the stunning scenery. Carina rode alongside them, her heart swelling with love as she watched her two favorite people bonding over their shared sense of adventure.

After a few hours of biking, the two stopped for a picnic lunch on a secluded beach, the sound of the waves lapping gently against the shore providing a soothing backdrop to their meal. They feasted on fresh bread, cheese, and fruit, savoring each bite as they laughed and joked together in the warm Sicilian sunshine

"We made it back " Maya exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "Carina, honey Where are you!"

Carina grinned, her heart swelling with happiness as she watched Kathy jump into the pool fully cloathed . Just for a second because Maya grabed her and jumped into the pool aswell with Carina in her hands.

Carina and Kathy cooked dinner together, while Maya read a book and enjoyed time to herself for a while.

With their hunger satisfied and their spirits high, the family set out to explore the charming city of Catania. They wandered through narrow cobblestone streets lined with colorful buildings, stopping to admire historic landmarks and bustling markets along the way.

Kathy's eyes widened with wonder as she took in the sights and sounds of the vibrant city, her curiosity piqued by the rich history and culture that surrounded her. Maya and Carina shared stories of their own adventures, regaling Kathy with tales of their travels around the world and the memories they had made together as a family.

As the sun began to set, casting a warm golden glow over the city, the family made their way to a quaint trattoria tucked away in a quiet corner of Catania. They dined on traditional Sicilian dishes, savoring each mouthful of pasta, seafood, and sweet cannoli as they toasted to their unforgettable adventure.

The next day, Maya, Kathy, and Carina set out to explore the charming town of Belpasso, nestled in the foothills of Mount Etna. They wandered through picturesque cobblestone streets, stopping to admire ancient churches, charming piazzas, and quaint artisan shops along the way.

Kathy's eyes sparkled with excitement as she discovered hidden alleyways and secret gardens tucked away behind ivy-covered walls. Maya and Carina followed close behind, their hearts filled with joy as they watched their daughter's sense of wonder come alive in the enchanting surroundings.

As they wandered through the town, Maya and Kathy stumbled upon a local bakery, the scent of freshly baked bread and pastries wafting through the air. They couldn't resist the temptation to sample some of the delicious treats, and they sat down at a nearby café to enjoy their sweet indulgence.

As they savored their treats, Maya and Kathy chatted animatedly about their favorite moments from the trip so far, their laughter ringing out like music in the warm Sicilian air. Carina smiled, her heart overflowing with love as she watched her two favorite people bonding over their shared love of adventure and exploration.

As the sun began to set, casting a warm orange glow over the picturesque town, Maya, Carina, and Kathy made their way back to their cozy villa overlooking the sea. They gathered on the terrace, sipping wine and watching as the stars began to twinkle overhead, their hearts filled with gratitude for the unforgettable memories they had made together on their Sicilian adventure.

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