Drive Me Crazy

By Tootsie_200

478 43 0

Howie has had a rough start to the year, first he got married, then went on a European tour for a couple of m... More

Don't Remind Me
Thunder Rolls
My Problem
The Watermelon Thump
The Guilt
Home Sweet Home
Angry Drunk
Falling Out
Unruly Display
Make Amends
I'm Hopeless
Forgive Not Forget
Fall Again
Reality Check
What a Show
Betraying Desire
Old Feelings
Rise and Fall
Start Over
The Blues
So Sorry
Vegas Wedding
Not Again
I'm Dying?
Call 911
In My Heart

Tiny Surprise

6 1 0
By Tootsie_200

A couple of days had gone by, since Elijah's mother had decided she wanted him back, and the Vegas wedding. Millie wasn't really over it, she still had a little resentment against the baby's mother, but she supposed that everyone deserves a second chance. It was barely noon, as she busied herself with the dishes, she lathered up the plates with the soapy sponge and then ran them under warm water. She had a smile on her face, Howie would be showing up any moment, to take her on a special date.

"Alright hun, it's that time already." her dad stood in the kitchen door, with his red uniform on. He too had a smile on his face, it made him happy to see his daughter smiling again. He came close and kissed the top of her head. "I'll see you later tonight" he walked through the living room and opened the door, and was startled by the girl standing on the porch.

The young girl's hand flew to her chest as she let out a yelp "Oh scared me." she smiled nervously. She couldn't have been older than eighteen, she had long brown hair and big brown eyes that looked up at the fireman in front of her. "Um...actually I'm here to see Millie."

"Uh...huh...may I ask for what?" His voice was stern.

She giggled "My name is Lucy, and well she helped me out...well not me...exactly. I just want to talk to her, that's all."

He nodded, "Ok, just wait here." he walked back into the house, leaving the door slightly opened.

Lucy took a seat on the porch, as she watched the car pull into the driveway. Her jaw instantly dropped as she saw the man, stepping out of the car and removing his sunglasses.

"Howie...Howie Dorough from the Backstreet Boys?" she shielded her eyes from the glaring sun, as she grinned widely.

Howie looked around, his lips curling into a smile "Uh...yeah that's me. And you are?" he asked, standing in front of her. He was a little surprised to see a teenager on Millie's porch, but he was imagining that she was selling something for her school.

"I'm Lucy!" she stood and suddenly embraced him tight. His arms flew up and he was seriously startled. He felt dumb, he should have been used to hugs out of the blue, but he was never the center of attention, around the other guys.

"Howie?" Millie's voice startled him, and Lucy instantly let him go.

Crimson covered the girl's cheeks as she looked up at a serious Millie. " must be Millie." she giggled, looking over at Howie. "I'm sorry, I've never...ever met a celebrity before. I got a little carried away."

"It's alright kid, no harm done." Howie squeezed her shoulder. "Millie, Lucy here...has come to see you."

Instantly Lucy's cheeks turned red again " I just came to thank you, really. I know that you might be mad at me and all--" she was talking a mile a minute, fiddling with her fingers and looking at the ground.

Millie looked at Howie, and then back at the girl "I'm sorry I have no idea what you're talking about."

Lucy let out a sigh "You saved him, I know that I didn't want anything to do with him, but you saved him. Hold on..." she ran over to the green sedan.

Millie and Howie watched the girl rummaging in the backseat. When she turned back around, Millie's mouth fell open in shock. "Elijah?" she whispered.

The young girl walked up to the twosome all smiles, "He really likes car rides, but I don't have a car. That's my know they told you that I was a bum, and I guess I could have been considered that at the time..." she held out the now chubby baby over to Millie.

He was still so fragile in her arms, her eyes welled up instantly as she looked into the familiar blue eyes. She had missed looking, holding, and feeding him. "Wow, he's grown so much..." she looked over at the young girl again, feeling a bit of guilt. The whole time, Benny had never explained that the woman, who she spoke about was really, just a kid.

"Yeah, he eats a barely learned how to get him to latch on..." she left the rest of the sentence to their imaginations. She had embarrassed herself enough, for the while. "I just wanted him to come and see you and I wanted to..." Millie's dad stepped out, saying his goodbyes and hopped into his truck. "He sure does look scary." the girl giggled again.

Millie giggled "Na, he's harmless. I'm so rude, would you like to come in?" she motioned towards the house "Your mother is welcome to come too."

The girl looked towards the car, "Um...I wouldn't mind, but she has to go. You...wouldn't mind giving me a ride home would ya?" Millie nodded with a wide grin, as she watched the girl run back towards the car.

They all spent the rest of the afternoon together, they ordered pizza and talked for hours. Millie couldn't believe that the girl had just turned eighteen. She had explained that her mother had kicked her out for getting pregnant and the guy that had been with her in the delivery room was just a friend. The crazy friend that had given her the idea of leaving the baby in the hospital. There was no way that Millie could be angry at the young girl for her mistakes.

Lucy's home was about an hour away, the ride had been pretty quiet, with exception of Lucy singing to a random song. "" she paused for a minute, as Millie looked over the seat at her. "I know I barely know you guys, but Elijah definitely knows you two. I mean he cried for about three days straight with me, it was stressful and very sad." she let out a sigh, with the memory. "Anyways, I was wondering...well...if you guys would like to be his godparents? I have the baptism scheduled for November 29th, I hope that date works for you guys."

Millie and Howie looked at each other a little startled, but happy. "We'd love to, Lucy." Howie responded, taking Millie's hand in his and giving it a squeeze.

There was no way that Millie could be sad, if Elijah was her godson, she could see him at any time and he would still be like hers. "Definitely, Lucy...I'd be honored to be his godmother." The twosome helped Lucy with Elijah, his bag, and car seat to her house. It was hard for Millie to let go of Elijah, but she was also happy that he was with his mother, who seemed to love him, just as much as she did.

The drive back to the house was rather quiet, the sun had gone down and the sky was darkening slowly. Howie took Millie's hand in his as they walked up the porch and she unlocked the door. He pulled her close and gracefully pressed his lips against hers.

She smiled, cupping his cheek with her hand "What was that for?"

"Just because...I love you. I know that must have been hard for you..."

"Yeah, it kinda was...but she seemed to have the whole mommy thing under control and she's just a kid. So..." her gaze fell slowly to the ground.

He placed a finger under her chin and lifted up her head, their eyes locking. "'re going to be his godmother and a damn good one too." he caressed the side of her face "Anyways..." he let out a nervous chuckle "No one said that...well...we can't have one of our own. I mean, I'm not getting any younger." he stared into her eyes. The idea of a baby with Millie had been brewing in his head for days, he knew she really wanted one and just seeing what joy the tiny baby brought her, only made him want one more.

"...really? I never...thought you would want to try again." She hugged his neck tight, pulling him into the house.

"What's the hurry?" he stumbled into the house, behind her.

She giggled, pulling him down the hallway "We've got, I'd say four hours, before my dad's shift ends. We can always try tonight."

Howie smiled, picking her up off the floor and carrying her into her room. He sat her on the bed and kissed her passionately. They parted. "I love that idea." he pulled off his shirt and bent down to kiss her once again.

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