Love, Drugs, and Football 🏈

By prettyanonymous613

527 23 440

Is there more in life for me? Jayda questions her marriage and her happiness and prays for change. Will she g... More

Chapter 3: The Turning Point
Chapter 4: If only for one Night
Chapter 5: If Only For One Night (Pt.2)
Chapter 6: Pamper me Not!
Chapter 7: Run Away Love
Part 8: The Dress
Part 9: I'm Not Shocked
Part 10: Made for the Game
Part 11: New to Me
Part 13: Shaken
Part 14: Let Me Hold You
Part 15: Goldy and Pearl
Part 16: Wounded Soldier
Part 17: Permanent Insanity
Part 18: Wrong Made Right
Part 19: New Mike
Part 20: HUH??

Part 12: The Trial

25 1 39
By prettyanonymous613

Bro... she's made for the game. I think she might be the one for this who knows.

"Uhh Prime Minister where would you like to discuss our business sir." I said.

The Prime Minster said "After we have eaten and conversed with each other."
I can really tell he is trying to pick my brain and know more about me. I gotta keep it vague as possible. I don't want him knowing my weaknesses.
"So, they tell me they call you Mike, Is that it? From Atlanta? Owner of multiple businesses and you're also an All star Linebacker for the Atlanta Falcons? I don't want to watch much football these days."

"Yes sir born and raised in Atlanta from a kid in Bankhead now being a kid out from the hood I'm just trying to be a Good Samaritan" I said.

Knowing damn well I am not a Good Samaritan. Every time I see my mom, I realize I am working on the wrong side is the system.

Jayda lightly rubs my arm in full support of me. She nods and smiles. Whoever knew she could be so quiet?

I look down at Jada, and I felt alright. She has that effect on me.
"hmmm hmmm. I remember growing up on these streets here in Barcelona. Never would think I would be the prime Minster.  Now I am a man with power but I had a dream. Hell or high water, and I made it happen. Señorita Jada tell me where that pretty smile comes from ??" Prime Minister said.

I wanted to break his jaw for flirting with her. He is trying to push my limits.

"Well, I was born in Shreveport, Louisiana. I went to high school in Chicago Illinois , and I am just grateful to be here in the lovely house with this wonderful cuisine. Compliments to your Chef." Jayda said. This woman's business acting is turning me on. She gotta know this game.

"Chicago, I own a couple of wineries in Chicago. I believe it's on the South Side of Chicago. Ok,
Mike?" Prime Minster said

"yes, Prime Minister ?"

"Come for we shall convey our business proceedings in my office."

I kiss Jayda on the Forehead. And I walk with the Prime Minister to his Office.

This could all go wrong. And I want her to remember my kiss if he takes me out.

As we both approach his office with two Body guards following.  They pat me down for weapons, and they find nothing. We enter the office.
" my girlfriend will show your lovely lady around the house! Go on Rosita." Prime Minister says, and he pats her on the ass.

Jayda, please don't fuck us up.

"Mike, My Darling, would you be a dear and get some of the addresses of the wineries?? I am a wine connoisseur." Jayda says, smirking and then she turns to the girlfriend.
"hello darling! Is there some wine we can partake in?? Let the men talk riff raff." She says, and she walks away with Rosita.

I could just kiss this woman.

"Ok babe" I say as I walk in the office.

"So Mike why my product?" The Prime Minister says as he pours himself a drinks

"We figured that you need better distribution in between Atlanta and NY and I can make that happen with my people."

"I heard you have a partner. Where is he?"

"He's back at home making sure product is being distributed and business is being handled properly." 

" Hmm so if I agree to be your Connect with my product, how much will I make with you being my distributor?"

I reach into my inner pocket of my jacket pocket with a note that says 35,000,000,000.00 on it and slide it to him.
"And that is  between NYC to Atlanta with a 35% cut for us."

I know he won't pass this up.

He looks at the paper,
" hmm hmmm. Ok, but if you Fuck  me on this,  I swear the last thing you'll see will be me cutting out your Tongue and handing it too you , Me dejo Claro?"

The Prime Minister said. I never flinched or lost my cool.

"You have my word." I said. I extend my hand.
And the Prime Minister extends his hand. I see we have a deal. Whewww. I can breathe now.

"Back to the ladies, eh??" The Prime Minister guides me back to the dining room. But I hear Jada further down the hallway.
We walk further down the hallway, and we see Jayda is in the kitchen with the staff. Oh shit.

"Listen, if you wanna add some razzle dazzle to your food, you have to use Tony's Cajun seasoning. Now taste this chef." She puts the spoon in the Chef's mouth.

"MUY BIEN!! That is very Good Mija" the chef says and the whole kitchen claps.

"listen, if you ever come to Atlanta, you have to meet Jeffrey. He loves Spanish Cuisine, and I'll show you how to make a Pot Roast!" Jayda says and she keeps stirring the pot she is cooking out of.

"And to you Miss thang!" Jayda looks at Rosita.

"Me??" Rosita says, as she is chewing on celery.

"YES YOU! You gone have to learn how to cook, because the way to a man's heart, is his stomach." Jayda said.

"Now, Hand me some sweet potato's, nutmeg, butter, sugar, brown sugar, vanilla and lemons. I'm going to show y'all how to make sweet potato pie." Jayda said.

"Uhmm, you ready to go honey?" I say. It's time to go, and she is being Paula Damn Dean.

"Mike, I'm on the roll to teachin a master class and..." she turns around and sees the prime minister.
"OH, ok.... I will send you the recipe later Darlin... ok?" Jayda said to the Kitchen.

"You will be missed here Jayda." Rosita said.

Jayda grabs her hands and kisses them. "I will miss you too. Visit sometimes!"

We walk out the palace, and we get back into the car.
I am so happy shit didn't go left. Now we can just be us and enjoy our time.

"..... So, how did it go??" Jayda said, reluctantly. I can tell she thought she was in trouble. But she wasn't. I was so proud of her actually.

"He's willing to be our connect if we can successfully hand over 36,000,000,000 exactly every month." I said.

She started choking, "How fucking much??"

"You heard me." I said. That is an obscene amount of money. But it's nothing to me.

"Uhmmm.... Can you do that?" Jayda said. Still trying to catch her breath.

"We've taken over other states and cities. Besides Bankhead, we have Brooklyn, Charlotte, plus the club is booming bringing in over a quarter of a million dollars every night. We clean the money through the club and barbershop which we're going to be opening more of them in a few months." I said.

She twiddled her thumbs together, and she said
"Do you need someone to keep your books? You know what my general profession was before you uprooted me, right?"
Honestly, I couldn't think of anything better for her to do. Something she is use to. Something she can do that will keep her hands nice and clean.

"Yeah, you were an accountant, were you?" I said.

"Yes I was. I can help you if you needed it..." she said. And then she paused. I knew she had something on her mind.

"And I wanna apologize for sneaking off to the kitchen.... And drinking all of his wine, and teaching the chef about Tony's seasoning.... Maybe I'm not cut out for this life." She started to explain.

I didn't even care about any of that. She is a Busy Body.

"You good ma. He didn't try to cut us up into little pieces and try to feed us to his dogs so you good but I am so proud of you. You were so graceful and sexy. You must know about the game, do you??" I said.

"Listen, honestly, I'm not rich and prissy. I'm lovable and luscious. Cooking is my love language and fashion is my passion! If you think I'm not good for you, then I understand." She said and then she hung her head down.

I lifted her chin up, and said
"Nobody said you had to be rich and I know cooking is your love language and I appreciate you for that. But you do know I have a whole kitchen staff at home? But I was saying ......that we could clean even more money through your boutique."

She looked at me with eyes that could kill. She scoffed. Oh, fuck me.

"Now Mike.... I said I want nothing to do with this life style. And ...... Wait one fucking minute.... That's why you gave me the boutique in the first place....." she said.

She was ready to kill me in that moment and I couldn't blame her. I should have told her the store was multi purpose on the plane.

"No I was just thinking about if we wash the drug money through the more lucrative businesses like the club, the Barbershop, and your Boutique, if you handle the books then we should be good plus the stash houses we have set up too." I said. I really had no excuse. I should have been honest but the more money I get, the more businesses I have to purchase to make the money look clean.

"YOU USED ME, and I don't..... STOP THE CAR." She whispered. She froze in her seat as if she saw a ghost.

I slammed on the breaks. She grabbed my hand.

"Why did you ask me to stop the car??" I said.

"There is a red dot on the back seat.... Baby. I'm scared.... GET DOWN!!!" Jayda screamed.

I look back and see the Lazer.

" Oh Shit" I say, as I hop out the car. I grab a gun from the door compartment.

"Jay Baby, get down, stay down, DONT MOVE!!"

I see the shooter is taking a sniper position. I look up to see all the windows in the building are closed shut but one. I take 3-4 shots at the window to see someone run back from the bullets.
"Jayda you ok??" I said.
"FUCK NO!! I am not ok! This is that bullshit I be talking about??" She is screaming and crying. Poor baby, as much as I wanted to hold her, I had to protect her.

As they keep shooting I toss over a 9mm from my hip to Jayda. She grabbed it so fast, I knew she was ready. From my Peripheral vision, I see a gunman coming up behind Jayda. I dive in front of her, grabbing my gun while in the air shooting the gun man in the head.

"MIKE, duck baby" Jayda says, and she shoots 2 rounds. I hear a body drop and I know she just bodied someone. That was a good shot.

Someone walks up behind her and she clocks them in the head with the gun, but they made Jayda fall in the mud.

She got up slowly, stood over him and screamed
"YOU RUINED MY FUCKING DRESS!!!" And she shot him dead in his chest 4 times. Bow Bow Bow Bow!!!! Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.

"GIVE ME THE POCKET KNIFE, imma start slicing bitches!! They ruined my fucking vacation." Jayda says while she is shooting. She shoots the person behind me. It was almost my shoulder, but I couldn't be worried about that right now.

I'm shooting off my rounds behind the car, Jayda is laying bodies down too, then it hit me.... Prime Minister.

"HEY HEY HEYYYYYYYY!!!!! NO! calm down apparently the prime minister had to test us. Let's Go!!" I screamed. I get in the car we drive back to the hotel.

Jayda is beyond shaken. She has blood all on her body and on her dress and mud all over her. We can't go through the lobby like this. We go through the back entrance of the hotel and we get on the elevator. We have to pay the hotel to wipe the footage. Fuck I screwed up.

I get Jayda into the room, and I take her upstairs to the bathroom. I grab her by her shoulders and looked her in her eyes.

"Jay baby, listen to me. Here's what your going to do. I'm going to light a fire in the fire place then you're going to take a shower. Do not get out that water until you've scrubbed every inch of your body. Ok? Then your going take all of your clothes under clothes too take a toothbrush and scrub your nails then take your clothes and toss them in the fire do you hear me ??"

"Well they already FUCKED UP MY DAMN DRESS! Might aswell put that muthafuckin shit in the damn fire!!!" She starts sobbing.

We almost lost our life, and she is sobbing about this dress. She is still in shock, I can tell.

I help her get out of her dress and I put her in the shower.

I get a message to my burner phone:

"Welcome to the family Mike. Please tell Jada I do apologize for scaring her he he he."

This bastard has to die...

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