Crestwood Investigation

By DovePublishing

129 63 0

In the decade following the murders that haunted Crestwood University. Joshua and Michael have evolved from c... More

Character Arts
Chapter 2: Slice Of Pie
Chapter 3: Duty Calls
Chapter 4: Break-In Encounter
Chapter 5: Some Healing & Growth
Chapter 6: A Walk In The Park
Chapter 7: Fish Everywhere
Chapter 8: Birthday Boy
Chapter 9: May I Interrupt
Chapter 10: Murder University
Chapter 11: Prison Break?
Chapter 12: Let's Go To Prison
Chapter 13: Another Old Face
Chapter 14: Higher Ups
Chapter 15: What's Inside
Chapter 16: Against Orders
Chapter 17: Won't Talk To Feds
Chapter 18: Some Debt
Chapter 19: Splitting Up
Chapter 20: A Slap To The Face
Chapter 21: Everything's Broken
Chapter 22: Campus Shut Down
Chapter 23: Not Human
Chapter 24: How Do You Stop This?
Chapter 25: A Deal With Revenge
Chapter 26: Reunited At Least
Chapter 27: Split Up And Investigate
Chapter 28: A Trip To The Insane Asylum
Chapter 29: After Us All
Chapter 30: Let's Go To Prison Again
Chapter 31: What May Lay Inside
Chapter 32: A Ritual Perhaps
Chapter 33: Back in 67
Chapter 34: Consequences
Chapter 35: How To Stop A Demon
Chapter 36: Up In Flames
Chapter 37: Trapped In Darkness
Chapter 38: Written In Blood
Chapter 39: Not That Easy
Chapter 40: Darkness All Around
Chapter 41: The Ultimate Sacrifice
Chapter 42: Among The Wreckage
Chapter 43: No Escape
Chapter 44: Familiar Faces
Chapter 45: The Final Face Off
Chapter 46: No Bringing Back The Dead
Chapter 47: A Familiar Scene

Chapter 1: A Decade In The Books

11 5 0
By DovePublishing

The dark parking lot echoed with the cheers and jeers of the gathered high school students as two teen boys circled each other their faces tense with determination, the rowdy crowd composed of students from Crestwood High had created a makeshift ring for the the two boys fighting.

They swung at each other as the crowd erupted into chaos.

In the midst of the chaos Joshua and Michael now police officers with a lot of experience under their belts after graduating and becoming officers arrived on the scene in their cruiser, their authoritative presence immediately caught the attention of the two brawling teenagers.

"Alright break it up! This is not the way to handle things you two delinquents" Joshua called out his voice firm.

Michael echoed the sentiment, adding, "You kids need to act responsibly and all go home before we need to call some parents."

The crowd of kids scattered fast as they all ran off in panic over the warning the officers just laid down.

Joshua and Michael surveyed the dispersing crowd exchanging knowing glances as they recognized Joshua's past in the unruly scene.

The two now approached the teen boys with a stern yet understanding demeanor.

"You two explain yourselves" Michael demanded his gaze piercing through the remaining tension.

The teens their earlier determination now replaced with a mix of fear and embarrassment mumbled explanations as one spit out
"We got into a fight over this girl we both liked and I talked to her first and he wouldn't back off!"

The other teen boy interrupted
"No! It doesn't matter who was first I like her more!"

Joshua leaning against his patrol car listened intently memories of his own youth and past anger problems.

With a measured tone Joshua spoke
"I was once young and foolish to but there are better ways to resolve conflicts violence only leads to more problems, not too mention if this girl worth fighting over if neither of you are really with her? Teen love comes and goes, you guys shouldn't risk throwing away your future."

Michael added
"Consider this a warning boys, next time we won't be as lenient now both of you go home and think about how to make better choices and don't let this happen again."

Later In the quiet peace of their patrol car Joshua and Michael exchanged stories under the veil of the night the city lights casting a gentle glow on their faces.

Joshua steering through the familiar streets spoke with a smile in his voice.
"You know Michael I'm looking forward to heading home tonight, the wife made her famous apple pie I can't wait to dig in."

Michael riding shotgun chuckled.
"Ah the legendary apple pie you keep telling me about but I haven't tried, tell her I said thanks for saving me a slice this time though."

Joshua laughed
"If I don't eat it all before you get it."

Michael laughingly chimed in
"Hey! No this one is mine you have plenty enough!"

As the radio hummed with dispatch updates and the city slept under the watchful eyes of the two.

"You think those kids will learn from tonight?" Joshua pondered aloud.

Michael considered the question.
"Maybe I mean sometimes it takes a wake-up call to set things straight like with you."

As the patrol car glided through the city Michael ever observant scanned the surroundings the city skyline a backdrop to their conversation.

"You ever think about how much has changed here since our high school and college days?" Michael asked gazing at the city lights.

Joshua nodded
"Yeah, every now and then i do, life has a way of surprising you, I never expected to be a police officer back then for sure."

As their shift drew to a close Joshua steered the patrol car back to the station. The quiet hum of the engine seemed to echo the serenity of the night, a stark contrast to the chaos they had encountered earlier.

"I guess it's time to head home and enjoy that apple pie" Joshua remarked with a grin.

Michael chuckled "Just don't eat my slice, you hear me."

With a final shared glance the two officers stepped out of the patrol car and got into their own cars to head to their own homes.

The city slept peacefully cradled by the quiet night as Joshua drove through the familiar streets his mind drifted to the changes that time had brought upon Crestwood.

Upon arriving home Joshua was greeted by the warm glow of his porch light the familiar scent of apple pie wafted through the air inviting him inside As he stepped through the doorway.

Meanwhile Michael navigated the quiet streets towards his own abode.
The night air carried a sense of tranquility a stark contrast to the chaotic scene they had intervened in earlier at their old highschool, as he approached his home he anticipated being able to lay lazily in his bed and rest for the night.

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