Isabella (Treech)

By Ariel_harts2

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Taking place during the 10th annual Hunger Games, an academy girl is assigned a tribute from district 7 in wh... More

Part 1 - The Mentor
Part 2 - First Looks
Part 3 - Wrong Cage?
Part 4 - First Blood
Part 5 - The Correct Choice
Part 6 - The Bombing
Part 7 - Set Backs
Part 8 - First and Lasts
Part 9 - Let the Games Begin
Part 10 - Nobody's Safe
Part 11 - Day 2
Part 12 - Sorrow and Comfort
Part 13 - Holding my breath
Part 14 - Hello Again
Part 15 - Goodbye Again
Part 16 - Sharing Skies
Part 17 - A New Beginning
Part 18 - A Nice Surprise
Part 19 - Beauty all around
Part 21 - An Eternal Promise
Epilogue - The Tribute and The Mentor
Alt Ending (Sad)

Part 20 - Big Steps

51 4 0
By Ariel_harts2

The following weekdays for Isabella consisted of baking and housework with Mrs. Hart. While the men worked out in the forest from sunrise to sunset, the women were responsible for the housework. Isabella was no stranger to "womanly duties", although her daily chores were much different than they were at the Capitol.

A small wooden tub replaced the high tech automatic machines she once used. Mops and brooms replaced vacuum's. Everything had to be washed by hand. In a weird way, she preferred it like this. It was peaceful for her. The loud sounds of traffic were replaced with the sounds of water running and birds chirping. Her lavish and uncomfortable dresses were switched for much more simple and pleasant ones. And at the end of each day, the whole family would be reunited for dinner, games and stories from the day. 

Isabella could imagine herself living out the rest of her days like this. And maybe one day, she could be the mother figure to her own family.

Treech opened up more to Isabella as the week continued. He still insisted on sleeping in separate beds as to not "scare" her. But on the nights that he could not sleep, she would hear a soft knock on her bedroom door. The two would enjoy each other's company under the stars high in the trees.

Isabella was settling in with the rest of the district as well. Her overdone Capitol appearance and lack of direction, which previously made her stick out like a sore thumb, were now changed to simpler clothes and a sense of familiarity with the place. Valerie even took her on a small tour and trip to the market.  

That weekend, both Isabella and Treech looked forward to. Saturday, the work day was shorter than the weekdays, and Sunday he would have off. He planned on taking Isabella and Tiana out on the lake for some bonding time, and later, time with just the two of them. Tiana was still in school during the weekdays, and returned home in the afternoon. The girls all loved baking dessert together when she came home, and it became sort of a tradition for them. Isabella even shared some of her family recipes from the Capitol. When the men returned each evening, they were surprised with a different treat than the day before.


Saturday morning rolled around. Isabella and Treech woke up in their different beds like usual. Isabella enjoyed waking up early and making him breakfast before work. Today's consisted of sausage, eggs, and toast with strawberry jelly. His shift would be  from eight to three today, so she also made him a lunch to bring. 

Treech loved to wake up at the very last possible time he could. When he finally trudged into the kitchen in his usual hat, jean, and flannel combination; he gave her a hug and "good morning" before beginning to eat his meal. Isabella finished packing up and made herself a small breakfast.

At around seven-thirty, Mr. Hart began knocking on the cabin door. Treech quickly finished up, gave Isabella a kiss goodbye and yelled "don't plan on staying here for dinner!" before closing the door and heading out.

Isabella thought about what he could have meant by that while she prepared herself for the day. She chose a long, light green skirt, and a simple white tank top. She threw her hair into a neat bun, and applied light makeup to highlight her features. She grabbed her tote bag before heading off to the vendors.


Her first time there, she got many strange looks. Strange looks for her own presence, as well as strange looks for her correlation with Treech. She still had some people who acted differently around her, which she understood. She was not District born and never would be. Still, many people were welcoming to her. 

She walked up to her favorite fruit stand. It was run by an older women who went by Lorelei. She had a warm smile, and always gave Isabella the freshest fruits and best deals. But Isabella would always insist on paying the women extra. After all, she still had Capitol wealth that she tried keeping on the down low.

"Good morning Lorelei." Isabella greeted the women with a smile.

"Good morning Isabella. What you looking for today dear? Cherries again?"

Isabella giggled a little. "Well today I'm actually in need of some peaches. I thought I would try and make a peach tart."

"Well you are just in luck little girl, we just had a new harvest. Not to brag, but I think they are the freshest ones yet."

The women handed her a bag of peaches and offered another smile.

"How much for the peaches Mrs?"

"Don't worry about it dear. But I would love to hear about you and that Hart boy. You two are the talk of the town, and admittedly I'm a little nosey."

"Well, I think he's planning a date tonight because he mentioned something about dinner this morning. I can't really tell what he meant though." 

"Boys are very confusing. I remember when I was your age and dating. Of course times are much different now. He seems like a nice boy, but a pretty girl like yourself should always look out for yourself."

"I definitely will Lorelei, thank you so much."

"Tell me about your date later dear, I can't wait to hear all about it."

"You can count on it." She placed a small bag of coins on her table and gave the women a smile.

"Oh no dear plea...." The women was cut off.

"Nope, too late. It's yours now."

The women didn't argue and accepted the money. She gave Isabella a wink before she left.

Isabella stopped at a few more booths to get ingredients off Mrs Hart's list before deciding to return home. She visited the main cabin and gave Mrs. Hart the groceries.

That days chores consisted of laundry, gardening, baking, and cleaning the floors. The two women enjoyed getting to know each other while they worked.

That afternoon, Tiana returned home from her friends house. Isabella and Mrs. Hart let her do the finishing touches on the tarts before putting them in the oven. Soon after, the men returned from their shifts.

"How was work today darling?" Isabella asked Treech as he unlaced his boots.

"It was pretty good Bells, but why are you preparing food. I told you not to worry about dinner tonight." He questioned her with a soft smile. 

"Well I thought I might help your mother with dinner for the rest of the family. Remember Treech, we have other people to worry about." She joked.

"Of course love." He stood up and gave her a small kiss on her forehead. "I want to take you to my favorite little restaurant tonight. I'm going to go freshen up; be ready by five." With that, he went upstairs presumably to shower.

Mrs. Hart who had overheard the conversation, read Isabella's mind. "Don't worry hun, I think I have everything situated. Go get ready, you wouldn't want to be late." She winked before elegantly turning back to her vegetable cutting. 


Back at the guest house, Isabella contemplated what she should wear. It was technically their first real date. The thought was funny to Isabella, how even though she dropped her entire life at the Capitol, her and Treech weren't even official. It didn't bother her that much though. They cared about each other, and she was happy.

After trying on way too many outfits, she finally decided on wearing a long, pale yellow floral dress. It was by far the nicest outfit she had brought from the Capitol, and she worried that Treech would think it was too much for the occasion. She took out her bun and let her natural wavy pattern out. She finished her look with some more light dusting of makeup, and some cute, but functional platformed shoes.

As she was finishing up, Treech gave a knock at her door.

"Are you ready to go my love?" He asked through the closed door.

"Yes, just give me a minute." She responded as she finished putting on her shoes.

When she opened the door, she was delighted to see his reaction. He looked at her in awe speaking softly to her.

"You are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen Isabella." 

The comment made her blush profusely, causing her to hide her head in her hands. It also didn't help that he was wearing a button up that hugged his muscular build perfectly. But she couldn't help but giggle at his attempt to style his hair. He had a middle part that he tried slicking down with water.

"Is it bad?" He asked her without her even needing to reveal what she was laughing at.

"No of course not." She reached for his head and began ruffling it back to its usual wavy messiness. "It's just that I prefer it just like this."

"Good to know then." As he reached for her hand. "Shall we get going now?"


The restaurant was the nicest in the entire district. It was secluded from the rest of the District. It was inside of a large cabin-like building overlooking a large lake. Trees surrounded the rest of the area. The inside was cozy with fireplaces and sitting areas all around. Tables were in the center of the room, all lite up with candles and decorated with flowers. A small band was positioned between a few tables, as they played soft music. They reminded Isabella of Lucy Gray. Was the cover like them?  She wondered to herself as she looked at the makeshift band.

"Treech its so lovely here." Isabella breathed.

"I'm sure it's nothing compared to the restaurants in the districts, but it costs a fortune to eat here." Treech joked.

"Its wonderful Treech, thank you!"

The two enjoyed a nice candlelit dinner listening to the soft sounds of guitar strumming and soothing singing. They discussed their plans for the future and enjoyed their first real meal together; just the two of them.

"This time you're not just bringing me sandwiches." Treech smiled at her as he recalled his time in the Capitol. As hard as it was, he always had her to reassure him. She brought him hope; the same hope that he brought back home as he waited for her to return back to him.

"Hey! You said they were good." Isabella accused him.

"You know what I mean Bells." He laughed at her before changing the topic. "I have a spot picked out, that I think I'm going to build my cabin when I get married."

"When you get married?" Isabella questioned him. 

"When we get married I mean." He gave her a sweet smile and a small kiss on the hand, that basically forced her to forgive him.


They returned home late, so they decided to just head to their separate little cabin. 

"That was lovely Treech. Thank you so much darling." Isabella exclaimed as he not so gracefully carried her through the front door. 

"We can have many more dates just like that." They looked at each other very hopefully. 

Isabella immediately changed out of her uncomfortable dress and into her nicest silk pajama set. It was more lavish than the typical District pajamas, but brought her a lot of comfort. The embellished pattern and lace that lined the top of it reminded her of her grandmother who very carefully sewed it for her.

Just as she was about to open the door to say goodnight to Treech in the other room, he pushed the door open himself. He was wearing a loose pajama shirt an flannel pajama pants, so she assumed he was coming to say goodnight to her.

"Do you think I could stay with you tonight?" He asked her nervously.

"Of course you can darling." His request, although small, was a big step for them. He was finally beginning to recover from his trauma. The trauma which bonded the two, but Isabella couldn't help but feel responsible for, despite knowing that she helped him more than anything else.

"I love you Bells." Treech said as they climbed into bed together.

"I love you too Treech." Isabella returned as she dug her face into his, hiding her blushing face.

Note: Omg sorry this took like way too long to update. I decided that instead of keeping this story going, I am going to write another Treech fan fiction after this, but it will be more based on the movie and have a different story with different characters. So I only have a few more chapters left of this story and of course the alternative ending. Kinda sad but its okay.

Also this is what I was thinking that her dress would kinda look like. Also I picked this picture because the girl is blonde and kinda looks like how I would expect her to look.

Hoping to update soon. <3


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