Kuro Ookami : Project Ookami...

By DuskJS1

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This is the story of how Kuro Ookami came to be. We meet the Hellhound-Ookami Hybrid and his adventures. Kuro... More

Energy types Reveal
1) My name is Kuro Ookami
2. Down in a Helluva-verse (X Helluva Boss)
3. Cafe Fued
4. Welcome to I.M.P
5. Tall and Blue feathered
6. Similar Species
7. Darkness Arises
8. Loo Loo Land
9) I can turn human!?
10) Memories and Pacts
11) Training Part 1
12) Training Part 2
Upcoming Prequel
13) I'll Help You Out
15) Unveil The Reversal Technique and One Secret
16)Truth Seekers with a settlement Part 1
Truth Seekers With a Settlement Part 2
New Prequel

14) Harvest Moon Festival, the enemy revealed

145 3 1
By DuskJS1

[Scene opens up to a sunlit exterior of . A sigh of contentment from is heard. is shown lighting a cigar on Stolas' bed and folds his arms behind his head.]

Stolas: *arms tied up* I'm sorry for having to move our little rendezvous early. I have an engagement this month on the full moon.

[Stolas is shown wearing a ball gag and harness, his hands tied to the headboard with rope.]

Blitzo: When this happens, it's not really something I fuss about...

[He uses the cigar to burn the rope, freeing Stolas, who takes Blitzo's cigar from him and takes a long drag of it.]

Blitzo: But, do you really need the book for this farm bullshit? I have, like, fifteen new clients waitin' for heads to roll.

Stolas: As shocking as it may seem, Blitzy, my is actually incredibly important. And it isn't supposed to be lent out to itty-bitty Imps like yourself.

[Stolas puts out the cigarette in one of Blitzo's horns and pinches his cheek before Blitzo shoves him away.]

Stolas: The is a very special occasion! It's been my annual duty to showcase it in the . It's celebrated by a very charming little festival with the locals.

[Blitzo pulls a feather out of his mouth in disgust.]

Blitzo: Wrath, huh? My employees are from there. I've never really been. I hear it's full of inbred chucklefucks.

Stolas: *sits up* Oh! Why don't you all join me at the festival? I can guarantee you all...

[Stolas pulls the covers over his head and his head appears near Blitzo's crotch.]

Stolas: ...special access~ *chuckles*

Blitzo: Look, I told you, we're not bodyguards. Okay? was a one-time thing we did badly.

[Stolas stands up with the covers on his head. He does a playful owl head tilt.]

Stolas: I'm simply offering a work-free day of fun! I feel quite safe at the Harvest Festival. It's the same every year.

Blitzo: Well if you promise this isn't some fuck fest invite, it does sound like it could be a blast and a half. Plus, it's not like we can do jack shit without your book anyway.

Stolas: (baby-talk voice) Aww, I'm sowwy your clients will have to wait...

Blitzo: *waves a dismissive hand* Oh, fuck my clients!

[ and is revealed under a sign. Moxxie and Millie are asleep in their bed. Moxxie's phone lights up and a Phantom of the Opera organ ringtone is heard. Moxxie taps the phone and rolls over. The phone rings again. In annoyance, Moxxie grabs the phone and sits up.]

Moxxie: What do you want, sir?

Blitzo: Hey, hope I didn't wake ya, Mox! How would you and Mils like to visit the Wrath Ring for some harvest bullshit this year?

[Millie sits up in excitement.]

Millie: The Harvest Moon Festival?! Yee-fuckin'-haw!

Moxxie: *sighs* Well, Millie likes the idea. Wait... Where are you calling from?

[Blitzo falls down onto the bed from the ceiling. His phone bonks him on the head. Moxxie narrows his eyes as Blitzo purrs happily. Moxxie looks annoyed while Millie seems amused.]

Moxxie: Mm-hm... Of course.

[Scene shifts to the . The I.M.P van pulls up in front of .]

Millie: Mama! Daddy!

[Millie gets out of the van and happily runs toward her parents. Her father hugs her and spins her around before placing her down.]

Joe: Yeeeee-hawwww! How's my deadly little pumpkin spice doing?

[Joe ruffles Millie's hair affectionately.]

Millie: I'm good, Pa! Thanks for lettin' us stay here for the harvest jamboree.

Lin: It's no trouble. We know you aren't making as much anymore since y'all went "freelance".

Millie: Freelance pays fine, Ma! We're doin' fiiiiine! [serious] It's fine.

[Millie walks over to Moxxie, who is struggling to carry luggage.]

Millie: Anyway, y'all remember my husband Moxxie?

[Millie shoves a nervous Moxxie in front of her parents. They stare at him in disapproval.]

Joe: Hmph.

Moxxie: Greetings, Lin! Joe! How have you been, uh, with all the... flaming twisters and stuff around here? *nervously holds out his hand*

Joe: We lost our old farm hand to one of them terrors last week.

Moxxie: *laughs nervously* Oh, crumbs. My bad! I am so sorry. I- I didn't mean to open that wound... sir.

Blitzo: Hey, watch it! I'm the "sir" here, bucko!

Kuro: This place definitely reminds me of home.

Millie: Oh yeah! Y'all haven't met my boss Blitzo! And his hellhound!

Loona: I'm not just his hellhound.

Blitzo: Yeah, she's my daughter! [pulls Loona to his side]

Loona: Only on paper.

[Blitzo walks away to greet Millie's parents.]

Loona: *pulls out smartphone and begins typing* Y'all don't deserve to know my name.

Kuro: How come I do?

Loona grunts.

Kuro: Still think you're not a cook?

Loona: Wasn't thinking about that but *sighs* I hate to admit it, but I am one now I guess.

Kuro: I'm proud that you are one

Loona looks at Kuro smiling.

[Blitzo walks over to Millie's parents.]

Blitzo: It's a pleasure to finally meet the sperm and egg factory *shoves Moxxie away* that popped out this little gem of an assassin. You two raised a *playfully elbows Millie* sturdy bitch!

Joe: *chuckles* That we did! So... Blitzo, is it? Heh heh. That's a fine name.

[Blitzo and Joe shake hands.]

Lin: It reminds me of war.

Joe: *sighs happily* Nothing like a little war to make a strong man! *flexes bicep*

Blitzo: I like you people.

Moxxie: Y'know... more battles were won by technological advances in warfare. I've researched the history of weaponry extensively, and it's inspiring how... for example, the progression of guns utilizing angelic technology has changed the landscape of Hell's combative...

[Millie makes a "cut it out" motion with her hands. Joe crosses his arms. Kuro looked confused]

Moxxie: I mean... (deep, awkward voice) War fun!

Joe: Guns get the job done... but a man ain't nothin' if he can't tear the head off a hellish beast with only his bare... hands!

Blitzo: HAAAA! He's right, Moxxie! [speaks baby talk] You got cute wittle baby hands like your baby dick!

[Blitzo grabs Moxxie's hand and reaches toward his crotch. Moxxie slaps his arm away.]

Moxxie: Refrain... sir.

Joe: Speakin' of strong hands, y'all should meet our newest help. Hey! !

[Black flaming hooves clop rapidly on the ground. An Imp's spiky tail whips a flank. An Imp wearing a cowboy hat rides a black hell horse with a fiery mane. The horse leaps over a fence. The horse rears up and roars in front of the group. Striker tips his hat in greeting, a stalk in his mouth.]

Striker: Well, howdy! Oh, lookie here! You must be the famous Mildred!

[Striker gets off the horse and walks toward Millie.]

Striker: Heard some good things about you from your folks, little lady. *winks*

Millie: Ohhh! *laughs sheepishly*

[Striker shakes Millie's hand.]

Striker: What're y'all doin' so far away from Imp City? Heh. The free workin' finally slowin' down?

Millie: Oh, no! Freelance isn't free! It's a--... Never mind. We're just visitin' for the festival. The prince is our boss' [in a dramatic voice] boyyyyfrieeeend!

Blitzo: Millie, I am not above hitting a female in front of her daddy.

Striker: Boss, huh...? Ohhh, so YOU'RE the bold imp to start his own killing biz?

Blitzo: Yeah, well if you're good at somethin', you should probably capitalize.

Striker: Not many Imps start businesses on their own. That's pretty impressive, sir.

Blitzo: Oh...! Yeah? It is-- I- I- I guess- I guess it is, isn't it?

Striker: So you even conned that ditzy blueblood into gettin' you to the surface?

[Striker and Blitzo shake hands.]

Blitzo: Well, it's long and complicated, but the short answer is yes. But he's not like, you know-- W- We're y- We're not, like... We're not doing it... We w- What's betw- It's a transactional fucking, you see.

[Blitzo makes a sexual motion with his hands.]

Aside, Kuro notices the tail

Kuro*thinking*: This guy has the same tail pattern as that mysterious figure that attacked me and Stolas.

Joe: Y'know... you boys should enter the Pain Games!

[Blitzo scuttles sideways over to Joe.]

Blitzo: I heard games! What games? I'm in!

Lin: Every harvest festival, there's a competition to be the roughest, toughest bastard in Wrath!

[Millie crosses her arms and pouts.]

Millie: Yeah! Wish I could play!

Lin: Millie, you know you get too carried away. The last competition ended in fifteen separate funerals.

Millie: I'm aware, but I only caused nine of them! How come still gets to compete?

Lin: Your sister doesn't have a neighborhood head count.

Millie: She so does!

[Sallie May carries a sack and a small imp drags an Imp body in the background.]

Sallie May: (sing-song voice) It doesn't count if they don't find the bodyyyyyy!

[Millie seethes.]

Lin: Still, you get to root for her and your brothers, and now you can cheer on your boss!

[Moxxie puts a hand on Lin's shoulder.]

Moxxie: Y'know, she can also cheer for me.

Joe: *wheeze-laughs and slaps his leg* ...Wait, you?

Moxxie: Yeah! I can compete, can't I?

[Lin elbows him hard in the side. Moxxie tears up in pain.]

Joe: Sorry, boy. But, I don't think sensitive, thespian types would last very long in the games.

Moxxie: I was born here, too! *drawls* I have some fight in me!

[Striker puts a hand on Moxxie's shoulder.]

Striker: Huh. Well then, little fella... Why don'tcha help me wrangle one o' them hogs for dinner?

[Striker mentions to a large sleeping hell hog in a pigpen.]

Moxxie: Simple. Watch me!

[Striker grins and hands Moxxie a dagger and rope.]

Striker: Nah... with these. Bullets can't pierce the shell. You gotta get the knife underneath and pry yourself an openin'.

[Moxxie gulps.]

Moxxie: Oh! Right, right. I knew that.

[Blitzo leans in toward Moxxie and grabs his shoulders. Moxxie's eyes twitch.]

Blitzo: Now, just remember, your rep with the in-laws is on the line here! So, no pressure at all, you totally will not make an ass of yourself in front of everyone important in your life. Go get 'em, tiger.

[Blitzo shoves Moxxie forward.]

Moxxie: Ohhh.

Millie: Mox, you don't need to do this!

Blitzo: Oh, he totally does. KICK ITS ASS, MOXXIE! YEAAAAAAAAAAAH!

[Blitzo cheers as Moxxie enters the pen. He nervously walks forward, knife in hand. Moxxie leaps forward and wraps the rope around the hog's neck. He moves the knife down and it strikes harmlessly against the hog's hide. The hog roars and runs around, trying to buck Moxxie off.]

Blitzo: FUCK yeah, Moxxie! Ride it, Moxxie! Make it that bitch you won't call back in the morning!

[Loona grins and records a video on her phone.]

Loona: This is fucking beautiful.

Blitzo: Doin' great, Moxxie! *whispers to Loona* Send me that video later.

[Millie watches in concern as Moxxie yelps and looks up. Striker leaps and pushes him out of the way. Striker twirls the dagger in his hand and lifts it in the air with a smug grin. He brings down the knife and slaughters the hog.]

Kuro walks up to Loona, looks at striker at the tail, he now gets suspicious of  Striker

Loona: There you are. What's wrong?

Kuro: Something about that guy is not too promising.

Loona: What do you mean, this guy is just a cowboy

Kuro: You're right, but something that is way too deceptive of being just a cowboy, the guy that attacked me and Stolas a few days ago has the same tail pattern and markings as Striker. It's been bugging me since I first saw this guy, not only that his scent his familiar too.

Loona: You mean that this could be the guy that attacked you?

Kuro: Most likely, but I don't want to jump into conclusions just yet, many IMPs would have the same pattern of tails and whatnot. But Im betting a 50 if this guy is who I think he is.

Loona: But if he isn't, do you give me the 50?

Kuro: You really wanna turn this as a challenge

Loona: Yeah

Kuro: Aight, bet £50- I mean 50 Bucks if I'm right.

Loona: Deal

[Moxxie rubs his neck.]

Moxxie: Ow... My clavicle!

Kuro: You did great Mox.

[Striker stands over Moxxie, his spade tail rattling like a snake.]

Striker: Don't worry, little one... You never stood a chance.

[Striker walks away with the dead hog over his shoulder. Moxxie growls at him.]

Striker: Hey, boss man! You wanna help the men skin this thing for dinner?

Blitzo: Oh, I am always down to skin the manly meat with the manly men!

Loona: That's what she said!

Kuro laughs

Blitzo: What "who said"? Wait, what bitch is talking shit about me?!

Striker: Hey you, Hellhound!!

Loona and Kuro: Which one?

Striker: You, boy, you seem quite strong, how about you have a try killing that demon hog.

Kuro looks at loona and looks back: Ok.

Striker: Bring another up Joe!!!

Kuro passes Striker knowing that he is right about him but says no word.

Striker: Need a weapon partner?

Kuro: No, I got my own

Striker: Suit yourself.

[Loona cheers as Kuro enters the pen. He walks forward, no weapons. Kuro stands in front of the hog, it sees Kuro and starts to charge. Kuro finds his timing and dodges the hog at the same time wrapping the rope around the hog's neck. He manages to get a hold of it and throws it in the air, it falls down , and he slices the belly with his energy sword. Kuro looks at the hog with the open belly.

Kuro: This is hell after all.

Joe: Yee-ha, that guy did it no sweat, guys, we're getting extra hog tonight!!!

Striker: Not bad, you seem quite strong *walks up to him*

Kuro: You think so? *walks to striker*

Both stare at each other for a few seconds

Striker: Heh, well I'll see you in the games, but I'll most likely be fighting against that little one there *points at Moxxie*

Moxxie: Hey!!

Kuro didn't want to extend the conversation and link with the recent suspected event and sees Striker walk away. Loona runs to Kuro

Loona: That was so cool Kuro, you never seem to doubt me.

Kuro stares at Striker

Kuro: "That 50 is mine..."

Millie: Don't let 'em get to you Mox. And hey, you don't need my parents to respect you. They will eventually.

Sallie May: No, they won't.

[Millie glares at her.]

Sallie May: What? I'm right, ain't I?

Moxxie: *drawl* Oh, I'mma enter in those games.

[Millie sighs sadly.]

Sallie May: *appears out of nowhere* Hmm, how pissed would you be if I bet on him dyin'?

[Millie glares at her again.]

[Scene cuts to the Harvest Festival. stands on stage with a microphone and speaks dramatically.]

Wally Wackford: Welcome, I say-a, welcome-a... all to Wrath-a Ring's-a annual-a Harvest-a Moon-a... a-Festival! To kick things up, we have the great prince Stolas-a, here to usher in this here Pain Games!

[Stolas takes the microphone from Wally Wackford.]

Stolas: *chuckles* How kind, Wackford. Greetings, tiny... Wrath Ring Imps! I hereby welcome you all to another year of celebrating the spoils of your labor that continue to feed the citizens of Hell!

[A crowd of Imps glare at him and boos are heard.]

Stolas: I'm happy to kick off the start of these games that will challenge the toughest Imps to show their skill in dominance. Good luck to you all! Especially that sexy little one there... Yoo-hoo! Blitzy!

[Stolas waves at him while Blitzo glares.]

Blitzo: Ugh. Fuck me.

Kuro: Hehe

[A gun goes off and the games begin. Moxxie gets trampled with a yelp as the other imps race down the trail. Striker climbs up a wooden ramp structure while Blitzo leaps down ahead of him. Moxxie tries to catch up. He claws at the structure and falls into a small puddle. He gets chewed up and thrashed by a monstrous black and white shark. In the next shot, Striker grins smugly at Blitzo who has his legs, arms and horns tied behind him. Kuro pins down one Muscular IMP with him pulling his arm in the air. Another muscular Imp holds a rope and grins at a scared Moxxie. Striker, Blitzo, Kuro and Moxxie team up in a tug of war match. Kuro skillfully pulls the rope and Moxxie falls into the water and the shark attacks him again. The scene cuts to a wrestling match in the mud between Blitzo and Striker. A group of imps do a football huddle on top of Moxxie. The shark leaps over the fence and begins to elbow drop Moxxie.]

Moxxie: MOTHERFUC--!!

[Cuts back to stage.]

Wally Wackford: I say, I say, for the first year ever, we have a tie for winner of the Harvest Moon Pain Games!

[Stolas takes the microphone from Wally Wackford.]

Stolas: The winners are... Striker, Kuro, aaaaand my darling Blitzy!

[Stolas walks onto the stage and does a pose as the crowd cheers.]

Blitzo: Just say my name RIGHT! Fuckin' dick.

[Blitzo walks onto the stage in frustration. Moxxie and Millie watch from the wooden bleachers.]

Moxxie: (referring to Striker) Alright. So, he has the "physical advantage." I'm better at other things, like singing!

Striker: *pulls out a guitar* I'd like to take this opportunity to sing a I wrote just now, about me winnin'.

[Striker strums the guitar he pulled out.]

Moxxie: Oh, WHAT THE FUCK?!

Striker: ♫ Sweet victory... I smell the smell. ♫

[Striker kicks a squealing in the face, sending her back to a group of imps who then maul her.]

Striker: ♫ From up in stinkin' , to the rugged rocks of Hell, sweet victory ♫

♫ With everything I do ♫

♫ With every talent, I'm so much more talented than you ♫

[Blitzo arrives with a slice of cheese on a stick and sits next to Moxxie and Millie in the bleachers. He eats the cheese.]

Blitzo: (mouth full) Isn't this guy great?

Striker: (off-screen) ♫ Everytime I tryyyy, I push it and succeed. ♫

Moxxie: False!

Blitzo: It's gonna be nice workin' with him.

[Blitzo pours hot sauce on his cheese and takes another bite.]

Moxxie: Working with him...? WHAT?!

Striker: (off-screen) ♫ Every first attempt of every single deed ♫

Blitzo: Yeaaaah! I asked him if he wants to join I.M.P.

Moxxie: You asked... But...

[Moxxie looks visibly hurt as Blitzo looks at him in confusion.]

Striker: (off-screen) ♫ Me! I'm totally the best. ♫

Millie: Mox, I think you've had enough, for now. Let's head back to the house and get you clean.

Striker: ♫ The super cool me, handsome guy- *cough* Moxxie, go fuck yourself ♫

[Moxxie tears up and leaves with Millie as Striker finishes his song.]

Striker: ♫ Did you hear something? It was just the wind. ♫

[The crowd cheers.]

Striker: Thank you. You're too kind.

[Volcanos with fiery spheres floating above them are revealed. Blitzo lies down on the ground and looks admiringly at Bombproof as he feasts on an animal carcass. Millie beams beside her parents as her brothers load up jack-o-lanterns into a truck. Millie waves at them and runs off. Inside the cottage, Moxxie glumly walks up some stairs. Moxxie notices light shining through the bottom of a door.]

Moxxie: Well, that's troubling.

[Moxxie opens the door and peers around. He notices the light coming from a box. He walks over and sees a rifle with glowing designs in an open gun case.]

Moxxie: Oh, my crumbles!

[He runs his hand along the side of the rifle.]

Moxxie: A genuine carmine crafted blessing-tipped rifle! How... How in the fuck did he get one o' these?!

[Striker leans against the door frame behind him.]

Striker: Why don't you ask me, little dude?

Moxxie: Shit! W- Why do you have this... mister?! You are aware this kind of weapon can kill--

Striker: ...demon royalty?

Moxxie: Yes. That.

Striker: No shit. *flicks his wheat stalk away* That's kinda the point.

[Striker runs his claws along the door. He closes the door and advances menacingly toward Moxxie with a grin.]

Moxxie: Okay. Well I'm- I'm relatively concerned by your possession of this... I'm also glad my instant dislike of you has been vali-

[Striker grabs Moxxie by the throat.]

Moxxie: -DATED!

[Striker wraps his tail around Moxxie's neck. He tosses Moxxie hard against the wall. He chokes Moxxie on the floor as Moxxie hisses and tries to claw at him. Striker holds him down with his body weight. Moxxie glances over to see a lamp on a table. He kicks the table and the lamp crashes into Striker. Millie hears the crash from outside. Moxxie stands up and races toward the door. He pulls the door open but Striker roughly pulls him back by his tail. Striker covers Moxxie's mouth and begins to strangle him. Striker chuckles evilly as Moxxie begins to lose consciousness.]

Striker: *smirks* Pathetic.

[Millie appears behind Striker and stabs him in the back with a knife. Moxxie collapses to the floor. A feral, enraged Millie stabs Striker repeatedly in the back. She leaps onto his back and holds the knife at his neck, but he breaks from her hold and stops her at the last moment. Striker then slams Millie off against the wall, breaking her arm. A now-bleeding Millie collapses next to Moxxie, clutching her broken arm. Moxxie reaches his hand towards Millie.]

Moxxie: *weakly* Millie...

[Striker grabs both of them by their hair and tosses them into a cellar. Millie cries out as her foot gets caught in a bear trap.]

Striker: I'd kill y'all, but I feel like there's more leverage with your rodeo clown of a boss if I don't! Plus, you little things ain't worth the cleanup.

[Moxxie runs up the stairs, but Striker closes the cellar doors. Moxxie tries to push the doors, but they won't budge.]

Moxxie: (worried) Millie!

[Moxxie runs down the stairs to Millie, assessing her.]

Moxxie: (worried) Oh, Satan!

Millie: Moxxie, I'm fiiiine! I got worse than this during the flower tufts at my brother's weddin'. But I caught that fuckin' bouquet, and it was fuckin' worth it! You just have to get out there, and fuck up that brownnosin' cocksucker for me!

Moxxie: But I can't break through it. I'm not strong enough.

Millie: Not with your hands, baby. Use what you're good at.

Moxxie: I'm not good with my hands?

[Millie raises an eyebrow with an unamused expression.]

Moxxie: Ohhhh. Right. Yeah. Yeah.

[Moxxie pulls out a pistol and fires a hole in the door. He pushes the doors open.]

Moxxie: I... I probably should've used this earlier, huh?

Millie: I love you, hun... But, for fuck's sake!

[Scene cuts to Stolas on stage. Stolas magically flips through the grimoire.]

Stolas: My dear commoners of the Ring of Wrath! I, Stolas of the Ars Goetia, hereby curse this year's harvest with the glow of the true Harvest Moon!

[The clouds swirl as Stolas creates a portal. The portal reveals a glowing orange full moon in the sky. The crowd oohs in wonder. Loona and Kuro sit by at a western cowboy house nearby looking at the sky]

Kuro: He always likes displaying the galaxy. *turns to Loona*

Loona: huh? Oh uh, yeah, I guess he does.

Kuro: Hey

Loona: Yeah?

Kuro turns to Loona : I just wanna say... Thank you.... for that little conversation we had yesterday, it helped me a lot and made me feel better

Loona: Anytime Kuro, I did say I would try to help out as much for the time being

Kuro looks at the sky with the galaxy portal there Loona looks at Kuro with a smile and surprisingly gives Kuro a hug, Kuro is surprised and a little upset that he hadn't received a genuine hug for a while. Kuro smiled and hugged back.

Loona: We're still betting 50 though

Kuro: We got until tomorrow

Stolas sees the two and smiles

[Striker chuckles darkly as he aims the rifle at Stolas' forehead. A click is heard behind him. Blitzo aims his flintlock pistol at him.]

Blitzo: Uh, excuse me? The FUCK?!

[Striker turns around.]

Striker: Bliiiitzo! I thought you were still at the ceremony!

Blitzo: You thought I wanted to stand around with a buncha hillbillies excited about corn n' shit with a thirsty owl on stage?!

[Striker stands up.]

Striker: Huh. And now you seem disappointed in me.

Blitzo: Yeaaaaah. Well, I'm not a fan of someone I offered a job to about to off my easiest lengthy ticket to Earth behind my back.

Striker: Blitzo, come on. You know, the two of us are superior than most of our kind. And you were so above suckin' on a disgusting, rich, pompous Goetia, only to sneak topside for scraps and work for bitter sinners, who could care less who you are, when you could be slaying Overlords.

[Striker walks around Blitzo. Blitzo's eyes move and he appears conflicted. He aims his gun as Striker moves in the shadows.]

Striker: Why struggle to run a business that is rigged against you? When you could partner up with me and kill... the unkillable?

[Striker pins a frightened Blitzo against the wall.]

Striker: Starting with the one that treats you like a plaything?

[Blitzo grins in lust.]

Blitzo: Ooh, that's kinda hot.

Striker: We could be the most dangerous beings in Hell, Blitzo.

Blitzo: Wow. That was a good fuckin' pitch.

Striker: Been workshoppin' it.

[Striker moves Blitzo's gun away.]

Blitzo: Y'know what? Fuck it. I'm in.

[Striker grins, but hears another click.]

Striker: Huh?

[Moxxie appears behind him with Striker's rifle.]

Blitzo: Took ya long enough, Mox! Ha-HA! Wow, you should've seen your dipshit face!

[Blitzo looks down to see Striker holding the knife in his other hand from behind.]

Blitzo: Wow... Woah, okay. Cliché much?

[Striker points Blitzo's pistol at Moxxie. Moxxie blocks the bullet with the rifle side.]

Blitzo: Oh, you daddy fucker!

[Blitzo bites at Striker's arm.]

Striker: AAAAGH!!

[The fight begins as Blitzo elbows Striker in the face. They exchange blows, and Striker slams Blitzo into Moxxie, both of them falling to the floor. Moxxie sees the rifle on the floor and reaches for it. Striker pins Moxxie's arm down with his boot.]

Moxxie: AAAGH!

Striker: You dumb fucks lost the upper hand fast, huh?

Blitzo: HA! You seem to have forgotten something, fucko!

[Blitzo whistles for Loona. Outside, Loona and Kuro hears it whilst using her phone.]

Kuro: Whats wrong?

Loona: Ugh, Blitz needs me, I'll be right back.

Loona goes to where Blitzo, Moxxie and Striker are, Kuro looks at the house, he senses that odd-positive energy that he sensed when he and Stolas were attacked. And finally comes to a conclusion

Kuro: Oh! That 50 bucks is definitely mine now!

Kuro runs off to the house

Blitzo: Ugh, fuckin' damn it, Loona.

Striker: It's a damn shame, Blitzo. We might actually've made a good team... Ah well.

Blitzo: In your wet dreams, you honky-tonk GOAAAAT!

[Blitzo swings his foot under Striker and trips him. Blitzo kicks Striker away, causing him to drop his rifle, which Moxxie grabs. Blitzo races toward Striker and knock his head with a lamp. He lands punches at his face and swipes his tail at him. Blitzo uses his tail to toss Striker to the side. Moxxie fires a warning shot near Striker's head. Blitzo and Moxxie close in on Striker and Blitzo pulls out his pistol.]

Striker: I still think it's embarrassing. You're wastin' a lot of potential relyin' on a weak little--

[Moxxie fires a shot near Striker.]

Moxxie: You gonna finish that fucking sentence... pard'ner?

Striker: Vermin.

Moxxie: Who's weak now, BITCH--?!

[Moxxie gets slammed by the door as Loona kicks it open to enter the room.]

Loona: 'Kay, I'm here.

[Striker narrows his eyes and uses the distraction to kick Blitzo's gun out of his hand. He shoves Blitzo aside and heads toward the open window.]

Striker: Maybe you'll get me next time... Blitzy.

[Just as about as Striker escaping through the window. Kuro swoops in and kicks Striker in the Stomach then hitting a wall. Striker groans and moans in pain].

Kuro: *phew* That 50 is mine now Loona, you lost *blep*

Loona: Don't you have an imp to finish off

Striker groans and tries to get up, Blitz and Moxxie point their guns at him

Kuro *walks over*: So my thoughts were correct, you're that mysterious punk who tried to kill me and Stolas back a few days ago.

Striker: I knew you figured, you're smarter than you look mutt.

Kuro is triggered by that word but kept his cool

Blitzo: He's that guy?

Kuro: Isn't it obvious?

Blitzo and Moxxie: No.

Kuro: Anyway, since you're down and surround time to finish you off.

Kuro grabs Striker by the coat but...

Striker: But you're too complacent

Striker burns Kuro with a carmine knife held with his tail, Kuro screams in pain, Kuro punches Striker one more time hitting the window sill.

Striker: I'll see you again, Stolas' pet

  Gets on the window and escapes. Kuro looks, at him escaping in worry, his teeth angrily grinding

Blitzo: You can heal those right?

Kuro seems to be struggling with the healing since the ookami energy isn't doing anything to heal the cut and burn.

Blitzo: Right?

Kuro looks at Blitz then onto the burn mark for a second

Kuro: I guess not... but I can supress the wound. There's something else going on with Stolas and I don't think it'll end well. But he's safe for now.

[Scene cuts to the ranch. Lin bandages up Millie's arm as she sits with her foot in a cast. Moxxie struggles to fit clothes in a suitcase.]

Lin: I can't believe you let him trap you, Millie! Haven't we taught you better?

Millie: I was seein' red, Ma! And he was slippery!

Lin: Excuses! You're better than that, Mildred!

[Moxxie closes the trunk and marches over to Millie's parents.]

Moxxie: Y'know, she protected me. [drawl] And maybe I'm not a strong beefy dickhead, [normal voice] but Millie has the strength enough for both of us! You two are getting on her case about being hurt by a psychopath you hired?! [drawl] Shaaaaame on you!

Blitzo: Aw, Moxxie, look at you! Speechin' like a big boy with his big paaaants!

[Joe glares at Moxxie, curtly nods and leaves.]

Millie: Wooow! He nodded! He's never acknowledged your input before!

[Millie stands up on crutches and walks away.]

Moxxie: Soooo, is that progress?

Kuro: I say so Mox. *grunts*

Loona: You good?

Kuro: The burn still hurts ok my arm I guess I can't heal the angel hit with Ookami Energy that easily.

Loona: you were really screaming back there

[Scene cuts to a sign that reads "Hideaway Motel Vacancy. The Guy That Tried 2 Kill U Def Isn't Here." Striker is on a bed, talking on the phone.]

Striker: Huh... I failed to kill the target at the festival. But don't worry, ma'am... It won't happen again.

[ drums her fingers on the table impatiently.]

Stella: It better not! I want this cheating prick dead! I don't care who you have to go through, MAKE IT HAPPEN!

[Stella is seen sitting at a dinner table with Stolas, who is reading a book called "Imps in the Sheets", and . Stolas pauses from eating to look at his wife in concern while Octavia bops her head to music tapping on the wine glass with her fork.]

Striker: Understood.

[Stella hangs up the phone. Striker twirls the gun in his hand.]

Striker: I'll get him next time.

[Striker chuckles evilly as he turns off the light. His yellow eyes glow in the darkness to rattlesnake hisses.]

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