Elevator Game ( BTS UNIVERSE~...

بواسطة chandni2009

179 27 3

One day Kim TaeHyung and SeokJin told about elevator game ritual to his friends. which opens the gate of the... المزيد

Episode 1 (the beginning+introduction)
episode 2 (the beginning+introduction,part 2)
Episode 3 (the talk)
episode 4 (The game begins)
episode 5 ( welcome to the parallel world)
episode 6 ( HOW??)
episode 8 (go away)
Episode 9 (kidnapped)
Episode 10 (TAEHYUNG!!)
Episode 11
Episode 12

Episode 7

9 2 0
بواسطة chandni2009

Y/n - In other words...... we must eat or drink at most half an hour in our time...
Because it will be 15 hours here....

YoonGi- Exactly. We should keep track of time so we don't die by starvation and dehydration.

HoeSeok - Great....just great....we don't have anything on  us to eat or drink....

JIMin- it's okay, I had that in mind and I brought some snacks and water with me .

TaeHyung- Dude,why are you suddenly so amazing and nice??!!

JIMin- you're my friend of course I'd help.

TaeHyung- huh?.... friends?...

SeokJin- Woahhh!!!!! That's sudden scary change!!!!!!

JIMin- Anyway , the food and water I have will never be enough for the upcoming times. So we'll have to start looking for food and water here.

Namjoon- Understood.

Y/n - Um....Mr park, Y-

JIMin- JIMin. We're not really in a situation for you to Calle Mr.park. So just JIMin.

Y/n - uh...yeah....you said earlier there was a monster chasing you....is that why you were running. And which monster?

JIMin- yeah,that's why I was running. And that monster is my doppelganger.

YoonGi- Your doppelganger is after you?!! Did you look into his eyes??!!!

JIMin- No,I just saw him standing far away. And when I saw  that he looked exactly like me. I panicked and ran away from him and he kept following me, he keep yelling " I'll kill you" to me over and over. I don't know why he wanted to kill me? I have no idea.

Y/n - well....that means our doppelgangers want us Dead. But for which reason?.... we must be extra careful.....

Jungkook- I know you said they're evil but .....They'll want to kill us once they meet us?....

YoonGi- They definitely sensed the gate opening! Adding to that each doppelganger feels his human body!
So our doppelgangers know that we're here!!!!! And they'll target us!!!

JIMin- why would they target us?

YoonGi - I told you all before!! Your doppelganger is YOU!!!! It's either HIM or YOU!!!!! Not to mention that, just like you said those creatures have been trying their best to go to our world!!!
They'll kill us. They'll take our bodies and live in them, coming to our world and living our lives in our place, while we are

TaeHyung- According to what YoonGi said. MY doppelganger will target ME only ME. So it's not really that dangerous if I interact with any other doppelganger it's not that much dangerous . Right!

JIMin- but it's still a high risk in that!

Y/n - I agree. We do need to interact to get information. but, we must interact alone. We  travel in at least a group of 2. And make sure to avoid our doppelgangers.

SeokJin- this leaves the question of how we are going to distinguish ourselves to each other. I mean, if I leave this room not how will you guys know it's really me. When I'm back? How will you know it's not my doppelganger?

Y/n - they didn't wear watches.

HoeSeok- How do you know about that?

Y/n-  Haven't you noticed the insane amount of wall clocks on the walls? There are at least 3 clocks in every corridor and every room. Why would they put this amount clocks on walls if they can simply wear watches ? They definitely don't wear any.

Jungkook- still we can't assume that without evidence, we must take care about it.

Y/n- Even if they wer watches, the time on their watches won't be like others . We can distinguish each other through time.

Namjoon- that's actually a smart move.
That will definitely work.

HoeSeok- you're talking about watches whom I remember, JIMin!! You're wearing the watch that me & TaeHyung gave you . On your 16th birthday??
DUDE!! I really thought you threw that away!!!

TaeHyung- that...... watch?......You still have it?....

JIMin- why would I not have it?

TaeHyung- Don't you hate us now?....
I mean...... Mr and HoeSeok?....

HoeSeok- I remember that you cherished it a lot because we went through a lot to give it to you back then.

JIMin- Yeah....I remember that....

TaeHyung- You do?....

JIMin- of course......how can I forget that?....

HoeSeok- we really shed  blood sweat and tears  to got you that present.....
We wanted to make you happy no matter what because you've been going through too much.....

JIMin- Too much?

TaeHyung- what?..... you don't remember what you had gone through??!!!??

JIMin- of course I remember,that can never be forgotten....... I just don't want to mention it now.

HoeSeok- did you remember that seeing this watch on you made you really happy......

JIMin- Happy?

HoeSeok- Maybe there is still hope...you 
Know....of you returning back?.....

JIMin- I.....Anyway. I'm going outside.

SeokJin- you're suddenly nice, then you're suddenly crazy.

Jungkook- are you out of your mind???
Going back outside when you're being chased??

JIMin- I'll watch my doppelganger to know the way he thinks and the people he interacts with.  Maybe I can meet your doppelgangers.

YoonGi- wow, the CEO has gone mad.

Namjoon- Mr.park-

JIMin- JIMin.

Namjoon- sure, JIMin, that's suicide.

JIMin- Actually, that's our only winning card .

Y/n - but....how?

JIMin- my doppelganger already knows
That I'm here . But yours don't. Know yet . so I'm the only one exposed. And therefore, I can be your source of information and your eye. They already know I'm here,so I'm already in danger anyway. But you guys are still in safe mode. So stay hidden. I'll find the way out whenever it takes.  I'll also bring you food and water from somewhere, I don't really know.... but I'll search.

Y/n- JIMin that's really suicide!!!!you can't do that!!!!

JIMin- We have no other option. I'm going that's it.

TaeHyung- I'll go with you.

JIMin- No.

TaeHyung- you're not going out alone !!
We said we'll travel I at least group of 2.

JIMin- I can handle it on my own.

TaeHyung- This is not the time to be arrogant jerk you are, so just listen.

JIMin- I won't answer you. And I don't want you out there with me.

TaeHyung-And I said you won't get out there alone!!! You can't be alone over there!!! JIMin!!!! I'm not leaving you alone!!!!

JIMin- you won't leave me alone?? Really?? I mean you left me alone for years. Both of you. HoeSeok and TaeHyung. Why do you suddenly care?

TaeHyung and HoeSeok shocked


JIMin- That's not the time to fight.


SeokJin- your voices are too high!!! Stop!!!

Jungkook- stop it!!!

JIMin- TaeHyung,later,not now.


Y/n - TaeHyung please!!!


JIMin- will you shut up already?

TaeHyung-  DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO!!!!!

JIMin- Whatever, relax, maybe you'll finally be at peace & you won't see me again anyway.


JIMin- No one knows if I'll succeed and come back. So maybe I'll die after a few minutes. This will make you at ease, so stop yelling already.

TaeHyung- wow !!!! Now u think I want you die??!!! And what else do you think of me, Jimmin!!!!!

HoeSeok- will you two please stop it already?.... please..... enough.....

JIMin- I'm leaving.

TaeHyung- I said you're not going alone!!!!!

JIMin- why do you even care?!!

TaeHyung- I'm not letting go die!!!
I can't let you die alone like that even if you're a jerk!!!!

Jimmin - ?.....


TaeHyung-  I'm going with you  wether we both like it or not!!!

JIMin- just stay close.

TaeHyung- whatever.

They both leave....

YoonGi- well,that was intense.

Jungkook- I'll look around the office, maybe I can find something different that our work that might help.

YoonGi- we'll help too.

We follow jungkook.  But before I move, I noticed that HoeSeok was still smiling, staring at the door. Then I speak gently....

Y/n- hey.....are you okay?...

HoeSeok- believe me,never better.

Y/n- you looked dazed......

HoeSeok- I'm just remembering....

Y/n- remembering?....

HoeSeok- yeah..

To be continued.....

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