His Good Girl

By ChristineCalvin

87.1K 365 72

Crysta is in college. She is an "A" student but has no social life. Her friend insists that she goes to a par... More

1. Prologue
4. Coffee
2. Crysta
5. Going slow
3. The Party
6. Dinner
7. Breakfast
8. Spoiling my princess
9. Dinner with friends
10. Dessert
11. The Talk
12. Crysta's Decision
13. Rules
14. Limits
15. Lunchtime
16. Security
17. Spending a Day with Melissa
18. Aftercare
19. Her favorite foods
20. Realization 1773 words
21. Photo cover - Engaged
22 Celebrating
23. Redefining limitations
24. Going swimming
25. The News is out
26. Protecting
27. Restraining Order.
28. Time with the girls
29. The threat
30 - Vacation?
31 Packing
32 Morning

33. Almost there

1.3K 6 2
By ChristineCalvin

Wow, thirty-five thousand reads. Thank you for following my story. You are the best. Thank you for sharing this story with your friends.

"Now to the airport, " James announced.

Crysta and Hunter were holding hands. Hunter was thinking, "I am not leaving her side. That crazy woman is trying to kill the love of my life." He glanced at Crysta and smiled. "Sweetheart, are you ready for our vacation?"

Crysta turned to him, "Yes, but I am worried about your injury."

"It's just a scratch, my love," Hunter replied. He could see in Crysta's worried eyes that she did not believe him. "Besides, I have the best nurse to take care of me," Hunter smirked. He squeezed her hand affectionately.

"Fine. But promise to tell me if you hurt or if you are uncomfortable," Crysta bargained. Hunter nodded in agreement.
As the SUV slowed down, Crysta woke up with her head on Hunter's shoulder. He was also sleeping with his head leaning on top of her head. He stirred at her movement. "Are you ok, sweetheart?" Hunter inquired.

"Yes. The SUV is slowing down," Crysta noted. She realized she was leaning on his shoulder and sat up abruptly. "Am I hurting your arm?"

"You could never hurt me, my love," Hunter smiled at Crysta.

The SUV came to a stop. The security guards exited the vehicle.

Chris opened the door to the SUV, "All clear, sir."

Hunter stepped out of the vehicle first. He did a 360° turn taking in the area. He nodded to Chris. "Miss Crysta, it is safe for you to come out," Chris said.

"Thank-you Chris," Crysta smiled. As she exited the SUV, Hunter was on one side of her, and Chris was on the other side of her.

"Shall we head to the plane, sweetheart?" Hunter asked Crysta. Crysta smiled and took Hunter's arm. Crysta was never on a private plane before. A cabin worker assisted Crysta onto the steps to go up to the plane. Hunter guided her up the remaining steps. A stewardess greeted them by the open door.

Crysta came to a stop as she entered the cabin of the plane. The colors were warm and soothing. There was an area with a television and couches. There was another area with recliners and a bar. It was magnificent. "Wow!" was all she could say.

"Where would you like to sit?" Hunter asked Crysta.

"You choose," Crysta responded. Hunter walked Crysta to a recliner. He sat in the recliner next to her.

"What would you like to drink?" the stewardess asked Crysta.

"Water with a lemon, please," Crysta replied.

"Your usual, Mr. Yearwood?" the stewardess asked Hunter.

"Yes, thank you. And some snacks, please," Hunter smiled. The stewardess smiled and walked towards the bar.

"Is this plane yours?" Crysta asked Hunter.

"Yes. Is it comfortable enough for you? I can make any alterations to make you more comfortable," Hunter inquired.

"No, it's beautiful," Crysta responded.
She was looking at everything from her seat. She was overwhelmed by the intricate details throughout the aircraft.

"Here is your water with lemon ma'am. And your usual Mr. Yearwood. I will return with snacks," the stewardess explained.

Hunter nodded toward the stewardess and then returned his attention to Crysta.
He watched her as she admired the plane.
She turned to him, "Are you ok? Do you need any medicine?"

"I am fine. I am admiring the beauty sitting next to me," Hunter smiled.

Crysta blushed. She could feel the red rising from below her blouse up thru her neck and into her face. "You are so sweet," Hunter added.

The stewardess returned with the snacks.
"I hope you enjoy the snacks," she smiled as she placed the tray on the round glass table in front of them. "Would you like anything else?"

"No, thank you," Hunter responded.

There were pigs in a blanket, mini egg rolls, fried ravioli, cubed cheeses and grapes, pretzels, potato chips, and an onion dip. Crysta put some of the items on two small plates. She handed one of the plates to Hunter. "Thank-you, my love."

"Of course, my knight in shining armor," Crysta smiled. She began to nibble on the food. She didn't realize how hungry she was. She began to yawn.

"Sweetheart, if you are tired, you can recline the chair, or you could go to the bedroom and take a nap," Hunter offered.

"A bedroom?" Crysta was shocked.

"Come, I will show you," Hunter said as he helped her up. They walked to the rear of the plane and slid a door open. In front of them was a queen size bed with the softest blankets and fluffiest pillows.

"Oh my," Crysta smiled. "You won't mind if I take a nap?"

"Of course not. Please, rest. I will join you in a little while."

Crysta felt like she was sleeping on clouds. Within minutes, she was fast asleep. Hunter quietly slid the door closed and returned to his drink.
James was sitting in Crysta's seat when Hunter returned to his seat. "Where is your nurse?" James teased.

Hunter smiled. "She was exhausted from all the excitement during the last several days, so I tucked her in bed."

"She is definitely a keeper. But I love my woman," James smiled.

"Crysta has good friends. She is a special person," Hunter agreed.

"How do we protect her from ...." Before James could finish, Hunter interrupted.

"My lawyers are putting together a civil case. When they are finished with their research, that woman will be institutionalized for a long time," Hunter said.

"I hope so. Neither of you deserves any of this drama," James agreed.

"How long before we land?" Hunter inquired.

"A few hours," James informed him.

"I think I will go rest next to my princess," Hunter smiled.

"Is that what they call that today?" James teased

"Go spend time with your woman," Hunter replied. He stood up from his recliner and headed to the onboard bedroom.
James, Liam, Melissa, and Amy were sitting in the recreation area of the plane playing video games. "How are they" Liam asked James.

"They are "resting" in the bedroom," James explained.

"There is a bedroom on this plane?" Melissa and Amy asked together.

"Of course. We need to rest before and after business trips," Liam responded.

"Wow!" Melissa squealed.

"What are we playing?" James asked.

"Super Mario!" Amy answered.

"OK! Let's play!" James replied.
Meanwhile, Hunter quietly opened the sliding door to the bedroom. He stood in the doorway mesmerized by the site before him. The most beautiful, intelligent, caring woman was sleeping soundly on his plane. He didn't want to disturb her, so he gently sat on the side of the bed and removed his shoes. He slid the door closed. Then, he returned to lay next to his princess. She began to stir, so he engulfed her in his arms and whispered into her ear that everything was fine. She settled down and snuggled into his chest. His last thought before he fell asleep was, "I am so lucky."
Two hours later, Crysta slowly opened her eyes. She felt a heavy weight across her stomach. She slightly turned her head and saw her knight in shining armor sleeping with his arm wrapped around her waist. A smile grew on Crysta's lips. Hunter came to cuddle with her. She tried to gently move his arm. "Where are you going?" Hunter asked in his deep, sleepy voice.

"I need to use the little girl's room," Crysta whispered.

"But I am so comfortable," he whined.

"I really need to go," Crysta giggled.

"Go, but come right back, sweetheart," Hunter smiled.

"Where is the bathroom?" Crysta asked. Hunter pointed. Crysta scurried away.

When she returned, Hunter put both his arms out for her. "Come here, my love."

She quickly curled into his arms. He leaned over her and gave her a passionate kiss. He gently bit her bottom lip so he could stick his tongue in her mouth and taste her tongue, her cheeks, the roof of her mouth. She reciprocated the gesture. They pulled away only because they needed to breathe. "You taste delicious," Hunter smirked. "I think I will taste other parts of you." He started kissing down her neck. He slowed down only to remove her shirt. Then, he continued nibbling along her collar bone. When he reached her breasts, he moved the bra to the side and licked, kissed, and gently bit her nipples. Crysta moaned. He continued to kiss along her ribs and across her abdomen. He gently pulled her pants off. He smiled with appreciation when he saw he skimpy lace panties. "I will buy you new panties," he smirked as he tore her panties off. He groaned when he realized how wet she was for him already. "My naughty girl," he smiled. Crysta looked confused. "You are mine, my love." He stroked her inner thighs gently. "All mine!" He leaned down and began to lick and suck her clit. She could feel her body want more. His mouth began to suck the juices from her wet sweet spot as his fingers circled and rubbed her flower. "You are delicious!" He took a finger and put it inside her, wiggling it around. Then he put another finger inside her.  He bent both his fingers, reaching for that magical spot. Meanwhile, he was kissing her ravishously as he shared her juices with her. He felt her convulse around his fingers. "Not yet, my love." He knelt between her thighs and placed her legs on his shoulders as he entered her.

"Hunter! Please!" Crysta cried.

Hearing her say his name, begging to cum, made him harder. He thrusted more quickly inside of her. Her muscles clamped down around his cock. "Cum now, sweetheart!" Her warm juices squirted all around his enlarged penis. He came with her, mixing his cream with her juices. Her legs were shaking as she shouted, "Yes!"

He waited until he was a little softer before he came out of her. She wished he could have stayed inside her a little longer.

Hunter held her in his a arms as she slowly came down from her high. As she started to relax, he mentioned, "We need to take a shower." Crysta hummed in response.
Hunter helped Crysta put on a silk robe. He assisted her to the shower. He held on to her waist as he turned the warm water on. He slid the soft robe over her shoulders as the satin robe fell to the floor. They stepped into the shower together. He started to wash her hair. She enjoyed being pampered by him. Then he put the conditioner in her hair. As he rinsed her hair, she leaned against him.
"I love you, Hunter," Crysta whispered.

"I love you too, Crysta," he smiled.

He took the soap and washed her back. He thoroughly enjoyed washing g her buttocks. Then his arms went around her as he kissed her neck while cleaning her breasts, her abdomen,  and of course her sweet spot. She could feel him getting larger against her back. He turned her around and said, "Jump!"  She landed in his arms as he entered her and began thrusting. "I can not get enough of you," he groaned. They both shouted each other's names as the came again. He gently put her on her feet and rinsed her off again. He quickly cleaned himself. He assisted her out of the shower. Her legs were like jello. He walked her back to the bedroom. He placed an outfit for her on the bed.

"You come prepared," Crysta giggled.

Hunter smiled. "Taking care of my princess. "
Hunter wrapped his arm around Crysta's waist as they walked out of the bedroom towards their friends.  Liam looked up. "Welcome back, love birds!" he teased.
Amy and Melissa giggled.

"Did you rest well?" James asked.

"I feel better after my nap," Crysta responded.

" I bet you do," Amy teased.

Melissa whispered in Crysta's ear. "The bedroom is not soundproof."  Crysta turned beet red.

"Are you ok, honey?" Hunter inquired.

Crysta whispered in Hunter's ear. "They heard us."

Hunter smiled. "Are they jealous?"

It was Amy's,  Melissa's, Liam's, and James' turn to become red. "Nothing like that. But you two are quite vocal," Liam explained.

Hunter kissed Crysta on top of her head. "My little vixen." Everyone laughed.
"I am hungry. What meal are we up to?" Hunter asked.

"We departed around 6 this morning. It takes about 7 hours to fly to Alaska. They are 4 hours earlier than us, so it is about brunch time." James replied.

The stewardess appeared at that moment. "Would you and your guests like brunch, sir?" she asked.

"Yes, that would be nice," Hunter answered.

"Would you like Mimosas or Bloody Marys?" she inquired. She took their orders and disappeared.  She returned with 6 Mimosas and left again.

"This is nice," Amy noted.

The stewardess returned with trays of food. She placed them elegantly on the oval table. "Does anybody need anything?"

Hunter looked around the table. "Sweetheart,  would you like anything?"

"No, thank-you, sir," Crysta responded.

"We are good. Thank-you," Hunter answered the stewardess.

"Very good, sir." She turned and left.

Hunter filled Crysta's plate with food before he took his own brunch. Everyone started chatting and eating.

"We should be landing in 2 to 3 hours," James announced. "It should be around lunchtime in Fairbanks."

Crysta turned to Hunter. "We are really going to see the northern lights!"

"Yes, my love. We are almost there," Hunter smiled at Crysta.
Thank-you for reading my story. I appreciate all of my readers. Don't forget to comment and vote. I love hearing from you!

Do you likevthe way Crysta's character is evolving?

Do you believe the stalker found out about Alaska? Will she show up?

Should the relationships for their friends evolve as well?

Thank-you for sharing my story. Thank-you again for reading.

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