The Accused One: Izuku Midori...

By TheHinokami

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What if there was a UA traitor but the school and the hero commission couldn't figure it out and it was now n... More

Story Divergence Information
Chapter 1: Backs Against The Wall.
Chapter 2: The Will Of The Users & Decision
Chapter 3: Plans
Chapter 4: Gran Torino & Talk
Chapter 5: Traitor!
Chapter 6: Reactions
Chapter 7: On The Run!
Chapter 8: Aftermath of Izuku's Escape
Chapter 9: Making A Name!
Chapter 10: The Offer!
Chapter 11: On The Move!
Chapter 12: Inko Midoriya
Chapter 13: Accused Appears!
Chapter 14: Confrontations
Chapter 15: Reports & Progress
Chapter 16: Desperation
Chapter 17: League Verus Meta Liberation Army
Chapter 18: Aftermath of Deika City
Chapter 19: Warning Bells
Chapter 20: Preparations
Chapter 21: War is Knocking!
Chapter 22: War! Pt. 1
Chapter 23: War! Pt. 2
Chapter 24: War! Pt. 3
Chapter 25: War! Pt. 4
Chapter 26: War! Pt. 5
Chapter 27: War Climax!
Chapter 28: Realization
Chapter 29: Dreams & Reality
Chapter 30: Changing Hearts & Minds! [END]
Chapter 32 - He Lives! What Cost?

Chapter 31 - Alt Route - War!?

944 22 9
By TheHinokami

wahahhahah! What if!???



Then everything changed as Spinner had put the only serving hand on Shigaraki's face which caused Shigaraki to wake up fully. "Oh, seems Shigaraki is awake!" Izuku said as he felt Shigaraki wake up. This caused everyone to freeze as Eraserhead turned his vision onto Shigaraki as Izuku had escaped towards Shigaraki as well. All of the students from 1-A were following him as their teacher prevented Shigaraki from using his quirks.

Shigaraki could see how his forces were losing and saw the state they were all in as Izuku arrived next to him. "You need to see if Gigantomachia can get back up else we are set to lose as Eraserhead keeps blocking our quirks," Izuku said and Shigaraki nodded his head. Shigaraki tried to get Gigantomachia to stand up but he was completely out of it which did not mean well for their group. "It's time for us to retreat," Shigaraki said as the league members all got to him but 1-A and the others weren't going to allow it. Izuku could see Gran Torino who stared at Izuku and they both turned away from each other a few seconds after eye contact as they knew what needed to be done... Izuku knew his fate.

As everyone stood facing off, the balance was destroyed as NOMU started to arrive at their location and rushed into the hero ranks. Due to the suprise of such a sudden action, Best Jeanist couldn't keep up with the sudden surge of numbers allowing Dabi and the others to break free of the conflicts. Within seconds, the NOMU scoped up Izuku and the others as they darted away from the battle and in those few moments many emotions were felt by several different people as Shigaraki and his army leaders made their escape but no one there on the field knew the true horror of the real situation of one induvial in this entire mess.

As Shigaraki forces made their move to escape, other heroes on their path that had arrived from the rescue efforts attempted to stop their them in their path but the Nomu just kept coming as Shigaraki kept commanding them to block the heroes even if it got the NOMU killed as they were not worth the main fighters getting captured. Even as Class 1-A attempted to follow as well to regain their departed friend... they in the end couldn't grasp him even though they were so close to having him in their grasps. In the end, Class 1-A could only look at the devastation around them and come to the reality of everything... THEY HAD FAILED!

-- Time Skip --

It has been several months now since the conflict known as the PLF War had come to an end. Many people were captured in the battle such as Gigantomachia, Re-Destro, Trumpet, Geten, and many other members of the Paranormal Liberation front but the main leaders that the heroes had wanted to capture such as Izuku Midoriya Aka Accused and Shigaraki were able to escape. However, many things have happened since the war as the ironclad prison known as Tartarus was invaded. This news had shocked many people and put the fear of god into some especially All Might but in the end there was a small amount of good news that came from the prison break or at least that is what All Might thought as he stood there in the room he had visited few times before.

Before All Might was the corpse of his biggest enemy, All For One! "Why didn't they break you free? Why kill you?" All Might wondered out loud to himself as he started to walk out of the room. Many inmates had escaped from the prison but not All For One. No, his body had wounds of decay and stab wounds which led All Might to believe that Shigaraki and young Midoriya had killed the old monster but he couldn't understand why Shigaraki would turn on his master. As he shook his head to rid himself of those thoughts as they didn't serve him any good right now, he stepped out to the top of the facility and the ruins it was now in. With the sun blazing heat pushing down on him, he thought it was ironic that such a sunny day had come after so much turmoil.

"All Might..." said a voice from behind him making him turn around. Though, it was someone that he didn't want to speak to right now as it was Principal Nezu of UA. mentally sighing to himself, "Sir?" he said as he gave the principal his attention. "It's time for us to head back to UA as there will be a meeting with the commission and others to speak about all of the recent events." Nezu stated in his normal tone of voice that irritated All Might to no end these days but never let it show. Even now, All Might didn't believe that his student... his so-... went down this path of his own will. Not willing at least even though the boy claimed as such in the battle at the ruins of the hospital. Nodding his head, All Might followed the principal back towards the car to head back to the main land on the semi-repaired bridge that allowed some controlled traffic to come to the ruins of the facility. 

Sitting in the car, the silence was not the calm type but the tense one where you would shift around in your seat as you just wanted time to move on quickly but All Might didn't want to give the creature next to him any sort of information on his state of mind or mood but it was hard as the trip felt so long even though he knew they were getting closer and closer to UA now. Though, it seems All Might wasn't the one to break the silence first. "Toshinori ... you know if there was any way for things to have gone differently I would have done everything I could, right?" Nezu said as he looked out of the window next to him confusing All Might.

All Might POV:

"What...?" I asked as that statement caught me off guard. But the next statement sent my blood boiling through my veins as how dare he! "I'm talking about Izuku... how he betrayed us to join the villains as I know he was meant to be the one to bring hope and peace as the next user of One for All but things happened outside of our control that lead us to this situation." Nezu said in a tone of voice that made me want to scream in anger as he had no idea how I felt regarding this mess but I know I need to keep my cool. Calming down my anger, I looked at him as I could feel Nezu had turn his eyes towards me. "Sir... with all due respect... we could have prevent him from leaving us... you should have brought me into your findings before confronting him. We could have worked something out! He could still have been with us... I still..." I said but cut myself off from saying my final words as even now I've still been looking into everything from before but the fighting... the destruction has stalled matters as Eraserhead has been out of commission and is only now starting to get around again on that fake leg of his. Not even mentioning the students of Class 1-A who are driving themselves into the ground as everyone doesn't know what will happen now and they are blaming themselves as well. 

Nothing else was said as they finally arrived at UA after such a tense silence had developed after that conversation. Pulling up to the school which had been turned into a shelter for civilians as the country was on fire nowadays as villain's from the prison caused chaos around the country only feeding into others to come out of the wood work causing even more villain's to appear. Pushing myself out of the car, I didn't even wait for Nezu.

Nezu POV:

'There he goes... Pity.' I thought as I watched All Might walk away from the car but my thoughts got broken as a voice came out next to the car. Turning I saw Madam President herself. "Any word?" She asked as I shook my head and lowered it a bit as I jumped out of the car. "No, but that is to be expected from the directive he was given in the event this was to happen." I said as I walked towards my school which looked like a prison with all of the defenses on it now but I pushed those thoughts away as we made out way into the school. Today there was a meeting with many important figures in the county as decision on what happens now have to be made as the trust in the heroes of the country is gone and thorn to shreds after all of these events that have happened. 'Just maintaining some sort of control on the areas that we do have is hard now...' I thought as me and the president of the commission arrived to the meeting room to find all of the current top heroes (rather those that didn't quit) in the room and the prime minster himself as well who gave me a look but I shook my head slightly letting him know the same answer I gave the president of the commission. Izuku Midoriya was still radio silent since he vanished that day with the rest of the PLF leadership that had escaped with Shigaraki. 

The question really on all three of our minds was if he was alive or did he get made because who knows what quirks Shigaraki had after the experiment he went though and after killing his former boss. 'Though those stab wounds on All For One makes us all believe he is alive as they seem like they were made with black whip.' I thought as I let my mind wander before it was brought back to the conversation that was going on in front of me. The meeting was about getting help from outside forces, foreign heroes.... that was the state the country was in right now but some people were not willing to come to Japan to help for many reasons. But that was outside of the point as they were to the point of even sending students in pairs out as almost full fledge heroes now to patrol parts of cities to help try to maintain some sort of peace and stability. 

Regardless... this meeting was starting to become pointless as no one could agree on anything but then an assistant came into the room and spoke to the president of the commission. "Ma'am, we found the body of one of the people who escaped from Tartarus... Muscular was killed." said the person which silenced the room as they all knew that Muscular was a crazy and blood thirsty person. They all wondered who killed him and they got the answer as the president of the commission had asked if there was any reports of who did it. "Yes, there was two students from Shiketsu high hero course present that were fighting him but got overpowered. From their reports and some civilians, it was reported a person fitting the description of..." The man was saying before he worked up the courage to say the name. "It was reported that it was ACCUSED, Ma'am." stated the man as he back off after he made his report as the room was dead silent as everyone's eyes were wide.

"What?" I said out loud even though I didn't mean to do so. The others had looked at me before turning back to the main. "It's unknown for sure but the students reported that he stated something on the lines of 'Disgusting creature' before he killed the villain. It's unknown if there was a break in ties between him and Shigaraki." stated the man but as he finished talking my mind went into overdrive at this new information. 'He's alive'... I thought with so much joy but had to push those emotions to the side as I focused back on the matter at hand as the prime minster dismissed the meeting and told people to look into the matter.


Notes - I so did this... 

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