No matter where | Woosan

By Vinetodine

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Life could be a dream ----------------------- San is the best volleyball player at his university and well kn... More

Burn Pt.2
No matter where
No matter what|AE


490 25 101
By Vinetodine

3rd P

As San and Wooyoung arrived in Jeju a few hours later, the first thing that greeted them was the crisp, salty breeze that swept in from the ocean. The air was filled with the soothing sound of waves crashing against the shore, a melodic rhythm that echoed the timeless beauty of the island.

Wooyoung's eyes widened in wonder as he took in the breathtaking scenery before him.

The landscape was a patchwork of vibrant greens and blues, with lush forests stretching out towards the horizon and crystal-clear waters lapping gently against the shore.

"Wow, this place is incredible!" Wooyoung exclaimed, his voice filled with awe. "I've never seen anything like it."

San couldn't help but smile at Wooyoung's enthusiasm, his heart swelling with fondness for the younger man. He had been to Jeju countless times before, but seeing it through Wooyoung's eyes brought a fresh perspective to the familiar surroundings.

"Yeah, it's pretty amazing," San agreed, his gaze sweeping over the panoramic view of the ocean stretching out before them. "I'm glad you like it."

They made their way down to the shoreline, the sand soft beneath their feet. The sun hung low in the sky, casting a warm golden glow over the landscape and painting the clouds with hues of pink and orange.

Wooyoung couldn't stop marveling at the natural beauty surrounding them, snapping photos on his phone and eagerly pointing out various landmarks along the coastline.

San chuckled at his enthusiasm, content to simply bask in the tranquil ambiance of their surroundings.

As they walked along the beach, the sound of seagulls overhead and the gentle rustle of palm trees in the breeze filled the air. The ocean stretched out endlessly before them, a vast expanse of blue that seemed to stretch on forever.

"It's been such a long time since I've last seen the ocean, hyung," Wooyoung remarked, his gaze fixed on the endless expanse of blue before them.

San nodded in agreement, a wistful smile playing on his lips. "Yeah, me too," he replied softly, his eyes distant as he took in the familiar sight.

"You only come here once a year, right?" Wooyoung asked, breaking the silence that had settled between them.

San nodded again, his expression solemn. "Mhm," he confirmed, his voice barely above a whisper.

Wooyoung furrowed his brow, his concern evident in his eyes. "I think you should do it more often," he said earnestly, gesturing towards the ocean. "I mean... I get the point of trying to not think about your past too much, but this is so beautiful. Don't you want to visit your parents more often?"

San's smile grew softer, tinged with a hint of sadness. "I'm looking at them right now," he replied cryptically.

"Huh?" Wooyoung asked, confusion evident in his voice.

San turned to face Wooyoung fully, his gaze steady and unwavering. "My parents were turned into ashes," he explained quietly. "Yuqi and I threw them into the ocean. Their actual graves are just...symbolic? Talking to our parents basically meant watching the waves"

Wooyoung's eyes widened in realization, his heart heavy with understanding. "Oh," he whispered softly, his voice barely a breath.

The weight of San's words hung heavy in the air, the sound of the waves crashing against the shore serving as a poignant backdrop to their conversation. In that moment, Wooyoung realized just how little he knew about San's past, about the pain and loss he had endured.

He wanted to reach out, to offer comfort and support, but he found himself at a loss for words. Instead, he simply stood there beside San, the ocean stretching out before them like a vast, endless expanse of possibility and remembrance.

Suddenly, the younger grabbed his hand.

Wooyoung's sudden action took San by surprise as he felt the others fingers intertwine with his own.

He turned to look at Wooyoung, his heart warming at the brightness of his smile. Before he could react, Wooyoung turned towards the ocean, his voice ringing out with youthful exuberance.

"Hello, San's parents! It's so nice to meet you!" Wooyoung exclaimed, his voice carrying over the sound of the crashing waves, "You guys look beautiful!"

San couldn't help but burst into laughter at Wooyoung's playful gesture, he couldn't have felt more grateful to have him by his side.

Joining in, San turned towards the ocean as well, his laughter mingling with the salty sea breeze.

"Mom, Dad, Hyung, this is Wooyoung!" he shouted, his voice echoing across the vast expanse of water.

For a moment, they stood there together, hand in hand, their voices carried away by the wind. They watched the sun sink lower in the sky, painting the ocean with hues of gold and pink.

Wooyoung stood at the edge of the shore, facing the ocean with a mischievous glint in his eye. As the waves crashed against the sand, he began to speak, his tone playful and lighthearted.

"Okay sooo," Wooyoung started, still facing the waves, "I hope you're enjoying your eternal swim in the sea. Must be nice to have an ocean view for all of eternity, right?"

San watched Wooyoung with amusement, his lips quirking up into a smile at his the youngers irreverent attitude.

"I gotta say, you did a pretty good job with this one," Wooyoung continued, gesturing towards San with a dramatic flourish. "He's a real catch, you know. Strong, dependable, and he's got killer fashion sense. Not to mention those broad shoulders but hey. On the real side? He's also really mean to me"


San couldn't help but chuckle at Wooyoung's exaggerated praise, his heart warmed by how easy this felt.

Wooyoung made it easy.

"Seriously though," Wooyoung said, his tone softening slightly. "Thank you—for raising San to be the amazing person he is. He may be cold or distant sometimes but he's getting better. He's trying his best, you know"

An amazing person?

Was he really?

San's smile softened as he listened to Wooyoung's words, his heart swelling with affection for the younger man. Despite his playful facade, Wooyoung's sincerity shone through, reminding him of the depth of their bond.

"And hey," Wooyoung continued, turning back to face the ocean with a grin. "If you ever feel like making a cameo appearance, feel free to send us a sign or two. I promise I won't freak out too much."

San couldn't help but laugh at Wooyoung's antics, his heart feeling light and carefree in the presence of his friend. In that moment, surrounded by the beauty of the ocean and the warmth of Wooyoung's hand, San knew that everything was going to be okay.

For Wooyoung at least.

He didn't know if what he did next could be considered selfish or reckless but he just couldn't help it.

Unable to resist any longer, San reached out and gently turned Wooyoung's face towards his own. Their eyes met, a mixture of surprise and anticipation reflected in both gazes.

Without a word, without hesitation, San leaned in and pressed his lips against Wooyoung's.

The kiss was soft at first, tentative, as if testing the waters of the moment. But as the seconds passed, it deepened, becoming more urgent, more fervent.

San poured his heart and soul into the kiss, his every fiber screaming out for the connection he had denied himself for so long.

It was perfect.

In that moment, nothing else mattered. Not the consequences, not the pain it would inevitably cause. All that mattered was the warmth of Wooyoung's lips against his own, the electric current that surged between them, binding them together in a moment of pure, unbridled passion.

But even as he kissed Wooyoung with all the love and longing he felt in his heart, San knew that it couldn't last.

San wished it was real.

He knew that he was being selfish—that he was risking everything they had built together for a fleeting moment of pleasure.

And yet, he couldn't bring himself to stop. Couldn't bring himself to pull away from the one person who made him feel alive, who made him feel whole.

It felt so good to finally let his thoughts run free.

To finally stop trying to make things make sense.

There was no sense.

There was only him and Wooyoung.

As the kiss finally came to an end, San pulled back, his chest heaving with emotion.

"I'm sorry," he whispered, his voice choked with emotion. "I- Do you like me?"

Wooyoung's expression softened. He reached out and gently cupped San's cheek, his touch warm and comforting.

"You don't want me to answer that, hyung," he said softly. "I understand. No pressure, remember?"

San's heart clenched at Wooyoung's words, his guilt and self-doubt threatening to overwhelm him.

He had fallen in love.



"Why can't this be real?"

"What do you mean?"

San looked down.

There were six of them. Again.

He wondered if they were on again.

If they were watching..

"Nothing", the older mumbled before looking into Wooyoungs eyes again, "Come with me, I'll show you the hotel"


Right after the two had arrived at their room, San straight up headed for the shower, leaving Wooyoung alone in the beautiful room.

His mind was reeling.

The memory of the kiss lingered in his thoughts, sending a shiver of excitement down his spine. Unable to contain his giddiness, he let out a soft giggle, his feet kicking against the sheets like a school girl.

Embarrassing If you ask me.


Turning his head to look out the window, Wooyoung was greeted by the sight of the night sky, illuminated by the twinkling stars overhead. The darkness of the night enveloped him like a comforting blanket, wrapping him in a sense of calm and tranquility.

He knew that things between him and San were far from simple, that San was far from simple. But that didn't matter.

Not to him at least.

All that mattered was the connection he felt with San, the undeniable spark that had ignited between them.

For some reason, every time he looked at the older, he felt like he was floating.

Kind of like he was on a wave.

Back at the ocean he felt oddly familiar with it, even though he had maybe been to the sea twice till now.

As Wooyoung lay there, lost in his thoughts and the gentle hum of the hotel room, he suddenly heard the sound of the shower turning off. His heart skipped a beat, anticipation coursing through his veins as he waited for San to emerge from the bathroom.

Wet and naked? Yes, please.

Moments later, the door creaked open, and San stepped out, a towel wrapped around his waist. Wooyoung's breath caught in his throat as he took in the sight of the older man, his heart fluttering at the mere sight of him.

It's not like this was his first time seeing him like this but damn.

San's hair was damp and tousled, droplets of water glistening on his skin as he moved. There was a quiet confidence in his demeanor, a sense of ease that Wooyoung found both comforting and intoxicating.

For a moment, they simply stared at each other, the air between them thick with desire. And then, as if drawn by an invisible force, San crossed the room and sat down on the edge of the bed beside Wooyoung.

Their eyes met, and Wooyoung felt a rush of heat flood his cheeks as he struggled to find the right words to say. But before he could speak, San reached out and gently brushed a stray lock of hair away from Wooyoung's face, his touch sending a shiver down Wooyoung's spine.

"Hey," San said softly, his voice warm and reassuring. "Are you okay? You look.. hot?"

Wooyoung nodded, unable to tear his gaze away from San's piercing eyes. "Yeah", he replied, his voice barely above a whisper.

San smiled, a soft, affectionate smile that made Wooyoung's heart skip a beat. "Good," he said, his hand lingering on Wooyoung's cheek for a moment longer before he pulled away.

Wooyoung frowned at that.

San couldn't possibly be that stupid and not get the hint of him being horny.

"Hyung?", he tilted his head.

"Yeah?", the older one the other hand seemed absolutely oblivious.


Wooyoung decided to just start massaging the other's shoulders, gently tracing his fingers along his broad back first.

After earning a content groan from the older, he gently leaned closer to softly kiss the spot behind his ear.

Wooyoung had learned that Sans ears were very sensitive.

San didn't budge.

Wooyoung tried putting more pressure onto the other's shoulders before turning his kisses into little licks.

San didn't budge but-

"Why the fuck would you lick me"



Pure Frustration.

Here he was, practically throwing himself at San, and the older man seemed completely clueless to his advances.

He let out an exasperated sigh, flopping back onto the bed with all the melodrama of a soap opera star, "Ughhh"

San, of course, remained blissfully unaware of Wooyoung's inner turmoil, sitting there with a serene expression on his face as if nothing in the world could faze him.

It was infuriating, to say the least.

"Hey, hyung," Wooyoung whined, unable to contain his frustration any longer. "Do you ever, like, notice when someone is practically throwing themselves at you? Or are you just, I don't know, immune to flirting or something?"

San blinked in surprise, clearly taken aback by Wooyoung's sudden outburst. "Don't tell me that lick was flirting. You usually do so much better than that. Like... Spilling your drink on me on purpose"

Wooyoung let out a dramatic gasp, rolling over onto his side and burying his face in the pillow. "That was an accident," he muttered, his voice muffled by the fabric. "But never mind. It's not like it matters anyway. I'll just sit here and pine away in silence while you remain completely clueless to my undying love for you."

"I can't understand a single fucking word if you speak into that pillow"

"That's the point of the pillow you moron!"

"I'm your hyung! You can't call me that!"


"You little bitch"

"Moron-hyung San or San Moron-hyung?"

"I thought you wanted me to fuck you?"

"I think I'll- You knew?!"

"What? That you're horny? You're always horny"


"So should I-"

"Fuck me til I can't breathe, yes" be continued

I promise everything I've written in this chapter makes sense.

And you'll hate me for it BUT it makes sense (:

And I'm gonna take care of my frustratingly needy girlfriend now.

See ya next chapter 😘

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