Beach Babe | The Outsiders |...

help280 รกltal

22.1K 318 327

Stacy Greene has just moved to town from California to get away from her past. She meets a gang of 'greasers'... Tรถbb

| New | 1 |
| Fun | 2 |
| Introductions | 3 |
| Night | 4 |
| Live | 5 |
| Preparations | 6 |
| Party | 7 |
| Mystery | 8 |
| Job | 9 |
| Call | 10 |
| Meeting | 11 |
| Confusion | 12 |
| Goodbye | 13 |
| Box | 14 |
| Shopping | 15 |
| Yell | 16 |
| Sleep | 17 |
| Ready | 18|
| Classes | 19 |
| Parking Lot | 20 |
| Faint | 21 |
| Laced | 22 |
| Date | 23 |
| Break | 24 |
| Stupid | 25 |
| Dumb fun | 26 |
| Explain | 27 |
| Dinner | 28 |
| Nights | 29 |
| Reading | 30 |
| Finally | 31 |
| Punch | 32 |
| Round Two | 33 |
| Jumped | 34 |
| Job | 35 |
| Long | 36 |
| Seriously?! | 37 |
| Terrible | 38 |
| Delicate | 39 |
| Love | 40 |
| Dream | 41 |
| Odd | 42 |
| Oh | 44 |
| Window | 45 |
| No | 46 |
| Lord. | 47 |
| Future | 48 |
| Princess | 49 |
| Corvair | 50 |
| Movie | 51 |
| Backseat | 52 |
| Fountain | 53 |
| Missing | 54 |
| Voice | 55 |
| Plastered | 56 |
| Council | 57 |
| Spy | 58 |
| Dumbfounded | 59 |
| Sick | 60 |

| Answered | 43 |

225 8 16
help280 รกltal

The rest of my shift went okay, I zoned out again and just kept replying my dreams from last night, especially the second one. I never thought I wanted a fancy wedding, I always thought I would just go to a courthouse or something. But the more I thought about it the more I do want a big wedding, I want the flowers, I want the cake, I want the dancing, I want the unnecessarily big dress. Why did I think I didn't want that before? Oh.. it's because of Jesse. He thought that stuff was tacky and told me that so often I guess I started thinking that too. Is there anything that asshole didn't ruin?

       Jesse has unfortunately been on my mind lately, I don't know why. More things are starting to remind me of him in all the terrible ways. Maybe it's because it's getter colder and that's when we dated? I don't know. Maybe it's a sign from the universe for something, I just don't know what. I'm a little scared to find out.

     I left to take my brothers home and when I got back Steve was there so Soda came back into the shop. I think he knew I wasn't fully there so he just left me alone off in my own little world. When work ended I walked to the store to buy the ingredients for dinner tomorrow. I didn't know what we had and didn't have so I just bought everything to be sure, which included like ten different spices because my dad really liked to season stuff and it's his recipe. It's ridiculously delicious.

     I got home and put everything away, searched for the recipe card for thirty minutes, then spent a little white cleaning up the downstairs. My brothers were both off in their rooms and I was bored so I went over to the Curtis's. I walked in to half of the gang playing poker and the other half in the living looking half dead while Two-Bit sat three inches away from the screen watching Mickey Mouse. Why does he like those cartoons so much?

I got a beer from the fridge and sat next to Ponyboy on the couch "Hey kiddo."

"Hi Stacy."

I crack open the beer "How's school going?"

"It's going... me and Josie are doing good too." He softly smiles

I grin "That's great to hear, I'm happy for you."

"What about you? How're you doing?"

"I'm alright, pretty stressed, but for once I can't say I'm tired so that's something."

Two-Bit snickers "Oh yeah I bet you got some real good sleep" he says quietly

I take a sip of beer "Sorry what was that?"

He turns around and winks "I'm sure it's easier to sleep when you aren't alone."

Ponyboy looks at me and turns slightly red "No no, nothing like that." I turn back to Two "How do you know about that?"

He smiles "Steve." I bet Soda told him... which means everyone knows.

"That's just great." This beer tastes like shit, what is it? I stand up and walk into the kitchen where the poker game is taking place. I sit beside Johnny, obviously. "Hey handsome"

I kiss his cheek "Hi gorgeous."

"Can I join?" I sit up straight

"NO." Soda, Steve, and Dally say in unison. It slightly startles me "We like a fair fight." Steve says

"Hey I play fair! Not my fault you guys are shit at poker." Dally glares at me. I don't think he's over the August thing yet, I don't blame him I'm not either. "Fine I'll just watch"

     And I do watch, I watch Steve lose so much he gets frustrated and storms out to have a smoke, only to realize he owed all his cigarettes to Dallas. I watched Johnny get five dollars and lose four cigarettes. Soda lost a dollar but got it back. When everybody got tired of playing we went back into the living room and just talked amongst ourselves. I leaned my head on Johnny shoulder and started falling asleep, and I was almost passed out till Two-Bit and Steve had to start talking.

"Well ain't that cutteeeee. Johnny and Stacy gettin' all cuddly." Steve laughs

"I mean what do expect, they're sleeping together so I'd expect them to be a little affectionate." Two-Bit says sarcastically

My eyes shoot open and I sit up, only to notice everyone staring at us. "Two-Bit I will murder you in cold blood right here, right now with no remorse." My face feels hot I turn to face everyone else "It is not like that, we slept in the same bed that's it." I need to crawl into a hole and hide.

I glance over and see Johnny just as red as I am. I let out a nervous laugh "Okay anyway, go back to talking and quit lookin' at us please."

Johnny holds my hand "Yeah quit looking at us"

The gang laughs at us but starts talking again. My face cools down and I just sit there holding Johnnys hand for a little while. I start to get tired again so decided to go home, Johnny was going home but still walked me to my house. I told him to come over if his dad beat him and I didn't care if it was four in the morning. He gave me a peck before leaving and I did my nightly routine and went off to sleep. Unfortunately no dreams but thankfully no nightmares.

      The day went similarly to the last. Except I didn't really zone out at work, I talked to Soda a lot. He really does love Sandy, she better not break his heart or I'll break her face. I felt kinda bad for him, he told me Ponyboy and Darry have been fighting a lot, he said he feels like he's being pulled on like tug of war and he can't choose sides. I comforted him the best I could and told him if he ever needs someone to talk to or a place to stay my place is always there. He appreciated the offer. I hope things between Pony and Darry get better, Soda might not be able to take it if it gets any worse.

      Steve was mad about something today so he hardly said a word at all. I think Soda tried to ask what was wrong but Steve snapped at him. I think we both knew what it was though, he had bruises all over his arms and one on his jaw. Why does everyone's parents around here suck? I could never imagine my dad hitting me, that's got to be terrible. We left him alone and when work ended we went our separate ways.

     The house was quiet when I walked in, August was in his room writing in a notebook, and Theo was looking through his dresser and closet for something.

"What time is your friend coming over?"

"In like thirty minutes." He runs a hand through his hair "Hey have you seen my dark green shirt? The one with the sleeves cut off?" I shake my head "Damn.. okay."

"Will you help me clean up downstairs? I need to go ahead and start dinner."

"Yeah I'll be down in a second, just need to find that shirt.." I shrug and walk back downstairs and start to get the stuff prepared. I have all the toppings laid out on the island and thaw out the meat in the microwave and start cooking it. I followed the recipe card directions exactly and tired to remember how much of each spice my dad used since he never used actual measurements.

     There was a knock on the door and Theo rushed down the stairs saying that he had it and I heard the door open seconds later. If he just came downstairs then I guess he didn't clean...

They both walk into the kitchen so I turn around to greet them, Theo had the biggest grin on his face "Stacy this is Davey, Davey this is Stacy." He pauses "I guess you already knew that huh? Anyway"

Davey holds out his hand "Good to see you when you aren't fuming and look like you're ready to kill somebody." He smiles "Oh here, I got you some flowers." He holds out a bouquet of yellow roses. Those are like my favorites! Why did he get me flowers if he's just over for dinner? Am I missing something? I'm so confused.

"Oh! Thank you!" I take the flowers and gently set them on the counter then take the now slightly wilted ones that August got me and move those to a less since vase and put the roses into the nice one. I check back over the taco meat, looks done "Well looks like you got here just in time, dinners ready!" I turn off the stove and set out the taco shells "Help yourself, I'm going to get August."

I walk to his room at open the door "Dinner?" He asks. I nod "Sweet." We walk back to the kitchen and fix ourselves plates.

We all sit at the table with Theo and Davey on one side and Me and August on the other. "You have a very nice home." Davey says looking around

"Thank you." I take a bit of my taco and it's like I'm a six year old kid again, siting at my dining room table having a competition with Rich of who can eat the most tacos. Rich always won. "So Davey, how'd you meet my brother?"

"At that party y'all threw when you moved here. Tim and Curly dragged me. I really didn't want to come but they kinda forced me, plus my brother came so I really didn't have a choice. Anyway, Theo was talking to my brother and my brother was giving him a hard time and I thought they were about to start fighting so I stepped in and got talking to him and we've been real close since." He was at the party? I don't remember seeing him. I dont remember a lot from that night actually..

A few memories start to surface from the party "I kinda forgot we even threw that party."

"Yeah me too." August says

Davey grins "I'm sure my brother will be glad to hear that"

Jesus this food is so good- "Why..?"

I start to take a drink of my water "Cause he got drunk and made out with you."

I start choking on my water and coughing "I beg your pardon?" I say between coughs

"Yeah, he said he gave you hickeys too." THAT WAS HIM? Wait wait wait, my brother's best friend's older brother gave me those hickeys? Before they were even really friends? Trippy.

"I was wondering who gave me those! Also I was completely black out drunk and if your brother remembers it he wasn't... there's no way I just let him do that." I may be stupid drunk but not that stupid.

"Yeah, my brother said you only let him cause you thought he was someone else and also he's just a creep." GREAT. Who did I think he was? I think I now the answer to that.... Johnny.

"Wow." August says, finishing his first of three tacos "Maybe that's why it took you and him forever to get together." He mumbles

I thump his head "You don't get to talk about Johnny." I say to him "Anyway... Davey what do you plan on doing after high school?" I sound like a job interviewer.

"A lawyer, specifically for sexual and domestic assault." Wow, thats incredibly noble.

"That's an amazing profession to go into. Those types of lawyers are definitely some of the best. The one I had was really nice and really great." Mr. Tenson was a great lawyer. If Jesse wasn't the police chiefs son then he 100% would've gotten serious jail time. "What made you decide that's what you wanted to do?"

"My dad was real abusive to my ma, she divorced him and pressed charges. Our lawyer got him jailed and he had to pay us basically everything he had. It felt great." I notice Theo just leaning in his elbow staring at Davey with awe.

They're really good friends huh?

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
WE HIT 9K!!!! AHHHH THATS SO HIGE THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOUUUUUU!!!! Thats so huge thank you so much I'm in like shock. Like I'm genuinely so happy and appreciative, thank everyone who's commented and favorited and just read this in general. I never thought this story would even get 1K reads. So thank you all very very much.
Thanks for reading!!

Word count : 2130

P. S. I took the ACT yesterday 💀 why tf did it take my room five and a half hours

Olvasรกs folytatรกsa

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