By Suxxubuz_XX

7.8K 197 135


Meeting them
"Deimos? Like the moon?"
Late night snack.
◟◝◯◦!Characters pt:1!◦◯◜◞
what. the. fuck.
Work day..
◟◝◯◦!Characters pt:2!◦◯◜◞
Wakey wakey!
Date with daemos
Date with Daemos pt2!
You sure it's a pool..?
Work part two :3
I'm Sick!?
I'm sick!? Pt2
◟◝◯◦!Characters pt:3!◦◯◜◞
Creeped out..
Get your mind off him
An awkward conversation...
Stinky boys
How the fuck.
Not a chapter


319 7 8
By Suxxubuz_XX

I woke up to people yelling, the noise already giving me a headache.

I took a second to remember where I was and looked down to see Ava and the boys yelling up at me.

"Y/N! WHAT THE HELL!?" Ava yelled.

I looked at them and shrugged before getting on the pillar and climbing down the one I used to get up, my movements slow and sluggish as I had just woken up.

"What's up..?" I yawned.

"I went in your room and you weren't there!" Ava yelled as she shook me. "So I came and started yelling, they came and leif found you.!"

"I think this is yours..." he handed me a fake gut from my sweater

"Noooo it broke!" I whined.


"Sleeping? What else would I be doing?"

She deadpanned.

"How long were you up there?" Noi asked, Rhys nodding in agreement.

"Uhhh I came at like... 11 PM last night?"

The boys looked confused.

"oh my fucking god... WHY!?" Ava yelled "you came here at basically the middle of the night!?"

"Not my fault we don't have anywhere for me to hand from in our apartment." I yawned. "Plus I sleep easier upside down."

Ava looked like she was gonna rip my throat out... asch looked the same.

"Can I sleep there tonight? I have work tomorrow and that's better than sleeping with half my body off my bed."

"I can't." Asch walked away

" that a yes...?" I called after him



Ava groaned and grabbed my ear. I pulled away with a yelp of surprise

"Behave Y/N."

"You should be happy I'm getting sleep" I stated.

"...fair." she walked away.

"Were you what I heard last night?" leif asked.

I yawned again. "Yep, that would be me climbing the pillar."

"How did you do that..?" Rhys asked

"Well.. Bats are basically flying rat monkeys.."

"No clue what any of those are." noi shrugged.

"Well.. A rat is a rodent.. As is a bat... uhh they are bats with smaller ears and no wings... also they have longer tails... and monkeys are bigger rats that can climb really well... so bats are flying rat monkeys." I explained
(both me and my sister and I accomplished that for like 10 minutes)

"I see.." Peirce mumbled

"Yep, anyways. I'm gonna go back to my place" I walked away

I got in and Ava was on her phone. "Wanna have a spa day?" she asked, looking up at me.

"Yeah, I need to shower." I muttered

She nodded and we went into the bathroom. i turned on the shower and waited for the glass to steam while Ava made a bubble bath for herself. I got towels and put Luna in a cute lil bath robe Hailey got her.

Once the shower glass was steamed I stripped and not in. Ava had already gotten into her bath. We were basically sisters at this point so it wasn't weird for us to do this. I sat down in shower, feeling a bit too lazy to stand right now.

After a few minutes a started washing my hair and body, taking extra care of my wings.

A voice interrupted the silence. "What are you doing?" Leif's voice was heard.

"Relaxing, what else would we be doingggg... wait." She opened her eyes and shrieked as she saw Leif.

I wiped away the fog on the glass and looked out to see Leif outside the wall over Ava. I leaned against the glass, watching with amusement... not realizing I had wiped away most the fog by doing so.

I heard more footsteps and looked out, it hadn't occurred that I had was literally visible.

I stared at the guys as they too began wondering what we were doing. Ava kept yelling at them to leave and then realized I wasn't covered.

"Y/N!" she yelled and I chimed in with what was happening.

"O-oh... OH!" I covered my "parts" with my hands, having wings was quite the advantage when it came to being naked.

I sawpeirce state at me before walking away. So respectful... why couldn't the others be like that... (we all know what he's going to do 🥲)

I stood there like a deer in headlights watching them, my face red as I realized my body was visible. Eventually, they left so me and Ava got out. I stood there for like five minutes trying to figure out how to wrap the towel around myself until I remembered my wings were extremely flexible.. Not to mention durable.

I wrapped the towel around myself and walked out. I didn't like the feeling of my wings being so pressed against me... but I would survive so it didn't matter. Ava was yelling at the boys so I snuck away. Accidentally bumping into pierce who had come out of the wall.

"OH!" I looked up at him. His face was pretty red.. Makes sense since I was in just a towel... but also his breathing pattern was slightly ragged and his heart was beating faster. I shrugged it off and went to my room to change. Ava told the guys to put on(or try to put on) their human clothes.

(the outfit^)

I was in the middle of getting dressed when Ava screamed. I rushed out and ran over to Ava. "Who's dead!?" I saw Mrs. Oats our neighbor.

"O-ho-ho! Y/N! I didn't know you were like that..." she giggled.


"M-Mrs Oats! It's not like that!" Ava blushed.

"Not like what.." I asked confused.

"Oh don't worry girls, I was young too." The old woman winked. "Anyways... Ava.. I need you to take a gift to my grandson." She smiled and handed Ava a gift before walking away.

"What just happened..?" I asked.

"No clue.. Ava mumbled before walking back to the guys.

"Listen up! Because of you guys Mrs oats think that me and Y/N are... in a harem..."

My eyes widened. "THAT'S WHAT SHE WAS TALKING ABOUT!?" I looked horrified.

"Yeah... which is unlikely because you're a virgin"

"No I'm not.." I stared at her confused.

"Uhh... alright. Anyways.." she mumbled
"I have to deliver a present. Rhys! You come with me!"

"Don't order my men around!" Asch yelled at Ava.

"Listen. You want us to help you, yeah? We can teach you better if we don't have all 5 of you on top of us." With that she went to her room to get dressed

"We aren't on top of you." Noi said.

"Yet~" Leif grinned.

"It's an expression!" I quickly said "meaning you 5 are always with us since you arrived... we need a day to relax since I have work tomorrow and Ava will be stuck with you guys."

"Oh..." Noi mumbled.

"What is this "work"?" Pierce asked.

I cleared my throat and looked away. "Doesn't matter..."

Ava chuckled and walked out. "She works at a maid cafe." She grinned.

"AVA!" I screamed, my face turning red.

"What? You're the one with the job." She shrugged.

"Maid cafe..?" Noi asked

"Oh my gawdddd..." I hid my face in my hands

"Yep, she walks around in a skimpy little maid dress serving people she has to call master-"

I covered Ava's mouth. A murderous look in my eyes. "Enough..."

She tensed, this was the first time I had been so... upset...

"Hehe... my bad." she backed away. "Let's go Rhys..." she chuckled awkwardly, keeping her eyes locked on me.

Rhys followed her and they left. I stood there for a few moments before looking at asch.

"I wanna sleep on the pillar." I looked up at him

He scoffed "whatever." He looked away from me.

I smiled and walked off to sleep on my newly claimed sleep spot.

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