You're safe with us

By Cloey2017

10.4K 280 20

Carina and Maya take in a 14 year old girl, who has taken part in a studdy program funded by the Cathrine-Fox... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapters 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Not an update
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 18

323 9 1
By Cloey2017

Tw: allergic reaction

The plan was to take the flight at 4pm to Dalas and then the early plane to Rome the next day. They would sleep one night in a hotel and get well rested for the long journy. From dallas to Rome it would take them almost 14 hours which would make their arival 9pm Seattle time and 6am Italian time. They would see if they needed a nap or if they were ready to explore when they arrived. Their plane to Sicilly went three days later.

Carina had packed everything they needed for Rome and the one night in dallas in one suitcase and everything else in the other two suitcases, that way they only had to open that one in those two stops.

The day finally came. They were early at the airport so they had a bagle and a drink while waiting for the plane. Once they borded and sat at their seats Maya felt like she could finally breathe. When she flew with her dad, flights were her time to rest. She loved flighing and looking at the clouds at was an escape. a sad one but an escape. She felt save on planes. There was no place for her dad to treat her wrong, people would see.

The plane took off and soon both Kathy and Carina were asleep, eventhough it was afternoon they were spent from the pre holiday chaos. Kathy had rested her head on Mayas shoulder. Maya closed her eyes aswell. She listened to the podcast on her phone and tryed to sleep a little. About four hours into the flight she woke up feeling unwell. Her mouth and throat were tingly and it was getting hard to breath. She thought what she had eaten, but there couldn't have been any Sesame in anything she had had today. She tryed to clear her throat and drank something, but that just made it worse. 

Carina and Kathy were still sleeping so Maya waited. It got worse and worse and Maya started to wheezze. Maya shook Carina awake. "Carina." Carina woke up. "Bella? What is it?" She opened her eyes and saw Mayas pain filled face gasping for air. A rash around her mouth. "Oh. Bella. Where is your epipen?" "Bag." Maya rasped out. "Kathy. Get up." Carina woke the teen. "Maya has an anaphylactic reaction we need to go to the flightattendants." Carina and Kathy helped Maya, who was severely dizzy to get to the front. "Why didn't you wake me up earlier?" Carina asked. "Sleeping. Need sleep." Maya gasped. "Okay. Save your breath." "Hey. Help. My wife has an allergic reaction." "Okay. Do you have an epipen?" On flightattendant said. "Yes." Carina held up the orange tube. "I can ask if there is a doctor on board." "No. I am a doctor. I just need to lay her down." "Okay. I will get you a blanket." "Thank you." Carina helped Maya lay down.

 "Breathe bambina. I got you. Its okay. Are you ready? One two." Carina jammed the needle in Mayas thigh and held it for 30s. "Good. Good." Carina said as Maya winced. "It'll be better soon." Kathy had sat down next to Mayas head and stroked her hair. "Sorry." Maya gasped out. "Its okay." Carina said. "Is it getting easier to breath?" Maya nodded. She still felt like shit, winded and dizzy. She started shaking so Carina warped the blanked around her tightly. "Do we need to land?" The flight attendant asked. "No. Its okay. I will monitor her, if she gets a second shock we might though. What medical equimpent do you have on board?" "I will get it for you." The flightattendant said and walked over to a cabinet. "How are you feeling, Bella?" "Shitty. My chest hurts and i'm out of breath." "Try to breathe deep down. I know it is stupid. Always felt stupid when people told me to do it, when i was struggeling. But yeah." Carina rambled until Maya put a hand on hers. She tryed doing what Carina had said, but it still felt like her throat was blocked and she was very cold. "We have oxygen and a mask." "Perfect." Carina said and slipped the mask over her girlfriend. "Breathe, bambina." 

The flightattendant gave Carina the medical bag they had and Carina checked it out. She found a pulsox and clipped it on Mayas finger. It read a undesirable 92 "Your oxygen is really low still. Is it getting easier to breathe?" "It got a little, but its still hard. It feels like something is stuck in my throat." "hm. Can you open your mouth?" Maya took the mask off and Carina shone a light in her mouth. "Its still very swolen." Carina looked for a dosis of epinephrine in the medicalbag, but there was none. "Excuse me. Do you carry emergency medecations?" "Yes." "Do you have epinephrine?" "Yes, but didn't you just give her her epipen." "Yes, but her oxygen is trending down again and her throat is swelling close. We might need to get her to a hospital, but some more epinephrine might do the trick." "Okay. I'll get it for you, and i'll ask the pilot, when the earliest possible emergency landing would be possible." "Thank you." 

"I'm scared. This has never happened." Maya wispered. It was getting harder to breathe and her ears were starting to ring. Her vision was blurry and she was on the verge of unconciousness. "Stay with me, Bambina." Carina said and squezzed her hand. She turned up the valve on the oxygen and rubed Mayas cheak. The flightattendant gave her the epinephrine and a surringe and Carina pulled some up.

"It would be possible to land in half an hour. But it would really mess up our scedules." "Lets hope this does the trick." Carina put the medicine in the surringe and checked the dose. In that moment the Airplane hit a turbulance and the surringe went flying. A tray fell on it and it broke. "Cazzo." Carina cursed and sat back up. "Are you okay, Maya?" Maya was passed out. "No. No. Maya. Maya, Bambina." Her pulsox read 86. "We need to land. She needs a hosptial. Do you have another vial?" "No. We are not allowed to carry so many medications." "Okay. Land as soon as possible. She needs a hospital. And get my daughter away. See if there is another doctor or nurse on the plane. I need help, i need to intubate her." 

Carina was really scared. Mayas fingertips were turning blue and her breathing was laboured. "Come on, Maya." The flightattendant took Kathy away. She was kind of fighting her, but Carina begged her to leave. She didn't want her to have to see Maya like this.

A young girl came in, she was probably just a few years older than Kathy. "Hey. They said you needed help. My name is Luisa. I am not a professional. I am just a student nurse, but i am top of my class and i am in my last year so, maybe i can help. They said you were a doctor and you just needed a hand and nobody was getting up so i did. I hope i can help. Are you crying?" She rambled. Carina wiped her tears away. "I'm okay. I'm just scared. I am so scared. This is my wife. And its hard being a doctor to your wife." "Yeah. I get that, thats why there are normaly rules about this." Carina nodded "We have a intubation kit. If her oxygen falls below 85 I will intubate and bag her." The number went down. Carina snapped into doctor mode."Okay. We have to intubate. Put some gloves on, i need your help." "Okay." Carina stretched Mayas head back and put the laryngoscope in, then she threat the intubation in. "Its so swollen. Can you put pressure on her chest right above her sternum?" Luisa did and Carina managed to place the tube down the windpipe. She conected it to the bag and pumped the air in. "Okay. Good." "Her oxygen is climbing." Carina let out a breath. "Good job, Luisa." 

"Okay. Ladies and Gentlemen because of a medical emergency we need to land. This flight will go on to our destination "Dallas international Airport", so just stay seated. There will be a delay, but i hope we can start soon after we drop of the patient." The pilots voice echoed through the plane. Wisperes and rumors arosed and Carina sighed. "They are gonna hate us?" "You can't change it. They will understand. Honestly its not your fault and they should pitty you not blame you."Luisa said. "True." 

Carina was still very scared. Maya could have organ damage or brain damage. What had she had eaten? A smoothy and a jogurt bowl with fruit. A bagle, but they had been so carefull not to mix it with Carinas and Kathys and to ask if there could have been any contamination, and a coffee. Maybe she had had something, when Carina was asleep. But Maya wouldn't be so stupid as to eat something with Sesame. Carina had had a bagle with sesame for breakfast, but she ate it away from Maya and they didn't kiss after. Did they? It was so normal for them that she couldn't even remember. 

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