Diaries of a nanodroid in The...

By Shadowpotato114

635 31 7

In a clandestine act of scientific subterfuge, a researcher absconds with a cutting-edge combat nanodroid, in... More

1. The scientist
2. N.A.N.O.W.A.R.R.I.O.R
3. Where am i?
4. Bounty hunters guild
5. White fang.
7. Duke Arlen
8. Valardia
9. The axis
10. The frontline
11. The king's help request
12. The trial.
13. The Royal Alchemist
14. Magic research
15. Floknethes battle
16. Western Therabilia
17. Nano's diary
18. Nano's Diaries part ll
19. The prince and Nano
20. Uprising
21. Diplomatic relations
22. Fall of Eurebia
23. Urban warfare
24. Welcome to the Therabilia Axis
25. Rewriting

6. Elise

20 1 0
By Shadowpotato114

After absorbing the essence of the sword into his arsenal, Nano descends to the hall and settles in for a meal. As he eats, he reflects on the kindness of the city guard who paid his bail, a gesture born from gratitude for saving his mother's life on Ellis Street. Nano finishes his meal and collects his bounty for the successful completion of the Ellis Street job, promptly depositing it in the city bank for safekeeping among the high-security vaults reserved for esteemed clientele like the Bounty Hunters Guild.

The following day, Nano peruses the job board, noting a scarcity of lucrative opportunities. Among the sparse offerings, a well-compensated escort mission catches his eye, promising a sum of 200 gold Vinosos. Despite the lower payout compared to his previous endeavor on Ellis Street, Nano decides to accept the assignment, only to find that another individual has claimed the job before him, snatching the paper from the board.

Nano: i was going to take that paper.

Girl: not anymore.

The peculiar girl and her companions approach the receptionist, who hesitates to assign them the job, as the requester specifically asks for a hunter of Class B or A caliber. Just then, Nano makes his entrance, catching the attention of everyone in the vicinity.

Receptionist: oh nano, maybe you can take this job.

Girl: what, of course not! we took it first, we're Class B, so we can do it.

Receptionist: I know, but Nano here is far more perfect and experienced for the job.

The girl and her group look back to Nano.

Girl: and you are...?

Nano: N.A.N.O.W.A.R.R.I.O.R, class D hunter, but you can call me nano.

Orc male: pfff, class D? And you said this small thing is more experienced for it than us?

Receptionist: well, he was the one who took the job at Ellis Street.

*The group remains quiet and changes their expressions to a more serious one*

Receptionist: is there a problem?

Faun girl: a class D really beheaded white fang? Do you really want us to believe that?

Nano: we can do the request together if you want.

The girl turns to her team for input. The orc male gives a resolute nod of agreement, while the human male shakes his head in disagreement. The faun girl appears uncertain, and the dwarf male simply shrugs, indicating an attitude of "whatever you decide."

The girl: *puts her fist in her neck* Elise, class B hunter.

Human male: Mogens, class B hunter.

faun girl: Thanh, class B hunter.

Orc male: Durin, class B hunter

Dwarf male: Thorin, class B hunter

Nano: Nano, class D hunter.

Three days later

Nano and the team go to the eastern gate, where the caravan waits for them. They depart an hour later in the direction of the town of Oncheleupak, where the caravan will unload at the port in the river, then return to Traras, taking 3 days to go and back, making 6 or 7 days of travel.

As the caravan goes into the forest with directions to Egg Meadow at the east, one of the wagons gets stuck in the mud, then the team decides to take a rest while fixing the wagon. At night, while eating, the group talks with Nano.

Durin: you're the weirdest-looking golem I've seen.

Mogens: yeah, you're even eating, hey Thorin. Since when can golems eat?

Thorin: why would I know that? I'm a dwarf but that doesn't make me an expert in golems.

Thanh: but you said you worked in them when you were young.

Thorin: well, yeah, but it's not because I am a dwarf, besides, I've never seen a golem that can eat.

Elise: what if we change the subject, let's see...oh, Nano, what is your real name?

Nano: "N.A.N.O.W.A.R.R.I.O.R" stands for "Nano Autonomous Navigation and Offensive Weaponized Artificial Reconnaissance Robotic Intelligence Operation and Reconnaissance."

Thorin: what?

Nano: that's why I told you to call me Nano

Mogens: I've known golems with weird names that explain their functions, but with a name like this, it's better we call you Nano.

Thanh: why did your creator give you that name

Nano: Mr. Behar didn't give it to me, it's the name of my, well, how can i explain it..., ah, the name of my model, I'm not unique like other golems, thousands of golems look like me being produced by the Commonwealth.

Durin: The Commonwealth?, as far as I know, there isn't any group called by that name in Pydnan, or the eastern part of Therabilia.

Thorin: what if he's from the V-Valardian empire?

*everyone gets in shock*

Mogens: what the hell are you saying, are you crazy?

Thorin: just think of it, everyone in Ellis Street is saying it, he fought alone against white fang's gang, even the duke's soldiers weren't capable of that. And from what i heard the Valardian empire is creating golem soldiers.

Nano: I don't understand what you're-

Nano quickly reacts to the alert from his spider drone, just in time to intercept an arrow aimed at Thanh's head. With swift precision, he deflects the projectile and retaliates by launching it back toward the source. A faint moan emanates from behind nearby trees, indicating a possible presence concealed in the darkness.

Elise: be careful, we don't know how many of them are.

Thorin:* examining the body* he used a crossbow in poor condition, so he must've been a robber.

Thanh: and you shot his arrow back...at his head.

Nano: you're welcome.

As Nano activates a holographic panel on his arm, the group watches in awe as a detailed map materializes before them. The map reveals the presence of numerous adversaries closing in from various directions, indicating a coordinated assault on their position. With a sense of urgency, Nano and the team prepare to defend themselves against the impending threat.

Nano: 6 more at your left thanh, durin, you have 2 in front and 3 at your left.

Durin doesn't believe him, but when he hears more steps coming from his left, he takes out his sword.

Durin: better you're right this time.

Nano: Elise and Mogens, you have 5 coming at your front and I have 5 at my back.

With adversaries springing from all directions as anticipated by Nano, the group swiftly engages in combat, each member facing off against multiple assailants.

Nano: Thorin, watch my back, I need to do something.

Thorin: whatever you're doing do it faster, these beggars are thought.

As Thanh and Durin swiftly dispatch their adversaries, their attention turns to assisting their companions. Elise and Mogens, fighting with unparalleled skill and determination, eliminate the remaining assailants with lethal precision. Together, they converge to reinforce Thorin's defense of Nano, forming a protective barrier around him against any remaining threats.

Mogens: hey golem, how did you know, I didn't see you fighting against them.

Nano: are you accusing me of being with them? Step aside, I need to-

Mogens takes him by the shoulder and asks him

Mogens:need to to what?

Nano: *pointing his finger* that.

In the forest appears a mountain troll, with 12 ft of height, and a log as its weapon.

Elise: a mountain troll?

Thorin: the fuck it's doing in the central plains?

What Nano was doing while the others were fighting was finding a way to kill the mountain troll, which is under a command spell, which explains why it is in the central plains of Therabilia. When the group makes a circle to protect themselves, Nano uses his leg propellers to reach a height and takes out his dynari sword, now transformed into a saber, and cuts the troll's ear in a single blow.

The troll starts following Nano and launching attacks to the air in the hope of hitting him, nano deducts that the eyes of the mountain trolls are not so developed due to their lives in the mountain caves, and decides to use them against the troll, spreads some panels at his sides which turn on a blinding light, leaving the troll blind, then returns to the ground and cutting with two blows the troll's Achilles tendons, making it lose balance and fall, then nano takes out a tentacle and starts drilling the troll's head, killing it.

During takes a stick and touches the troll's eye.

Durin: yup, it's dead.

Mogens: a mountain troll in the central plains?

Elise: hey nano, we appreciate what you did for us both there was no need to do that...hole in the troll's head.

Nano: first I had to be sure the troll was dead, second, I drilled his head because of this

Nano proceeds to take out a part of the troll's brain covered in crystals, which Elise recognizes.

Elise: the troll was under a command spell.

Thorin: that explains it.

Nano: what is a command spell?

Elise: is a curse that makes the cursed creature talk and act the form the way the person who put the curse wants to. You can either reveal all your most personal secrets or do something as horrible as killing your partner and yourself in the eyes of your kids.

Nano studies the facial expressions of Elise and deducts the explanation that one of her parents was under the spell.

Nano: I'm sorry for your loss.

Elise walks back to the fireplace without saying a word, and Thorin asks?

Thorin: what loss?

Thanh *whispering to Thorin's ear*

Thorin: oh, ohhh...

As the group returns to Trara with their newfound supplies and wagon horses, Nano's mind is consumed by the lingering questions left by Behar's work. Despite his reluctance, Nano finds himself compelled by Aurora to acknowledge the impressive achievement of Behar, which raises further inquiries about the nature of his existence.

Back in Trara, the group returns with resources taken from the carts after finding out the robbers were the same merchants, but Nano remains preoccupied with the mysteries surrounding his creation and purpose. As they settle back into the city, Nano's thoughts continue to be plagued by the enigmatic implications of Behar's project, leaving him with a sense of unease and an insatiable thirst for answers.

Elise: Nano, how did you know I was talking about me? I've never told this to anyone.

Nano: your facial expression, the tone of your voice, and the fact you left after I told you my condolences.

Elise: you are a golem full of surprises, I still can't believe what you did yesterday, how did you do it?

Then Nano proceeds to call one spider robot and recon bird who rests over his forearm.

Nano. These two little guys, I made them, by dozens, they're like reconnaissance drones-i mean, golems.

Thorin: drone, what a strange word, sounds very, mechanical, like something you would do in a workshop.

Nano, because that's what i did.

Mogens: ah, sorry for not believing you yesterday, it's just that I didn't know you were preparing yourself to fight that troll and...

Nano: it's okay, you don't know me so it was something that was going to happen.

Thorin: talking about the troll, where did you get that dynari saber?

Nano: it was a gift from Ellis street, along with the cow.

Thanh: what cow?

Back at the guild, the group recounts their harrowing encounter with the merchants-turned-attackers to the administrator, bringing along the merchant responsible along with the captured robbers. In a gesture of recompense, the guild issues a payment of 1700 copper vinosos as an apology for the incident. With this matter settled, the group decides to make the most of their time by heading to the training grounds.

Nano, utilizing his expertise in close combat weaponry, customizes his teaching approach to cater to the unique strengths and preferences of each member of the group, taking into account their weapons and styles. Drawing upon his vast knowledge, Nano draws parallels between their weapons and techniques to historical counterparts from Earth, providing a familiar frame of reference to aid in their understanding and skill development.

For Elise and her long axe, Nano likens her fighting style to that of a Norse warrior wielding a Viking axe, emphasizing power and precision in her strikes while maintaining a sturdy defense.

Durin's proficiency with his long sword is likened to the prowess of an Aztec warrior wielding an obsidian sword, highlighting the agility and speed required for swift, decisive strikes.

Mogens, with his shield and spear, is compared to a Mongolian warrior adept with a guandao and round shield, focusing on versatility and adaptability in both offense and defense.

Thanh's rapier-like swordsmanship draws parallels to a Spanish duelist wielding a rapier, emphasizing speed, agility, and precision in her attacks.

Thorin's mastery of the double axe is reminiscent of a Greek warrior wielding a labrys, emphasizing brute strength and overwhelming force in close-quarters combat.

With this, nano trains with them day by day and takes easy jobs so they can use their learning in real-life combat.

453 days later

With the Duke's assistance, the group secures a plot of land containing an old barn as their base of operations. Together, they set about renovating and expanding the structure with Nano's assistance. They add new rooms for accommodations, a workshop for crafting and repairs, and a kitchen for preparing meals. However, Nano surprises the group by constructing a subterranean chamber using steel and a substance akin to clay that he refers to as concrete. This unconventional choice raises eyebrows among the group members, who question the necessity of using such durable materials for a simple room.

Late one night, Thanh emerges from the workshop after meticulously polishing her rapier. As she makes her way towards her room, she is startled by an unfamiliar sound emanating from the basement door. It resembles the rhythmic hum of a computer processing and writing endless lines of data, yet it possesses an otherworldly quality that defies easy description. Uncertain of how to classify this peculiar noise, Thanh draws closer to investigate, unaware that a spider drone is silently observing her every move, with Nano choosing not to intervene.

As Thanh cautiously opens the door, she descends into the basement to find Nano surrounded by an array of glowing squares, each displaying cascading green letters from bottom to top. Nano's form appears altered, with multiple arms and fingers engaged in pressing strange plates adorned with buttons. The entire room is bathed in an eerie, dark green hue, and Thanh, apprehensive about getting entangled in any potential trouble, swiftly retreats back upstairs and secures the door. Throughout the night, her thoughts are consumed by what she witnessed, puzzled by the anomaly of witnessing a golem engaged in such enigmatic activity.

Elise (by me)

Durin(by me)

Mogens(by me)

Thanh(by me)

Thorin(by me)

Story by Enyorableroveler114

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