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By _lesbi-whores

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A gxg version of 365 days. Viviana loses someone dear and in her despair falls for a women she doesn't even... More



502 14 4
By _lesbi-whores

As I passed the living room going to my office. I immediately understood what Alessia was laughing at, and hell I was laughing too. Our clothes left a suggestive bread crumb trail to the couch.

Starting with Seona's panties in front of the wall, then her dress and my blouse leading to the living room. My bra hanging off the back of the couch, and my bottoms sitting in the middle of the floor in a pile.

Flashbacks immediately clouded my mind, and I shook my head trying to will those thoughts of Seona on her knees before me away. How was I suppose to focus in this meeting when not even 24 hours ago I had the best sex of my life?

I walked away leaving the clothes there for Seona to discover. I take great pleasure in thinking about her standing there jaw dropped, and flustered when she sees the mess we made.

I wonder specifically what she'll think about as the blush creeps to her cheeks. Mhmm I miss her- enough, I snap at myself. No more thoughts of Seona.

Seeing Bosco posted at my door quickly helped those thoughts drain out of my brain, and for my business composure to take over.

"Bosco" I nodded to him while approaching. "Ms.Rossi" he nodded back, then his eyes snagged on my neck before he quickly looked away. No emotion on his face.

I know he saw the medium sized hickey planted right in the middle of my throat. I thought about covering it up for two seconds, then I remembered I'm grown as fuck. "Anything you wanna say Bosco?"

"No Ms.Rossi". He said not looking at me. I stood there a little longer looking at the side of his frozen face. The silence grew very loud between us until I couldn't hold my composure anymore, I busted up laughing.

I was overjoyed as I got a rare glimpse of his bearded mouth tilting up into a smile that was gone as soon as a it formed since he smothered it with a strategic nose wipe and a throat clear. It made me laugh harder.

"I saw that Bosia". "I don't know what you speak of Ms.Rossi". I rolled my eyes "Viviana" I corrected him. "Of course Ms.Rossi". I shook my head chuckling somethings will truly never change.

I sighed under my breath as I approached my desk. Alessia watched me the whole way, and I avoided eye contact until I slid into my chair. "You haven't wiped that obnoxious look off your face since earlier".

I finally spoke glaring at her. "I'll wipe mine off when yours leave". "What look? Oh- don't tell me I've got some kind of sex glow or something". "Correct cugina, you look like the sun came down and gave you a big kiss". She said in a dreamy voice.

"Oh Fuck you". She busted up laughing, and I held up my hand stopping her from continuing. "Can we get on with this?"

I asked waving my hand, ignoring the look she was giving me. She raised an expectant eyebrow, and I sighed. "And I guess I'll tell you details later".

"Wow, for someone who looks sedated, and has the world's biggest hickey on their neck. You would think they'd be in wayyy better spirits". I pinched my fingers close together. "This close to kicking you out".

She laughed pulling out a laptop bag and sitting it down. "Okay so I took two things out his office last night. I'm pretty certain he will notice their absence, so we have to move quick with our thinking". I nodded "done".

She sat her computer down and put on a glove. She then reached into the bag, and brought out a zip lock back with a notebook and a hard drive.

She pushed the hard drive into her computer and turned it towards me. My eyebrows furrowed as I stared at a black screen with 4 small white boxes in the center.

The screen didn't have a website address, not even a place to click exit or to make the screen smaller. It was just a black void that took up the whole screen.

"The fuck is this?" I mumbled under my breath, clicking a number. "Wait" Alessia held up her hand to stop me. "Don't. I've already tried it twice, I don't know how many we can get wrong. So this next try we've got to be certain".

"What did you try?" "Him and his fratello's birthday. I was thinking maybe the chip was passed down from Cosimo to Antonio, but no luck".

I thought about it for a minute. "Did you try the day Cosimo died?" She shook her head. "Alittle sentimental for somebody like him. Don't you think?"

I shook my head typing in the day. "You're thinking about it wrong, that's the day he took the 'throne'. I bet he didn't give two shits about his fratello". I hit enter and the screen went away, my head jerked back in surprise.

"Oh shit". I mumbled, certain that was our third strike and now we're out. Alessia hopped up and came to look over my shoulder. "I could've swo-". I tried to explain my possible misstep, but clamped my mouth shut when a loading bar popped up.

I looked back at Alessia, and she shrugged just as confused and curious as me. A site popped up, no doubt on the dark web. It looked like it was created just for Antonio.

The site was nothing but dated pages that had two charts in them. The first column had a 10 digit number, while the second column had a 7 digit serial number.

"Is that a...?" "Yup" A slow smile stretched my face. A typical person wouldn't know how to decipher this, it would look like a bunch of numbers and shit to them.

But I knew it was a drug tracking system, because I have one of my own of course. The way the system works is the dates are the days his drugs come in.

The 10 digit number is the amount of drugs, and the 7 digit serial number is a made up number that identifies which drug it is.

"Wait hold on". Alessia exclaimed grabbing the zip lock bag. She took the notebook out with her gloved hand, sat it down infront of me, and flipped to a random page.

My eyes widen, it was the same system just on paper. Immediately I was impressed not everybody thinks it's necessary to track your drugs two ways, but I've learned that technology isn't as reliable as simple pen and paper.

"Impressed" I mumbled nodding. "He's definitely gonna fucking panic when he sees his systems are gone". "He might even suspect me". Alessia shrugged sitting back down.

"Let him he has no evidence, and speaking of evidence. Last night I was actually thinking of a way we can incarcerate Antonio simply based off of the notebook".

"I mean that's an easy one. We just have to prove to the cops that the notebook is his, and then connect the drugs directly to him by matching the serial numbers on the drug bags to the ones in the notebook.

That should definitely do the trick, but that's only a drug charge might as well be a slap on the wrist".

"Will you shut up?" My mouth drop as I feigned offense. "I know that and I'm not suggesting that. You remember Al and his London club?" "Of course I remember. The fucking bastards body was found three weeks ag- wait" I said.

A slow smile stretching my face. Alessia's eyes lit up. "I see gears turning". "Antonio sold Al the laced drugs that killed those two people, then the bodies were picked up by the cops and used as evidence to raid Al's club. Meaning the drug bags could possibly be in police possession-".

"And If the serial numbers match, and they take the prints off of this fucking notebook to find who owns it. Antonio's got a fat fucking case coming his way". Alessia finished, then flipped her straight hair over her shoulders.

"I know I'm the best, save the speech seriously". I rolled my eyes, but nevertheless my smile didn't leave. She really is, but I could never say that out loud.

I saw her smile drop and mine faltered. "There is a massive downside... You have to pay Chief bendetti a visit". My body clammed up at that hard hard reality.

I cringed scrunching my face up. She's right that is a massive downside, and not just because the man doesn't like me, but also because working with the police on any level is straight jacket level crazy.

Yea sure the cops are on my pay roll, and the chief and I have somewhat of an understanding, but that doesn't mean he won't take my ass down.

Crimes done in the dark with no evidence sure he'll turn a blind eye to it, but trust one slip up and I'm in hand cuffs he won't hesitate.

"Ah yes chief Bendetti I'm sure he would love to see me". I said sarcastically rolling my eyes. "You're right though" I agreed defeatedly. "We have to pay him a visit".

You would think this would be easier since we are "allies", paired with the fact that if I really needed too I can call in little favors here and there, but asking chief to get me evidence to view isn't little.

Also, if I didn't mention already I'm not his favorite person in the world. Mainly for 2 simple reasons, 1 I'm a known fucking criminal, and 2 I used to date his 'precious' daughter.


Alessia nodded and closed the notebook. "Good now that's settled". She put everything back, and got comfortable in her chair. "Yesterday night, why wasn't the deal closed? What went down in that suite?"

I shook my head, as my mood shifted so quick. Disapproval and disgust written all over my face. "Oh no" Alessia sighed under her breath.

"I swear everything was going fine until we got to the terms of the trade. I told Antonio what I wanted and he agreed, but in turn told me I wouldn't agree to what he wanted, and he's right I absolutely refuse-".

"What did he want?" "A date with Seona" I told her, not even believing the words coming out of my mouth.

Alessia's face instantly scrunched up, and she sat her chin on her fingers trying to process. "Why? What does he get out of-?" "Your guess is as good as mine. I really thinks he just wants to fuck with me".

"Why not ask for money like every one does?" I rolled my eyes. "He said that moneys so played, and since he's not in debt no more he doesn't desire it".

"Okay well here's what I'm thinking regarding the date. We could pu-". A surprised bitter chuckle tumble from my lips, as I look at Alessia like she has three heads. "Are you fucking insane? I'm not going through with it".

"So what? That's just it for... everything?" My stomach flips at her words, but I nod forcing the slight bile back down my throat.

"I was already stretching myself so thin with bringing her to the club, but letting her go on a date with him? Absolutely not".

"Okay well let me think for you since you refuse at the moment". I scoffed "fuck you". "I'm serious Viviana this doesn't have to end the plan. We can negotiate this, pick the place, put every guard we have in there, put me and you at the table over".

"This is ridiculous". I uttered, that uneasy feeling sitting in my gut heavy like a rock. Alessia stared at me expectantly, but I looked away.

I hate disappointing her about this, because it feels a bit to close to home, to close to my actual fear of letting my mamma and other people down by not avenging her properly.

Me canceling the plan wouldn't mean the end of ever trying to take the Canalis down, but it could take us years to plot a new plan, and act on it.

Which also is weighting on my gut, possibly heavier than the uneasiness I get when I think of letting Seona go on that date. Alessia shook her head.

"Did you tell him a flat out no?" I shook my head "I told him I'll think on it". "Good, you didn't give up our chance to feed that possessive streak in you". "This is more than possession, im tryna protect her from Antonio".

"And she will be. We both know Antonio is more bark than bite. This all about his audacity, your hard time with taking orders, and most importantly your possessive nature".

My lips casted slightly downward in a frown. I didn't like when people read me, hated even more when they're right.

"Protection is really the least of our problems. If we have guards all around she should be more than protected-". "They'll be in close quarters he could...reach out and... touch her". I damn near choked out, disgusted by the thought.

"If dire a guard will intervene, but I'm certain Seona can handle herself". I shook my head "she might not even agree". Alessia chuckled.

"That crazy girl. She always downplays her feelings for you, but really she's enamored by you. Tell her your reason for taking the Canalis down, tell her the part she would play in this, and you might be surprised by what she says".

I didn't want to let my mamma down, but this is a pill that I can't fucking swallow at the moment, maybe even ever. I sighed "I need time to think on it like I told Antonio". The look in my eye said there was no room to argue so Alessia didn't.

Later on
Irritation simmered under my skin, and my shoulders were set tense, as I walked up the stairs.

A full ache in the back of my skull that hasn't released me since my meeting with Alessia at noon, and it's only intensified with all the work I just blew through to clear up my evening.

I walked straight down the hall keeping my eyes on my door, almost hypnotized by the possibilities that stood behind it.

I could take a shower and fucking relax for once in the last 6 hours. I stopped in front of my door to open it, but got distracted when I heard another door creak open.

I looked over my shoulder to Seona peaking out her room, powerful butterflies with the will to knock me over flooded my stomach, and a small smile eased onto my face as my feet naturally dragged me slowly towards her.

Our eyes never left each others, we both had this nervous smirk on our faces. I could feel the giddiness playing between us, as I neared I got a full view of her body pressed against her door.

Wrapped in silk tied at her waist, like a perfect present for me to unravel. It made her figure jump out at me, and I wanted it to pull me in and never let me go like her perfume was currently doing.

Titillating this woman is, my deepest desires personified with gorgeous hair and two pretty browns eyes looking at me.

"So the living room". She said drawing my eyes from the anklet dangling around her ankle, that made my mouth dry upon seeing it.

I want it dangling over my shoulder.

"The living room". I repeated waiting to see where she would go with this. So many things to say about the living room, so many things to think about... and remember... and fuck I'm flustered.

"You didn't notice I cleaned it up. I had to since you walked past it this morning". I looked down the hall noticing her panties weren't by the wall, I shook my head.

"Oh, my bad I didn't leave it for you to clean that wasn't my intentions, though I definitely should've thought about that". "What were your intentions?" She asked, eyebrows furrowed a bit.

"I just wanted you to see the mess we made and remember every single second of what we did in that living room. I wanted you to get overwhelmed by the flashbacks".

She glanced away from our eye contact, shifting her stance. Hot blush creeping to her pretty face. "I wanted you to react the same way I did"

I stepped closer, feeling like electricity was bouncing between us now. Every look and movement was heated and charged, tension hung in the air like always.

"For me It fucked me up for a minute, because I had to work, but my mind kept on drifting back to you... on your knees". I said almost shivering myself, as I briefly had a flashback to the way she looked at me when I took my clothes off.

Very similar to the look she was giving me now. Unfiltered, raw, and desire filled. "What did you do with my clothes?" I asked curious while I flipped her hair over her shoulder trying to find my hickeys.

My body magically getting closer and closer to hers, even though I don't recall moving. It's like a fucking magnet was pulling us together, she was so close now that her body heat radiated onto mine.

I could feel her everywhere, and I loved it.

"I um- I put them in your room". "Really? You've never been in my room prior huh?" I asked dragging the back of my hand down her cheek. She practically purred with the way she arched into my touch.

Her eyes slipping closed for a second, when she opened them I saw a new kind of fire burning in them, it made me instantly wet.

She caught my hand held on to it, and stepped forward closing her door behind her. "Show me". "My room?"

"Yes I want you to give me a tour... now". She said practically holding conversation with my lips. Between that and the low almost breathy tone to her voice.

I caught on pretty fast to what she wanted, but in that moment I remembered why we are in this hall. Why I was even heading to my room in the first place, and what I promised I wouldn't do until I discuss some things with her.

"What about our date?" I asked and she glanced away from my lips to look down my body, causing hot arousal to pool into my lower stomach. "It can't wait?" She asked tugging on my hand, some desperation to her voice.

I groaned a shiver begging to go down my spine. Hearing how much she needs me always does crazy things to me, it will never get old.


"But, I wanted to talk to you about your boundaries and stuff. I wanted to make sure you're sure about us before we continue-". She slid her finger through my suit pants loop, and pulled me in meshing our lower half's together. She placed her lips onto mine.

Every single thought I had evaporated, as I moaned softly and sat my hands on her hips. She disconnected our lips after a minute so we can catch our breath. A small devastatingly sexy smile on her lips.

I leaned in again, capturing her bottom lips between my teeth making her moan, and we kissed over and over again, until I was hot all over and my eyes were half their normal size.

"I'm so sure about us. now can you fuck me in your room?" "Can I ..." I uttered her words eyes closed, and still dazed. As a coping method, hoping what she said would sink in.

My pussy throbbed once it did, and I opened my eyes remembering who I was. "Yes baby I will, until you cry". "Then lead the way". She said and I turned on my heel, then stopped getting an idea.

I turned back around, my eyes dropping suggestively down her robe. "Take that off and drop it in your room". "My robe?" I bounced an eyebrow in a 'go head' way.

She bit her lip while smiling looking good enough to eat. I looked down the hall contemplating fucking her right here again.

Slightly shaky fingers untied the silk sash, and the robe fell open. She was naked like I suspected, and my eyebrows creased in pleasure as I watched her.

My body humming with need.

Healing hickeys trailed to her breast, where her nipples sat peaked and begging for my attention. I trailed my eyes over her flat stomach, over her thick smooth thighs, and to what sat in between them.


My mouth watered, faintly her taste and scent started to come back to me, and I wanted to get familiar again. My pussy clenched at the thought of it.

She then turned giving me a view of her back side. Tattoo on her spine leading to the world's most perfect ass I've ever seen.

You see, I've never been an ass woman myself, don't particularly look for it in a lover, but it's always a bonus when they do have a nice ass, and Seona has a generous bonus to her.

She dropped the robe in her room, and closed the door, before she could fully turn around. I was on her pushing her into the wall next to her room.

My hand gripping the front of her throat pinning her in place, while my lips met hers. Kissing, nipping, and licking. She moaned and moaned into my mouth, gripping the hand I had wrapped securely around her.

I squeezed just a tad bit, and she broke away from me to curse, then picked my lips back up in an even more intense kiss. "You like my hand on your throat?"

She nodded pulling me back to the kiss. "And what about your pussy?" I asked feeling her breath hitch. While I etched my hand down her stomach. "Does she like it too?" I asked trailing kisses along her jaw, squeezing her throat again.

"Fuck". She moaned and put her hand over mine on her stomach, trying to speed up my slow descent to her pussy. My hand under hers slipped across her slightly bucking hips, and I stopped going any further making her groan.

"Viviana touch me". She whimpered like music to my ears, my knees almost buckled.

"I am" I said smiling. "I need your fingers inside me now". "Mmhm is that right?" I mumbled pulling her to my lips for a long peck, before I stepped back.

Half lidded eyes clouded with frustration, as she reached out for my belt loops, and I let her drag me to her again with a smile on my lips. It was so sexy.

She tried to kiss me, but I made my face just out of reach which ordered a little sigh from her. "Come on". I said interlocking our hands, taking her to my room while unbuttoning my shirt.


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