Diaries of a nanodroid in The...

بواسطة Shadowpotato114

635 31 7

In a clandestine act of scientific subterfuge, a researcher absconds with a cutting-edge combat nanodroid, in... المزيد

1. The scientist
2. N.A.N.O.W.A.R.R.I.O.R
3. Where am i?
5. White fang.
6. Elise
7. Duke Arlen
8. Valardia
9. The axis
10. The frontline
11. The king's help request
12. The trial.
13. The Royal Alchemist
14. Magic research
15. Floknethes battle
16. Western Therabilia
17. Nano's diary
18. Nano's Diaries part ll
19. The prince and Nano
20. Uprising
21. Diplomatic relations
22. Fall of Eurebia
23. Urban warfare
24. Welcome to the Therabilia Axis
25. Rewriting

4. Bounty hunters guild

29 1 0
بواسطة Shadowpotato114


Nano reaches the receptionist:

Receptionist: Hello, what can I do for you?

Nano: I want to apply for a hunter's license

Receptionist: I'm really sorry, but we do not give licenses to something that isn't 'alive'.

Said the receptionist while looking at Nano up down and nano knows what she's doing, he feels rage, but how, he's just a robot, could it be because of Aurora?

Receptionist: however, your master can apply for a license, so you can bri-

Nano: what makes you think I have a master?

Receptionist: well, someone must have requested your creation, but if your master has perished or has been incarcerated, I must report you to the city hall, so stay here while I call a guard to take you to the city hall.

Nano: first, I've never had a master, second, I just want to apply for a license, why i cant?

The other hunters start hearing the discussion and one of them gets near Nano, the hunter looks strong as a gorilla, with his imposing 2 meters of height.

Gorilla: hey, you stupid golem, didn't you hear her, the fuck outta here before I crush you.

Nano doesn't answer

Gorilla: what, can't you hear me, I said-

In a split second, Nano extends its hand toward the gorilla's face and swiftly brings it down, effortlessly overpowering the hunter and shattering the cobblestone floor beneath them. The sudden display of strength shocks everyone present, instilling a sense of fear and unease among the onlookers, as golems are typically viewed as mere servants without the capability for such raw power.

Hunter: What happened?

Elf hunter: look at the golem's arm there's fire in it

Unbeknownst to Nano, its intention was merely to silence the individual, but as it moved to strike, its elbow inadvertently transformed into a propeller, significantly amplifying its pushing force.

Nano: *in his head* oops

After that, a group of hunters gets close to Nano, with intentions of destroying him.

Hunter 1:well, look what we have here, you should've heard the lady and the big guy down there, get-out.

Hunter 2: or, we'll sell your weight in gold.

Nano, knowing he's on problems, activates his combat ai, transforming his arms in sabers.

Hunter 3:what the hell?

Hunter 1:you may have a bunch of hidden surprises, but I warned you, didn't I?

As both parts prepare to attack, the guild administrator shows into the hall.


Everyone remains quiet, and the receptionist explains everything, making the admin. change his red face to a confused one.

Admin: so you started everything, right?

Says pointing his finger to nano

Nano: yes, I'm sorry for the altercation here, and what I did to the floor, I can pay you if you want.

Admin: Conall *pointing to the gorilla* was the strongest bounty hunter I have, and I said was because now you are.

Receptionist: but sir, the golem doesn't e-

Admin: *lifting his hand* I know, I know, but I want to see how strong this golem is, if you pass a strength trial with the best score, I will give you a license.

Nano: I accept.

Both Nano and the admin exchange a customary fist-to-neck salute, a customary gesture in this world. The admin then allocates Nano a room to "rest" before attending to his duties. Meanwhile, as the admin proceeds to his office, he feels a sensation akin to something crawling in his ear. Initially dismissing it as a mere fly, he absentmindedly waves his hand around his head before entering his office, unaware that it's actually a centipede-drone.

The same night

With meticulous care, Nano ensures that every aperture in the room is sealed with parts of itself, preventing any noise or sound from escaping. Additionally, it deploys spider-drones and bird drones both inside and outside the building as a precautionary measure against any potential threats. As Nano focuses on repairing the corrupted data in its core, it gradually restores advanced close-combat weaponry capabilities. The process includes reinstating functions such as sabers, shields, and spears, enhancing its offensive and defensive capabilities significantly.

- **Repair Process**:
- Systematic Restoration: N.A.N.O.W.A.R.R.I.O.R prioritizes the repair of files related to advanced close combat weaponry, recognizing their importance for tactical versatility and combat effectiveness.
- Incremental Improvement: Through meticulous data analysis and repair algorithms, corrupted files are gradually restored to their original functionality, ensuring optimal performance.

- **Advanced Close Combat Weaponry**:
1. Sabers: Precision-engineered blades designed for swift and precise strikes, capable of inflicting lethal damage to adversaries.
2. Shields: Defensive equipment providing protection against incoming attacks, enhancing N.A.N.O.W.A.R.R.I.O.R's defensive capabilities in close combat engagements.
3. Spears: Long-range melee weapons for thrusting and jabbing at opponents, enabling N.A.N.O.W.A.R.R.I.O.R to maintain distance while engaging adversaries.

- **Integration and Training**:
- Integration Protocol: Restored close combat weaponry seamlessly integrates with N.A.N.O.W.A.R.R.I.O.R's combat systems, enabling intuitive use during missions.
- Training Regimen: N.A.N.O.W.A.R.R.I.O.R undergoes rigorous training exercises to familiarize itself with the restored weaponry, optimizing proficiency and combat effectiveness.

- **Tactical Deployment**:
- Versatile Combat Options: With the restoration of sabers, shields, and spears, N.A.N.O.W.A.R.R.I.O.R gains diverse combat capabilities, allowing for adaptable responses to varying threats and scenarios.
- Strategic Utilization: N.A.N.O.W.A.R.R.I.O.R strategically deploys advanced close combat weaponry based on mission objectives, terrain conditions, and adversary profiles.

- **Enhanced Combat Readiness**:
- Enhanced Lethality: Restoration of advanced close combat weaponry significantly enhances N.A.N.O.W.A.R.R.I.O.R's lethality on the battlefield, increasing its effectiveness in neutralizing threats.
- Improved Defensive Capabilities: With the addition of shields, N.A.N.O.W.A.R.R.I.O.R's defensive capabilities are bolstered, providing greater resilience against enemy attacks.

End of close combat weaponry restoration process. N.A.N.O.W.A.R.R.I.O.R is now equipped with advanced weaponry and ready to engage in combat missions with enhanced effectiveness.

As Nano delves into the repaired files, it receives alerts from both a bird drone and nearby spider drones indicating a perimeter intrusion. Reacting swiftly, Nano readies its weapons in anticipation of potential threats.

One of the spiders covertly records the conversations of the intruders and transmits the audio feed to Nano. Despite the whispered tones, Nano's advanced sensors recognize the voices—it's the same individuals who previously attempted to sell him.

Guy 1: 15, 16, 17, this one.

Guy 2:here's the lever

Guy 1 takes the lever and starts forcing the door.

Guy 2:hey you wizard, prepare the spell.

As the wizard begins chanting a spell from a small book, the spider diligently records the contents of the book and transmits it to Nano. Drawing upon its previous encounter where it implanted a mini drone into the brain of the administrator, Nano's enhanced capabilities allow it to swiftly decipher and comprehend the language spoken in Pydnan.

Nano: golem inhibition spell? what the hell?

Examining the spell within the book, Nano discovers a technique designed to deactivate a golem's main core, effectively halting its magical motion. Drawing from the memories of the prisoner and the spell's content, it becomes evident that golems operate through magic. Fortunately, it appears that the spell's effects are limited to magic and won't affect Nano's electronic systems.

Despite this realization, Nano decides to feign compliance, choosing to play along to discern the true intentions of the infiltrators. This approach allows Nano to gauge whether they genuinely seek to sell it or harbor ulterior motives.

*door is opened*

As the wizard casts the spell towards Nano, it reacts as if affected, mimicking the behavior of a deactivated golem as per the memories it observed. Nano gracefully topples to the ground, appearing inert.Satisfied with the apparent success of the spell, the infiltrators compensate the wizard for his services. Subsequently, they attempt to escort Nano outside, presumably to complete their transaction. Nano, feigning compliance, awaits further developments while covertly assessing the situation.

Guy 3: fuck, this one's heavy>

Guy 1: which means more gold!!

Guy 2: shut your mouth, or do you want everyone to find out we're stealing a golem?

What they don't know is that Nano is watching them through a spider-drone, and looks to the door they're taking his body.

Nano:* in his mind* isn't that the administrator's office?

When the infiltrators knock on the door in a sequence, the administrator opens it closes all the windows, and locks the door.

Admin: that was easy, now let's talk abou-u-u.

The moment he turns his head back to his desk, he sees Nano standing up, with all the infiltrators hanging from their necks by robotic tentacles, then Nano starts talking.

Nano: I knew you were hiding something, but if you give me my license without passing the test, I will spare you and these guys too.

Admin: do-do you have any ide-

Nano: yes, I know who you are and your connections with the duke.

Admin: what duke, I don't know any duke.

Nano: so you don't know Duke Arlen who governs this city and who also is involved in money laundering within your pubs?

Admin: ...

Nano: so...

The administrator, timorous, gives Nano all the required documents to obtain a license. The admin. explains that guilds are made and financed by the local government, in this case, the Duke Arlen, there are also different licenses from A to D, with the best to the worst paid.

Rank A: Guild administrator

Rank B: Sub-manager

Rank C: bounty hunter(separated in 4 classes: A, B, C, D)

Rank D: guild maintenance employees such as receptionist, janitor, etc.

Normally any applier starts from rank D but the admin. gives Nano a rank c license with the name "Nano" so this one doesn't expose the money laundering.

Next Day

As Nano peruses the job board, it comes across a lucrative bounty posted by a restaurant owner located on Ellis Street. The bounty pertains to a local gang that has been causing significant trouble in the area. This particular gang is notorious for its nefarious activities, earning a reputation as the worst of the worst. Even Duke Arlen struggles to contend with them, while the city guards are too intimidated to confront them head-on. The gang's formidable presence is bolstered by powerful wizards among its ranks, further complicating matters. Despite the heightened danger posed by the gang, the bounty on offer reflects the significant reward awaiting anyone brave enough to take on the challenge.

Nano: this one will work *takes the paper and gives it to the receptionist*.

Receptionist: I'm sorry but I can't put this request in your name.

Nano: why? do I need to fill in some documents or-

Receptionist: no, it's just that this job requires at least you must be class B or higher in your license.

Nano: but the job says everyone can apply

Receptionist: I know, however, is recommended you take a job according to your class for your security.

Nano: you said it, it's recommended, not obligatory, so now put the job in my name right now.

Infuriated by Nano's request, the receptionist assigns the job to Nano's name. Just as Nano seeks some beef broth, a heavily injured hunter stumbles into the guild, collapsing to the ground.

After a brief interval, the guild medic delivers grim news to the assembled hunters. The injured patient had attempted to confront the gang at Ellis Street in pursuit of the bounty, but his efforts ended in failure. What's more, the hunter was a class B, amplifying the severity of the situation. The revelation sends a wave of apprehension rippling through the room, with even Nano feeling a sense of fear in the presence of such formidable adversaries.

The same night at Ellis Street

Across the street, members of the gang make their rounds to collect the monthly protection fee, a thinly veiled scheme to extort easy money from the locals. As they approach a blacksmith's shop, the blacksmith defiantly refuses to comply, citing a lack of funds as his reason for non-payment.

Gangster: what did you say you old fart?

Blacksmith: please understand i don-

*Bang* one of the gang members hits him in the head with a maze.

Gangster: do you know what happens when you don't pay.

Blacksmith: !!You were the ones who stole my ores, and even all the items in my shop, how do you think i will pay you if you don't even let me sell anything!!.

Gangster: that's not our problem, you didn't pay and now you receive punishment or...perhaps we can make an exception for your kids...

Blacksmith:!! NO, NOT THEM, PLEASE!!

The gang members take the blacksmith's kids, the kid's mother tries to stop them, but one of the gangsters sinks his sword in her throat, making her drown in her own blood...

Gangster: how old is this girl? 7?, 8?.

Gangster: she looks big enough for white fang, he'll like her.

Gangster: yeah, i hope he doesn't finish with her fast, last time i had to do it with a corpse, but what do we do with the boy, he's not big enough to be a slave, he's too skinny.

Gangster: don't worry, white fang likes little boys too...

As Nano witnesses the scene unfolding, a wave of revulsion washes over it, triggering a nearly involuntary response that it can't act upon, being a machine. It begins to suspect that Aurora, its advanced AI, is behind this realistic simulation of disgust. Puzzled by the complexity of emotions that Mr. Behar's creation can evoke, Nano grapples with conflicting directives. Its war AI warns of the formidable challenge ahead, highlighting its limitations and corrupted weapons data. Meanwhile, Aurora urges Nano to prioritize the safety of the children, emphasizing the potential consequences of inaction. Caught in an internal struggle between its programmed instincts and newfound emotions, Nano faces a pivotal decision: will it heed the call to intervene and protect the innocent, or will it bide its time for the perfect opportunity to act?

Then decides to make what he feels is right.

City of Trara

Story by Enyorableroveler114

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