Forever The Name On My Lips

By lyricaldr3ams

47K 1.2K 999

You always thought your love story was epic. It started with a boy and a curse. For centuries, it survived ev... More

ten part one.
ten part two.


769 18 20
By lyricaldr3ams

twenty-seven. take on the world with you

"What are we even looking for?" You asked Elijah as you rummaged through the books on the desk Esther had been using.

"Any sign of what my mother is up to," Elijah told you.

"Right and what exactly would that look like?" You rolled your eyes, sitting down in the desk chair. "I mean your mother is a powerful witch, Elijah. I'm pretty sure she knows how to cover her tracks. And I doubt she's just gonna leave the specific tome she used to aid her plan in plain sight."

He smirked at you. "Just keep looking for anything inconspicuous, Y/N."

"You know what I think?" You completely ignored the books now as you leaned forward on your hands with your elbows on the desk. He looked at you in question. "I think Finn is involved."

"Why do you think that?"

"He was talking to Elena yesterday at the ball, before she disappeared up to see Esther," you said. "Besides, he's always been bit too much of a momma's boy in my opinion."

"Yes, thank you for that opinion," he rolled his eyes. "But you do bring up a good point. Finn has been hanging around mother more than the rest of us since she returned."

"He's always done that," you said casually as you began looking around again. "Hence my opinion. Momma's boy."

He smiled at you wryly. "We are going to need actual evidence, Y/N."

Your eyes wandered, catching on something in the trash. "What's this?" You reached in and picked up a bundle of herbs. Your eyes widened as you looked up, meeting Elijah's eyes as you held it up. "Sage."

"My mother wanted privacy for her conversation with Elena," Elijah took it from you, looking at it closely.

"I doubt she'd need privacy if she was just apologizing as Elena says," you said.

"I'm afraid you're right," he sighed. "What are you up to mother?"

"We need to know what she and Elena spoke about," you said. "I think she may open up to you. You were friendly with her in the past, and you tried to help her."

He nodded. "And you will contact Damon?"

"Yeah, I doubt he'll tell me anything since he knows I'll try to stop him if it hurts any of you, but it's worth a try," you shrugged. "He may let something slip. Damon can be..."

"Excessively irritating and small minded?"

"I was going to say overconfident," you smirked.

"I believe we said the same thing," he said. He threw the sage back into the trash. "Well, I believe we have our work cut out for us."

You nodded and stood, looking at Elijah for a moment. "You know just because we're working together doesn't mean I forgive you," you said.

"I'm aware," he said. "I believe you will forgive me one day when you see how truly sorry I am. I never meant to put you in the middle of our family dispute, and in trying to avoid it, I hurt you. I am deeply sorry for my actions, Y/N. In the meantime, I am grateful for your help in protecting our family."

"Always and forever," you said softly and he smiled. You were mad at Elijah sure, but your family was under attack. You could hold off on your grudge.

• • •

You walked into the living room where Rebekah was standing in the last night's dress. You smirked at her. "Fun night, Bekah?"

"Our dear sister thinks she's a strumpet," Kol smirked at you.

You rolled your eyes. "It's the 21st century, Kol. Slut shaming is no longer acceptable."

"Thank you, Y/N," Rebekah said pointedly. "Besides, Kol, you've been locked away in a coffin for over a century. You could stand to have some fun too."

Kol glared at her before looking at you, a smirk coming to his lips. "Where are you off to, Y/N? I'm rather bored. Perhaps I can come and...have some fun too."

Klaus growled at him lowly. "Don't even think about it."

"What? I saw you leave Y/N's chambers very early last night, Niklaus. Perhaps Y/N could use some fun as well," Kol goaded him, smirking wider.

Klaus sped over to him, his eyes angry as he stepped to his brother. "Watch your mouth, Kol."

"Or what?"

"Or I'll watch it for you."

You rolled your eyes as Elijah stepped between them, pushing them both back as they glared at each other. "Enough, children," he said. "I don't want to have to put the two of you in time out."

Kol broke out into a mischievous grin. "Could you put me in time out with Y/N, brother?"

Klaus growled again as Elijah sighed. "Kol, stop antagonizing him. Klaus, stop acting like you own Y/N."

"But it's fun." Kol said.

"I do," Klaus said at the same time, both with a smirk on their faces. You rolled your eyes again.

"Fine, then I need entertainment," Kol said.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Go on, have at it," Klaus said, returning to his seat, their fight easily forgotten.

"Care to join me, Y/N?" he asked.

"I can't," you said. "I have to go see Damon."

Everyone but Elijah turned to look at you. You saw Rebekah's expression turn guilty. Hm that was interesting. You knew Damon was in a destructive mood when he left the party, but you would never have expected he would sleep with Rebekah.

"Why would you need to see him?" Klaus asked.

"Yeah, remember when he broke my neck at the ball?" Kol added. It was even worse when they teamed up than when they were fighting, you remembered.

"Which wasn't your fault in any way, I'm sure," you said sarcastically. "We're trying to be friends again. I figure I should at least put in some effort."

"I don't know why you'd bother trying to be friends with him. He's quite immature," Kol said.

"Pot meet kettle," you smirked. "Go have fun, Kol. Maybe I'll meet up with you later."

"Fine, but it's no fun to go alone," Kol said. "Join me, Nik. It's the least you could do after sticking a dagger in my heart and getting me in trouble with Elijah."

"Okay, why not?" Klaus stood up. "I didn't have nearly enough to drink last night, what with you trying to murder Rebekah's date."

"Yes, please go. This house has enough men rolling around in it," Rebekah said.

"Just like you, Bekah," Kol smirked as they walked to the door. Rebekah threw her shoe at him.

You waited until they were gone to turn to her. "Really? Damon?"

"I was drunk," she defended.

You shook your head.

• • •

You decided to knock on the door instead of just walking in when you got to Damon's. There had been a line drawn in the sand, and well, it didn't seem right to just walk in like you had before. Stefan opened the door, looking a bit surprised. "Y/N? What are you doing here?"

"I came to see Damon," you said as he let you in. "He suggested we could be friends again and well, I miss him." You made a face. "I never thought I'd say that."

He chuckled. "I never thought you'd say that either. He's uh in his room I think."

"Thanks," you started towards the stairs but stopped, turning back to face Stefan. "I know a lot of things have happened since we came back to Mystic Falls, but I'd like to believe we became friends when we were on the road trip to Hell this summer. And...I'd like to apologize for torturing you when you were locked in the jail cell. When Lexi came back, she told me that was how to get your humanity back and well, humanity less Stefan was kind of a douche."

He smiled slightly. "I get it, and I get why you did it. I'm uh I'm sorry about what I did to you as well, when I kidnapped you. I shouldn't have used you like that."

"I know there's a line that's been drawn in the sand, but I'm not Klaus," you said. "I will always protect my family as you will your own, but I think maybe we can find a middle ground? One where we stop hating each other at least?"

"I never hated you, Y/N," he said. "You were right before. I was the Ripper of Monterey and that wasn't even the worst of what I did in my past. I don't know why Damon hasn't turned his back on me because of it or why Lexi never did, but I think it's why you can't turn your back on Klaus, no matter what he does. That's what we do for the people we love right?"

You smiled at him. "I'm glad you're back, Stefan. Please don't turn your humanity back off and go full douche mode again. It was unnerving."

He laughed and you waved him off as you went to go find Damon. Your smile dropped the second you turned your back. Stefan was nice. You could see why Lexi loved him so much. You were being honest when you said you hoped there was a middle ground. But befriending him again was part of your plan. You wanted to be friends with Damon again. You did miss him. But that line between you was still there, and you had a feeling you were about to irreparably cross it.

You knocked on his door and waited for him to call you in before you opened it. He was laying on his bed, looking at his phone when you walked in. "Y/N, what a surprise," he smirked, as he sat up. You sped over to him and smack his arm. "Um ow? What's the deal? Is this because I broke your backup BFF's neck last night? Because he definitely deserved it."

"No, it's for sleeping with Rebekah," you hit him again. "That's for breaking Kol's neck."

"Hey, he was trying to kill the quarterback so technically I was doing a public service," Damon said.

You sighed and sat on his bed. "Yeah, I'm not surprised. Kol is...impulsive. But that's something you both have in common."

"Yeah yeah," he rolled his eyes. "So what are you doing here? Finally going to admit you're secretly in love with me?"

"You caught me. I burn for you," you said before rolling your eyes. "You said we could try to be friends."

"I did," he said. "And you said it was impossible."

"Maybe I was wrong," you said. You felt odd because you did want to be friends again but you weren't here with pure intentions. You needed to find out what they were up to. "I said that because I thought we'd continuously be at odds while you tried to kill the Originals. But your last way of killing Klaus was that coffin, and since Esther has forgiven Klaus, we're at an impasse. I think we could co-inhabit Mystic Falls without too much difficulty, bruised egos notwithstanding, don't you?"

You watched his face as he smiled at you tightly. "Yeah, you're right," he said. "We're all out of options. We'll never be drinking buddies but I guess as long as they stay on their side of town..."

You knew he was lying. You could see it on his face. You knew him too well, decades of friendship aiding you. You wished it could be true, the words you said to each other. You thought maybe once you dealt with Esther, it could be. But for now, that line in the sand was just growing wider.

"It's settled then," you said, standing up. "Friends again. Let's go drink."

"I knew there was a reason we were best friends," he smirked.

• • •

Your phone went off with a text from Klaus asking you to come to the Mystic Grill. Damon watched you as you responded that you'd be there later. "That your boyfriend?"

"He's not my boyfriend," you said as you locked your phone again and put it down.

"Oh come on, Y/N, when are you going to finally admit it?" Damon rolled his eyes. "You and Klaus are laying on the hot and heavy. I mean he's always had a hard on for you in a very creepy stalker way, but now you're falling for it again."

"I'm not falling for anything," you said, even though a part of you knew that he was right. You had softened your heart against him. You had a thousand years of history, and it was hard to just throw that away, especially when he was saying the things you wanted to hear and touching you the way that only he could, setting your entire being on fire. When he was reminding you of the boy you had fallen in love with.

"Oh please, even a blind man could see it," he rolled his eyes. "You know he's not a good guy. He hurt you and he'll do it again."

"I know," you admitted quietly because you did know him. You knew him when he was human, and eager to prove himself to his father. You knew him when became a vampire, the lone hybrid, tortured by the rejection of his parents. You knew him as the years went on, and he slowly gave in to the blood lust and darkness. And now, you knew him after he lost you, when he let the darkness fully take over. While you saw the man he had once been underneath all the bravado, you didn't know how much power that man had over the darkness he held now. But you couldn't talk about that to Damon, he would never understand the world was a lot more black-and-white than the world he had come to know.

Your phone beeped again and you saw it was now Kol, asking you to hurry up. You sighed and finished the rest of your drink in one gulp before standing. "I have to go," you said.

"Where are you going?" he asked, his tone a little tight.

You looked at him curiously. "I'm meeting Klaus and Kol at the Mystic Grill. I'd ask you to come but..."

"But I'd rather jump into a tank of vampire eating sharks?" he finished for you. "You know, maybe you shouldn't go. You could stay, we could continue to hang out."

"I told them I would meet them," you told him.

"Yeah but who says you have to?" he smiled at you tightly.

"What's going on?" you asked. He was suddenly acting strange and you were growing suspicious.

"What? I'm just glad we're friends again and want to hang out," he said. "I'll even admit I missed you."

"Now I know something's not right, you'd never admit that," you crossed your arms over your chest. "What are you up to, Damon?"

"Hey, I could admit it. I've grown," he smirked. You rolled your eyes. "Okay fine. I'm just trying to protect you."

"From what?" you raised an eyebrow.

"From Klaus, Y/N! Come on, you're not an idiot," he said. "You know he's bad for you. And you can say you're not falling for it, but you are. He's clawing his way back in and you're letting him."

"You don't know what you're talking about," you glared at him.

"Please," he rolled his eyes. "If anyone knows about murderous psycho exes who just won't go away and die, it's me."

"Katherine and Klaus are not the same," you said softly.

"No? Let's look at the facts. Both of them have no problem using anyone to get what they want. Both of them look out only for themselves. Both of them would kill whoever got in their way. Katherine turned us and faked her death. Klaus compelled you to forget him. Face it, Y/N, they're cut from the same cloth," he said.

"Shut up, Damon," you clenched your fists.

"I'm just trying to protect you!"

"I didn't ask you for protection!" you yelled at him. "God, you're all the same. Klaus, Elijah, Kol, you, you're all the same. I can handle myself. And as you said, I'm not an idiot. I know how to take care of myself. Besides, I am 800 years older than you, Damon. If either of us need protecting, it's not me."

You turned to walk away and he called out to you again. "Don't go," he said.

You looked at him suspiciously again. "Why?"

He was quiet for a moment. "Never mind."

You turned and walked away, the sinking feeling in your stomach growing. Because you knew he was hiding something and you weren't sure what.

• • •

"Y/N, you finally joined us!" Kol exclaimed when you walked over to them. Klaus ordered you a drink and you sat down beside him.

"You guys look like you've been having fun," you said, nodding at the bartender who placed a glass in front of you. Klaus put his hand on your thigh under the bar, a smirk coming to his lips when you didn't push him away.

"Probably more fun than you having to be around the baby vampire," Kol shot back.

"He's over 150," you rolled your eyes. You were still suspicious of whatever Damon was planning, but until you knew what it was, there wasn't anything you could do. You hoped Elijah was having better luck with Elena.

"Is he? I wouldn't have guessed," Kol waved it off. "No matter. You're here now. The party can begin."

"What have you guys been doing?" you asked, sipping on your drink.

"Just enjoying watching the locale," Klaus answered.

You looked around the bar and saw Alaric there with that doctor. Meredith you thought her name was. Damon had told you Alaric was spending a lot of time with her, and that she had blood jacked him. Apparently she used vampire blood to save her patients. That was interesting. You met Alaric's eyes on yours and for a moment you saw panic in his eyes before he schooled his expression and nodded at you. That was even more interesting.

Caroline walked in, walking towards the bar. Kol looked her over. "Isn't that your friend, the blond from the party? She's quite scrumptious. She was a spitfire during our dance."

"Don't even think about it," you glared at him.

"She's under my protection," Klaus said, his thumb now rubbing circles into your thigh.

"You always ruin my fun, brother," Kol rolled his eyes as Caroline approached.

"Hey, Caroline," you greeted.

"Hey," she looked nervous.

"Care to join us for a drink, Caroline?" Klaus asked.

"Hello, Caroline," Kol said. "It is a pleasure to see you again. I have been reliving our dance in my mind. Perhaps I can buy you a drink."

"What did I just say?" You glared at him.

"I got the message, Y/N, she's under Klaus' protection," Kol rolled his eyes. "Doesn't mean I can't buy a pretty girl a drink. I'm just following Rebekah's advice to...have some fun."

"Ignore him," you said to Caroline who was looking more and more bewildered.

"I intend to," she said. "I'm way too smart for him."

Klaus laughed at Kol's disgruntled face. "She has you pegged, brother."

"Y/N, can I talk to you and Klaus?" Caroline asked timidly.

"Whatever could you need to talk to me about?" Klaus asked.

"Sure," you stood up, grabbing Klaus to follow her outside. "What's wrong, Caroline?"

She sighed and looked at Klaus. "I actually want to talk to you. I asked Y/N so you don't kill me."

"He won't," you answered for Klaus. You were curious as to what she could want to talk to him about, and the anxious look on her face.

"I want Tyler to come back," Caroline said. You tensed. You knew Tyler had left town because he was trying to break the sire bond, but you hadn't told Klaus that.

"I wasn't aware I had given Tyler permission to leave town," Klaus said slowly.

"He's scared of what the sire bond is doing to us," she said. "He left so he wouldn't kill me on your word."

"See, I'm a bit confused now, love," Klaus put his hands behind his back. You could see the anger rising in his eyes. "I seem to recall telling you I would not target you again."

"Because you've given us so many reasons to trust you," she snapped at him.

"Caroline," you said quietly in warning.

"What, Y/N? Am I wrong?" she asked. "He killed his mother and lied to his siblings. He wanted to kill Elena and now he's using her as a blood bag."

"I would tread very carefully, Caroline," Klaus said, his voice low and deadly. "I have stayed my hand because you have been a good friend to Y/N, but my patience will run out rather quickly."

"I have been a good friend to her," she agreed. "Much better than you and your siblings. You compelled her and sent her away for a hundred years and had a few side pieces, right? She didn't remember you but you remembered her. I don't know how she can trust you again but I wouldn't. I don't."

Klaus took a step towards her, seething. But you sped in front of him, putting your hand on his chest and meeting his eyes. "Don't," you said. "You promised."

"My patience has run out," he told you.

"Klaus," you said softly, your eyes not leaving his. You didn't know why Caroline was saying these things, why she was antagonizing him knowing how he was. But you didn't want her killed because of it.

He sighed. "Fine." You watched him for a moment longer, trying to decipher if he was actually going to back down. "I said fine, Y/N. I won't kill your friend."

You nodded and turned around, looking at Caroline again. "Caroline," you sighed. You didn't know what had gotten into her.

"I just want Tyler back," she said softly, her eyes meeting yours. You saw the guilt and remorse in them. "I'm so sorry, Y/N."

"What..." you started.

Klaus suddenly gasped behind you, cutting you off. You turned quickly, seeing him clutching his chest. "What is it?" You asked.

He ignored you, looking at Caroline. "What did you do?"

"Nothing!" she said.

You tensed, turning slowly, your eyes flashing. "What did you do, Caroline?"

Klaus grabbed her. "What did you do?" he yelled.

"I didn't do anything," Caroline said. "Stop it."

Klaus looked back at the Mystic Grill after a moment. "Kol," he said. He let her go and sped back inside.

Your blood ran cold as you looked at her for a moment. The anger and betrayal clear on your face. It turned out that no one in this town was worth it after all. It made sense now. Why she was acting weird, why she was antagonizing him? She was distracting you.

"Y/N," she said, her tone full of remorse.

"Don't," you said before speeding after Klaus. He was at the bar, looking around intently. "Where is he?"

"The alley," Klaus said. "I hear the teacher."

You nodded and you followed after him into the back alley. You were unsurprised to see Damon and Stefan there with Alaric, Kol's body dead and daggered body at their feet.

Klaus sped over and threw Alaric back against a wall as you crouched down by Kol, pulling the dagger out. Stefan rushed towards you, but Klaus was faster, throwing him back too. He turned towards Damon and you stood up as Klaus grabbed his neck, holding him against the wall. "Klaus," you said.

"I should have killed you months ago," Klaus said, ignoring you.

"Don't," you said. You weren't sure why you were still trying to protect him. After all, he had just stabbed Kol. You weren't sure how Klaus had felt it too, and it caused quite a bit of concern. You understood now why Damon had tried to stop you from going to the Mystic Grill. This had been their plan all along. And when he couldn't hold you back, they had sent in Caroline to use her friendship with you to get Kol alone.

"He doesn't deserve your loyalty, love," Klaus said. "Or do you not care about Kol anymore now that you have a Salvatore?"

"Shut up," you said, knowing he was just speaking in fear. Whatever he had felt when Kol was daggered had left him unnerved. "We have him. Let's just go."

"How many times do you think she can save you?" Klaus asked Damon.

"Do it," Damon said. "That's not gonna stop Esther from killing you."

Klaus tensed, letting him go. Damon fell to the floor. "What did you say about my mother?"

"You didn't know I was friends with your mummy?" Damon laughed. "Yeah, we have a lot in common. She hates you as much as I do."

So you and Elijah were right. Esther had planned something with Elena and company. And whatever it was, it had allowed Klaus to feel Kol being daggered. Klaus grabbed his neck again. "Then I guess Y/N actually can't save you this time," he said, raising his hand to penetrate his chest.

"Leave him!" Elijah suddenly arrived at the opening of the alley. "We will need him, Niklaus."

You looked at Elijah. From his face, you could tell he had discovered something. You were glad he had had better luck than you.

Klaus looked at Elijah for a moment before letting Damon go. "What did mother do? What did she do, Elijah?"

Elijah took his phone out and looked at Damon. "You tell me where the witches are or I'll have my sister kill Elena right now."

"You told me we had until after 9:00," Damon said.

"I'm sure Rebekah would be more than happy to start her work early," Elijah said.

"What is going on, Elijah?" you asked, getting annoyed of being out of the loop.

"We'll handle it," Stefan said, ignoring you.

"See that you do," Elijah said. "Klaus, if you could grab our brother?"

It was a testament to his fear that Klaus picked up Kol without a single protest. You began following them, but Damon stopped you. "Y/N, please, don't go."

You turned and slapped him across the face. "You said you wanted to be friends again. And then you pull this?"

"I do want to be friends again," he said.

"Let me guess, this is just you protecting me again?" you rolled your eyes. He looked at you with a look of remorse in his eyes. "Do me a favor, Damon. Don't protect me again. I was right. It is more than difficult for us to be friends again. It is impossible. You've made your choice, and now, I've made mine."

He remained silent as you turned and followed Elijah and Klaus out of the alleyway. The line in the sand had just became a canyon.

• • •

Elijah didn't speak again until you returned to the house and Kol woke up much to both yours and Klaus' annoyance. "What the hell happened?" Kol asked angrily.

"We don't have time right now, Kol," Elijah finally turned to face you all from where he was staring out the window. "Listen carefully. Mother has done a spell with the aid of Elena Gilbert. She has joined us as one. If something happens to one, it happens to all."

"And why would she do that?" Kol asked.

"Because she wants to kill me," Klaus said quietly. "I cannot be killed."

"I don't think it's just that," you said, causing them all to look at you. "That morning before the ball, your mother said something to me. I didn't even think of it until now. She said she did not think her spell to save you all would reach this level. She said Ayana had warned her not to do it. I don't think it's just to kill you, Nik. I think she wants to end the plague she started."

"That can't be right, Y/N," Kol said. "I am far too handsome to be considered a plague."

You rolled your eyes at him as Elijah nodded. "Yes, that aligns with what Elena said as well. She wants us all dead. We must stop her."

"I'm sure you're going to explain to me why that means Damon Salvatore must continue adding carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, brother," Niklaus said.

"We will never find the witches," Elijah said. "And even if we do, they will sense us approaching. But they trust Damon and Stefan."

"And how do we know those fools won't betray us?" Kol asked.

"Because as we speak, our sister is ready to end Elena Gilbert," Elijah said. You raised an eyebrow at him. You had heard what they said in the alley, but you were still surprised Elijah would endanger the doppelgänger. That was so unlike him, moral as he was. But then, your family was under attack and Elijah may have had the highest morals amongst you, but he was deadlier than Klaus when it came to family. Klaus was impulsive with his anger. Elijah was methodical. You weren't sure which was worse.

Elijah's phone beeped and he looked at it. "Of course," he said after reading the text. "They are at the Old Witch House. Fitting."

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's go stop her," you said.

"No," Klaus said, looking at you.

"What?" Kol asked. "If you think I'm just going to let mother kill us after being stuck in a coffin for over a century just because she has a little regret..."

"We're going to stop her," Klaus said. "But you're not coming."

He was staring at you and you scoffed. "Like hell I'm staying behind."

"You will remain here while we deal with this," Klaus said more forcefully.

"Niklaus, this is my family too," you said. "I'm going to fight for you too."

"No!" His eyes were angry and firm. "I will break your neck right here if you test me."

"You will wake up with a stake in your heart then," you glared at him.

"You know that wouldn't kill me."

"No, but I'm sure it will hurt like hell."

He sighed in exasperation. "Y/N, please."

"Perhaps we should give them a moment," Elijah suggested.

"Why? This is getting good," Kol said.

"Kol." Kol rolled his eyes and followed Elijah out.

"Tell me why," you said once you were alone.

"You are a lot more breakable than we are, love," he said. "Mikael knew the way to hurt me the most was through you. You don't think Esther will use the same tactic?"

"I don't need you to protect me, Nik," you said. "I can take care of myself."

He sped over to you, standing but a breath away, his eyes blazing on yours.

"Y/N, I cannot do anything but protect you," he said. "All this time, and you still don't know? You are my whole heart."

You put your hand on his cheek. "You promised me forever, Nik. You promised that whatever came, we would face it together. You cannot send me away again. You cannot keep me from standing by your side in this."

"She will target you," he said quietly, closing his eyes as he leaned into your touch. "I may not be able to stop her."

"And if you force me to stay here, I may not be able to stop her from killing you," you countered. "You are my whole heart too, Niklaus. Try as I did to stay away from you, you have always had my heart. And I cannot let you go off into the night alone, not knowing if I will ever see you again. Don't ask that of me."

He opened his eyes again, meeting yours as he reached up to cup your jaw. Slowly, he nodded before leaning forward and pressing his lips against yours. It was fleeting this time, as if signing his promise. You smiled up at him. "Good. Now let's go kick your mother's ass."

He smirked before grabbing your hand. "And they call me the violent one."

• • •

Thanks for reading! Sorry it took so long. I've had a busy week but should be back to regular updates now! I decided I'm probably going to shorten the chapters a bit from now on. I feel like it's taking longer because I try to write more? Idk we'll see how that actually goes. I'm sure I'll hate it and go back to the longer ones lol I decided to split this one up because it was going to be way too long and this seemed like a good place to end this one.

Anyways! Hope you liked it!

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