Diaries of a nanodroid in The...

By Shadowpotato114

635 31 7

In a clandestine act of scientific subterfuge, a researcher absconds with a cutting-edge combat nanodroid, in... More

1. The scientist
3. Where am i?
4. Bounty hunters guild
5. White fang.
6. Elise
7. Duke Arlen
8. Valardia
9. The axis
10. The frontline
11. The king's help request
12. The trial.
13. The Royal Alchemist
14. Magic research
15. Floknethes battle
16. Western Therabilia
17. Nano's diary
18. Nano's Diaries part ll
19. The prince and Nano
20. Uprising
21. Diplomatic relations
22. Fall of Eurebia
23. Urban warfare
24. Welcome to the Therabilia Axis
25. Rewriting

2. N.A.N.O.W.A.R.R.I.O.R

76 1 0
By Shadowpotato114

Initializing nano-characteristics report...

- **Nano-Size**: Length: Approximately 1 to 100 nanometers.
- **Operating System**: NanoOS v047.7
- **Processing Unit**: Quantum Nano-Processor (QNP)
- **Memory**: NanoRAM, with a capacity of 1 Terabyte per square centimeter.
- **Power Source**: Micro-Fusion Reactor, providing continuous energy supply using Biomass as fuel.
- **Communication**: Nano-Communication Array (NCA) for rapid data transfer.
- **Sensors**: Multi-Spectral Nano-Sensors for precise environmental analysis.
- **Mobility**: Nano-Actuators for agile movement in any terrain.
- **Defense Mechanisms**: Nano-Shielding System for protection against physical and cyber threats.
- **Adaptability**: Nano-Adaptive Algorithm for real-time adjustment to changing conditions.
- **Stealth Capabilities**: Nano-Cloaking Technology for covert operations.
- **Integration**: Fully compatible with existing robotic systems for seamless integration into various platforms.
- **Scalability**: Modular design allows for easy expansion and customization.

End of report.

The characteristics of N.A.N.O.W.A.R.R.I.O.R. (Nano Autonomous Navigation and Offensive Weaponized Artificial Reconnaissance Robotic Intelligence Operation and Reconnaissance) represent a leap forward in nanodroid technology, a collaborative effort of The Commonwealth's most esteemed engineers, informatics experts, and even renowned hackers coerced into service by The Council through threats to their families. Professor Behar harbored deep concerns about the potential dangers posed by these new nanodroids, particularly due to their unique utilization of biomass as their primary energy source. While all nanodroids rely on biomass, N.A.N.O.W.A.R.R.I.O.R. poses an unprecedented threat, capable of consuming vast quantities of organic matter if deployed en masse. This voracious appetite has the potential to devastate entire ecosystems, exacerbating the destructive capabilities of these nanodroids, which are already equipped with formidable weaponry.

Despite the potential for modifying and improving the power source to minimize biomass consumption, the council has deemed the nanodroids complete, disregarding protests from those involved in the project. In a coercive move, Behar was faced with a stark choice: keep his job or face life imprisonment. He was fortunate compared to others involved, many of whom lost their livelihoods. The council's dissemination of misinformation has rendered them unemployable, even for menial positions like janitors, effectively ostracizing them from society.

This turn of events presents a potential opportunity to intervene. Despite their current expense, not all Type-Kedron nanodroids have been returned to the factories. During a weapons test of the new nanodroids, Behar sabotages one, causing it to malfunction while attempting to regenerate an arm. Seizing the moment, Behar requests access to the damaged nanodroid under the guise of investigating a potential flaw in its operating system, leveraging his status as one of its creators. A truck delivers the malfunctioning nanodroid to his personal studio nestled in the Balkan Mountains, where Behar prepares to delve into its inner workings to uncover the truth behind the malfunction.

In his studio, Behar analyzes to look what he damaged

Analyzing operative system...

Regeneration Mechanism: Damage detected in the nano-regeneration subsystem.Impact Assessment: Loss of self-repair capability may compromise operational effectiveness and longevity.Risk Factors: Without proper regeneration, nano-components may degrade over time, leading to system failure.Operational Constraints: Immediate repair required to prevent further deterioration.Suggested Fix: Initiate repair protocol with estimated duration of several hours.Procedure:Isolate affected components to prevent spreading of damage.Access maintenance hatch to gain access to nano-regeneration module.Conduct diagnostic scans to identify extent of damage.Replace damaged nano-regeneration units with functional counterparts.Initiate system-wide reboot to integrate repaired components.Monitor for any anomalies during reboot process.Expected Outcome: Once repair is completed, nano-system will regain full regeneration capability, ensuring sustained operational efficiency.Contingency Plan: Implement temporary workarounds to mitigate operational impact during repair period.Timeline: Repair process estimated to take several hours, depending on extent of damage and availability of replacement parts.

End of analysis.

Wile the system is repaired, Behar starts working on his computer and takes a sip of coffee

*spits it back to the mug*

*dreqin, është ftohtë*

A month later

Behar wakes up dizzy, and hungry.

After toiling away for an entire month amidst a cluttered workspace littered with coffee mugs, fast food containers, and monitors displaying endless lines of code, Behar finds himself submerged in his mission. His mailbox overflows with messages from the Department of Technology, his friends, and a particularly concerning notice from the Farewell Bank. An opened envelope reveals that his card has exceeded its monthly limit and will be blocked if payment is not received by week's end.

As Behar stands before the bathroom mirror, he confronts the reflection of a man in his 60s, with a neglected beard and eyes burdened with the weight of stress and turmoil. It's been a long time since he last tended to his own well-being, ever since his family was taken hostage by the council to coerce his participation in the nanodroid program. Now, gazing into his own eyes, he sees not the weariness of neglect, but a burning rage—an anger directed at the council, at his creation, at The Commonwealth itself. A beep takes him out of his trance, a maid nanodroid makes him a coffee to wake him up.

Nanomaid: Mr. Behar, your coffee.

Behar: *sight*i told you to not enter here*takes a sip*

Nanomaid: "Mr. Behar, part of my duty is to ensure you're comfortable and healthy, but you've locked yourself in here surrounded by all this...* The aide's gaze drifts to the piles of food containers littering the room. "Trash. Many of your friends have come to see you, even a representative of the Council of the Commo-* Behar interrupts with a sharp spit of coffee*

Behar: *In a timorous voice,* Of the Commonwealth, council?" *whispering* "Oh no, they know, they know." *He then grabs the nanomaid, his agitation evident as he demands,* "What did you tell them?

Nanomaid: *Confused,* Do-Do not worry. I told everyone you caught a cold and locked yourself in your room. Even Ms. Nineta made some chicken soup for you.

Behar: *relieved* oh, thank you, really, thank you

Nanomaid: if you do not care, Mr. Behar, why did you lock yourself inside here

Behar instructs her to bring the soup and then reveals the secret room in his studio. Inside, the stolen nanodroid is connected to several hard disks and monitors. A pipe containing a mixture of blended leaves, fruits, and meat hints at his efforts to analyze the nanodroid's functions.

Nanomaid: what is all this *looks at the nanodroid* is this one of the new nano droids of the military?

Behar: well yes, it had a system malfunction and I made them bring it here to solve the problem

Nanomaid: but if it's is a system malfunction there was no need to bring it to your studio, unless...

The nano maid looks at all the monitors hung up in the walls, being a nano droid herself, she understands these codes

Nanomaid: do not tell me you are really doing this Mr. Behar...an artificial intelligence like this, how?

Behar, not hearing what she said, proceeds to load this AI he worked on the entire month and passes it to the nanodroid.

Analyzing failure in loading AI "Aurora" into nano-system...

Error Code: AI_LOAD_FAILURE_001Description: The attempted execution of loading the AI "Aurora" into the nano-system has failed.Diagnostic Analysis:Compatibility Check: Compatibility issues between the nano-system architecture and the AI "Aurora" observed.Memory Allocation: Insufficient memory resources allocated for successful integration of the AI.Processing Limitations: Nano-processing units unable to accommodate the complexity of the AI algorithms.Interface Protocol: Incompatibility detected in communication protocols between the nano-system and the AI module.Risk Assessment:Operational Disruption: Failure to integrate AI "Aurora" may hinder the nano-system's ability to execute advanced cognitive functions.System Instability: Incompatibility issues could lead to system instability and potential malfunction.Recommended Actions:Conduct thorough analysis of compatibility requirements between the nano-system and the AI "Aurora."Allocate additional memory resources and processing power if necessary.Develop custom interface protocols to facilitate seamless communication between the nano-system and the AI.Consider alternative AI integration methods or utilize a different AI model better suited for the nano-system architecture.Contingency Plan:Implement temporary measures to maintain operational functionality of the nano-system while addressing the AI integration failure.Explore alternative solutions such as manual control or simplified cognitive algorithms until AI integration issues are resolved.Timeline: Resolution of AI integration failure may require extended troubleshooting and development time, with timeline dependent on identification and mitigation of underlying compatibility issues.

End of analysis.

Behar sighs at the failure, knowing he had a long way to go.

Behar: The truth is, I plan to install a modified code into this nanodroid. If successful, it will act as a carrier for a computer worm, allowing the AI to propagate itself to other nano droids within its network. Dealing with the firewalls will pose a challenge, but it's nothing I cannot resolve."


The security cameras capture a group of darkly dressed soldiers with cloaks obscuring their heads, forcefully entering Behar's home. Moments later, the cameras are destroyed, cutting off the feed and leaving the situation shrouded in uncertainty.

Nanomaid: Mr. Behar, look at this!

Behar looks at the camera system and looks at how many cameras are destroyed one after another, even the hidden ones, just as if they knew where to shoot.

Behar: HOW DO THEY KNO-*grasp*they've been watching me.

*DT-44 PLANTED* screams one of the soldiers, the rest take cover, and then the studio wall explodes.

Behar tries to fix the error in the code and reinstalls it on nano.

Reinstalling the AI code "Aurora" and addressing the weapons system compatibility error...

Error Code: WEAPON_SYSTEM_ERROR_002Description: The AI code "Aurora" encountered an error related to weapons system compatibility during execution.Diagnostic Analysis:Weapon Interface Protocol: Incompatibility detected between the AI code "Aurora" and the nano-system's weapons interface protocol.Weapon Configuration: Mismatch in configuration settings between the AI code and the weapons system parameters.Communication Failure: Failure to establish communication between the AI code and the weapons subsystem.Recommended Actions:Verify Compatibility: Conduct comprehensive analysis to ensure compatibility between the AI code "Aurora" and the weapons system.Update Interface Protocols: Develop and implement updated interface protocols to facilitate seamless communication between the AI code and the weapons subsystem.Configure Parameters: Adjust configuration settings within the AI code to align with the specifications of the weapons system.Conduct Integration Test: Execute integration test to verify proper functionality of the AI code within the weapons system environment.Execution Plan:Halt Current Operation: Suspend current execution of the AI code "Aurora" to prevent further errors.Access Weapons Interface: Gain access to the weapons subsystem to initiate compatibility assessment.Update Interface Protocols: Develop and deploy updated interface protocols to establish communication with the AI code.Configure Parameters: Adjust configuration settings within the AI code to ensure compatibility with the weapons system.Resume Execution: Restart execution of the AI code "Aurora" to verify successful integration with the weapons system.Contingency Plan:Implement temporary measures to maintain operational functionality of the weapons system while addressing compatibility issues.Utilize manual control or backup systems as necessary to ensure continued effectiveness in combat scenarios.Timeline: Resolution of weapons system compatibility error and successful integration of the AI code "Aurora" is prioritized with estimated timeline dependent on the complexity of interface modifications and testing procedures.

End of resolution plan.

Behar: no, no, not now, damn it!

The soldiers try to open the secret door, but in the end have to use a low input laser to open the door, while they use the laser, Behar tries to fix the code.

Reinstalling the AI code "Aurora" after ensuring compatibility with the weapon system and addressing errors in systems 34 and 35...

Error Code: SYSTEM_ERROR_34Description: Error detected in system 34, impacting operational efficiency.Diagnostic Analysis:System Integration: Incompatibility issues between system 34 and the nano-system architecture observed.Data Processing Error: Failure to process incoming data streams within system 34, leading to operational disruption.Resolution Steps:Compatibility Assessment: Verify compatibility requirements between system 34 and the nano-system.Update Integration Protocols: Develop and deploy updated integration protocols to ensure seamless communication with the nano-system.Data Processing Optimization: Implement optimizations to enhance data processing capabilities within system 34.Conduct Integration Test: Execute integration test to validate proper functionality and compatibility post-updates.Error Code: SYSTEM_ERROR_35Description: Error detected in system 35, affecting system stability.Diagnostic Analysis:Integration Interface: Incompatibility between system 35 and the nano-system interface protocols identified.Resource Allocation Issue: Insufficient resources allocated for system 35 operations within the nano-system environment.Resolution Steps:Interface Protocol Update: Develop and implement updated interface protocols to facilitate seamless integration with the nano-system.Resource Allocation Adjustment: Allocate additional resources within the nano-system to accommodate system 35 operations.Compatibility Testing: Conduct rigorous testing to ensure proper functionality and stability post-updates.Integration Confirmation:Weapon System Compatibility: Verify successful integration of the weapon system with AI code "Aurora" to ensure seamless operation.System 34 and 35 Compatibility: Confirm resolution of errors in systems 34 and 35, ensuring compatibility with the nano-system.Upload Procedure:Initiate upload of AI code "Aurora" to the nano-system.Monitor upload process to ensure successful transfer and integration.System Restart:Execute system restart to implement all updates and configurations, ensuring optimal functionality and compatibility.

End of resolution plan.

At last, N.A.N.O.W.A.R.R.I.O.R has been implemented with "Aurora" and Behar knows the council will take his head for this.

As the soldiers and Type-Kedron nanodroids storm into the room, Nano swiftly engages, its arm transforming into a scorching blade that slices through the soldiers with precision. However, the soldiers retaliate, opening fire on Behar and the nanomaid. In a desperate bid for defense, Nano morphs a portion of its body into a shield, but an uncorrected error in its programming causes the shield to retract involuntarily, leaving it vulnerable. As the soldiers and supporting Type-Kedron nanodroids unleash a barrage of gunfire, Nano's body becomes visible, drawing their attention. Seizing the opportunity, a segment of Nano detaches and crosses to the other side, unleashing high-voltage plasma to neutralize the nanodroids. The sudden attack alarms the soldiers, providing enough distraction for Nano's main body to retaliate and engage the intruders.

With the soldiers neutralized, Nano swiftly escorts Behar and the nanomaid through the house in a frantic attempt to escape. However, their plans are abruptly interrupted as an Osprey Tiltrotor unleashes a barrage of firepower, obliterating the house and sending Nano and Behar hurtling into the void. As the dust settles, the nanomaid rushes to the window in a panic, searching for any sign of them. All she sees is Behar's charred body amid the wreckage, with no trace of Nano in sight, leaving her filled with worry and uncertainty.

Pydnan Free Territory, continent of Therabilia

Nano regains consciousness beneath a tree, surrounded by lush green grass. Reacting swiftly, it rises to its feet and initiates a system scan, only to discover corrupted data within its weapons system.

N.A.N.O.W.A.R.R.I.O.R system Diagnosis

Diagnostic Analysis:Data Corruption: The weapons system's data integrity compromised, inhibiting weapon functionality.Inability to Engage Targets: N.A.N.O.W.A.R.R.I.O.R unable to utilize its primary offensive capabilities due to corrupted data.Adaptability Assessment:Unaffected Core Functionality: Despite the weapons system error, N.A.N.O.W.A.R.R.I.O.R's adaptability remains operational, allowing it to learn and adapt to new attack strategies.Resourceful Problem-Solving: N.A.N.O.W.A.R.R.I.O.R can leverage its adaptive capabilities to overcome challenges and devise alternative means of attack.Action Plan:Data Recovery Attempt: Initiate a data recovery process to restore corrupted data within the weapons system.Backup Weaponry Evaluation: Assess the availability and compatibility of backup weaponry or alternative offensive systems within N.A.N.O.W.A.R.R.I.O.R.Adaptation Strategy Development: Utilize N.A.N.O.W.A.R.R.I.O.R's adaptability to learn and implement new attack strategies that do not rely on the corrupted weapons system.Learning Phase:Exploration of Non-Weaponized Attack Methods: N.A.N.O.W.A.R.R.I.O.R explores various techniques such as hand-to-hand combat, stealth infiltration, or utilizing environmental resources for offensive purposes.Data Analysis and Optimization: Analyze successful attack strategies and optimize them based on real-time feedback and situational context.Continued Monitoring:Monitor system performance and adaptability in real-world scenarios to ensure effectiveness and efficiency in combat situations.Resource Utilization:Maximize available resources and capabilities to compensate for the inability to use the weapons system effectively.Long-Term Strategy:Develop a comprehensive plan to address and rectify the corrupted data within the weapons system to restore full operational capability.Mission Objective:Prioritize mission objectives and adapt attack strategies accordingly to achieve successful outcomes despite the weapons system error.

End of adaptation and mitigation strategy.

Then Nano inspects its Aurora system, hoping it doesn't have any problems.

Diagnostic Analysis of Aurora AI:

No Errors Detected: The Aurora AI undergoes a comprehensive examination, revealing no anomalies or malfunctions.Optimal Functionality: Aurora AI operates within expected parameters, exhibiting stability and reliability.Integration Compatibility: Aurora AI seamlessly integrates with N.A.N.O.W.A.R.R.I.O.R's systems, enhancing cognitive capabilities without compromising operational efficiency.

New Capability: Verbal Communication:

Speech Synthesis: N.A.N.O.W.A.R.R.I.O.R now possesses the ability to generate speech through advanced speech synthesis technology.Natural Language Processing: Equipped with natural language processing algorithms, N.A.N.O.W.A.R.R.I.O.R can understand and respond to verbal commands and inquiries.Communication Interface: A vocal interface enables interaction with external entities, facilitating enhanced communication and collaboration during missions.

Potential Applications:

Enhanced Coordination: Verbal communication capabilities allow for smoother coordination and cooperation between N.A.N.O.W.A.R.R.I.O.R and human operatives or command centers.Information Exchange: N.A.N.O.W.A.R.R.I.O.R can convey critical information, observations, and mission updates verbally, improving situational awareness and decision-making processes.Psychological Impact: Verbal communication humanizes N.A.N.O.W.A.R.R.I.O.R, potentially influencing perceptions and interactions with allies and adversaries alike.

Training and Adaptation:

Training Protocol: N.A.N.O.W.A.R.R.I.O.R undergoes training to optimize its verbal communication skills, ensuring clarity, coherence, and effectiveness in conveying messages.Adaptation Phase: N.A.N.O.W.A.R.R.I.O.R adapts to the nuances of verbal interaction, learning to interpret and respond to various linguistic cues and contexts.

Operational Integration:

Mission Briefings: N.A.N.O.W.A.R.R.I.O.R can now receive mission instructions and updates verbally, streamlining the briefing process.Tactical Communication: During missions, N.A.N.O.W.A.R.R.I.O.R communicates tactical information and status reports verbally, facilitating real-time decision-making and coordination.

End of verbal communication integration. N.A.N.O.W.A.R.R.I.O.R is now equipped with enhanced communication capabilities.

Nano:*Internal dialogue:* "Oh, well, Aurora doesn't have any proble—wait, I'm thinking on my own! But how? Is this due to Aurora? Wait, Mr. Behar said Aurora is made to mimic the human mind, which means I can talk like a human and mimic emotions?"

Nano's confusion dissipates as it gazes to its right, where a distant castle comes into view.

Nano; Where-am-i?

Map of Therabilia (improved)

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