RWBY The Last Persona User (M...

By Speed-Boy

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After dying, Y/N is given one last chance by the gods and comes back to life in a new body, and without the a... More

Reader Bio
Volume 4 The New Journey and lost memories
Volume 4 Looking for Answers
Volume 4 Finding Ruby
Volume 4 The Truth about 'Her'
Volume 4 The rest of the Journey to Mistral
Volume 5 The Return of Ozpin
Volume 5 The Red Rose Sword
Volume 5 The Reunion Dinner and Discussion
Volume 5 The Reawakening and Fight for Haven Pt 1
Volume 5 The Reawakening and Fight for Haven Pt 2
Volume 6 Bio For Y/N and Eugeo so far
Volume 6 Train Wreck
Volume 6 Uncovered and Truths of Knowledge
Volume 6 A Apathy Farm
Volume 6 Bad News Spreads.

Volume 5 Meeting with Lionheart

82 2 1
By Speed-Boy

The group are walking to meet with someone.

Qrow: The city of Mistral.

Nora: Ugh, it's about time. Whose Idea was it it to walk again?

"Don't look at me, I joined you four at the last second."

Ren: Well, we did face many obstacles. Broken airships, destroyed settlements, and meeting you in a new form along the way.

Jaune: Oh, and, you know, all those people and monsters that tried to murder us.

Ruby: Pfft, We were fine. Only one of us almost died.

She looks at Y/N.


Nora looks at Ren.

Ren: Hey.

Jaune: So, how much farther to Haven Academy?

Qrow: Almost there, but I figured I'd take you kids on the scenic route.

Qrow opens a door as Ruby runs ahead as Y/N follows from behind.

Ruby: Wow...

"This is amazing, if I didn't go to Beacon, I would've probably come here. This is beautiful."

Ruby: This is awesome!

Qrow: It's certainly something.

Ruby: Oh my gosh, look at all the weapons!

Y/N tried to make sure she didn't get to weapon fan girl, but failed as he falls on his face after Ruby dashed right passed him.

Qrow: Vendors here'll sell you just about anything whether they should or not.

Ren Helps Y/N up as he tried to catch up with Ruby in her state of... fangirl.

Jaune: They really made the most out of these mountains.

Qrow: Every inch. I'd stay away from the lower levels, but the higher up you go, the nicer it gets.

Nora: And we are going up.


The group are scene walking as they stop in front of Heaven Academy. Ruby wipes a tear for her eye as Y/N puts a hand on her shoulder.

Ruby: We made it.

"Sure did, Rosebud."

They enter the school. But it looked empty, Y/N takes out his gun and Hilt as he feared the worst could be true.

Ruby: Hello! Hello?!?

Nora: Maybe try louder?

"Uh, Let's not."

Ren: There doesn't seem to be anyone here.

Jaune: Well, I guess school isn't really in session right now. Maybe that's it.

Qrow: No, this isn't right.

"You have that same feeling, Qrow?"

Qrow: Yeah... Come on.

Ruby: Wait for us!

The group runs through the halls and stop at a door. Qrow was the first to pull out his weapon. Then Y/N switch to Elucinator and Dark Repulser.

Qrow: Get ready, there could be trouble.

The rest of the group take out their weapons. Qrow kicks the door open to reveal Lionheart. Lionheart screams then, Ruby, Jaune, and Nora scream. While Y/N and Ren were in shock. Qrow looks down at his foot and falls over. Lionheart then falls onto to the ground.

"What the hell?"

Ruby: Uh, Professor Lionheart?

Lionheart gets up and looks at Qrow.

Lionheart: Qrow! For crying out loud, you nearly scared me half to death.

Qrow stands back up.

Qrow: Me? Why weren't you waiting for us at the entrance?

Lionheart: Huh?

He looks at his watch.

Lionheart: Oh, right. Apologies. I guess time slipped away from me.

"Are you serious right now? Your a headmaster for goodness sake."

Nora: Where is everybody?

Everyone but Y/N puts their weapons away.

Lionheart: Ah, you must be the students Qrow mentioned.

Ruby: Yes, sir. Ruby Rose.

Jaune: Jaune Arc.

Nora: Nora Valkrie

Ren: Li Ren.

"Y/N L/N, Black Swordsman."

Lionheart looks at Y/N in shock and sees he's way different then what he saw at the tournament. But he gathered himself.

Lionheart: A pleasure to meet you all. Leonardo Lionheart, at your service. I'm afraid most of my staff is currently away enstill classes resume.

Qrow: What? Leo, you can't be serious. Who's guarding the relic?

Lionheart: Qrow, the children.

Qrow: Already know. I filled them in. What do you mean your staff is away?

Lionheart: You filled them in?

"Yes, he did. And honestly, not really happy for not knowing sooner."

Ruby puts her hand on his shoulder to calm him down.

Nora: So, is this not going at all like anyone thought it would?

Y/N turns to Nora in annoyance, and puts Dark Repulser away.


Leo: I have to say, Qrow, this all seems reckless very reckless, even for you.

Qrow: No, reckless is leaving one of the relic completely unguarded, it's not checking in with Oz for ages.

Leo: There was nothing to check in about before the fall of Beacon-

"Bullshit! You didn't tell anyone that the three to four students were in the tournament, from your Academy were fake! Did you even think, to watch any of the Tournaments?"

Leo: Mr. L/N, Mistral has been in chaos because of Beacon's fall.

"Yeah, no duh, four fake students under your school Participated in the Tournament and caused all this, the fall Maiden Amber, is dead, Beacon and Vale are close to ruin, Persona Users are dead, as I remain the last one. I lost my team, because of your recklessness!"

Qrow: Y/N! Calm down. Leo...

Leo: Vale wasn't the only kingdom to suffer that night. Everyone was watching. Every house in every Kingdom saw that poor girl ripped to peices, saw monsters crawling over the city, Atlesian Knights attacking citizens and then nothing.

Ruby looks away in tears at the mention of Penny, Y/N hugs her.

Leo: You could feel the Dread in the air. With all that negativity, you can imagine what it was like when the Grimm came for us. Mistral's controlled Territory is the wildest reaching in the world you know, and that makes it infinitely harder to protect. We lost so many great Huntsmen, teachers from this very institution. And it's only gotten worse.

Ruby: What do you mean?

Leo: We may have delt with the Grimm, but the Mistral council's still at odds with representatives from Atlas. First, it was the Dust embargo, now it's the closing of borders. I'm not sure what happened to James in Vale, but it seems to have worsened some of his more unfortunate tendencies. And, on top of everything, we still don't know where the Spring Maiden is.

Qrow: All the more reason we need the Huntsmen and Huntresses here.

Ruby: Okay, okay! Things are bad. They're bad. But we can still figure this out. Why is the Sping Madien so important?

Leo looks at Qrow.

Leo: I thought you filled them in.

Qrow: Mostly filled in. Look, there's a lot to cover, okay? I quite teaching for a reason.

Leo sits down as Y/N finally puts Elucinator away.

Leo: The four Maidens each have to perform feats of magic, and they are the only ones capable of reaching the relics.

Jaune: What?

Qrow: The relics are each locked inside a chamber that can only be opened by a specific Madien. Winter for the gift of Creation, Summer for Destruction, Fall for Choice and Spring for Knowledge. But Spring is the problem.

Ren: What happened to her?

Leo: She was determined, at first, when she inherited her powers, but the weight of responsibility proved to be too much for the child. She ran, abandoned her training, everyone. Thay was over a decade ago. There's no telling where she could be now.

"Qrow and I know. At least a pretty good idea."

Leo: Are you serious?

Qrow: It's not exactly good news.

Leo: What are you talking about? This is incredible news! After all these years. Where?

"Qrow probably did some digging around, apparently after what you said, once she ran away, she was picked up by bandits, specifically the Branwen tribe."

Leo: Raven.

Jaune: Yang's mom?

Qrow: That's right.

Qrow walks over to the desk in the office and puts down a scroll, showing a map. It then shows where Raven's camp is set up.

Qrow: That's about where they've set up their main camp. It's where they fall back to after raids and scouting missions. Raven's managed to gain a lot of followers since she returned to the tribe, and I'm sure when the Spring Maiden showed up, it only made things easier.

Leo: Well Qrow, I've got to hand it to you. With these coordinates, we can mount a retrieval force and head out in a few weeks.

Qrow: A few weeks?

Leo: That's right.

"Lionheart, maybe you didn't hear him, but Raven has the Sping Maiden, and we know where she is. We have to go, as soon as possible!"

Leo: And perhaps you didn't hear me, Mr. L/N. This Kingdom is in shambles. As soon as possible does not mean tomorrow, it means as soon as I can convince the rest of the council that I need Huntsman more than they do. Unfortunately, bandit tribes aren't very high on their list of priorities when the threat of war is just on the horizon!

"Then damn the council, we might as well do it ourselves. You and Qrow are trained Huntsmen, correct? And us kids are no pushovers."

Nora: Yeah!

Ren: Perhaps there's a more peaceful way to approach this?

Qrow: We need to get Spring as far away from here as possible. And Raven isn't going to give up her most prized possession without a fight.

Leo: Unfortunately, you and your sister are evenly matched and I'm not the fighter I used to be. No offense, but these students and I can't take on and entire bandit tribe and a Maiden that's no doubt had years to hone her skills, along with a swordsman who looks almost exactly like Mr. L/N from what I've heard. He has a weapon unlike anyone has ever seen. We need to be positive we can apprehend Spring because if we fail, Raven and her tribe will scatter and we'll be lost. We get one shot at this and it needs to be perfect.

The room stays silent till Qrow sighs.

Qrow: You know Oz wouldn't be happy with any of this if he were here.

Leo: Perhaps you're right. But he's not. And I'm doing the very best I can.

Ruby: There has to be something we can do.

"Back to Cinder, she came with Emerald and Mercury from Heaven, like I said before. Do you have anything on them?"

Leo: We pulled their files after the fall of Beacon. Nothing but lies and forgeries.

Y/N and Jaune clench their fists. Y/N calms down and sighs in disappointment.

Qrow: Well I can't this has been a warm reunion, Leo.

Leo: I'm sorry. I know you've all traveled a long way, but I will do everything I can do to help.

Qrow: Sure. We'll stay in the city for the time being. Local comms are still up. Keep in touch. Come on kids.

As they were about to leave.

Leo: Can I speak to Mr. L/N?

Qrow looks at Y/N and he nods. Ruby hugs him before they left.

"What is it?"

Leo: You said your name was Y/N L/N, but from what I've heard, you called yourself Kirito, what happened to you, why do you look different?

"I died, then was resurrected from the dead with no memories during Beacon's fall. I regained most of them. Just not how I died or how I ended up in the Velvet Room for the last time in my previous body."

Leo: I see...

"You said someone looked like me, just a little different in some aspects, who is this swordsmen?"

Leo: His name, is Eugeo. The blue Swordsman. Has a sword called the Blue Rose Sword, it's one of the most powerful weapons in Remnant. If you want to counter such a weapon, you need to find its opposite.

"And what's that?"

Leo: The Red Rose Sword. It's around Mistral, somewhere. I just don't know where.

"Thanks professor."

Y/N sees a message on his scroll from Ruby.

Ruby: We're heading back to the house, Qrow is getting a drink.

"Any hints where this sword could be?"

Leo: All I know it's hidden in the biggest mountain around here. But anyone who's searched for it, couldn't find it. I wish you the best of luck.


Y/N exits the office and the school.

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