When Mothers Meddle

By WWoodford

293 23 18

Itachi and Sakura both have busy lives, and plans for their futures. Unfortunately, Tsunade and Mikoto do as... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 3- Thoughts in the Dark
Chapter 4- Scheming Mothers
Chapter 5- Setting Off
Chapter 6- On the Road
Chapter 7- Getting to Know You
Chapter 8- The Inn
Chapter 9- Under the Moon
Chapter 10- Hibiki
Chapter 11- If Only
Chapter 12- Wonderings
Chapter 13- A Picnic- Of Sorts
Chapter 14- I Can't
Chapter 15- How Will I Live Without You?
Chapter 16- Bold Decisions
Chapter 17-
Chapter 18- Ann Announcement
Chapter 19- Ahh, Love

Chapter 2- The Party

16 1 0
By WWoodford


Itachi smoothed his yukata down with his hands. He'd spent hours ironing it and it still had wrinkles. How was it that the most talented ninja in his family couldn't operate an iron? Today was his mother's birthday party and she'd requested he come dressed in his clan formal wear. He hoped she wouldn't criticize him for its condition.

All the Clan leaders and elders celebrated their birthdays publicly. He'd walked past the men and women setting up booths yesterday, and this morning, on his way to the training fields. They'd strung lights and set up a stage for a band so he guessed it would be a formal event. It was no matter. He hadn't been told to have a date, so he assumed he'd be escorting his mother for the evening.

One final look in the mirror and he set off for whatever torture his mother had planned for her sons this year. People who thought being in ANBU was difficult should try being the heir to the Uchiha Clan and Mikoto's son.



Sakura turned and looked over her shoulder. Pink waves rested on the shoulders of her yukata contrasting against the red and blending in with the cherry blossoms. Her hair had gotten a bit long, she'd been meaning to get a trim and hadn't found the time.

Fortunately, Tsunade had filled her in on what she'd missed. She was invited to Mikoto-san's birthday party, as Mikoto's special guest. She had no idea what that meant, other than it was a very high honor and likely would anger more than a few Uchiha women for being left out.

As she applied her makeup she wondered what the party would be like. She hadn't attended many Uchiha functions, partly to avoid Sasuke and partly because she was busy between her hospital work and Tsunade's training. Tonight would be a welcome reprieve for her. Mikoto seemed kind enough and she hadn't even had the bother of finding an escort like she had when she attended Neji's birthday. Now that Naruto was engaged to Hinata she couldn't rely on him. And she certainly wasn't going to ask Sai or Kakashi.

It struck her as odd that the Uchiha's were less formal about expecting escorts than the Hyuga's. But she dismissed it, attributing it to Mikoto's desire to create a more moderate attitude within the clan. Out with the old and in with the new.



Itachi met his mother on the porch of her home. She was stunning in her Uchiha yukata, navy blue with a red obi. Her geta sandals, trimmed in silver, waited at the steps.

"Good evening Mother. Happy birthday." He held his arm out to her expecting her to loop hers into it. As a widow, her eldest son would escort her to the formal party. He'd be her constant companion all evening, sitting with her, dancing with her, and making sure she didn't want for anything.

"Good evening Itachi." Mikoto tipped up on her toes and kissed him lightly on the cheek. "Thank you, but you won't be escorting me tonight. Sasuke will."

Itachi wrinkled his brow, stunned by her words. "Mother?"

"Sakura! I'm delighted you could join us!" Mikoto greeted Sakura warmly with a hug. "I've been so excited to introduce Tsunade's apprentice to the clan."

"Thank you, Mikoto." Sakura smiled sweetly at Mikoto as she returned her greeting.

She really was a beautiful kunoichi. Itachi admired her as she exchanged greetings and small talk with his mother. Why hadn't his brother ever spoken of her? Itachi smirked, looking over his shoulder to hide it from his mother, because the answer was easy. Beautiful or not, she wasn't an Uchiha.

Mikoto wrapped Sakura's arm in hers and pulled her gently to where Itachi stood. They seemed very friendly and that confused him. When had his mother and the Hokage's assistant met and become friends? And why had she invited her as her special guest? A nervous feeling crept up his spine, the sort of feeling you get when you know your cover has been blown, or you think you're being watched.

"Itachi, you're at Hokage Tower all the time. Have you had the pleasure of meeting Tsunade's prodigy?"

Realization began to dawn on Itachi. He resisted the urge to narrow his eyes at his mother. "I haven't Mother. We both work very busy jobs and rarely run into each other." It wasn't entirely true. Sakura had sat in on several meetings lately and he'd observed her quietly from his place at the table. And just last week she'd bumped into him, literally. He'd prevented her from twisting her ankle on the bottom step of the stairs. That moment of contact, as his hand had caught her elbow and their eyes had met, had haunted him all day. She'd smiled at him as if the sun had come out from behind a cloud.

"Well, I've invited her as my guest and I'd like you to be her escort tonight."

Now Itachi did narrow his eyes. "It would be my honor." With a deep breath, he smiled at Sakura and offered his arm. She smiled stiffly back at him. It wasn't as bright as her smile a few days ago and he felt his heart squeeze. She was as surprised as he was. At least he wasn't being ganged up on.

"Excellent!" Mikoto beamed as if she'd just won the lottery, reigniting his suspicion that she was up to something. "Sakura, Itachi will see to your every need tonight. I didn't want you to feel overwhelmed at your first formal Uchiha function, and who better to guide you than the future Clan leader?"

Itachi hid the twitch in his eye. Now, there was no doubt in his mind what she, and probably his uncle too, were up to.

"Good evening Mother." Sasuke stepped up on the porch.

Sakura stiffened beside Itachi, greeting Sasuke with a nod of her head and a tight smile. So his little brother had been his usual self with his former teammate. That might explain why she was less than thrilled at being escorted by an Uchiha tonight. He'd make it his mission to show her he was different.

"I just have to run in and grab my bag. Sasuke, I'll be right back." Mikoto kissed her younger son on his cheek while he smiled down at her.

"Excuse me, Sakura-san. I also have a quick errand. Please enjoy Sasuke's company for a moment. I will be right back." Itachi bowed slightly towards her and flashed his Sharingan at his brother, a warning to treat her with respect while he was gone.

"Certainly, Uchiha-san." She returned his slight bow and then stood quietly while he chased his mother into the house.

His mother's footsteps padded into the back of the house and he followed them. He found her in her bedroom, putting a few items into the bag she'd carry this evening. "Mother? What is your game?"

She looked up at him with wide, innocent eyes. "Sakura is a sweet girl and she's the Hokage's apprentice. I felt it right for her to be my guest tonight and I can't trust her to Sasuke, can I?"

He couldn't fault her logic there. He stared at her, debating whether he should just ask her if she was setting him up, or ignore it.

"Did you want to attend the party, or stare at me, Itachi?"



Sakura's heart was pounding in her chest. She'd avoided the Uchiha district after Sasuke's twelfth birthday. Sasuke and his friends were about all she could take of the Uchiha's and she'd politely declined future invitations until they'd stopped coming.

Mikoto's sudden attention was confusing. They'd met, albeit briefly, when she and Sasuke had been on team seven, but she acted as if Sakura's presence was a great honor. She'd be sure to be on her best behavior tonight in case the Uchiha were looking for a fault they could blame on Tsunade, though she couldn't imagine Mikoto being so underhanded. She glanced sideways at Sasuke who was staring at the porch floor with his arms crossed in front of him. Approachable as ever. She guessed she should try to be as polite as possible.

"Good evening Sasuke."

"Evening." He kept his gaze on the porch in front of his feet.

"How is the police force doing?"


"When does Shisui think he'll retire?"

"He hasn't said."

"I see." She waited but he said nothing more. "The hospital is doing well. Team Seven has Sai from the foundation now and we go on the occasional mission, though Lady Tsunade keeps me busy enough without them."

"Hmm." Sasuke still didn't look up.

Sakura resisted the urge to punch him. He hadn't met her chakra punches yet and she was looking forward to the moment he did. Mikoto's porch, on the evening of her birthday party, didn't seem like the right time.

"I see you're being as charming as ever, Sasuke." Itachi came through the door, holding it for his mother before letting it close.

Sasuke looked up at him, eyes narrowed just a bit. "I did as you asked, Itachi. I was respectful and polite." His voice was hard but it softened when he turned to his mother. "Mother, may I escort you to your party?"

Sakura watched him as he waited for his mother to slip on her shoes and then walk down the path with her to the large lighted lot next door where her party would be held. She accepted Itachi's arm and led him lead her behind them.

"Haruno-san, I apologize for my brother. He's more like our father than I'd like him to be." Itachi said. "I hope his poor behavior doesn't ruin your evening."

"Uchiha-san, I understand. I was his teammate after all." She chuckled over the irony of Itachi apologizing for Sasuke treating her the way he always had. "Please call me Sakura."

Itachi looked at her, his eyes even darker in the dusky evening light than they usually looked. "Then you must call me Itachi."

When they arrived at the lot where the party would be held, Itachi paused as she took it all in. Tables had been set up on both sides of the dance floor. Young people, likely Uchiha genin, scurried around the tables serving dishes and filling glasses with various drinks. On the other side of the dance floor, a small platform showcased a band that played music quietly while people ate. Lights on strings hung high over everyone's heads making it bright and cheery even though the sun had set almost an hour ago.

"Have you been to the booths on the street yet? They can be quite fun." The warmth in Itachi's voice confused her.

An Uchiha who liked to have fun? Weren't all Uchiha's cold and distant? Maybe Shisui wasn't the only exception. She was obviously in for a lesson tonight. It might explain why Tsunade had sent her home early to get ready. She'd used the time to take a much-needed nap. "I haven't."

"We can go after we've eaten. The dancing won't start for several hours so we won't miss it."

"I don't have to dance." She felt her cheeks warm up and dropped her gaze so he wouldn't see the blush.

"I'm sorry, but as the Clan leader's son and future clan leader myself, I am required to dance at least a few dances. As your escort, the first and most of the others must be with you. I will have to also dance with my mother." He spoke in a matter-of-fact tone, but he didn't seem bothered by the fact that he'd be dancing with her. Sasuke would probably rather jump off a cliff.

Her arm was already warm and tingly where they touched and she was going to have to dance with him? Her entire body flushed with the thought of him holding her closely enough to dance. She wasn't sure what to think about it all.

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