Two Clueless Shmucks

By ajshawheels0

24K 598 3.5K

it's basc a story of Niko and Aj lmao realising their feelings for each other lol. i just find them so cute t... More

part 1
part 2
part 3
part 4
part 5
part 6
part 7
part 8 (smut)
part 9
part 10
part 11
part 12
part 13
part 14
part 15
part 16
part 17
part 18
part 19
part 20
part 21
part 22
part 23
part 24
part 25
part 26
part 27
part 28
part 29 (smut)
part 30
part 31
part 32
part 33
part 34
part 35
part 36
part 37
part 38
part 39
part 40
part 41
part 42
part 43
part 45
part 46 (FINALE)

part 44

300 9 142
By ajshawheels0

As all the commotion in the hospital took place, someone decided to pay a little visit to Niko's house. She unlocked the door with her key, made her way upstairs to the crime scene and opened up Aj's door.

"Awh... isn't this just depressing." Brielle smiled freakily at the belts hanging from the ceiling. She then walked all the way inside, switching on the light and looked around.

"You know, Aj. This is what you deserve, really. You stole my boyfriend, stole my happiness, so now I stole your life." Brielle giggled.

She walked over to the desk, where there was a small letter written out on a piece of paper.

Brielle gasped. "A gift for me?!" She smirked. "Oh, Aj you shouldn't have." Brielle picked up the letter in her hands and skimmed through it. She then yawned, folding the letter up. "What a load of bullshit."

She then smirked evilly, the stuffing letter in her pocket. "Hm, would make good blackmail though." She walked out of Aj's room slamming the door shut.

"May you rot in hell." She bowed at the door and left the house discreetly.


Today was the day of a funeral. Aj had passed away maybe a month after Niko's birthday. Niko knew he'd never be able to celebrate it again. He knew he'd never even want to without Aj.

With a heavy heart, Niko opened the door of what once was Aj Shabeel's bedroom. He stepped inside and switched the light on. He stared at the makeshift rope that Aj used to hang himself. Tears started to form in no time, not to Niko's surprise. Niko sighed out and walked over to the chair in the middle of the room. The chair which Aj used.

He stepped up on the chair and touched through the belts. Wouldn't it be romantic if Niko died in the same way Aj did? Or maybe just the same room as Aj? Niko stared wishfully at the belts. Niko didn't really feel like there was much to live for himself.

No. I can't. They wouldn't be able to handle two deaths of people they love. Not at the same time. Niko thought of his friends.

Niko sighed and released the chain of belts from its place on the light shade. Niko folded the rope in half and stared at it. He then jumped off the chair and threw the belts back into Aj'a cupboard.

His cupboard was filled with shirts and oversized hoodies and Niko could name to you a memory which happened with each outfit. One of the most obvious ones was the black hoodie with a dark green design on and some black cargo looking pants to go with it. He and Aj wore the outfit on the same day with matching watches and everything.

This was far before he and Brielle had even met, where everything was just perfect. Aj claimed that Niko copied him and Niko argued back the same.

"We both knew what actually happened though, didn't we Aje" Niko asked out loud with a quiet laugh. "You came into my room, asking if your outfit looked alright. And I was just shocked because I'd genuinely picked the same outfit for the day."

"And obviously, you have instincts of a rat so you didn't believe me" Niko smiled. "So I showed you the outfit hung up behind my door."

Aj was very much in shock at the telepathy in their head that day. He was surprised that he and Niko thought alike. As a form of 'punishment' for not believing him, Niko grabbed Aj and tickled him until he couldn't breathe. He then released the man with the first kiss he ever gave him on his cheek and walked out the room. Leaving Aj in utter shock.

Niko shook his head and closed the cupboard door. It wasn't time for reminiscing. He grabbed the chair from the middle of the room and took it back to its desk, tucking it in. Niko stared at the desk. Something felt off. Something wasn't right. Niko spotted a notebook with a page that looked like paper was torn out from. There was also a pen, unusually lying on the desk. Did Aj write a note?!

Niko quickly checked under the table just in case it had fallen under it. He then picked up and scattered every item on Aj's desk in search of a letter that he didn't even know actually existed. Niko hoped it did. That way the ending didn't need to be so heart breaking. Because Aj had said goodbye. In his own way.

Niko broke down on the floor, starting to sob harshly at the lack of a goodbye. He realised that a note probably never existed and Niko just made up things in his mind to try and get himself to feel better.

There was no time for too many tears though. He had to get ready. Niko had a funeral to attend.

There lay Aj's coffin. Brought in on the shoulders of Chunkz, Kenny, Darkest and Harry Pinero . Niko and Sharky didn't have the mental strength to bring it in without collapsing on the floor in fits of tears. The coffin was light brown with a large white circle with a green B in the middle of it. None of the coffins fit Kenny's standard so he just got one custom made for Aj. He knew that Aj would've loved it.

Kenny made his way to the front of the hall and looked around. He recognised every single face in the hall because they only allowed people who were still there for Aj after he was outed to come to the funeral. What was the most heart breaking is that even though they didn't support him, Kenny asked his family to come. But not a single member showed up. They'd made an exception that didn't even end up mattering.

Kenny breathed in but tears started to flood in his eyes. It was as if he lost his voice or forgot how to speak. Kenny cleared his throat.

"Um... I've never done this before. Never thought I'd need to do this. I don't know what to say or how to start so please don't expect the best from me." Kenny started. His eyes laid on Sharky's. Looking at the belief in his eyes pushed Kenny on.

"Like do I say thank you for coming, or I'm sorry you're here?" Kenny smiled at his attempted joke. Aj wouldn't have wanted it to be all tears.

"But regardless-" Kenny paused. Regardless was a very fancy word in his opinion, he'd probably be using it a lot today. "I'll try my best to make sure this runs smoothly."

After about an hour of the formalities of the funeral, it was time to start going into elegy's.

Sharky decided he didn't want to speak otherwise he might drop to the floor and start crying. Chunkz the same, but he didn't want to admit it. Kenny hadn't prepared a speech with the lack of time that he had yesterday. So instead he had gone through all the other speeches. They were all long and sad and made people tear up but then came the one speech nobody was ready for.

"Thank you, Filly, for that..." Kenny said as his friend walked down back to his seat.

"Now, um... Nikolas Omilana."

Niko, with a heavy heart, walked up to where Kenny was stood. He nodded at Kenny to let him know he was okay and stood in front of the microphone stand.

He slowly breathed out before starting.

"Hi. Um, I'm Niko as you guys know. And I just want to start off by apologising to all of you for the pain that I caused." Tears flooded Niko's eyes.

"Aj was a good friend to all of you and I took him away. I caused him pain, heart break, whatever you wanna call it."

"I lied to him. Hurt him. Broke him down on the inside, all because I wanted my own happy ending." Niko didn't even know how he was able to get his words out properly. He didn't think he would've actually been able to get this far but he has.

"I was selfish, I know. But I loved him. He made me happy and I would've done everything for him." Niko knew he was speaking the truth, but he wished everyone that was looking at him wasn't so judgy with their eyes.

"I... uh..." Niko forgot what he had to say. It was like it completely blew out of his mind. So he decided to improvise until he remembered.

"Aj didn't like to be touched, as he let everyone know. He had his exceptions sometimes with closer friends but on the whole he never wanted physical touch." Niko started on a new topic.

"We all never understood why, and we probably never will. But as someone who's been undeserving of his hugs or whatever, I can say that I've probably been given the most." Niko knew it was true. Ever since they confessed their feelings for each other, Aj took up hugging Niko daily, to show how much he loved him.

"And they're warm. He puts all his emotion into it because he knows they're rare."

"And um-" Niko's voice cracked. He stared down at the promise ring on his finger and fiddled with it. He had no idea where he was going with what he was saying. He knew he should've brought his paper with him, but he thought he'd have been able to do it without it.

"Oh-" Niko suddenly remembered a bit of his speech. But before he could even start, the large doors suddenly swung open.

Someone was either extremely late or...

There was a trespasser on property.

"YOU!" Chunkz stood up.

Niko stared, eyes wide. He didn't expect her to crash a funeral!

Kenny fisted his hands. "You are so fucking lucky you're a woman, but you've got some nerve showing up here!" Kenny stepped forward.

All eyes were on Brielle.

"Don't you worry, you lot might be men but I know damn well I am a woman!" The lady named Nella Rose got up and started to march down the hall.

"No wait! I'm only here to talk!" Brielle started taking a few steps back, fearful of Nella.

Nobody was stopping Nella. In fact nobody wanted to, they all needed to see Brielle hurt.

Nella laughed "Don't you worry baby" She cracked her fingers "You'll be talking real soon to the fist in your face!"

"No, no wait, stop!" Brielle pleaded. Nella grabbed the scruff of Brielle's shirt and aimed, ready to punch her hard.







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