Younger | Station 19

By ashlee_romanoff

24.1K 684 216

follows the life of Aria Bishop. The youngest of the Bishop family. Andy Herrera x fem OC Slow burn All credi... More

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By ashlee_romanoff

*Aria's p.o.v*

It was my next shift and I got up early to head to the station. I'm always the first one there so I changed into my work out clothes and I went to the gym. I started with my daily workouts until I hear more people coming in. Once I hear a lot more commotion, I stop my workout and I go into the beanery for some water. Once I got there, everyone is usually inside eating and talking.

I went over to the fridge and I grabbed a bottle of water. When I turned around everyone was looking at me and I looked at them confused.

Me: What?

Vic: How long have you been here Little Bishop? And why are you so sweaty?

Me: Half an hour and I just finished my workout.

Vic: Do you want to eat before we start cleaning and fixing the trucks?

Me: No, I'm good *I smile* 

I left the beanery after I grabbed a granola bar and I went into the locker rooms. I took a quick shower and I changed into my uniform. I went to the barn and I saw everyone working there. I heard Dean telling Maya that Jack and Andy had left Travis in charge. 

Maya: You are looking sharp, Montgomery.

Travis: Bishop, can you check the bottles and make sure that they're all topped off? Miller. Are we all stocked up on cleaning supplies?

Dean: Did you get your uniform professionally pressed?

Travis: Also, I'd like a complete list of inventory on my desk by 11.

Dean: You did *laughs* You starched your collar. You know this is only for one shift, right? 

Vic: Hey.

Travis: Hey.

Vic: Hey, so, I was looking at the new vehicle assignments. 

Travis: Yes. A finely honed balance. Each individual assignment carefully, purposefully selected. 

Vic: right. So, I was thinking that, um, since you're acting captain, don't you want to be on truck? Instead of Aid Car? The captain should be on truck, right?

I turn around and looked at them confused. I looked at Vic but I turned back around.

Travis: Right. Yes, you're right. 

Vic: Yeah.

Travis: I should be on the truck.

Vic: Duh.

Travis: Thanks. Thank you. Can you do Aid Car?

Vic: Oh, whatever you want.

Travis: Right. Thanks.

Vic: Yeah.

I shut the cabinet door of the truck and I clear my throat so vic could turn around. When she turned around we made eye contact, but then she walked away. I went to go find Travis and when I found him I called him over.

Me: Hey Montgomery.

Travis: Little Bishop

Me: I have a request if that's alright

Travis: What is it?

Me: Is there any chance that I can go on the Aid Car with Hughes today?

Travis: Why?

Me: No reason. I just want to do it with her. Please *I smile*

Travis: *squints his eyes* fine 

Me: *I smile* Thank you!!

I walked away and headed back into the barn. I finished doing some other chores. When I got done I went and tried to find Vic. I walk in on her holding a blow torch. A blue flame appeared and I see her flinch a little bit. 

Me: Is that helping?

Vic: *turns around and looks at me* Just testing the tools. Gotta keep them ready for when we need them.

Me: Yeah, I, um. I think you know that's not what I meant.

Vic: *chuckles* Here we go.

Me: I've been watching you avoid fires basically every shift for weeks.

Vic: Yeah, and it's working like a charm. Everything's fine.

Me: No, everything's not fine. I've been keeping this secret for you, but what are you doing? You're-you're turning blowtorches on and off? You need to get some help, talk to someone.

Vic: Yeah, I don't owe you a progress report.

Me: I've seen this happen befo-

Before I could finish, Dispatch comes on and calls for everyone.

Dispatch: Station 19. Respond. Trapped victim.

I watch as Vic walked away and I followed behind her. I watch as she gets in the driver's side of the Aid Car and I get in the passenger's side. She looks over and she sees me. She rolls her eyes and I buckle my seat belt.

Me: Guess you're gonna have to stick with me huh

She leaves me with no answer and I nod my head. I look forward as she starts to drive. We drive to the location we were given and we park. We all got out of our vehicles and we look around confused. We don't see the victim anywhere.

Maya: Where's our vic?

Dean: I don't get it. This is the address.

Travis: Double check with dispatch. Find out where they need us to go.

After Travis stopped speaking I heard someone screaming for help. I looked over at Vic who heard it too. There was a truck going straight at the victim. 

Vic: Oh, no. Oh, my god.

The next thing I knew I saw Vic starting to run towards her. I chase after her and we go towards the victim.

Travis: Hughes and Bishop, where you going?

Vic: Get up!

Me: Get up!

Woman: I can't!

Vic: Get out of the street!

Woman: I can't move!

I watch as Vic shields the lady from getting hit by the truck. I go in front of the both of them and I shield them both. I open my eyes and I notice the truck swerving away from us. I let go of them both and we all looked at each other. Vic and the victim were out of breath but I was hanging in there.

Vic: Hey. Hi. I'm Victoria. Everyone calls me Vic.

Me: I'm Aria. What's your name?

Woman: Piper.

Vic: Okay Piper. I think I can let go of you now.

I look up and I saw everyone walking towards us. I looked at Maya and she looks worried. 

Dean: Hughes, you still in one piece? That was ridiculous.

I stood up and Maya walks towards me.

Maya: Are you okay?

Me: I'm good.

Maya: Are you sure you're okay?

Me: Yeah *I smile*

Ben: *to the victim* Okay, follow my finger.

Vic: You wanna tell us how you wound up here in this, uh *pauses* what is that, a pothole?

Piper: I was just crossing the street. I didn't see the hole, and when I stepped in it, the whole thing just gave way.

Travis: Okay, we need to start rigging up harnesses and attach them to the truck. I want everybody ready and secure.

Ben: For a pothole?

Travis: That could turn into a sinkhole.

I look over at Dean who's shaking his head at Ben. I laugh a little bit. Travis keeps on talking and giving everyone something to do. I look at Dean again who's being sarcastic and making fun of Travis. He looks over at Ben again and gives him a stare. I watch as Vic and Maya start trying to get the victim out of the pothole. When they start pulling her out, Ben stopped them saying the asphalt was piercing her flesh.

He says that they can't pull her out without ripping her leg to pieces. Vic suddenly says that we have to dig her out. Vic, Maya, and I all start working together to get Piper out. I look over at Ben who whispers something into Maya's ear. 

Piper: Did he just say- Did you just say lose my leg? Is that true? Is that gonna happen?

Maya: Okay, we are doing everything in our power to make sure that doesn't happen.

Piper: Oh, okay.

Piper starts to panic a bit but Vic distracts her by asking questions. She started asking her if she lived by here. Piper said that she used to but she still comes and walks around. She also mentioned that her friend lives close by. Vic asks if Piper had wanted us to call her but Piper had freaked out and said no. I look over at Maya who tells her that it'll be nice to have a friend with her when she gets out of the pothole.

Maya: Do you guys think the asphalt's paining her femoral artery?

Me: If it is, we need to loosen the opening elsewhere and keep that part pinned as long as possible.

Vic: Piper, if your leg starts to feel too heavy or too tight, you let us know, okay?

Piper: Okay

Maya: You know, maybe you should revisit talking to your friend.

Piper: She's not *pauses* I mean, she is my friend but she's-she's also *pauses* I think she's also more than that, to me. I think. I may have felt it for some time now, but I've never- I mean, I didn't even realize it until this morning, and she's had girlfriends, and I've had girlfriends but we've never *voice breaking* I tell her everything. I-I think I'm in love with her. And I have no idea how to tell her that.

Maya: Maybe...just tell her.

Piper: Well that's easy for you to say. You guys are freaking fearless.

Vic: We're scared of plenty. *I look at her and she looks at me* I'm scared of plenty. 

Piper: You guys dove in front of a giant truck. I can't even talk to my friend.

Vic: Of course you're scared. You care about what she thinks, and you don't want her to think differently about you. 

Piper: I can't. I don't know how to talk about this stuff. I just-I

She gets cut off by a woman who's calling for her. Maya and I try and stop her from going any closer to Piper. Maya, Vic, and I all look at each other noticing the swelling becoming worse. Vic says that her BP was going down. All three of us stopped what we were doing when Piper told her friend she didn't want her to move away. We all got the idea to move away and let them talk for a minute. We watch them as Piper's friend kisses her. I look at Maya and I saw the smile on her face. I look over at Vic who looks like she's thinking about something. 

Everyone joins us and we all start telling each other that her BP was low. Vic says that it might've been caused by a bleed in her leg. Dean says that we have to get her out even if we had to force it. Ben advices to get a tourniquet just in case something happens. We go back over to Piper who says that her leg starts to feel tight. I watch as Travis, Maya, and Vic help each other pull Piper out. When they got her out, they transferred her onto the gurney and push her into the Aid Car. Vic and I drive her to the hospital and when we dropped her off we went back to the station.

When we got back to the station we both went into the beanery and there was Chinese food on the table. Vic and I sat down and I sat and beside Maya. We all start to put food onto our plates and we start our conversations.

Maya: Nicely captained today, Montgomery.

Travis: Turned out to be a tidy little call.

Maya: You know, there is something to being stuck somewhere that makes you honest with people.

Dean: I'm honest with Montgomery. Whenever we're stuck in the Aid Car. Stop wearing so much damn cologne. 

Ben: okay, now that we're back here safely, I-I have to ask. What is the likelihood of a pothole like that opening up and becoming an actual sinkhole?

Maya: What makes you think you're safe here? 

Ben: Okay, but you know at the call you-you said that you were certain it wouldn't happen. 

Dean: Defense mechanism.

Maya: Total bravado.

Travis: It's true. You never know when a disaster like that is lying in wait. Ready to suddenly, shockingly open up and swallow us whole. 

Vic: I think I'm scared of fire.

Everyone stops talking and looks at Vic. I looked at Vic who was right across from me. Everyone looks at each other confused but I kept my eyes on her. 

Dean: What is she talking about?

Travis: I don't know. I think she's being hyperbolic. 

Me: No, she's not.

Everyone looks at me confused and I looked at Vic who was staring at me. I nod my head and tell her to keep going.

Vic: I don't-I don't have a lot of people I'd call family. Especially not around here. I mean, y'all are it, basically. 

Maya: Vic, what's the matter?

Vic: I have a problem. I've been trying to work through it on my own. Willing it to go away because I know-I know it's this disaster lying in wait. And I don't know how you guys will react. And I-I don't know if this means I'm gonna have to say goodbye to my family, when I don't want that. I don't want to say goodbye to you guys. But I don't think I can *pauses* I don't think I can hold this in anymore, and I don't think I should. I need to be honest. 

Travis: What do you mean when you say you're afraid of fire?

Vic: Ever is-ever since the tanker with the blue fire, I just-I've started to-to flinch. Every time I get near a flame, I stop. That flash on the roof nearly gave me a heart attack. I stop. I freeze up. I can't-it takes every ounce of self-control not to run in the opposite direction. 

Travis: Kind of the opposite of what you want to do. When you're a firefighter. 

Vic: I know.

Travis: This has been going on for weeks?

Vic: Yes.

Travis: Numerous calls, numerous shifts. Not a word. Nothing. 

Vic: Look, I s-like I said, I've been-I've been trying to work on it on my own.

Everyone is silent for a minute and I feel everyone looking at each other.

Travis: Thank you, Vic, for being honest with us. I think we all know what we need to do next. 

I watch as Vic sits back in her chair and shake her head. I look at her as she starts to stand up.

Vic: Okay, I'll tell Herrera and Gibson when they get back.

Me: *I stand up and look at them* Look, if she gets fired for this, I'm turning myself in too. Okay, I knew about it and I didn't tell anyone. I kept the secret and if she gets punished I should too.

Travis: No. We don't say a word to them. They'll have to report you. We keep you in the Aid Car for the time being. And when we can't do that, we can all make sure that you're on pump or hydrant, until you're ready to go back in. 

Dean: I know a guy at the training tower. We can run simulations on our days off. 

Maya: Yeah, I know some drills we can try out here, too. 

Travis: Hypnosis worked at a guy at my old station.

I watched as Vic started to sit back down. I walked over beside her and I sat down on the empty chair that was there. I looked at her as she wiped her tears away.

Me: You know I'm always here for you *I look at her and I smile*

Ben: ill-I'll help with anything. You want cover, you just tell 'em I'm hopeless and you're training me.

Vic: Well, that's not-that's not much of a stretch, so...

Everyone starts to laugh a bit when she said that to Ben. 

Vic: Thank you. Thanks, you guys, for doing this. 

Maya: Yeah, like you said, we're family. You'd do it for us.

Travis: Right.

Dean: Now, the questions is... *pulls her chair closer to him* come here. What will you do for the rest of us?

Travis: Oh.

Vic: Okay. Don't start with the laundry again. That ship has sailed.

Dean: What? But my shirts, they shrink.

Travis: You know you do that on purpose to tighten your sleeves. 

Maya: Mhm yeah

Travis: We know you do that.

Dean: O-okay don't hate. Appreciate. *shows off his muscles*

Travis: You said you hated my cologne! I can't believe you said that.

Dean: It's terrible

Maya: It is a little overwhelming.

I feel Vic looking at me and I looked back at her. I smile at her while nodding. I watch as she keeps eating and I look at the others talking again. I smile and I looked at Vic one more time. I touched her shoulder before I stood up and went over to my plate to eat again.

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