Jurassic Attraction (DNF)

By 4g0tmyname

11.1K 972 830

Isla Nublar, home of the famous dinosaur theme park/zoo Jurassic Park. Discontent travel blog writer George D... More

Chapter 1: Boat to Isla Nublar
Chapter 2: Main Street Paradise
Chapter 3: The Museum
Chapter 4: Personal Tour
Chapter 5: The Boss
Chapter 6: Dinner
Chapter 7: Interview
Chapter 8: Interview of a Lifetime
Chaptr 9: Hook-up
Chapter 11: Tour Plans
Chapter 12: The Bench
Chapter 13: Three at the Fence
Chapter 14: The Penta and the Rex
Chapter 15: Fields
Chapter 16: Message
Chapter 17: Fields
Chapter 18: Argument
Chapter 19: The Fight
Chapter 20: Carrying
Chapter 21: Raptor Attack
Chapter 22: Bandages
Chapter 23: Control Room
Chapter 24: Distress
Chapter 25: crashed
Chapter 26: Tree
Chapter 27: Camp-fire
Chapter 28: Stampede
Chapter 29: The Staff Quarters
Chapter 30: Earthquakes
Chapter 31: Back at the Mainland
Chapter 32: Four
Chapter 33: Screams
Chapter 34: Compy
Story Voting
Chapter 35: Numb
Chapter 36: Hospital
Chapter 37: Carrying
Chapter 38: Antidote
Chapter 39: Phone Call
Chapter 40: Night Time
Chapter 41: Laying
Chapter 42: Report
Chapter 43: Helicopter
Chapter 44: Copter
Chapter 45: To the Rooftop
Chapter 46: Ladder
Chapter 47: Hospital
Chapter 48: Hospital

Chapter 10: Wrapped up

369 29 19
By 4g0tmyname

Featuring the best character of the entire story and some aftercare.
Dream POV.

“That was the best interview that I’ve ever had.” I panted as I gently held George’s face, kissing him again with a soft smile.
“You’ve said that at least a dozen times.” George reminded me. He kissed me again before slumping back against the bed. “And that definitely doesn’t classify as an interview.”

Although it was nice to just lay here I knew that I couldn’t. I climbed out of the bed and walked through to the bathroom, grabbing a nice, warm washcloth to clean up our mess. George had curled himself up under the blankets and I chuckled. As he laid there staring at the ceiling I pulled the blankets off of him.

“It’s cold.” He complained as he tried to pull the blankets back on top of him. “Dream!?” I kissed his hands as I pulled it away. He sighed but allowed me to pull the blankets away completely and gently wipe down his body with the warm cloth before tucking him back in.

“There.” I smiled as I took the cloth back to the bathroom to clean later. “How are you feeling?” I questioned, tilting my head over at him when I walked into the room.
“I could use a drink.” He muttered. “And some panadol.”
“I’ll get you both.” I told him. I grabbed the panadol from the bathroom and tossed it to him.

He caught the box, and drank some water off of the bedside table, meanwhile I walked over to the snack bar, opening the mini fridge. There were some small bottles of wine and a few cans of beer in the fridge. I grabbed the bottles of wine and returned over to him, opening them both and passing one to the brunette.

“Thank you.” He kissed me softly as I sat on the edge of the bed. The two of us sipped the small wines in relative silence. We were both naked, although neither of us cared. It was a warm evening and we even had the window open, letting in the fresh tropical air.

When we finished the drinks we both laid against the bed. George let out a noise of content as he moved to sit closer to me. “You are really kind.” He muttered. “It was nice to be able to spend time with you.” My hand moved to rub his face while looking at him longingly. Perhaps my brain was muddled from the sex or the alcohol, but it felt good to just touch him.

The brunette leaned into my touch. “This was nice.” I muttered to him. “Are you wanting anything else to eat?” When I asked the question he thought for a moment.
“Is there any chocolate in the mini bar?” George responded. “I really crave something chocolaty right now.”

“That’s what I was craving too.” I stood back up and returned to the mini bar. “Great minds must truly think alike.” From behind me there was a brief laugh, as George muttered some words that I couldn’t hear, however I turned back around as I grabbed a handful of chocolate bars and returned to cuddle up with him.

“Does this suit your tastes?” George nodded thankfully at me as I passed him one of the bars and he ripped off the wrapping. Once again there was a content silence as we ate, cuddling up with one another as the sky continued to darken in the world around us. The noises of the park also began to grow quiet.

From somewhere in the distance a loud roar sounded, coming from the direction of the fields where the herbivores were allowed to roam. It wasn’t anything special to me, after all I had heard these sounds every single day. George however beamed as he threw the covers off of himself and stumbled over to the window, desperate to get a look.

The window that he was looking out of was the opposite direction to the fields, and so he sighed as he was unable to spot anything. I climbed out of the bed and pulled my shirt on before wrapping my blanket around his shoulders, covering him up so that anyone who somehow was able to see up here wouldn’t see him exposed.

“You won’t be able to see anything from this angle.” I told him, a solemn yet truthful statement. “How about you get back into bed and rest.” The brunette seemed disheartened but he let out a laugh to himself.
“Do you think that maybe there aren’t any dinosaurs here?” He asked.

George continued laughing. “Like maybe you guys have a loud speaker that just plays dinosaur noises occasionally, and then it’s like Disney robots which you let out every once in a while.”
I rolled my eyes. “Wow, you figured it out.” My hand ruffled up his hair and he leaned away from the contact with a giggle. “Come on, back to bed.”

“Are you going to stay here for the night?” George asked me as he spun around in my arms, blinking tiredly as he looked into my eyes.
“No, I’ll put my clothes on and head back to the staff quarters. I don’t want to bother you with me overnight… my friends tell me I snore.”

“Don’t worry, I am a heavy sleeper.” The brunette reassured me with an eye roll. “I feel that it is unfair to have you run past all of those families at this time of night.” At his words I chuckled before kissing him. “We can drink some more of those tiny wines until we fall asleep.” He offered, and it honestly sounded good to have some more alcohol.

For a moment I stepped away to grab two of the small bottles of wine before returning over to him. He was still attempting to spot a dinosaur, however he was unsuccessful, so he opened the small bottle and chugged it.

“So will I get a chance to see you tomorrow?” George asked as we drank. “It might be good for another interview, for me to ask some more stuff that I didn’t ask tonight.”
“That could be arranged.” I nodded. “Maybe instead of just the evening I could even give you a personal tour of the park.”

His eyes basically glowed. The brunette seemed happy about the idea of me and him hanging out again. “I mean, Karl probably has a lot of other jobs around the park, and although he is a nice person, surely an expert on dinosaurs would be much better to give a tour to our VIP.” George blushed and I kissed his cheek again.

The brunette’s eyes fluttered, clearly the alcohol was getting to him as he almost collapsed into my arms. “Now, perhaps it is bedtime. We want as much time in the park as possible so you can start looking at the dinosaurs from right on 9am, perhaps we’ll even be allowed in earlier when there are no other guests around.”

“Honestly that would be perfect.” He murmured. His hands thumbed over the lid of the small wine bottle before he flicked it out of the open window and it disturbed some nesting birds. They let out a few squawks in surprise before taking off flying over the park and the dark lagoon water which rippled as it played with the lights from the buildings.

We both watched the birds, neither of us noticing the large creature under the water which had clearly seen the opportunity for a small midnight snack. A large creature with features indistinguishable in the darkness launched up and snapped its jaws around one of the birds before plummeting down into the black evening water.
1306 words

I think that was the best interview Dream has ever had.

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