It's All About Me[CHAENNIE]

By i4i-Vpd-hEE-LWu

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Roseanne is exemplary at home and completely unstable at school. She's inadequate, but that doesn't stop her... More



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By i4i-Vpd-hEE-LWu

-Let's be honest, you're upset. You make that face all the time.- Yerim is parodying her girlfriend's face. Her face is blank. Indifference, and that's what she wants to emphasize.- You can complain to me, Rose. I'm not sure I like it. But I do not know, because you never do that.

-Uh.- Rose lifts her head from the ground and looks at the girl.- Did you say something?

Yerim doesn't repeat herself—she's sure Rose heard her. She also knows that it takes some time for her to respond.

It's not like Park has been thinking about what to say for a long time. No, rather, she's not sure if she should answer at all. Yerim knows she needs another minute, another thirty seconds. Therefore, she is silent and looks at the dark sky, waiting for an answer.

-My God, I make such a face when people expect some kind of reaction from me. Something like: "Rose, I'm leaving with a friend and I'll be late."- She played Mom.- Or: "Rose, I've met a guy here and I'm thinking maybe we should have a double date."- It was her friend Lisa, who, when asking something, did not ask at all, but claimed.- Or: "Rose, you fucked up completely, you were deprived of a trip to the most normal place, you dreamed about it, but fuck you. You will go to a place where your abilities are limited." And you're like, "Rose, aren't you going to open your veins there?"

-You're exaggerating.- Kim laughs, propping herself up on her elbows.- Okay, maybe I wanted to say, "Rose, aren't you going to kill someone there while no one is watching?". It's just that I'm your girlfriend and I could help. I don't think you're capable of killing, no, but you keep everything to yourself. Your mom and I are worried.

Roseanne sighs heavily as she falls back to the ground. These conversations are exhausting. Any conversations are tedious if they are not during sex or do not lead to a fit of laughter. So she thinks it would be better if her girlfriend shut up.

-Let's look at the stars in silence.- Yerim says. And she's trying. She really tries for thirty seconds.- What's good about it? Well, I mean, the sky is beautiful and the stars, but... okay, if that makes you feel better, then okay.- She folds her arms over her chest and makes a serious face.

Rose is not reassured by this, but she decides not to say that she is looking up because she wants to think. And by doing this, she hopes that her girlfriend will lie with her mouth closed.

-Fuck, someone is crawling over me.- Yerim sits up, trying to see someone who tickled her hand.- Oh, it's just a blade of grass.

-Don't swear.- Rose asks, continuing to lie motionless and look at the sky. It's hard to think.

-It's romantic.- The girl says, laying down on the ground again.

-Not at all.- The blonde sighs.

-I'm cold. It would be possible to lay something. A bedspread, for example.

-Okay!- Rose starts to get up.- Okay. Let's go home.

-Finally.- Yerim is triumphant and does not hide it. There's joy on her face, and it pisses the blonde off a little.

Yerim never understood some of Rose's actions and it's not that she didn't try. She didn't know why they were lying on the ground, and she might think it was for romance, or that Park needed to calm down. After what does she need to calm down? It doesn't matter, the main thing is that it is necessary. Rose is silent and does not voice her actions in any way, which may seem strange. She doesn't see the point in explaining why she needs it. It's just necessary.

The brunette was already good at trying. And, apart from various oddities, she also tried to do what her girlfriend loved. For example, playing volleyball. After hitting the ball for the first time, she looked at her fingers and muttered under her breath that it was dangerous. After hitting the second ball with the comment "holy shit", she stared at her reddened hands for a long time. And when she missed the ball, and it flew into her head, shouting "fuck", she left the game. This was the first and last attempt.

A trip to the sea to surf. Rose promised that it would be very cool. Yerim believed that it was true, but for her it's great when you look from the side, and when you're in the sea with a board attached to your leg, it's scary. Which means that that attempt was also the first and last.

She tried. Despite the fact that their hobbies and love of entertainment did not coincide at all, they have been in a relationship for a year. A year has passed, and Yerim was still trying to match her girlfriend.

To understand what Rose is thinking, she needs to be Rose herself.

Rose's mom leaned over the couch to see whose company her daughter was in. And it's weird, because Rose didn't bring anyone but her girlfriend into the house.

-Hello.- Yerim nods to the young woman and goes upstairs, followed by the blonde.

Kim lies down on the bed while Rose locks the door to the room. They are unlikely to have sex. They never had sex when Mom was at home.

Rose sits down at her computer desk, rummages through notebooks and papers, and then pulls out a brochure and hands it to the girl.

-The address is written there. If you have the opportunity and desire, come.- Rose comments and turns away, she is not interested in hearing the answer. She said what she wanted.

This strange feature of the girl attracted me as much as it made me want to shout in her face about why she was so short. It was as if Rose had twenty seconds for every conversation or discussion of something. The time is over — the topic is closed. But Yerim does not know that this does not apply to everyone, but only to those with whom she does not want to talk at all.

Rose thinks it would be nice if her girlfriend left now. She doesn't ask to leave, because it's rude, and so she can offend her, who has been trying harder than usual these days. A girl who gets along well with her mom, and they talk about any changes to Rose as friends. This is terrible! But that's why Rose started dating her.

Their parents introduced them. Rose's mother admired Yerim. She liked everything about her. From well-groomed appearance to manners. Maybe the woman was so delighted because she was good friends with Yerim's mother, but, in general, that's not the point. The fact is that Rose didn't know how to tell her mother about her sexuality until Yerim appeared, who, as if by magic, turned out to be bisexual and showed a clear interest in the blonde.

When they became friends, the woman was happy. She was sure that Yerim would be a good influence on her daughter. And the moment came when Rose decided to use it and informed her mother that she and the girl were in a relationship. A week of perplexity, but in the end everything turned out well. Park made a decision about what would happen to Yerim because her mom would be distracted by this and would pay less attention to other things. And it served as a good cover.

Roseanne needed to distract her mother's attention from a lot of things. There was a reason for that. Park was very smart from birth, and either it's genes or something similar to magic. Rather, the second option, because her parents definitely didn't have such talents.

Since childhood, it has been important to Rose that everything works out for her. Whether it's a sand castle or an elephant drawing. If she couldn't do it, she would get angry, erase the drawing or break the sand castle, and start all over again. She did this until she was satisfied with the result. It was in childhood. As she got older, she also got annoyed when something didn't work out for her. Her mother was hyper-caring and always reassured the girl: "you will succeed, you are the smartest, the best." Of course, her mom was worried that she would raise a spoiled daughter or something, but her worry was always short-lived. She'll think about it and forget. She could always comfort little Rose in a calm voice. Show her how to do it and tell her how not to do it.

When Rose got older, her mother began to worry more because her daughter was openly furious about failures or because she couldn't understand something.

While doing her homework, Rose could not solve the problem in any way: she crossed it out, did it again, crossed it out again, and so on several times. When nothing happened again, she threw the notebook to the other side of the room. Mom got worried: "Rose, what are you doing? You can't do that. If you get mad, I won't buy you shoes." But the girl really wanted these shoes, all the girls already dressed fashionably in elementary school, and she was one of them. It was important to her that she had these shoes. It was the first time she had faced a choice. She would have picked up her notebook anyway and continued, because no one canceled her homework, but she sat on a chair and thought. Mom never gave her an ultimatum. Something has changed this time. She picked up the notebook, continuing to solve that problem, and the next time, namely five minutes later, when nothing worked out again, she already restrained her impulse and carefully erased the pencil, smiling at her mother. She solved this problem and was able to control herself. She really wanted shoes, and Mom looked very convincing.

She fell in love with volleyball the moment she saw the match on TV for the first time. It was love at first sight. She watched over and over the broadcasts where the girls threw the ball over the net, and it was so exciting. She had only to say "mom, I love this" once, and mom immediately decided that she urgently needed to enroll the girl in additional classes. To find the best club. And she found it and wrote it down, because in elementary school, although there were sports classes, there was no talk of any kind of team sport.

Rose was so looking forward to her first classes. She wanted to be ready. She wanted to be able to throw the ball so far that the teacher would be surprised.

She was standing in the backyard and throwing a ball at the brick wall of the house. She threw harder and harder. But it wasn't strong enough, because she could catch it, and it was necessary that everything became not so simple. So she threw and threw until it flew in her face. And she could have been glad that she threw so hard that she couldn't catch it, but no, she was just distracted. Just for a second, she was distracted by her mother, who came up, and the ball flew right into her nose.

She got mad and kicked the ball. It flew over their low fence and flew off in an unknown direction.

Rose had to choose again and decide how much she wanted to practice volleyball. She really wanted to do it!

And no, such things did not teach her to be restrained, but taught her not to do so in front of her mother. After all, in this case, her intemperance could lead to the loss of something valuable, to the fact that mom would swear or get upset. Besides the fact that the blonde did not want to lose what was important to her, she really did not like to upset her mother. She disliked it too much, so her behavior even then was different from how she behaves outside the house.

The children either continue, and the parents try to beat the crap out of them. They can't do it, and that's the problem. Or, after all, the child succumbs to education and stops doing it. Rose understood one thing. If you're so angry that you really want to kick the ball that flew into your head, then kick it, but so that you don't have any problems because of it.

Of course, Park wasn't special about it. If a teenager knows that his parents will kill him for smoking, then he is afraid of being caught. Everything is simple. Only Rose did not take into account some global things that her mother would have gone crazy about. Any little things, any that might upset her.

It didn't work with people. People, unlike a ball, have a mouth.

A neighbor boy complained to his parents, and they complained to her mother that Rose had hit him on the head with her hand for the word "fool". The girl was shocked by the effect it had on her mother. Her mom was terrified. The fear of parents is very quickly transmitted to children. She was punished.

Punishments? This is unacceptable. And Rose made another rule — don't hit someone who can complain.

Since childhood, it was important for Rose that her mother always remained kind to her. She was so used to it that everything that upset her mother upset the girl herself. After all, she simply hated punishment.

Over the years, the penalties have dropped to zero.

Already at the age of thirteen, Rose realized that she was happy at home. Because any shit from school stayed in school. Because she had friends who wanted to please her so much that they did everything for her. And Rose didn't have to talk about it directly. If you ask someone directly to teach a lesson, then they can complain about you and say that you asked for it. No. It was enough just to express his indignation and dreamily add: "Eh... I wish he was walking now and fell right on his forehead on this floor." The girls giggled and seemed like fairy fairies fulfilling a wish. And of course, if you're smart, you know that you have to be very careful with desires. Therefore, the wishes sounded less and less direct, Rose gained more and more skill in expressing her thoughts so that they would not be used against her.

She was very beautiful, very loved and, of course, very popular. Mom had no idea about her bouts of aggression and manipulation.

In high school, some things have changed. There are new rules. Rose always followed her own rules because that's how she kept everything under control. The rules were very important. It's like with a ball that bounces off the wall and hits you in the forehead, and Mom is standing next to you. You're making a decision.

In high school, there are no more stupid kids who are used to you and your abnormal friends. There is already competition in high school. Some Wonyoung who is not at all shy about expressing her desires out loud and, without resorting to manipulation, changes everything you are used to. Wonyoung just declared to everyone that they were shit, clearly not afraid of what her mom would say about it.

Of course, Rose didn't like this girl at all. Their skirmish happened in the first week.

By the way, Rose had to go to high school, which was in a completely different suburb of Dallas. That's because the school was athletic, and Rose chose volleyball, not her friends who went to high school in their area. Well, except for one friend who also loved sports and went to sports school with a girl.

A new rule has appeared. Always. Tell. Your. Mom. Everything. It is very important.

Roseanne already shared almost everything with her mother. They were friends. Friends, but... there were still a lot of things her mom didn't know. For example, about a mobile phone: in a year, Rose broke the phone three times and bought a new one. Fortunately, there is a father who sent money, and it did not matter to him at all where his daughter spends it.

And so. The rule. It has to be done before you get into complete shit, and that's important. If Wonyoung insults you at school, when you come home, tell your mom. She loves you so much and sympathizes with you. Your mum is young and understands that running to complain to the director about something like this is not a good idea. Therefore, she will try to calm down and give advice. Her advice will be peaceful. Then you'll come back in two more weeks and tell your mom how that bitch Wonyoung poured a glass of juice on you in the cafeteria, and it's in front of the whole school. Of course, you don't call her a bitch in front of Mom. Mom sympathizes with you and starts to get angry herself. What you're telling her is the truth. "Mom, Wonyoung poured juice on me. In front of everyone! I was so confused that I dropped the tray on her. She got so angry..." And Mom gets scared. She is afraid that her daughter may be offended even more. But then you calm her down: "It's good that the teachers saw it. They stopped everything. I can't imagine how it could have ended." There is one secret. You're not telling Mom the whole truth. For example, she doesn't need to know that you didn't drop the tray at all, but deliberately tipped it over the girl who provoked you.

And, after all the stories about such cases for a year, your mother already hates this girl along with you. If your mom gets called to the principal because you slapped that bitch in the face with a tray, she won't be shocked! She'll be ready to scream that Wonyoung deserved it! Your mother will be ready to carry this tray to her. She will always be on your side, because you have already done everything to make it so. And it doesn't matter at all that you stopped by with a tray just because you have a fucking hard day today.

You throw your French textbook out the window. No one will call Mom to school because of this.

All the teachers knew that Rose was fucked up, but they didn't gather because of this meeting. And they didn't do it exactly until the girl actually used the tray and broke Wonyoung's nose with it.

In fact, what was described above is the pure truth. The first thing Rose's mom said was that Wonyoung had been bullying her daughter for years. And it is not at all surprising that the girl, in the end, could not stand it and got angry.

It was amazing that there were other teachers at this very meeting besides the principal and the homeroom teacher. It was amazing for Mom. Rose wasn't surprised. No one let her inside the office, but she already knew perfectly well that everything had gone wrong.

The teachers, after saying that Rose was angry, seemed stunned. But when the shock passed, one of them began to speak first, followed by another, and then there was a teacher's choir, where the class teacher soloed, because he explained loudest to Rose's mother that her daughter was not angry, that her daughter was angry when she threw textbooks or slammed the door loudly when leaving the office. That they had endured her daughter's antics for a long time, because she apologized and promised that this would not happen again. Mom opened her mouth even wider when she was informed that her daughter was keeping the whole school in fear, because there are rumors that she has dirt on every student.

Rose had dirt not only on the students. That's why some of the teachers weren't here. At some point, their conversation turned into a game of "remember all the shit that Rose has done in the last three years."

In fact, these were all small things. The little things these teachers knew about. But there were so many of these little things... Roseanne would have preferred never to see her mother's face when she left the office. She looked like she had just found out that her daughter was truly evil.

They walked back from school in silence.

Her mother was only able to speak the next day.

She was clearing the table, and the first thing she said as she took the last plate was, "this is complete shit," and it wasn't about the plate.

Then she was silent again until evening.

It took her a week to bring up the conversation about what happened at school.

Rose didn't love her girlfriend. The feelings she felt, she definitely could not call love, although, compared to what she had before they met, it was something more substantial. Rose was sixteen at the time, and at sixteen, sex was the norm at their school.

Since Rose realized her sexuality before losing her virginity, sex was definitely the norm in her case. For some reason, sex with a girl in the mind was perceived much easier. You sleep with different guys — you're easily accessible. You sleep with different girls — you just love pleasure. Rose loved to eat, play sports and have fun.

The attitude towards Yerim is comparable to a pleasure that you want to stretch. It's been a year now, and she's fine with it. Over the past year, Rose has never changed her sexual partner. Maybe the reason for this was not loyalty at all, but a complete passion for sports and the lack of a girl who would capture her attention so much that she would change or leave Yerim, even though she was comfortable with this relationship because of her mother.

They have nothing to talk about. Rose did not admit to Yerim that they did not talk much because of the lack of the same tastes and preferences. Tastes are different. You don't say such things to your girls, it offends them.

Rose turns to her, knowing that she is now unbuttoning her blouse not because she suddenly felt hot. Yerim pretends that she is hot, but she definitely hopes for sex. She wants sex always and everywhere. And this is normal, because Rose is good at sex, so other girls once told her.

Mom's downstairs. Her girlfriend is not very loud, but Rose prefers not to limit herself in this. She wouldn't want to waste her energy shutting her own mouth. She doesn't like being controlled in sex, and she doesn't like to limit her partner in any way, well, unless the partner is some kind of pervert. Yerim does not have to limit herself in anything, because she is too modest in sex. Sometimes Rose even thought about leaving her because of this, but somehow she didn't get around to it. Her attention was first absorbed by sports, then by the injury she suffered, and even boring sex became something to put up with.

-Lie down with me. I promise I won't bother you.- Yerim's tone convinces me that it will be so. But the arching left eyebrow gives her away.

Rose is obsessed with volleyball. She lives by sports, and volleyball occupies a dominant role among all the sports that she was fond of. She can even get a scholarship to college, there is hope, and she has every chance. The fact is that seven months ago she was injured. She had an injured anterior cruciate ligament. Doctors resorted to conservative treatment — compresses, medications, physiotherapy and physical therapy. Rose had been walking with an orthosis for a long time, and she was strictly forbidden to load her leg and make sudden movements. Despite the fact that the doctors offered to solve everything surgically, she was categorically against it. After the operation, she would not be able to exercise until she had undergone treatment, which is almost two years. Rose couldn't have lived two years without sports. And she would definitely have blown the scholarship. She is confident that her knee will recover much sooner. Rose still walks with a knee pad and will walk with it for almost six months. She feels her body, knows that everything is going well, and surgery will not be needed. She's been acting like this for about all these months. She followed all the instructions. Stability in running and jumping has been recorded over the past month. Yes, her leg hurts sometimes, but there are pills for that. She's ready to move on.

-I'm going to practice volleyball.- Rose says quickly.

-Where? In the camp?

-Yes. I want to play volleyball. My pills are helping me. I am stable, and I can no longer lead such a lifestyle.

Yerim thinks for a while before answering.

-Your mom won't like it.

-My mom doesn't know and shouldn't know, otherwise she won't let me go anywhere.

-I don't like it.- Yerim straightens up and looks down at the girl.- If you do something wrong, you may need surgery. Your mom will go crazy if she finds out.

-She won't know.- Rose is not annoyed, she knows what kind of conversation will follow. She knows everything that anyone with whom she was close could tell her.

-Have you decided this long ago?- The brunette looks at the girl anxiously. She is so unusually serious that Park involuntarily smiles.- Is it funny to you? Rose, this is not a joke. I can be patient.

-It's okay.- Rose smiles, wanting to end this conversation. She confessed to her and is satisfied with it. She does not intend to discuss this for a long time. Rose pulls the girl by the hand and kisses her. This is the perfect way to change the conversation.


Roseanne is sitting in the kitchen with a telephone receiver to her ear. Her father called her. He calls her a couple of times a month. He seems to be interested in what's new in his daughter's life, and it seems like he's not interested at all, because this information doesn't stay in his head for long. It's as if he just found out that the girl is not going to the camp, to which he sent part of the money, and is surprised. Rose doesn't remind him that she said that a month ago. The only information that lingered in his head was his daughter's injured knee. It already meant a lot to the blonde.

He divorced her mom a long time ago. Rose was three years old at the time. Her father was always windy and adventurous. Different countries, different women. He loved Rose's mom, and he tried. He really tried, and so far that five—year relationship is his maximum. He often reminds his daughter of this. "Your mom and you are the best thing that happened in my life." These are empty words. When there's something better in your life, you don't go to the other side of the earth in search of something.

But it wasn't a problem in their family. Father's behavior was the norm. He sent money. I could come to them every six months. When she was younger, he came more often. He wasn't a problem because no one really took him seriously. It's like a distant relative. He kind of is, and you're glad for him, but it has absolutely no effect on your life.

-Behave well in the camp and remember that the boys will try. You're insanely beautiful, like me. And you need to know your worth!

Rose rolls her eyes, looking at her mother, who, entering the kitchen and nodding her head, is interested in who the girl is talking to.

-Yes. You're irresistible, and I'm a lesbian.- Park catches the look of her mother, who is also on the verge of rolling her eyes.

-Yes, I remember, but suddenly you changed your mind.- He laughs deeply into the phone.

-Okay, I have to go. I eat breakfast. Bye.- The blonde, waiting for a return goodbye, hangs up.

-Good morning, dear.- The woman gently kisses her daughter on the cheek.- Have you had coffee? There are toasts in there, did you see?

-Yes, but I thought we could eat at the mall.- Rose gets down from the high chair and picks up the cup to take it to the sink.

-Okay.- Mom shrugs her shoulders.- I'm almost ready, you can wait for me outside.

Rose, sitting in the car, takes a painkiller from her pocket and swallows it, washing it down with water from a bottle that she found in the glove compartment. There's no way she should be limping today. It's been too long since she's been with her mom for hours on end. If her mom notices something, then goodbye to the camp, and this cannot be allowed. The girl thinks that her mother exaggerates everything too much.

As soon as a girl returns home with a grade slightly below excellent, her mother begins to worry and suggests that she sort out the topic on which the test was. If her mother does not understand this subject, then she offers a tutor. And she doesn't do this because she wants to make the girl study and get only excellent grades, she does it because she wants to help, because her daughter tried very hard.

Her mom always makes any failure an even bigger tragedy. It's the same with the leg. If her mom is worried about her leg, she will do it as if it were her own leg.  

Rose: Hi, Is everything still in force? I'll be with my mom all day, we're going to buy new clothes. When will you be able to?

Lisa: When you're done, come to me. I'm alone today. Everything worked out, they're with me.

Rose: Okay.

Park sighs and allows herself to smile contentedly.

They are going to the store, and her mom is determined to buy a lot of things. This is a nice bonus for the fact that mom did not keep her promise and did not send her to a prestigious camp. Rose is ready to help her redeem herself and buy a bunch of clothes.

After three hours of shopping, the girl feels her leg begin to ache. It doesn't mean anything. It's okay, it's just a residual pain or something. The doctors said something about this. If everything is fine with the joints, then everything is fine, and the pain will eventually pass completely. Rose is sure of it. She just has to endure the pain. Pills help her to endure.

Pills are not the best remedy and not the most reliable. The blonde has better pills, but she cannot take them in the presence of her mother, because she will start exaggerating and dramatizing everything again. This may end with Rose spending the whole summer at home with massage therapists and doctors. No way.

She walks into the bathroom stall and takes a pill out of her jeans pocket. It is much safer for her to carry one tablet with her than to carry a jar. It's natural. She puts it in her mouth and hides it behind her cheek. She leaves the stall, goes to the sink and washes herself, simultaneously taking water into her mouth to swallow a pill. She has to make do with tap water. Mom adjusts her makeup while standing next to me.

Roseanne gets high, closing her eyes and leaning back in her chair. The pills are perfectly relaxing. She will meet with Lisa today and drink about twenty more pills, this should be enough for her entire stay at the camp, and then she definitely won't need them. The girl is sure that in another month the pain will go away forever.

The camp where she was originally going to go was designed for the very best. The best school athletes from all over the world dream of getting into this camp. A team is formed there, which then takes part in the summer competition. She would have had to work hard to get on this team, despite the fact that she was the captain of her high school volleyball team. But after the injury, she wouldn't even be in the reserve. It was decided that this amount would be useful for something else, and Rose would be sent to a camp where the program is not so serious. Her mother had to reassure herself that her daughter would not be subjected to any trials there.

This is the most flawed sports camp that can be. A place where "sport" is just a prefix in the name and does not mean anything at all. But Rose accepted it. There she will be able to play volleyball again, and her mother will not know about it. She won't be able to do it fully. She will not be able to join the team that will represent their camp in the qualifying competitions, because the day they will be held will be the day when parents come to their children. Her mom would be horrified.

-Thanks.- Park says to her mother, getting out of the car. She goes to the garage to get into her car and drive out of the yard so that Mom can park. The girl herself will go to her best friend.

Despite the fact that Rose was warned that her parents would not be at home, she still drives up to her friend's house slowly to make sure that her father's car is not there. She doesn't really like to cross paths with either her father or her mother, but her father was still much stricter than her mother and less tactful. Rose didn't like his questions and didn't like it when he just looked at her with his arrogant gaze. Lisa and her parents moved to the suburbs three years ago. She enrolled in high school, and that was the year Rose transferred to another school. They had a year difference, and Lisa was a graduate this year. If they had gone to the same school, they would hardly have been friends. Despite the fact that Lalisa was new, she was one of those girls who immediately attracted attention, which a blonde would not like. And, despite the difference in a year, Rose would definitely not let her take even a little attention away from herself. In high school, Park managed to become the captain of the volleyball team in her second year of study, displacing the graduate, and firmly established herself among all students, regardless of what year of study they were.

Rose drives around the site and parks on the side of the road. This place is hidden by trees and bushes. Here, her car will not be visible from the road, so she will be ready to retreat at any moment, as she has done many times, climbing out through the window of the second floor. This is already a proven scheme, because Lisa also does not like it when her parents contact any of her friends. They treat Rose well, and there is no urgent need to hide, in general, there is no point, but, nevertheless, they do it. There is not a single person who would be comfortable being in the same room with the head of this house. Except for his family, of course.

-Park, did you park in the bushes again?- Lisa laughs as she opens the door for her friend.

-I don't trust you. I remember the last time, thank you.- Rose rolls her eyes.

The last time Lisa convinced her that her parents would come late, they had a drink. As a result, her parents arrived at nine o'clock in the evening, and, unlike her drunk friend, Rose had to answer questions. About the present, the future, and everything else that mattered to them. At the same time, she had to look sober and keep her distance so that they wouldn't smell it. Rose hated questions, and the brevity she always used didn't work here.

It was another matter when they invited her to dinner. This happened no more than once a month. Rose was mentally ready for such events, and it didn't bother her. She could be polite and open in communication on special occasions.

-Put them away right away.- The brunette gives her friend a package of pills, and she puts them in her purse, taking out a hundred dollars.

-Don't. You know I'm fine with money so far.- Lisa moves her hand away with the bill, but Rose walks around her and puts the money on the computer table.

-Let them lie down. I'm not stressed either. My father made the money transfer a week ago.

-Well, okay. Hey.- Lisa sits down on the bed, crossing her legs.- You know they're addictive, right? I'm not trying to be a bore, but you should think about stopping it.

-Don't worry.- The blonde sits on the floor in the lotus position opposite her friend.- If I notice something like that, I'll stop. You know.

-Okay.- Lisa shrugs her shoulders.- Listen, I'm going to Italy in August, if you want, you can come with me. My parents have a vacation in July, and I'm going to the sea with them, but in August they promised to let me go alone if I find someone to go with. I was thinking about you. This is not yet certain. I mean, this is Italy, I'm still thinking.

-I'm sure Mom will give the go-ahead, especially since she feels guilty that I lost my trip to the camp.

-Give me.- Lisa smiles broadly and holds out her hand.

-I didn't say!- Rose indignantly slaps her hand.- I didn't say!- She points at her friend.

-I almost said it, so give me what you have to. You owe me twenty-five dollars.

-I put a hundred dollars on your table. You didn't want to take it anyway. I don't have any more with me.- Park is lying.

-How's your beauty?- Lisa slides from the bed to the floor, sitting down on the floor. - Is she going to dump somewhere?

-Uh.- Roseanne bites her lip.- She wanted to go to Europe. Without me, of course. I don't think she wants to talk about it. I'm not asking.

-Damn, she's offended anyway that you chose this shitty camp instead of relaxing with her. thank God. I can't imagine what you would do with her for a few days.

-Shut up.- Rose laughs, pushing the girl in the knee.

-I envy your patience, I would be crazy to be in a relationship with someone for so long.

-Patience has nothing to do with it. I'm thinking about not letting her come to the camp.

-I don't think she's the right age for this camp, right?

-I don't know. It seems that people under the age of nineteen are allowed there. Therefore, if she decides that it will be "better" for the two of us there, then she will not ask me.

-Forget about her. Maybe you'll find someone better there.- Lisa reaches over to the bed and picks up her cell phone.- I'll show you the pictures now. This asshole is with a new girl already.

Even if Lisa hadn't changed the subject, Rose still wouldn't have said anything about someone better. It wasn't that Yerim  was bad at anything, no. She was a classic brunette. Not in the sense that she was stereotypically stupid, no. She means, she was thinking more about her hair and manicure than about having a good time, not caring about her appearance.

Rose would like someone with whom she could spend time the same way she did with Lisa. Despite the fact that Lisa was a status above everyone Rose knew, she was not afraid to dirty her hands and was always for any kind of entertainment. It would be ideal to add sex to such a relationship. But, firstly, brunettes were not Rose's type, and secondly, Lalisa was the most heterosexual girl. She was obsessed with guys. She was ready to talk about them forever.

Actually, that's what she's doing now. She picked up the phone for a reason. Now they're going to talk about what a jerk her ex-boyfriend is and how his new chick is just terrible. She abandoned him herself, like the others, but, nevertheless, she could not stand anyone who was with those with whom she was. It was difficult to understand which goat she was talking about, but she would open Instagram and show it now.

Yerim: Honey, you still haven't called me. Have you returned yet? I wanted to come to you.

Rose: I'm at Lisa's. I'll see you tomorrow, okay?

Yerim: Are you leaving soon? I thought I'd spend more time with you.

Rose scratches her eyebrow, squinting at her friend, who is smiling contentedly. She's always happy when she's right. And she's always right about Yerim. From the very beginning, when she stated that she did not approve of this choice. And every time she enjoys how her best friend suffers from the amount of Yerim in her life.

Rose: I'm not leaving forever. We'll hang out tomorrow. Bye.

Yerim: And I love you. Bye:)

Lisa jumps on the spot when she hears the sound of a car parking.

-Fuck.- She whispers.

-Give it to me.- Rose gets to her feet and, taking her purse, goes to the window.- As always, you underestimate your parents.

-They were supposed to go to dinner. Damn it.- She goes to her desk and opens a drawer, taking out a fifty-dollar bill, and then hands it to her friend.

Park smiles contentedly, putting it in her purse, and opens the window, throwing her leg over:

-It's time to raise it to a hundred dollars.

-Huh.- Lisa helps her open the window wider.- It's not profitable for me. I can fork out for you, but I'm not ready to become a beggar. Come on, jump off already.

-Oh, I would definitely get rich.- Rose answers, climbing out of the window completely and standing on the trellis. She descends lower and puts her feet on the brick ledge above the first-floor window. She looks down, aiming, and then jumps, but she does it almost on one leg, saving her sore leg. Park falls over, but still keeps her balance.

She walks around the house, meets with the shepherd who guards the site, greets her, and then leaves the property through the back gate. Maybe someday Lisa's father will check the cameras and notice Rose, and she will have to explain it somehow, but not today.


On Sunday morning, Rose woke up to the fact that her mother had gone to bed with her.

They often lay on the bed together when Rose was little. Until the age of fifteen, the girl sometimes came to her mother at night. She had never been ashamed of such a close relationship with her mother. She never pushed her away when she hugged her, escorting her to school. Moreover, she was always proud that they had such a connection.

Roseanne wanted to remain herself, but at the same time maintain a good relationship with her mother. She's always been good at it. Even after the school meeting, when their relationship was on the verge, the girl managed to keep them together. She managed to convince her mother that everything was too exaggerated. She guessed that her mother was doubtful. It was obvious. Something had changed in her gaze. It was as if her mother was constantly trying to see what others saw and she did not see. Over time, she stopped doing this, and their relationship improved, and after the injury, and in general, the woman's love seemed to double, although, it would seem, much more.

The girl was sure that there was nothing she couldn't handle. She will always achieve what she wants.

-I'm going to miss you so much, my baby.- The woman says, hugging her daughter tighter.- I'm so worried about leaving you alone for so long.

-Mom.- The girl rests her head on her shoulder.- I'm leaving you alone, not you. It's a camp. I'm going to miss you too, but I need this. New friends, new surroundings.

These arguments were once given by a woman to convince her daughter that it was not worth giving up the trip to the camp altogether. It was a long time ago. At that moment, Rose thought that if not to the one where she dreamed of going, then to none. She changed her mind without her mother's arguments, but from that moment on she often used them when her mother began to doubt whether it was worth letting her daughter go anywhere after such an injury.

-Yes, yes, dear, I remember.- She smiles, stroking the girl's head.- I just thought it would make you feel bad that the girls were going to be teaming up. I understand how hard it will be for you to watch this. You've always dreamed of this. I'm really so sorry.

-Mom.- Rose lifts her head to look at her.- What kind of nonsense is this? Stop it. It's not your fault. Trust me, everything will be fine. It doesn't hurt or offend me at all. I'll find something to do. After all, there is physical therapy there. I'll be taken care of. Ok?

-Okay, honey.- She kisses her daughter on the forehead.- You're going to text me, aren't you?

-Every day. I'm going to bother you with my messages.- Rose rests back on her shoulder.

-What time are your friends coming?

-What time is it now?- The blonde reaches for the phone on the nightstand.- They promised to come at eleven o'clock. Damn, it's already ten o'clock. Mom, I have to get up.

Roseanne doesn't have time to do anything. It's already eleven o'clock, and she's still wearing a towel. She urgently needs to change her clothes and get dressed so that her mother is happy, but at the same time make a normal first impression at the camp. This is a difficult task. She seemed to have prepared everything in advance, and put the rest of her things in her suitcase yesterday. But now she stands and doubts.

-No.- The girl goes to the suitcase to open it and take out something else. She pulls at the zipper, but it won't budge. Rose starts to get angry gradually. After just a minute of struggling with the lock, which had not let her down before, she becomes enraged. She gets up and kicks the suitcase, immediately making a strangled whine because the knee reminds her of itself.- Fuck!- She curses, immediately clenching her fists. She wants to kick the suitcase again, but instead goes to the phone and opens the app to transfer fifty dollars to a friend.

Lisa: Hahaha. Calm down! I'll be there in ten minutes and I'll help you!

Rose laughs. Anger lets her go.

-So.- She looks at the suitcase and sighs slowly. Then she looks at the things on the bed.- Okay.- She reassures herself as she approaches them.

Ten minutes later, the girl is already dressed and looking at herself in the mirror. She's wearing a short top and low-slung pants with suspenders hanging down the back. She admires her stomach for a while, and then turns around and admires her lower back. She has a good figure, has abs, and she likes things that emphasize it.

Rose puts leather bracelets on her hands and sits down at a table to put on makeup.

-Damn it.- She curses when the tip of her eyeliner slips off.

-Hi.- Yerim enters the room.- Can I help you?

-No. - The girl answers sharply, wiping her eye with a wet cotton swab.- Can you wait downstairs, please?

Rose is too angry to let her girlfriend into her personal space right now. Yerim obediently leaves the room without further ado.

Ten more minutes pass, and Lisa comes into the room:

-She wanted to keep me away from you. Can you imagine?

-Who?- Rose asks, looking away from her reflection in the mirror she was looking at.

-Your girlfriend. She said you need your personal space to pack up.- Lisa laughs, sitting down on the bed.- It seems that she will love me even less after I came up here.

-I don't care.- Rose mutters under her breath, returning her frown to the mirror.- I'm almost done. She started talking about Europe again. She made my brain tired yesterday. I mean, I just didn't know what to say. I hate it so much.

-You can stop it.- Lisa spreads her arms wide.- I'll be only too glad. I'll be glad if you're alone. 

-Oh, Lili, you're always finding someone to hook up with.

-Actually, I've never canceled a meeting with you because of a guy. On the contrary, I was always asking you both out to have a double date. Personally, I'd rather you spend time with me. August is all mine. Keep in mind.

-Honey, I would never trade a trip with you for anything.- Rose walks up to her friend and, bending down, pinches her cheeks with her fingertips.- I'm not leaving her. Mom is happy with everything, but I have other things on my mind. I'm fine with her, so let's not talk about it.

-Eh.- Lisa sighs with mock sadness.- By the way, you look amazing.

-Thanks.- The blonde winks at her and goes to the door to put on her brand new sneakers.- Will you help me?

-Of course.

Rose comes down the stairs with a backpack on her back and a suitcase in her hand, followed by Lisa with a second suitcase.

-Roseanne!- Mom shouts as soon as they appear in her field of vision.- Put down the suitcase! I knew it! Are you totally freaking out?

The girl quickly puts down the suitcase. She hadn't thought about it at all. The main thing is that mom does not focus her attention on this and does not start thinking about it again.

-I'm okay, Mom. It's not heavy.

-You need an eye on you! You're not allowed to lift weights! Do you understand the meaning of this word?

-Yes, Mom, I'm sorry, I forgot.- Park purses her lip.

-I'll help you.- Yerim takes the suitcase before Mom does.- I'll help, don't worry. It's really not heavy.- She smiles, but as soon as the woman turns away, Yerim twirls her finger at her temple, making it clear to her girlfriend that she should be more attentive.

It's a four-hour drive to the camp. Rose is happy that her close friend is with her, because it was hard to imagine how she would go back, considering that she and Yerim don't get along at all. But Lisa has a player and a phone in which she can, if anything, hide to avoid this communication. Yerim, by the way, doesn't like her either. This has always been the case, from the very first time they met. When they were in the same company, they tried not to show it. Sometimes it even seemed that they were friends. But there was never a time when they talked about anything in Rose's absence. There was usually an awkward silence. Of course, unlike Lisa, who does not limit herself at all in voicing her opinion, Yerim was more restrained in this. She never spoke ill of the girl, but she didn't say good things either.

The conversation doesn't work out at all in front of Mom, but she wouldn't let them go alone. They have to talk about all sorts of nonsense. It's still bearable for the first hour, but then it gets really awkward. Everything would be perfect if Rose were alone with any of them, but you have to be in the company of people who find it very difficult to keep up a conversation. Since Mom got along well with Yerim, they talked about something. Then Lisa talked to the woman. Then Rose talked to her mother, and when the most banal topics were over, there was silence.

Park eventually found a solution. She asked me to turn on the music and turn it up. As a result, because of the music, the need to communicate disappeared, but there was a great opportunity to talk only with those who are sitting next to her. So, Rose, who was sitting in the middle, first talked to Yerim, then to Lisa, then again to Yerim, and then to Lisa... and for the next two hours it seemed to her that neither her mother nor her girlfriend were in the car at all. The girls were whispering and laughing, discussing something. Maybe it wasn't pretty at all in relation to Yerim, but Rose just didn't see any other way out. She couldn't kiss her girlfriend in front of her mom, which is usually what they did when they were alone, because they had almost nothing to talk about. Yerim was content today with just having her hand on Rose's leg and Rose's hand covering hers.

As they began to drive up, Lisa snuggled closer to Rose, and for the first time the blonde felt how close this person was to her. For some reason, in those seconds it felt on some other level. Somewhere inside. Somewhere under the ribs it tightened, and discomfort appeared, which the girl had never felt before. They also said goodbye for a while last summer. And in general, there were different situations, but now it seems to be nothing special, but for some reason there was a desire to cry. Rose was a little shocked by the unfamiliar feeling, but instead of moving away from her friend and getting rid of it at the same time, she threw her arms over her shoulders and hugged her.

-I love you, Park, show them all who's in charge.- Lisa whispered.

-Of course.- The girl answers in a strangled voice, hugging her friend even tighter.

-Why are you crying?- Lalisa pulls back to look into her eyes, but Rose slaps her lightly on the back.

-Shut up.- She hisses, wiping her eyes and hiding behind her back.

-I'm pleased.- Lisa pats the girl on the back.

Rose straightens up, but so that no one but her friend can see her face:

-Is there anything smeared?

-No.- Lisa puts her hand on her cheek.- You're a beauty.

Parking is located right at the entrance to the campus. The designated area for cars and buses is located in the park, and it is difficult to see anything among the trees except for the administrative building, to which a paved wide pedestrian path paved the way.

Rose stands looking around while the girls help her mom get the suitcases out of the car.

-Should we go there first?- Yerim asks, nodding towards the administration building, which is about twenty meters away from them.

-Yes. I'll give her all the documents, and we can escort Rose to her building.- The woman answers, pulling a pen out of the suitcase.

-No way.- Park protests.- I love you all very much, but I will take only one person with me. I'm not going there with everyone.

-I understand.- Mom nods.- Well, girls, let's go?

Yerim and the woman walk in front with their suitcases, and Lisa and Rose follow them.

-Will your mom walk you out?

-No, Yerim.- Rose takes her friend's hand.- I can only say goodbye to her normally in private. Won't you be offended?

-Park, you cried on my shoulder. I got everything I could never have dreamed of!

-Lisa!- Rose falls on top of her, jokingly pushing her shoulder.- I'm going to miss you.

-I'll miss you too. I know for sure that you will find something to do here. That's why I'm not worried that you'll feel bad. It seems to me that there is no place where you could feel bad.

-Yes, but it won't be enough for me.

-Hey.- Lisa stops, turning her friend around to face her.- You can do without friends, you know? You have me, and here you are, to focus only on yourself. Volleyball, remember? There is nothing more important than it.

-There is nothing more important than it.- Rose confirms and reaches out to hug her friend.

They come out of the park, and there is a view of the campus, where on the right side of the administrative building in the distance you can see various sports grounds, and on the left there are buildings. Now this place no longer seems so lifeless to them, because people can be seen here and there, and if they listen closely, they can even hear the noise of voices.

-Well.- The woman stops at the stairs.- Will you wait?

-Yes, of course.- Lisa nods, squinting at Yerim, who looks upset. Maybe she thinks that she will never get a chance to say goodbye to her girlfriend properly.

A young man came out of the building, and with him two girls. The man was saying something to them, and then he saw the guests:

-Hello! Have you just arrived? I'm Jungkook, the counselor and coach.- He looks around at the girls standing next to the woman who holds out her hand to shake it.- Are you all new?

-No, we're accompanying her. Rose.- The woman points to the blonde.- My daughter.- She hands him the papers she was holding.

Rose is looking at a man with an athletic build. Dark tousled hair, brown eyes and a pretty good-looking appearance for a trainer.

-Not bad.- Lisa immediately comments in her friend's ear, and Rose imperceptibly nudges her in the side.

After finishing examining it, Rose switches to two girls who are standing nearby and talking about something. They are not just talking, but also looking at Rose herself and her whole company.

Roseanne looked at them appraisingly. Both girls were brown-haired. The hair of the one who, without noticing it, pointed her finger at Rose, was pulled back in a ponytail, and the hair of the second girl was loose, and their tips were dyed pink. A short T-shirt that does not cover the entire belly, short denim shorts. She is too small to play volleyball, Rose thinks, paying attention to the girl's low height and her overall diminutiveness. She is not tall herself, only 166 centimeters, but she took it with her agility, jumping ability and speed of thinking. And this girl is almost a head shorter than her.

Maybe Rose had been staring at them for too long, because the girls had stopped talking and were already staring at her.

-If they keep staring, I'll tell them what I think of them.- Lisa whispers to her.

-Fuck them.- Rose turns back to her mother, who is talking to the counselor.

-Girls, we'll go and get registered.- The man addresses them.- Rose, then I'll walk you to your building and show you the room where you will live. Today, just besides you, another girl arrived.- He points with his gaze at the brown-haired girls, and Rose, shifting her gaze, wonders which one of them he is talking about.- Jennie, I'll be back soon and walk you out, okay?

-Okay. I'm going to get my suitcase for now.- The girl with pink tips replied and immediately darted a glance at Rose, who was already staring at her.

Roseanne doesn't like her at all. No appearance, no voice... nothing at all. Not in the sense that she doesn't like the girl's appearance. There weren't even any options, because the girl was beautiful. The fact is that Rose has always seen competition in people like this Jennie. And remembering Wonyoung, it is obvious that not every girl is ready to obey and be in the shadows. But Rose will definitely not be in anyone's shadow.

-Honey.- The woman takes Rose's hand, drawing attention to herself, and puts her other hand on her cheek.- I'll be there soon.

For the first time. For the first time, Rose feels discomfort from the manifestations of a relationship with her mother. She did nothing but nod, but for some reason her cheeks began to burn. She doesn't even want to look back at the two friends, who are giggling among themselves as they walk away.

Park could not have thought before that she would prefer her mother to keep her distance. Her fists began to clench. She's mad, but definitely not at her mom. She's mad at herself for thinking like that. No bitch is worth being embarrassed by her warm relationship with her mom.

-Does everyone have such toned figures here?- Lisa laughed when the three of them were left alone.- I'm not complaining about mine, but have you seen this girl's abs?

-Lisa.- Roseanne rolls her eyes.- Many people in our school have abs. Her abs are so-so, you know. She's short.

-Of course.- Lisa's eyebrows twitched.- With your figure, there is no one to compare with. Don't you agree, Yerim?

The girl just snorts in response, grabbing Rose's hand:


-Yes?- The blonde turns her whole body to her girlfriend.

-Can I walk you out? We didn't even manage to say goodbye properly.- She purses her lip sadly.

-Of course. Mom will be back now, and we'll go.

-You're going to text me all the time, aren't you?

-Listen, she has nothing to do except text you all the time.- Lisa laughs, and Rose immediately turns around, measuring her with a glance, to which she gives up, raising her hands in the air.- I'm sorry. I meant sports, not the beautiful girls around.

-Lisa!- Park shouted, turning to her, but as soon as she turned away from Yerim, she almost laughed. She didn't like it when Lisa did it, but she still couldn't ever get mad at her friend.

-Shut up, Lisa. She doesn't need anyone but me. Believe me.- Yerim pulls Rose by the hand, putting her arm around her waist.

-Yes, I know.- Lisa nodded.- Oh, the beauties are coming back.

The blonde turned around — two girls were walking along the path and carrying suitcases with them. Rose returned to her previous position.

-Damn it.- A hoarse voice is heard behind them, and everyone, including  Rose, turns around.- Damn bullshit.- The one with the pink strands is swearing. The wheel of the suitcase got stuck in the gap between the paving stones.

-Let me help you.- Her friend tells her, lifting the suitcase up by the handle.

Rose really wants to make some kind of joke, but she keeps herself in check.

-Fuck.- The little brown-haired girl repeats, taking the suitcase by the handle again.

-Maybe you shouldn't swear?

Everyone immediately turns their gaze to Lisa, who stares menacingly at the two strangers.

-Excuse me?- The girl, whose name was Jennie, lowers her suitcase and, arching an eyebrow, stretches forward a little, allegedly not having heard the attack in her direction.- Did you say something there?

-I asked you not to swear. Thanks.- Lisa answers and, as if nothing had happened, turns away from them, turning to Rose, who holds back a smile, unlike Yerim, who hates all kinds of conflicts.

-Jennie, don't pay any attention to these nerds.- The voice of the second brown-haired girl is heard.

This time Lisa is silent. She doesn't want problems for Rose, so she tries to keep herself in control, and the blonde appreciates it.

Yerim puts her arm around Rose's waist again.

-Fuck.- The dirty word is heard again behind their backs.

Rose smiles tightly, trying to ignore what is happening next to her. Of course, it would be ideal to quarrel with these ladies here and now and put everything in its place, but at any moment mom can come out.

-While you're here, I'll get rich.- Lisa laughed, recalling their agreement.

-Hmm, I doubt that this is true.- Rose shakes her head.

The girl was honest. She always sent fifty dollars for every dirty word. There was no point in her hiding it, because it wasn't an argument or anything like that. It was her decision, in which Lisa, as her best friend, supported her.

After the incident when she broke Wonyoung's nose, and her mother was called to school, the girl thought for a long time that she could change herself, so that not quite radically, but still something would change. She was determined that she would not swear anymore. She decided, and Lisa supported her, because she needed some extra motivation to stop doing it.

A woman came out with a counselor and the moment of farewell came. Rose ignored the fact that these girls were standing next to her, and hugged her mother for ten minutes while everyone around patiently waited. Of course, they didn't just hug: Park had to promise ten times that she wouldn't strain her leg, would behave well, and all that sort of thing. It took only ten seconds to say goodbye to Lisa, who did not like public hugs and the like. Rose herself was also not particularly fond of being gentle. Well, with everyone except Mom, of course.

All with suitcases, except the counselor. They walk quite tightly, two at a time, and despite the fact that two unfamiliar girls are behind and the counselor is in front, Yerim still takes Rose's hand. She periodically squeezes her hand, indicating, apparently, that she will miss it. The blonde would prefer to be more restrained, but she is used to allowing her girlfriend to express their relationship wherever she pleases. It's not that that bothers Rose, but the fact that she does it too often. She touches her too often, leaving no personal space. It's like she wants to show everyone around that they're together.

Roseanne is absolutely sure that the girls are whispering behind their backs, discussing them. She even thinks she heard the word "lesbian." She prefers not to think about it. She often heard different words addressed to her, so she does not intend to focus on this.

-We're here.- Jungkook points to the entrance to a two-story building.- This is your building. The only thing is that our rooms are already occupied, so you will have your own. I'm sure it won't be for long, because summer has just begun, and someone else will definitely come. Let's go?

-Of course.- Jennie answers and, bypassing Rose and Yerim, goes with her friend to the entrance.

-Are you coming with us?

-Yes.- Rose says and lifts the suitcase to carry it up the stairs. She feels her leg starting to ache, and remembers that she didn't take anything except painkillers today. It may not be necessary.

They enter a spacious room on the second floor and look around.

-Make yourself comfortable. Here are two keys for you.- He gives one to Jennie and the other to Rose.- Dinner is in two hours. I'll pick you up.

-Okay.- Park answers and goes to the bed, which is in the corner by the window.

Jennie also goes to the corner bed on the other side of the windows.

There is surprisingly a lot of space between the beds. Each has a bedside table. There are four narrow cupboards by the door. And another door, which apparently leads to the bathroom.

The girl realizes that she and Yerim will most likely not stay alone here, and only she wants to get up to go out and say goodbye on the street, as Jennie does it first. Picking up her friend, she leaves.

-Finally.- Yerim sighs, immediately rushing to hug her girlfriend.

Rose squints at the front door for a while, but eventually allows herself to relax and lie down on the bed with the girl. They have about ten minutes, because Lisa and mom, of course, are waiting for the girl to pick her up and return home.

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