A crowd of evil spirits line...

By kipziart

4.7K 321 56

novel updates pickup. I'll add all the chapters don't worry. Since childhood, Gu Wuji regularly encountered g... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 117
Chapter 118
Chapter 119
Chapter 120
Chapter 121
Chapter 122
Chapter 123
Chapter 124
Chapter 125
Chapter 126
Chapter 127
Chapter 128
Chapter 129
Chapter 130
Chapter 131
Chapter 132
Chapter 133
Chapter 134
Chapter 135
Chapter 136
Chapter 137

Chapter 114

100 9 5
By kipziart

Gu Wuji quickly charged toward the ghostly figure clad in white.

This ghostly figure could only be vaguely made out as a woman in a dress, her face a ghastly white, adorned only by two pitch-black voids for eyes, creating an eerie visage.

Gu Wuji, with a steady gaze, scrutinized the apparition and softly began, "Although I understand you might be filled with sorrow and rage, I urge you to calm down. Engaging in such actions surely weighs heavily on you too. I believe this isn't who you are. More importantly, such behavior is against the law..."

The crowd was dumbfounded, unable to fathom that Gu Wuji had approached the ghost in an attempt to reason with her! How could this possibly work?

Only Ningyang was moved by the scene, feeling proud of the person he admired for their inherent kindness and beauty.

The ghost, seemingly provoked by Gu Wuji's words, extended a clawed hand, intending to end his life—

Gu Wuji looked at the ghost in astonishment, grasped her hand, and reassuringly said, "It seems you too prefer peace."

Gu Wuji had always been puzzled why these spirits seemed so keen on handshakes, a curiosity that had grown during his ventures into these games.

Though the ghost's face was unseen, the suppressed fury within her was palpable, nearly driving her to strangle the oblivious mortal before her.

From below, Xiashi admired the scene, musing, "Where did this fellow come from? Quite intriguing. It'd be a shame if he died just like that..." He squinted and murmured something.

The ghost's demeanor shifted. Hesitating at first, she soon realized the strength in Gu Wuji's grip. Was this guy even human?

If this continued, it might not be her sparing him, but the other way around...

Shocked, the ghost swiftly released Gu Wuji's hand and vanished into thin air.

Gu Wuji: "?"

Silence fell among the onlookers. From their perspective, Gu Wuji's few words had inexplicably made the ghost disappear! How had he managed that? Could the ghost actually be reasoned with?

Gu Wuji frowned, concerned about losing this lead on the so-called prop. It seemed he now had to figure out where the ghost might go next.

He immediately turned to the butler, "I have some questions for you..."

Initially, the butler and others had thought of Gu Wuji merely as a companion to Xiayangshuo, but now they recognized his capabilities. Considering the topic might be inappropriate to discuss in front of Elder Xia, the butler nodded and moved to a private area with Gu Wuji.

"Ask me if you need anything," Elder Xia interjected, breaking his silence, "I'm more familiar with her matters than anyone else."

The surrounding crowd was taken aback; discussing the lady of the house, especially given the past events and the possibility of her ghost still lingering, was a taboo in the Xia household.

Elder Xia's unexpected openness left them in disbelief.

Though others might tread carefully, Gu Wuji was unfazed. Taking Elder Xia's cue, he stepped forward to inquire, "I wish to know the room where the lady encountered her misfortune. Knowing the exact location will help me resolve the current situation."

Elder Xia's eyes reflected a deep sorrow as he instructed the butler, "Take this master there." Then, turning to Gu Wuji, he pleaded, "Please, do no harm to her... if possible, bring her to me."

This request seemed nearly impossible—solving a haunting without harming the ghost? Who could achieve that?

Gu Wuji merely nodded, his demeanor calm, and followed the butler upstairs, with Ningyang eagerly trailing behind, unconcerned about appearances.

The others remained worried below. Meanwhile, those who had been saved by Gu Wuji at the bar began to lavish praise on him, hailing him as a remarkable sage, confident that his presence would ensure their safety.

Xiashi, overhearing this, smiled even more broadly.

With the terrifying ghost looming, the butler, his face slick with cold sweat and steps uncertain, felt reassured by Gu Wuji and Ningyang's presence.

"I've heard about the past incidents," Gu Wuji said to the butler, "but could there have been some misunderstanding? Elder Xia's demeanor doesn't seem to match the rumors of disdain and fear towards the lady."

Before Gu Wuji could finish, the butler's eyes widened at the sudden appearance of a shadow beside Gu Wuji, "There, there!"

Nonchalantly, Gu Wuji pushed the encroaching spirit away, conveniently towards Ningyang.

Seizing the opportunity to impress Gu Wuji, Ningyang quickly affixed a talisman to the spirit's forehead, causing it to wail and flee.

Their swift actions barely allowed Gu Wuji to resume, "I believe his feelings towards the lady weren't as the rumors suggest—of dislike or fear."

The butler was still reeling from shock, realizing they had indeed summoned someone reliable this time. Even if these two weren't renowned masters, their composure in the face of terrifying spirits far surpassed any previous exorcists they had hired.

The butler's attitude toward Gu Wuji and Ningyang improved markedly, leading him to share, "The truth is quite complicated. Ultimately, it was the elder who was at fault. He was too young back then, and the lady, too headstrong. Who would have thought it would end like this..."

Gu Wuji then inquired, "How do you confirm that the spirit haunting this house is hers? Has anyone actually seen her?"

"The only witnesses are myself and the new lady of the house. Though many strange occurrences led people to believe it was her spirit causing mischief, no one had actually seen her until that night. While patrolling, I glimpsed a fleeting shadow in a mirror, heading toward the elder's room, followed by the new lady's screams."

Gu Wuji scanned the surroundings but noticed no mirrors—likely removed after the incident to avoid provoking further disturbances.

The butler sighed, "After that, the new lady disappeared, only to be found as a corpse later. The incident deeply affected the elder, who since then avoided further entanglements."

"The lady's spirit, however, never left, and strange happenings continued in the house. Though no one else was harmed, the occasional appearance of bloodstains exhausted many servants. Had the elder not persisted and later a sage advised on how to suppress her spirit, this place might have become ruins."

"Is that so," Gu Wuji acknowledged.

Ningyang shook his head, "It's incomprehensible to continue living here, no different from courting death. It's a wonder Elder Xia still appears so hale... certainly better than most his age."

Gu Wuji, pondering Ningyang's words, felt a fleeting insight.

As they turned a corner in the corridor, they encountered several spirits, but these lesser ghosts posed no threat, likely attracted by the house's yin energy. If not for Ningyang's presence, Gu Wuji might have cleansed them all himself.

The butler was sweating profusely, having never encountered so many ghosts in his life.

Soon, they arrived at their destination. Standing at the door, Gu Wuji sensed a strong yin energy, confirming he was in the right place.

"This was the lady's room, left untouched for decades with daily cleanings. The elder forbade any disturbance to her belongings," the butler explained.

As Gu Wuji was about to enter, Ningyang interjected, "Master Gu, wait, let me handle this danger."

With that, he pushed the door open, and a chill rushed out.

Illuminated by their phone lights, the room's state was evident. Despite the regular cleaning, the room's untouched nature since the incident lent it an air of antiquity and eeriness, especially the black and white photos on the walls, whose subjects seemed to gaze upon the entrants.

The butler, too frightened to enter, waited at the door while Gu Wuji and Ningyang proceeded inside.

Though cautious of Ningyang, Gu Wuji couldn't afford distractions, "Check for anything unusual or amiss. And be careful not to disturb the room's arrangement."

Gu Wuji's concern seemed for the room's contents, but Ningyang took it as personal care, touched and energized, scouring the room for anomalies.

Aware of the dangers, Ningyang remained vigilant to avoid irreversible consequences, knowing well that even within the Ning family, unguarded moments could lead to fatal accidents with spirits.

Everything in the room felt ominously off, but Gu Wuji suspected the key item would be unmistakably peculiar.

Thanks to Elder Xia's directive to preserve the room, it remained a capsule of the past, offering clues to the incident.

A concealed safe within a cabinet, found with the butler's hint, caught their attention. However, the safe was locked, with a clever mechanism that would break if forced open—a fact that nearly caused the butler to panic when Gu Wuji appeared ready to smash it. Fortunately, he was stopped in time.

In truth, Gu Wuji had only fleetingly considered force, curious if it might provoke the spirit. He wasn't one for violence.

The butler, wiping sweat from his brow, mused how Gu Wuji seemed a gentle soul, yet felt capable of breaking the safe with his bare hands.

Finding no way to open the safe, Gu Wuji inspected the surroundings, wishing for the ability to see past events through objects. Such a skill would have simplified matters.

Then, an idea struck him. Though he couldn't see objects' memories, he could view those of other spirits. Summoning a spirit to witness its memories might suffice.

With this thought, Gu Wuji prepared to employ his spirit-controlling technique to summon a spirit, thinking if one wasn't enough, he'd call forth several more. His proficiency in the art had seemingly improved after close encounters with formidable specters in previous games.

But at that moment, the room's atmosphere shifted dramatically. A vase in the corner toppled and shattered with a crisp sound, and items from the dressing table scattered across the floor as if flung in a fit of rage. The room appeared as though someone was venting their fury, hurling everything onto the ground.

This sudden chaos startled both Gu Wuji and Ningyang, halting their actions. The palpable anger seemed to emanate from the very walls, a clear sign that they had stirred the lingering spirit with their presence and intentions. The tension in the air hinted that they were on the brink of uncovering something significant, possibly provoking the spirit associated with the mysterious and tragic history of the room.

As the bloodstains spread from the walls, carpet, and bed sheets, transforming the room into a river of blood, the butler outside retreated a few steps in terror. Yet, he dared not leave alone, mindful of the many ghosts lurking elsewhere.

Moreover, escape was no longer an option for him.

Then, the white figure that had appeared before materialized in front of Gu Wuji, its form now sharper and more defined than before. The dark voids where its eyes should have been were gone, replaced by a pair of human-like eyes.

The moment the ghost appeared, the atmosphere within the room shifted dramatically, as if the entire space had plunged into a different dimension. Invisible webs seemed to weave through the air, binding everyone tightly and rendering them immobile.

The ghost, seemingly emboldened by her increased power, still felt a sense of pressure from Gu Wuji. After a brief assessment, she sneered and opened her gaping maw, launching an attack directly at Ningyang.

Ningyang stiffened, bound by the ghost's restraints and unable to move. Panic flickered in his eyes as he clenched his teeth tightly.

Gu Wuji's gaze was fixed on the scene, discerning that the turmoil in Ningyang's eyes was not solely due to the ghost before him but stemmed from something within himself... He feared something lurking inside his own body.

What was it? Could it be related to the Ning family?

As Ningyang's face twisted in agony, faint blood traces appeared on his skin, suggesting something was struggling to break free from within. In this critical moment, he looked towards Gu Wuji and urged, "Don't worry about me, just go! Leave me behind."

Gu Wuji initially considered standing back to see what would unfold, but Ningyang's plea stopped him in his tracks. Ever since encountering the various incidents involving the Ning family, Gu Wuji had become obsessed with uncovering the truth, treating members of the Ning family with suspicion, almost as potential adversaries.

But it shouldn't have been this way. Ningyang hadn't committed any atrocious acts since their acquaintance, nor did Gu Wuji sense the intense resentment from him that he had felt from Master Ning. Even if there were issues with the Ning family, surely many of them were innocent, not all akin to Master Ning...

A wave of guilt washed over Gu Wuji, realizing his prejudice against Ningyang from the start. Fortunately, he had come to his senses in time.

"Stay right there, don't move," Gu Wuji suddenly commanded, then discreetly drew out his kitchen knife.

The sharp blade seemed to effortlessly slice through the invisible webs binding him, liberating Gu Wuji from their hold.

Taking a deep breath, Gu Wuji charged towards the ghost, intercepting her just before she could reach Ningyang, and firmly grasped her arm.

Ningyang looked up in astonishment, not expecting Gu Wuji to risk himself in such a dangerous moment. Perhaps the dissipation of the immediate threat caused the blood traces on his face to vanish, leaving him profoundly moved and staring at Gu Wuji with increased admiration and gratitude, "Master Gu..."

Despite Gu Wuji's previous cold demeanor towards him, Ningyang realized it was all a facade! He had long recognized that Master Gu was someone who might appear indifferent on the surface but was filled with passion inside.

Gu Wuji noticed Ningyang's gaze becoming even more fervent, "..."

Well, it didn't matter much. Ningyang's affection was merely for the female persona he had adopted. Once he reverted to his true self, Ningyang would naturally forget these feelings.

Thus, Gu Wuji chose not to engage further and instead closed his eyes to use his spirit-controlling technique on the ghost before him.

He had noticed earlier that when the ghost first appeared, she was merely at the level of a common spirit. Had he used his spirit-controlling technique then, he could have easily accessed her memories.

The ghost had escaped that time, and although she had become more formidable with time, she was still within the scope of his abilities. Missing this chance could mean facing a much stronger vengeful spirit later on.

As he employed the spirit-controlling technique, the ghost's movements halted. Gu Wuji, in turn, was bombarded with numerous images, revealing the root of her resentment.

Although Ningyang didn't understand exactly what Gu Wuji was doing, he sensed its importance and waited silently, setting up traps in case the ghost awakened.

Gu Wuji, initially taken aback during the memory probe, soon found himself in shock, staring at the ghost, "You are..."

Realizing Gu Wuji's capability, the ghost chose not to entangle with him further at her current strength level and vanished into thin air, rendering Ningyang's traps useless.

Ningyang, frustrated and concerned, looked at Gu Wuji, "Master Gu, are you alright? That ghost was so cunning to just flee... This is terrible."

"I'm fine," Gu Wuji reassured, "But we need to get downstairs now, or the people there will be in trouble."

"What?" Ningyang exclaimed, puzzled.

Without further explanation, Gu Wuji urged Ningyang to bring the butler and rushed towards the ground floor, his speed leaving them struggling to keep up.

The villa's yin energy felt denser as they moved, with stronger spirits appearing, which Gu Wuji managed to purify, gradually dissipating the yin energy.

"It seems this villa's object only attracts other spirits, intensifying the yin energy. But if these spirits disappear, the yin energy returns to normal," Gu Wuji mused.

Reaching the stairwell, he noticed the hall's atmosphere had grown even more sinister, yet everyone seemed oblivious or, rather, numb to it.

Gu Wuji knew maintaining this space would doom them all, possibly leaving survivors mentally scarred.

Rushing down, he headed straight for Elder Xia, causing a stir among the onlookers, "Master Gu, what's happening?"

"Where are the others?" "Did something happen to Ningyang and the butler?" "Isn't Ningyang from the Ning family? How could he be in trouble?"

Someone in the crowd suddenly voiced a suspicion, "Wait, how do we know she's really Master Gu? Could be someone else in disguise!"

This accusation struck like a bolt from the blue, making everyone step back as the other masters eyed Gu Wuji warily, blocking his path to Elder Xia.

"Master Gu, we need an explanation..."

"What's there to explain?" Gu Wuji pushed past them, "Move aside, Elder Xia is in danger. That ghost has been targeting him from the start."

"Elder Xia's area is protected by talismans; the ghost can't just enter."

Gu Wuji sighed, "That's why the ghost needed time. She's now strong enough to ignore these talismans..."

In the next instant, the talismans turned to ash before everyone's eyes.

The ghost appeared before Elder Xia, startling everyone. Even if they could react, they were helpless against her, frozen in place.

Elder Xia, initially resigned, showed shock upon seeing the ghost's face.

Gu Wuji clenched his teeth, knowing he needed a moment to reach them. He couldn't think of a remote-use item in time, and his shadow ghost was dispatched elsewhere.

Just when he feared the worst, the ghost's hand around Elder Xia's neck retracted as if shocked, releasing its grip.

Are you guys enjoying the translation? Is it higher quality than before? Please let me know in the comments!! - kipzi

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