Chapter 13

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The ghost baby seemed to hesitate for a moment, but then turned as if provoked, wanting to bite Gu Wuji.

Gu Wuji's extensive experience with ghosts was unimaginable for an ordinary person. He even had proficient methods to deal with such ghost babies. He firmly held the ghost baby down, and with his astonishing strength, the ghost baby couldn't manage to bite anyone.

"Although you're still a child and may not understand, it's not right to bite people randomly. It's very uncivilized behavior," Gu Wuji patiently lectured.

"Look at your parents. They work so hard for you, but you casually bite guests like this. If something goes wrong because of your biting, damaging the inn's reputation, can you justify their efforts?"

In Gu Wuji's gentle voice, the ghost baby surprisingly stopped struggling, as if bewildered by his words. Its mouth, which had been biting everywhere, closed shut.

"Isn't this much better? This is what a good child does." Gu Wuji immediately looked encouragingly at the ghost baby, even reaching out to pat its head. "Your parents will surely be proud of you."

The ghost baby didn't know much to begin with, and now, being patted on the head by Gu Wuji, it suddenly felt a sense of pride and obediently nestled in Gu Wuji's embrace.

The whole scene went from a creepy horror movie to something resembling an educational film.

Gu Wuji held the ghost baby and opened the door to the room labeled "Employee Restroom."

The sight that greeted them had nothing to do with an employee rest area. The room was extremely dilapidated, with spiderwebs hanging on the walls. When the door opened, thick dust billowed up, as if no one had ever lived there.

"What's going on? Is this hotel treating its employees so poorly?" Gu Wuji remarked, and the ghost baby squirmed in slight dissatisfaction at his words.

"Alright, alright, I know your inn wouldn't mistreat its employees like this. There must be another reason," Gu Wuji quickly reassured, and the ghost baby settled down.

Gu Wuji took a few steps inside, wiping the dust off the wall beside him. Below, dried blood adorned the wall, still vivid in color as if freshly splattered.

He pondered for a moment, glancing around and noticed the windows were boarded up, with only faint light seeping through.

"It seems there's nothing here." Gu Wuji turned to leave, but the door slammed shut with a loud bang.

Gu Wuji: "..."

He reached for the door handle, only to find it locked.

The sound of dripping water echoed from behind. The ghost baby in Gu Wuji's arms began to emit short, sharp noises, almost like a warning.

Gu Wuji turned his head, and the room, once covered in dust, was now spotlessly clean, allowing him to clearly see the splatters of blood all around.

It was like a murder scene where someone had just been killed, except there was no body.


Gu Wuji heard the dripping of water again. He looked up to see a woman pinned to the ceiling. Her disheveled body was crudely stitched together, blood still oozing from the seams, dripping onto the floor.

The woman's bloodshot eyes stared fiercely at Gu Wuji, filled with deep resentment.

However, she seemed somewhat wary of the ghost baby in Gu Wuji's grasp, hesitating to approach.

Gu Wuji noticed this scene clearly and felt surprised. He hadn't expected the ghost baby to have such an effect. Could it be that its grudge was even deeper than that of the dismembered waitress?

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